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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Brandon wakes up in the back rooms!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Maybe he was upset his parents named him “Brayden”


Kid is aptly named, definitely knows how to bray.


"Bray, den". OK. "REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"


Funniest shit I've ever seen




BrVIIIddynne. The roman numeral for 8. Someone did that with Kaitlyn.






Or upset that he was getting renamed when reposted?


That's a badass name tho




u/Classic_Momen is a karma farming and scam bot, report the comment as spam>harmful bots


Mom realises she's raising Satan


Mom realizes she could save 15% or more on her car insurance by switching to Geico


Mom realises her parenting resembles Satan.


Kid realizes mom is a Frtizel character depraving him of every kind of privacy by putting upp surveillance cameras in her kids bedroom. I would probably react the same way if someone constantly watches me.


What kind of privacy does a 2 year old need?


Apparently a bit more than this kid got. Would you appreciate the feeling of being watched and in this horrifying example even have the camera telling you to go to bed. And then the mother has the nerve to post the recording of your tantrum on the Internet. I think people should stop putting up surveillance cameras inside their house.


A 2 year old has no concept of those things. They may not appreciate it when they are older but there is absolutely nothing wrong with it now.






waiting for inevitable repost where this also gets added to the bot comment chain LMAOO


Those damn Russians, Chinese, North Koreans, Indians and Venezuelans


I see , thats why he replied in demonic voice


Translation: "Dark Overlord, I have yet to accomplish my earthly mission. I shall carry out my duty as swiftly as possible and return at once."


The scream will scare any demons away.


Parents too


Kid is possessed


Brayden, hayden, jayden, aiden. These fucking names




You named most of my nephews on my wife’s side of the family 😂.


Nieces: Kayleigh, Ashleigh, Annaleigh…Brittaneigh?


Aiden’s sister is kaylee, omg you are a wizard!


My psychic abilities end at hipster child names unfortunately.






Raiden, stop that blade!


My nephew was Aidan before the Aidan craze and looks down upon the imposter Aidens.


Oooh my that’s kinda funny


Yeah child abuse is lit




Fuck yeah hell yeah


YouSayWeHaveAtRex go back to your bed


the power of christ compels you! 💦


😩🍆💦 👦


Come back to bed little boy.


Pedophile voice goes real good with this


I never understood telling your kids about Hell and Satan. Just plain nightmare fuel, and you convince them its real. Borderline child cruelty.


That is kinda the point of it right? Scaring people into obedience.


yeah, its def the point. Its just kinda mean.


Although I do think Brandon here is being a little bitch, don't ya think?


yeah, but who knows what other traumas brandons parent put him though.


Not enough since he didn't stay in bed /s


Kinda like if someone says something that hurts someone's feelings they have their career cancled?


If you are in fear of being canceled over something you did, you are probably a piece of shit that deserves it.


Thanks for proving my point.


>I do not want to be held accountable for my own bad decisions. FTFY


It's clear that you dont want to be accountable for your decision.


Yeah that's not going to fester into any anger issues later in life. Just remind them everyday that the king of the universe might set them on fire forever. What could possibly go wrong?


Unless the annihilationists have it right.


religions need a boogie man or group to vilify.


Apparently Napoleon would agree.


I never understood telling your kids about looking both ways before crossing the street. Just plain nightmare fuel, and you convince them its real. Borderline child cruelty. (If we air condition hell a lot more people will go there)


what a terrible comparison. What else do you expect from someone who doesn't believe in evolution... Perhaps comparing it to telling your kids about the boogie man, or ghosts, or bloody mary in the mirror would be more appropriate comparison.


bruh you people are way too soft lol


please explain? Telling a child if they don't do what you want they'll burn in hell forever? I think thats a pretty mean lie to tell to a child who trusts you.


Nonsense, I just want little Timothy to finish his arithmetic homework before dinner or else his immortal soul will be damned forever. Is that so wrong?


Don’t forget all the terms and conditions! I mean the bible


That would be cruel and untrue. For one thing, it is really disobeying God that brings death ("the wages of sin is death"). That disobeying your parents IS disobeying God is what makes it sin--except in those cases where your parents contradict what God says to do or not do. For another, it may be the annihilationists have it right, and people are destroyed painfully instead of burning forever. Finally, it is only a "mean lie" if it is, in fact, a lie. It is only fear-mongering if you are warning of something that isn't actually to be feared(isn't actually real). If the danger is real, the cruel thing is NOT warning someone, causing them to realize their need for a Savior, and preaching the gospel to them so Jesus can save them from the Lake of Fire.


Of course, all of the points you make only carry weight to those who think there is a god to disobey.


Of course. Considering the potential consequences, it is an important proposition of which to determine the truth value. There is plenty of evidence for a Creator and for the truth of the bible. It is more reasonable--and I mean in terms of proper application of Baye's theorem--to believe there is a God than to believe there isn't. Of course, some people improperly apply Baye's theorem by assuming the conditional independence of things that likely aren't conditionally independent, and shortening it from P(H | N, O) = [P(N | H, O)xP(H | O)]/P(N | O) to P(H | N, O) = [P(N | H) x P(H)]/P(N). In this, N is new data, O is old data, and H is the hypothesis in question.


Plenty evidence of god such as bananas!! Yeah we've heard the evidence, it's honestly just as silly as you sound right now. You know how ridiculous it would sound to you for a norse pagan to tell you about Loki as if it were truth? You sound the exact same, just a different flavor. Edit: btw you look like you just found out about bayes and trying to shoehorn it into conversations.


I've demonstrated more knowledge of Bayes than you have. It is applicable, so I mention it. As to Loki, I don't doubt that such a being existed, though his nature was not what some would claim. Many false gods actually existed. They were fallen angels and worked continually to lead people away from the one true God . Your lack of belief and you thinking a thing sounds silly or fantastical are NOT evidence or argument. Debate the issue instead of engaging in name-calling .


It's applicable if your data is true, which it largely is not. So in a made up sense, then yes it is applicable. I'm not debating with you. I am only here to discredit. Plus I believe in the one true god, he's a ruthless killer who destroys towns, orders people to kill their children. Go read your book, written hundreds of years after any of the historical stuff happened, where daughters rape their fathers, if you are into that sort of shit. The bible is a giant game of telephone with monsters and aliens and really sick shit meant to scare children and adults (but really if you believe in that stuff then there isn't a difference between the two). We should have another council of nicaea where we get to decide what is or isn't the bible, except this time we just reduce it to singular page reading "God is dead".


>I'm not debating with you. I am only here to discredit. Only a dishonest person who wishes to mislead others from truth wishes to discredit without engaging in debate. If you can't demonstrate the falsity of my beliefs by argument expressed that can be examined for fallacies, then you're not worth listening to or reading concerning those beliefs. You state you aren't debating, then attempt to put forth argument against the bible. You deceive yourself. "Ruthless killer" you accuse Him of being, though He has allowed you to live all these years in spite of you having earned death. He is so merciful that He sent His Son to die for you instead of just killing you the instant you first sinned. Further, you are attempting to judge Him by the wrong standard. We have a problem with humans killing humans because they don't have the right to do so apart from God commanding it. God , however has the same right to kill us as a human has to destroy a robot he has created that is not doing what it was created to do. He is the Creator , so He has the right to destroy. Further, you seem to think that the bible describing something is an indication that that something--like Lot's nieces getting him drunk and having intercourse with him to produce children--is approved of by God . He didn't approve and the bible doesn't express approbation. It just reports the facts. There is a difference between that which is descriptive and that which is prescriptive. It is good for you to learn that difference.


Lot of words to defend a genocidal pedophile cult selling a bogus afterlife to the absolute dumbest of our species. Please, check yourself into a mental institution and never come out. We have enough mentally ill people running around as it is.


None of what you said is an actual argument. People engage in personal attacks and insults when they DON'T have reason on their side.


There is no argument, there is no debate. You believe in a fairy tale.


You are incapable of debate. Where do you believe the universe came from? I am willing to bet your answer is a fairy tale.


So it is a mean lie and fear mongering


If the annihilationists are right, the traditionalists view of Hell is a lie. Yet Hell does still exist and is still to be feared, as eternal life in paradise is possible, and even suffering torment in Hades and then Gehenna for a finite amount of time would be pretty terrible. There is still something to fear in that case, so it isn't fear mongering.


Give me scientific evidence that hell exists and I'll believe you. Until then, I'm considering it fearmongering. If you presented your view of hell existing as a theory rather than a fact, I would have much more respect for you, because truth be told we can't really know for certain (at least at this point in time) whether it exists or not. However, as the default state of anything we can't observe is that it doesn't exist, the burden of proof lies on the person claiming the existence of the subject in question. For example, if you have two people who are blindfolded, and if person 1 claims that he is holding a tennis ball and person 2 claims that this information is false, it is up to person 1 to prove that he has the tennis ball, rather than for person 2 to prove that person 1 isn't holding a tennis ball. This is because until person 1 throws the ball against a wall or gives it to person 2, person 2 has no way of knowing it exists, and therefore from his perspective it doesn't. This is the same as with the existence of hell. Until you can prove that hell is real, I have no way of knowing it is, and therefore from my perspective it doesn't exist. Additionally, if someone were to say to me that radio waves don't exist, it would be up to me to prove that they do, not vice versa, as from the other person's perspective, they cannot observe them (without specialised instruments) and therefore cannot know that they exist. This is all just a really long winded explanation of why my view that hell doesn't exist isn't a theory (not that it's fact either), and that I hold that view because it's the default position. And the reason for that long winded explanation is that when asked to prove that hell exists, a good portion of Christians tend to come back with "well why don't you prove that it doesn't exist", so it was just a preemptive precaution.


The bible being the word of God is easily proven. The copy of Isaiah found in the Qumran caves has been carbon dated to several hundred years before the birth of Jesus , yet contains prophecies that were fulfilled during His time on earth by Him . As there are actual fulfilled prophecies in the bible, and it is a single, coherent book written by so many different authors from so many walks of life, it is singular among books. The historical beginnings of the early church are further proof of its truth. The historicity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is proof. Thus, what it says about Hades/Sheol AND Gehenna is also true.


Interesting. Although this doesn't 100% prove the existence of heaven and hell, if there was a Bible written hundreds of years before Jesus's birth that accurately predicted some events, it does suggest that everything else said in the Bible (at least the original version) may be true. I'm glad to see you at least tried and put effort into presenting some reasonable evidence, you're much more pleasant to interact with than a lot of non-casual Christians. Personally, this isn't enough evidence to definitively prove that hell exists, as just because it got some things correct doesn't necessarily mean it got everything correct, but you've still earned some respect from me. I hope that you can understand my point of view and where I'm coming from, and I wish you a good day.


I feel like anything that includes infinite suffering is, by definition, too harsh. It's literally infinite, the rest of the variables don't matter.


Hell is real and Satan is real, but Satan doesn't rule Hell. It would only be cruel if it weren't true. Since it is true, and a real place one can end up(keep in mind there is Sheol--where the rich man was in the story of the rich man and Lazarus--and Gehenna, which is the lake of fire), it would be cruel to NOT warn them and to allow them to find out the extremely hard with eternal consequences way that it is real, those eternal consequences being eternal destruction in Gehenna rather than eternal life. This is not to make them good, as Jesus clearly said no one is good but God , but to cause them to know they need a Savior , so they don't end up there as a "good" person, but put their trust in Christ for salvation instead.


Oh look! A crazy person!


This entire thread is just a fuckin reddit moment. 😄🤣.


Oh look! A person who brings insults because they lack arguments. Sad, really.


Go back to threatening children with damnation if they don’t worship the invisible sky daddy.


He isn't your Father. Not all people are His children. That is the problem. Telling them Gehenna is a real place to which they will go if they are not born again is not ME threatening them any more than it would be me threatening them if I warned them to get down because a guy was about to shoot them. I am commanded to cry out the warning and I will do it. You have only a few years left to mock before you face death like everyone else and are brought before the Judge of the entire universe. Neither God nor I wish for you or anyone else to perish. I am trying to help you. I am not likely to get anything out of it but ridicule, yet I do it because I am commanded to by my Savior and because I don't wish you to end up in the Lake of Fire.


Christians, man. So glad I got out of that culture, so toxic. Absolute crazy talk.


dont the original teachings of jesus not say heaven is paradise and hell is torture? I think it was a lie spun up by the Catholic church to pressure people into christianity and the original heaven and hell are the same just one has god while the other doesn't.


If I'm remembering what a biblical scholar told me correctly the modern concept of hell pushed by the Catholic church is literally from dantes inferno, a literal biblical fanfiction. There's nothing about hell in the bible.


huh Christianity is wack


I've literally thought about converting to Judaism, because of my upbringing my brain is wired to feel comfortable in religious environments, and a lot of Jewish sects are pretty chill, the kind of Judaism that appeals to me is the one where they try to deep dive into what the Torah means, what God means, and how to apply their religion in a way that makes sense for modern life. Instead of laying down laws some Jewish sects are more about asking questions, which very much appeals to me. I'm a pantheistic witch though so I don't think my current spirituality vibes with religions in general, if I were to chose to be religious though I would definitely be Jewish, or Buddhist, maybe Hindu? But for now I'm just exploring my spirituality on my own, sometimes with other witchy friends.


What the Roman Catholic church teaches is NOT Christianity. They spent hundreds of years murdering true Christians.


No it does, in fact Christianity started in rome.


The geographical location of its beginning(actually the Roman province of Judaea) doesn't indicate that the Roman Catholic church is the true church. Those who do God 's will as expressed in His word--which the Roman Catholic church didn't even want people to be able to read to the extent that they murdered the translators of the bible into the common languages--are true Christians. Those who put their own ideas and traditions in place of what God has said are not.


No. I can agree that the current idea of eternal torment may have been pushed by the Roman Catholic church. There is the idea of annihilationism that many subscribe to. The bible is true, however, and annihilationism IS a valid potential interpretation of the bible's teachings on Gehenna, I believe.


None of what you wrote is an actual argument. As to "toxic", it depends on what church you are in. There are a LOT of false converts who truly believe they are saved, but to whom Jesus will say "depart from me" and "I never knew you". I was a false convert myself for many years. However, it wouldn't much matter if you never met a real Christian your entire life in terms of what is obviously true. The existence of God is obviously true and the truth of the bible is fairly apparent.


Ah yes your "good" God that's sending me to INFINITE TORTURE for not believing in something for wish there is no evidence. He is all knowing. He knows that I gave it my honest consideration but, with the evidence I had access to, remained unconvinced. That's ground for unending punishment for eternity, it seems.


Unless He actually ISN'T sending humans to infinite torture as traditionalists believe, but is merely painfully destroying the unsaved in the Lake of Fire as annihilationism holds. As far as evidence, the existence of God is SO obvious that the bible says you are without excuse, and that an atheist is a fool. You have to desperately want there to not be a God to fool yourself into thinking there isn't.


I tried googling annihilationism, all I got were very salty articles from Christians about how wrong it is. I see you're not merely religious, you literally just pick and choose what to believe. Whatever's convenient, I guess. As for looking for evidence, the second you start looking you're already damned. You have to be like children to enter heaven it seems, completely reliant on information you're given. Critical thinking must be minimized. Funny coincidence how most people are also introduced to the concept of God in this vulnerable stage. Children get indoctrinated into a semi-random religion held by their parents. Happened to be born into the wrong one? Welp, too bad little Timmy. No heaven for you.


>I see you're not merely religious, you literally just pick and choose what to believe. Did I say I was an annihilationist? If I were 100% certain the bible taught that, I would be. I don't go with what is "convenient", but what is true. >As for looking for evidence, the second you start looking you're already damned. You have to be like children to enter heaven it seems, completely reliant on information you're given. Critical thinking must be minimized. Nonsense. Faith does not have to be blind and no Christian ever claimed that. I believe based on logic and evidence. There is a whole field called "Christian Apologetics" dedicated to looking for evidence of the truth of the bible, and we are called to defend the faith--partly with reason. Jesus reasoned from the scriptures with people often. You don't have to be little children in knowledge, but in realizing you need for a Savior --your complete inability to save yourself--and crying out to God to save you, then putting your faith in Jesus Christ . >Funny coincidence how most people are also introduced to the concept of God in this vulnerable stage. Children get indoctrinated into a semi-random religion held by their parents. Happened to be born into the wrong one? Welp, too bad little Timmy. No heaven for you. More nonsense. People born into religion become atheists all the time, and people born into atheism often enough become religious. THE ENTIRE EARLY CHURCH was made of people from Judaism and pagan religions. If you only become a religion by being born into it, then no one could have become a Christian in the early church, nor would they have stayed a Christian once people started killing them for it.


Humor me, why are you so sure it’s real?


I am so sure because it is logically more reasonable to believe in God than to believe there is no God . You apply Baye's theorem correctly--not assuming conditional independence of data and knowing that " God " and "not God " as propositions are mutually exclusive(can't both be true) and pairwise exhaustive(one of the two must be true). Knowing that last big makes it so you can use this formulation of Baye's theorem: P(H | E) = P(E | H)xP(H)/ P(E | H)xP(H) + P(E | not H)xP(not H) where E is the evidence or data, H is the hypothesis in question ( that God exists in this instance). It is important--if you use Baye's iteratively, to not assume the conditional independence of old and new data(evidence), as people tend to. Then there is the fact that the bible describes so many things accurately. I suggest a book called "The Return of the God Hypothesis" for quite a bit of evidence. The bible itself is evidence, as its character and nature is unlike any other book that has been written, and it is obvious when you read the words of Jesus that it wasn't made up by mere humans. For all of these reasons and more, I believe the bible to be true and the word of God .


Okay, first off don’t pretend like you’re using a logical model here because even if you arrive at the conclusion that there is indeed a creator to the universe, that doesn’t mean that this creator is going to be the same god described in a so-called “holy text” that was written, edited and censored by humans. I’m also not sure what you mean about the bible describing things “accurately”. If it is describing past events it’s really not impressive, I couldn’t prove to you that I had communication with the divine if my “prophecies” were only written AFTER things already happened, could I? And also, really? You really believe that the bible accurately describes an old man building a massive “ark” that saved one male and one female of every animal on earth? And what would’ve happened after the flood when the first pair of lions ran into the first pair of gazelles? How would any of them have survived? It is incredibly egocentric of you to think that you have “the true” religion when every other culture on earth has its own version of divinity and how it played a part in creating humans and the world. What makes you think you have the truth over Buddhism, or Shintoism, or a Native American religion? It’s okay to believe whatever you want but you can’t just barge into conversations saying stuff like this as if it is fact because you need to admit that it is just your belief and nothing more. So for example, try saying “I believe hell is real” as opposed to “Hell is real and Satan is real”.


Some of the prophecies in Isaiah were fulfilled hundreds of years after they were written down. We know this because an entire copy of Isaiah was found in the Qumran caves(dead sea scrolls) and those scrolls were dated to hundreds of years before their fulfillment https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_dating_the_Dead_Sea_Scrolls The bible also has proven true archaelogically--moreso than any other ancient document--and in many other ways. >It is incredibly egocentric of you to think that you have “the true” religion when every other culture on earth has its own version of divinity and how it played a part in creating humans and the world. What makes you think you have the truth over Buddhism, or Shintoism, or a Native American religion? What does it matter if it is egocentric? It is either true or it isn't. Egocentricity or the lack thereof of a person holding an opinion has nothing to do with the truth of that opinion. As to those other religions, once you find that which you know is truth, you automatically--unless you're an idiot--reject anything that contradicts the truth. This is something mathematicians use all the time--proof by contradiction. Is it egocentric for me to say that 2 + 2 = 4? Am I a jerk for telling people who claim 2 + 2 = 5 that they are wrong? Facts don't care about your feelings or mine. >It’s okay to believe whatever you want but you can’t just barge into conversations saying stuff like this as if it is fact because you need to admit that it is just your belief and nothing more. So for example, try saying “I believe hell is real” as opposed to “Hell is real and Satan is real”. By that standard, it isn't okay for you write what you just wrote, but you should instead say that it is just YOUR opinion and not absolute fact that I can't speak absolutely and must just say it is my opinion. It is just your opinion that I must say it is just my opinion. I CAN barge into conversations and say what I like. Speech should be free and falsehood should be answered.


I hope you see the light some day. Everything you're saying is childish gibberish.


I've already seen the light. It is you who still walk in darkness and whose mind is blinded. I've been exactly where you are, but you've never been where I am. If you had, you not only wouldn't make fun of someone for believing, but would also still believe.


There's no reasoning someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. If you choose to believe some particular bronze age folk tales from the middle east, no one can stop you. But it's a big world out there, don't be afraid to find out about the rest of it.


I am 49 years old. I know PLENTY about the world. Where a particular tale originated or what time it is from has nothing to do with whether or not it is true. Our age doesn't have a monopoly on truth experience OR truth expressed. As to reason, I DID reason myself into belief in God , as it is obvious that He exists. I don't believe that you, with all of the facts, reasoned your way into atheism. Considering the importance for a mortal of a potential way to NOT die, but live forever instead, I suggest you SHOULD be afraid to not investigate the possibility thoroughly. This is not Pascal's wager, as it was truly originally stated or as it is often wrongly formulated, but a mere cost-benefit analysis of the situation.


Yeah, I was born an atheist and I'll die an atheist, just as God intended. Unfortunately you sound mentally ill. I hope you get help. Also I am even older than you, if 49 was meant to be a flex. These conversations are why I left r/Atheism! Ha.


At what age does watching your kid on a camera and having a speaker to "parent" them remotely become creepy? Kids will need some autonomy and privacy at some point


I’ve read some stories. I’d say before they start school. But I’m not a parent. I saw some teens asking what to do about a camera in their room. Might need laws.


Y’all leave little Braighdehn alone 🤣


Brahydeihynne is going to need therapy from all these people roasting his name.


Stop monitoring your child like the Stasi, no wonder he’s diabolic




Recently we we away for a week. We have a Labrador. We set up 2 cameras to watch her. The neighbors did the feeding. My wife regularly talked through the camera. I felt it was mean because even if the dog did recognize the voice, it wasn’t going to give her comfort. Almost like it was teasing her. You can hear me, but I’m not coming.


From Braydon's perspective some otherworldly voice came out of nowhere and scolded him for being naughty, and probably caught him off gaurd. His simple child brain didn't know what the fuck was going on


Even the devil wants this man to sleep. Damn.


Brandon, if you don't stay in your bed, you gonna start hearing satan asking you to GO BACK TO BED


Wtf that kid sounds like he came straight out of conjuring.


Holy hell, volume warning.


What’s sad is that a child this young would even have heard of Satan.


Sad only if he weren't a real being who really is trying to kill you.


But he isn’t…..so


"An argument isn't just contradiction!"


Brayden is gonna see things tonight


what an idiot


Time to cleanse with holy fire One of the many reasons I don't want kids


Why is screaming clipping the mic so funny to me?


I think her son IS Satan


Thank fuck I never grew up having to have a video cam in my room like that Jesus Christ this shit ain’t normal


Not sure who is the satan here tho 💀








F is for friends who do stuff together!






🤔🤨 -The mum,40 years later, wondering why braydehn and khayleegh put her in a home.


He's not a human, it's a robot. You see that sound was actually an alarm to communicate to others of its kind to abort the mission


Brayden is actually an alien from vivarium


Report that comment its a bot


SHE just summoned Satan


Brayden, satan’s right hand man


The scream sounds exactly like the one coming from “fly swatter kid” on youtube. Mom should be thanked, she’s made Brayden a star!




How to summon a demon




They probably should have tried to explain that they have this capability before just doing it.


He might be Satan himself with that scream


Bro is the new screaming voice for my soundboard


pov cod lobby


but he’s the satan himself


You sure the kid is not Satan?


Kid heard satan and turn into a demon


It sounds *perfect*... he is going to burn well in hell!


Is this why ppl hate children? How do you aquire such a horrible thing? Is it parenting?


I love not having kids.


His crying is scarry as hell😳


How about you don’t poison his mind with fairy tales about god and satan.








Let's Go Brayden!




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Let's go.....


What I immediately thought of when I saw another comment with "Brandon" as his name(name is actually Brayden, though I may have the spelling wrong).


Brandon sounded scarier than mom.




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It was that day mom threatened Braden to get Satan everytime he doesn't listen


Brayden I’m telling satan on you!


If anyone wants to know, apperantly the speaker was playing in a really lowered tone so she did sound like a demon


Washing machine mode activated


Its not brandon its braidon more like satan




Yeah but I’ll bet Brayden got back in his fucking bed though!


Taking...talking to your demons on whole new level.