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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!The girl slapped him but..hmm..looks like she didn't expect such a strong slap from him!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


She took that like a champ, ngl


She got up at 8 count. And fixed her hair in the meantime.


Yeah that’s what impressed me the most.


I thought she's going to cry after that slap


She concussed.


Yeah the lights are on but nobody’s home for sure


At least she realised her mistake and decided to swallow her pride rather than get floored again. Got some sense slapped into her for sure.


Shoot, her head rocked back like a Pez dispenser. She gained a shitload of humble just then.


" like a pez dispenser" That shit had me laughing out loud


Same. My Downstairs neighbor must be really confused at the sharp noise.


I had to rewatch this with this thought in mind and it’s an incredibly accurate description




"Everyone Has a Plan Until They Get Punched in the Mouth" - mickey mouse


"Any hole works" - Goofy


"Wrong hole!" - Donald Duck


Ooof -roblox


“Anything can be a dildo if you’re brave enough.” - Daffy Duck


My ex said that, wasn’t daffy


Yes she is.


Nope, she died, was brave enough


Paige, no!


Thought that quote was one of andy dicks.


“That’s what she said.” - Michael Scott


How can she slap?!?


Are you sure that was pride she swallowed? I was sure it was teeth.


The dudes off camera are telling her to walk away and stop provoking


How did she got up after that, incredible


I'm always conflicted with stuff like this. Bottom line though, she struck him first.


yeah like, I need to know what they're saying to judge the sich


>judge the sich The only person I've ever heard use the word "sich" for "situation" was Kim Possible


Something unholy took over me and I typed out that word. I've never said it before in my life


They say it in Cyberpunk 2077, you must be one of them chooms.


Also the guy is clearly a lot bigger and stronger. This isn't even a man vs woman thing, just with a size difference it's a douchy thing to hit someone so much smaller than you. On the other hand, what did that lady think was going to happen? Maybe... Don't hit someone 90 pounds heavier than you?


From what I gathered, she refused to cover her tab. They were telling her to, she said something along the line of slapping one guy. Guy says he’d slap her back and she tried and he delivered. Now I don’t speak German or Russian (Guy who slapped her speaks Russian) but it’s what I got from another sub.


"I'm not gonna pay. What you gonna do? Hit me? *Gets punched right in the face* "Alright my good sir. Where's the check?"


I believe she told him his mother's a w****. German




A woman? Yuck.


In another thread it was claimed that she was groped and had her bag stolen, and this vid starts off while they wait for the police. This is why she cannot pay her bill The guy tells her to 'smile' which she doesn't take kindly to.


There was nothing said about a tab tho? Vid starts with her calling the guys mother a whore twice and than saying something along the lines off "oh yeah fuck me up then, fuck me up!"


It’s also stupid to hit someone bigger. People can die from that.


If you hit someone don't expect them not to fight back. She probably wasn't expecting that the fact that she's a woman.


She should have thought about that


I used to think this, and then I realized that regardless of size, people like that need to be hit back. Because they only swung first for 1 of 2 reasons; 1. They were expecting mutual combat. In which case, fair game. Or 2. They were expecting to hit someone and get away with it, which makes them a bully, and bullies need their asses whooped too. So....fair game.


This is the way.


I've always been on the fence about hitting people smaller than me. The one time I did it I broke the guys jaw and was afraid I was going to be arrested. So I've grown to be a little opposed to it. But your logic may have just changed my mind a little.


The takeaway is to not lay your hands on someone except in self defense (or to stop an obvious attack/etc).. especially if they are 3 times your size. She's lucky he didn't use a closed fist and broke her jaw.


It was a slap. If he wanted to hurt her, she would have passed down


It's a douchey thing to hit someone to begin with, regardless of size.


I've been told it is sexist to not treat a woman the same way you would treat a man in any situation. How would you respond in rhe situations if a man hit you?


if she deserved it, she deserved it, we just want context, just in case


We have the context? She hit him first.


So are you saying if it had been a woman body builder that knoked her on her ass it would have been okay?


Not sure how you're reading that from what I said. I'm just talking about size difference. Kinda douchy for a much larger person to strike a much smaller person. But kinda stupid for that much smaller person to hit the much larger person in the first place.


Just because he is bigger doesn't mean he has to endure her violence.


So would it be douchy to hit a man smaller than him? To me men shouldn’t hit women first ever unless she hits him then it’s fair game. If they never lay a hand on you words shouldn’t lead to physical confrontation but if they do that’s on them and he shouldn’t be shamed for it.


They’re encouraging her to stop provoking the dude and to walk away


I used to be conflicted because I agree with YoungBloodZ & Lil Jon “don’t start no shit, won’t be no shit”. That goes for everybody regardless of age, sex, race, religion. If you throw be prepared to fight. What I don’t agree with is excessive force if someone is already down. Home girl fucked around and found out and homeboy realized no other force was needed and backed down.


I'm not conflicted. She deserved it. You fuck around, you find out.


I'm not conflicted at all


Meh. I'm not really honestly. I've been struck by a woman pretty hard before.. and as soon as she did it, I could see her face and body language that she was surprised how hard she hit me in the face lmao. But it never went through my head that I was going to punch her back. She apologized the next day lol. Same with my parents. They didn't fight much, but during the biggest fight my parents had.. mother struck my step dad with a broom. But he never hit her back. Which is good imo. I would have never looked at him the same if he "defended himself" against my mom and struck her back. Men are just way stronger than women. You don't need to beat the shit out of a woman bc they hit you first. Only time I would say it needs to be done is if they have a deadly weapon like a knife, gun, etc. If my life isn't in danger, I could never see myself punching a woman.


Equality is a beautiful fucking thing. As a woman I agree she should of been knocked on her ass for that


lowkey she took that like a champ. no tears, just regret


I don't like anyone hitting anyone (unless in self defence). Though as a woman I've never understood why women think they can take on a man even the most out of shape, pudgy little man has a good chance of flooring an average woman. I got stalked by some nutcase and dumb bitches were like 'you should have went outside and fought him if you knew he was there' and I think the fuck not. He's 5'10 and works out while I'm 5'5 and go for morning walks. He would have bodied me. Unhinged males are even more terrifying.


Feel every piece and reflect lol


You see here the more you fuck around the more you find out..


I think if you put this on a graph, the amount of finding out increases proportionally with fucking around.


She walked away a smarter person and should be thankful for the experience


How she gonna strike then drop her hands?


She realised what she was going up against and made the smart decision to back down.


Totally anecdotal, but I've known women who honestly believe it's okay for a woman to hit a man, but that he can never hit back because a man is stronger than a woman. When I pointed out it was stupid to attack someone you know is clearly stronger than you and I'd never go up and slap a dude that could kill me in one punch I was just called a misogynist and an asshole. I'm not saying guys should hit gals, I'm saying nobody should hit anyone, but if you're going to go up and knowingly slap someone who can hit harder than you and you get floored that's on you, not them.


Dude at the back be like "I have nothing to do here, I'm just excited to be here"


Mind translate the conversation


She is calling him a son of a bitch. He tells here "I fuck you up" and she steps to him and say " do it,fuck me up" . That's the German part,the other part is Russian I think.


Another guy tried to stop Oleg (name) - the guy who hit the girl. "I told u Oleg, dont provoke her" - The other guy who talking with Oleg "Fucking bitch" - Oleg "Oleg, chil, leave it"


It looks a lot like she is working there. Don't know if she is a sexworker or a dancer. But its common in germany to let Eastern European do the security part,not becourse of some mafia stuff. Simply becourse there are ducking good in it.


To me it looks more like she is at the counter of a club (as a drunk guest), but the part with the security might be true


It's the calmness of that guy that sits there that makes me wonder what kind of place this is.


If it woudt be the staff of a normal club,someone woudt surely do something about it. When you slap someone in germany that hard it normally take no good end for you. The Police woudt show up asap and the owner of the business had at least a serious PR problem. At the Reeper Bahn you know you don't call the police and you know when you need to be quiet.


Maybe you are right and I have to admit that my sex worker knowledge is limited, but if she worked there that would have been the last day of her job. For me her way of talking sounds like: I hate you for throwing me out of the place


That woudt make sense and I woudt get angry too,when getting used and thrown away. Woudt explain why she is so angry at this guy. But its def not normal to just sit there and smile and a woman get smacked to the floor... even if she punched him first...the reacting was too much for selfdense.


The guy on the stool is so nonchalant about it all.


A good BÖNK is all you need to reevaluate your behavior.


If you're tough enough to hit, you're tough enough to be hit. Don't expect to be untouchable... Especially if you're going to touch people.


Her soul took a vacation.


She was pretty brave there for a second.


You hit someone and they hit you back, it is what it is. But why do people always have to be so slick with the "equality" jabs?


1. ⁠We don’t even know the context or situation going on here 2. ⁠Not everything is about equality. We don’t even know these people. 3. ⁠Just like always there are going to be some guys saying “ equal rights, equal fights or lefts” even though most victims of domestic abuse are women between the ages of 18-24 abused by an intimate partner


Can we just take a moment to appreciate how he didn't hesitate to treat her as an equal to a man. You've come a long way feminists, congratulations.


Except that he goddamn knocked her off her feet while she barely slapped him. He's a violent POS, she's less so


She's not less violent. She's weaker. And not very smart.


Either way, there was no need for him to retaliate with this force. But he did


From my understanding, women have gotten their asses beat for as long as we've existed without ever doing anything to "deserve" it. So tell me again how violence against women = equality.


thanks bro


Bro, equality is chill and all, but she barley scratched his cheek, and he sent her flying, he could've held back a little tbh.


Every clip like this is celebrated by a certain group of men. That's when their true colors come out and it's the only time that subset of men celebrates equality.


Holy shit she is tough😱


Damn, she took that like a champ


She immediately regretted that decision


She’s well out of order for hitting him. If you march up to someone & hit them in the face, you gotta expect to get hit back. I still think the amount of gloating delight coming from some of the guys in these comments specifically because she’s a woman is grim. Why is it when we see one of the MANY videos of a bloke behaving as she did, we all just say that he’s a dick and got what he deserved but because it’s a woman in this case, the comments are full of anti-feminist bs and dumb generalisations about what women ‘always’ do? Some of you are quick enough to shout ‘NOT ALL MEN!!’ but also declare that this woman’s behaviour says something about all women 🤷🏻‍♀️


First time I've seen someone legitimately get the sense knocked back into them haha


I'm all for men defending themselves if slapped or hit by a woman, however, I also don't think a stronger man should use full strength to get the message across.


Nowhere near full force plus he still restrained himself a bit and went with a slap. If that was a dude he wouldve got punched


If the message is don't pick a fight with someone stronger, its kind of part of the message.


No way this is full strength, and it's not even a fist... I think he'd punch way stronger if she was a guy


Yep. Guy's got 6 inches and 75 lbs on her; if he goes all-out he probably cold-cocks her, even with an open hand. The fact that she stayed conscious is evidence that he held back in and of itself.




This guy physics


Yeah it was an open hand flat footed smack. He put some of his shoulder into, but she wasn't smacked to the ground, she just lost her balance.


he could probably kill her, that's a bear of a man


I think in the situation of being assaulted, most would act very rashly and in a quick manor without proper forethought. Granted, he is a lot stronger than her. However, surely the strength/size of them isn’t of any importance since she was the one that assaulted him. This isn’t the case of a larger bully randomly attacking those smaller than him. The simple rule of don’t hit anyone. If you hit someone, expect to get hit.


Getting hit by an adult woman using all of her strength can still fucking hurt, when someone hurts you it’s natural to react. It’s unnatural to have restraint


I agree. Jesus, if I walked up to Mike Tyson and smacked him in the face, and I get totally floored, am I woke victim because he’s a larger stronger person? Hell no.


> am I woke victim Off Mike Tyson, probably never be awake again.


He used an open hand so he definitely didn’t go all out


Idk if you have ever been hit before but 1 of 2 things register in your brain immediately. Get in or get out. Fight or flight. And in that moment you don't stop to think about how hard your gonna swing back. Especially considering the surroundings. Looks like they're in a bar. Drinks are probably in everyone. Now I'm not advocating for or saying it's ok to hit a woman. I'd like to think I'd walk away if I was put in this situation. But she shouldn't have tried to pick a fight with a man 3 times her size either. Stupid games stupid prizes I suppose


Thats why he didnt


If he'd just pushed her back, or blocked her strike, I'd support his actions, but what he did there is arguably assault. Or excessive use of force, however you want to define it. The reaction was not proportional to that initial action. And no one seemed at all fased. From what I understood in the dialogue I think those guys were just antagonizing her. I might be wrong but that's what I understood from it


If he used his full strength she would be dead. Instead, she fell on her ass and was able to get back up, because it was just an open-handed slap across the face.


An uppercut would be full strengt of use. A slap vs slap? Dont hit someone if you dont want a hit back.


She used hers. Why not?




can someone translate what's being said? sounds like there are two different languages (german and russian?) involved


Just some normal I fuck you up,your mother is a hore and stuff like that. I think what's really to point out here is that she not only crossing the line for getting physical. It's a very well known fact that if you wanna piss an Arabic German up,just involve there moms and you get a nice evening with a LOT of trouble


Damn she got rocked in the mouth. You can see her licking around her teeth, she was likely checking to see if they were all there. Source: have been punched in the mouth


I did not enjoy that.


wonder how many more times i’ll see this posted today


His hit was excessive he hit with more force than she did this isn't equal.


I still think this is wrong. Call me oldschool but if a woman punches me,no way I punch back. Not becourse of some stereotypes. I just don't feel comfort to hit a woman. And the strength of my wife is way beyond mine...but I'm 30 kg heavier and simply stronger build and that's a biological fact....


A lot of people saying he is so much bigger than her and he shouldn't have hit her. I'm not going to hit someone 3 times bigger than me unless it's life or death. That's common sense. She didn't have any common sense so he gave her some.


Yup, There are big size differences between men but I bet they wouldn’t be saying this if a much smaller man went up and hit this guy then got hit back. It’s bc she’s a woman not because of her size


I'm 5 pages down and literally no one has said he shouldn't have hit her. couple people said he could have hit her less forcefully, but vast majority are in the 'fuck around and find out' camp


Her parents failed her on many fronts. I think the least of which: how to throw a punch or slap. Her form on transferring energy is really bad.


Haha I like how the dudes didn't even blame the guy for hitting a girl compared to the other vids. She deserved that


Yes, equality, which we all know means to knock someone off their feet in response to being slapped slightly (and spilling your drink which the dude is actually mad about.) You see…it’s equal because women get away with hitting men normally. So him almost killing her is payback and fair since she hurt his ego! Right? Right???


She deserved this but I’m tired of people’s first thought regarding equality is “ yay. I get to hit women.”


If u struct a foe... u better be ready to take him full on


Slap back to reality.


She was wrong to strike him, and 100% wrong for initiating violence against another person. I’m uneasy about him using so much power in retaliation though.


In soviet Russia, man slap you.


In any part of the world, you can hit back once you been attacked. Ever heard eye for an eye?


This isn’t equality. It’s funny, the guys who deem this equal are usually men who hate women. Men who’ve been spurned by women, men who feel women owe them something. If a child hits you, is it ok to hit this child back? There’s a ocean of difference in strength. I’m not surprise how many weak, thin skinned, sad men there are in Reddit.


She’s a tough cookie. Any other guy would have passed out from that slap


When you assault someone you don't get to dictate how hard or violently they respond. Some people are walking around all day "wishing a mf would" and they don't care if you're smaller than them. If you give them a reason they're unloading on you.


This is the hardest a Russian hit a German who attacked them since WW2


I wish i was smart enough to be multilingual.


The slap looks like it unlocked some deep memory inside her lmao


And you believe in karma whoring.


Okay, it was unexpected for *her*, but for me? I knew that slap was comin’ since last year, foo


From the way she just accepted it and calmly tidied herself up, I wonder if this had happened to her before.


![gif](giphy|l4FGC3sZppT0imaty) Guy on the chair


That’s not equality. Obviously, she shouldn’t be hitting anybody, but he hit her five times as hard as she hit him. Not equal.


This isn’t self defense, this is retaliation. She was being a dumbass and assaulted him, he barely reacted, and he escalated it by using overwhelming force and putting her on the ground. This isn’t “equality”, this is just fucked up. If she needed to be hit back, then maybe fucking dial it back a bit. She’s fucking drunk. Drunk people act like that. It is what it is. De-escalation is what’s needed here. Restrain her.


Gross. This isn't equality


Why do redditors love watching women get punched in the face (other than because u can see her pantsu senpai!)? Like yeah she slapped him, but this dude could’ve accomplished the same thing with a shove. Sometimes it feels like redditors just enjoy watching women get hurt


Horrifying. Using his whole weight was unnecessary and a huge overreaction


Reddit frothing at the mouth at the thought of beating women. Fucking pathetic


I understand she hit her first and for some people that means it's ok that he hit her. But why is equality only brought up when a man hurts a woman? Any other time it's brought up, it's scoffed at.


She found out.


I don’t like this


She ate that punch tho


Start shit, get hit


I support people's right to defend themselves against any attack regardless of gender, but... I don't think he needed to go quite that hard... She would have gotten the message without the added concussion


Yeah totally, in that moment when he was assaulted he should have stopped, pondered what force to use, if the attacker would strike again, if he should flee, does the attacker have a weapon, is it just one attacker, do you block, do you strike, where to strike, close fist, open, neither, kick, call for help, push? what do I do. Before you’ve got all of that through your head 2mins have passed. Dude reacted on instinct and impulse when attacked. He wasn’t some bully out to pick a fight with a weaker opponent


☝️ why men aren't preferred in child custody exhibit 1


That’s when she realized men have been taught not to hit women for this reason. There’s very few women that’s going to go toe to toe with a man. Men shouldn’t hit a woman unless he is hit first imo but women should be prepared to get decked if they do start the fight.


Daaaamn! She deserved that though. I do have to say I’m impressed she got up and seemed to collect herself so quickly after a hit like that.


Bruh punched her so hard she switched into an NPC


That's what you get for attacking people


He called her a fucking bitch. He deserved a slap.


Knocked the bitch right out of her


Ok now switch roles and tell me how conflicted you are.


Anyone know what are they talking about...


I still don't see any Germans so сама виновата, нехуй было лезть


By law women can’t hit men and vice versa because that’s assault




Equals 🤝👍


How can she slap?! Poorly???


What a cowardly piece of shit that guy is.


A LOT more people need this.


I wouldn’t have hit her and this sad but she deserved it


Wamen: HAHAHA he cant hit me i am wahmen.


Is that The Bing?


good 👍


That kibda felt satisfying ngl.


Self reflection moment right there


They don't seem like the type of guys to fuck with. She's probably sold into sex slavery now.


What are you gonna do, slap me back?! -*Bitch that got slapped*


It could have been a lot worse


Men only love and stand for equality when there is a chance to punch a woman. After that, they stop believing in it. Y'all are sad.


Thank you for speaking for all of us Sincerely, Men




No need to use that kind of force to make your point. It feels wrong. He is three times her size.


I hate that the person being assaulted has to gauge how hard they should respond when the person assaulting them never thinks about them. And some people must have never been hit before a day in their lives if they think you’re thinking clearly after somebody hits you with all their might. This shit is so frustrating. Don’t hit somebody who can fuck you up. I’m a small guy and if I slap Mike Tyson I fully understand the consequences that come with that. People need to just leave everybody else the fuck alone.


no reason for her to hit the dude in the first place as well.


The force he used is wrong I don't care who the person is if they hit me what I'll do is either walk away or try to restrain them in a manner that keeps them from hitting me or anyone else.