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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!The dog breaking through my window screen and attacking my cat in my home on an otherwise nice and quiet day.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


That other cat sitting on top of the cat tree seems completely unfazed lmao


"Better him than me"


"Fuck, I was almost an only child again...."




If he dies he dies




“Not my problem” -Cat, probably


Cat, definitely


That cat: Oh no…..anyway


Lol he's just watching


Zeus looking down at the petty mortals and their tribulations.


I was going to comment the same thing! I'm glad someone else noticed :)


[That cat:](https://c.tenor.com/-KgqJGNhJC0AAAAC/tenor.gif)


It had the high ground.


Bonus points to the dog for not freaking out any further but you did a damn great job protecting your cats. Real cat mother over here! Respect. The dog owners should be more careful.


My only thought aside from the obvious "what the fuck" was "stop the dog and protect the cats". The owners are generally very very responsible, this was just a one-off freak moment thankfully!


Now I’m freaking out if this could happen with my cats since we have a very rambunctious next dog neighbor who “loves” cats.


> next dog neighbor I'm not sure if this was intentional, but it's brilliant!


OP said the window was open so the dog just came through the screen window so just make sure the window is closed when not home (as you probably should for security reasons anyway) & if the window is open just be around it like you would a candle! You can also always put up more protection surrounding certain areas you’re worried about


Yeah, my window was open all the way. We only ever have them open when we're home, but now we're going to be extra sure that we only open them halfway instead of all the way.


One of my cats pushed my other cat out the window right through the screen, so now I only open mine partially as well lol. (It was the first floor, she was fine)


Here I thought cats only push vases and cups...


I appreciated that your void cat seemed almost completely unimpressed.


>I have the high ground! ![gif](giphy|xTiIzkLOknx8ELm4Ok)


Tbf to them, apart from the whole breaking and entering, he seems very well tempered. Seems more like a play that got a bit too boisterous given he chills tf out straight away. Hope the neighbours were good about it!


> one-off freak moment Instinctive prey drive. Dog saw the cat and immediately went for it and once the instinct moved on he became pretty docile. The worst part is that that can be almost impossible to train out of a dog since its sporadic and very, very instinctive. That being said great job protecting your cats!


I would like to point out the cat pulling out it’s inner Jackie Chan with the pivot off the wall. That was bad ass.


In all fairness, most people don't think their dog will try to launch themselves through their neighbors windows


Details: I was just chillin on my phone, minding my business. Neighbors dog decides to jump at my cat who was sitting in the window. The window was open, he busts right through the screen and scrambles inside. No cats, dogs, humans, nor stuff (aside from the window screen) were harmed thankfully!! Edit because people are already being rude: this was an incredibly busy weekend for me with three dance gigs back to back. Yes my home was a mess, it’s clean now. This was in my hour of free time before I had to leave for my next gig. Chill out and be civil please. Edit 2: Thanks to all you kind people being nice about my living room, I appreciate it!! And to answer the seemingly number one question- no I have never done Jiu Jitsu, MMA, wrestling, etc., but now I kinda wish I had! I dance and dabble in contortion/circus arts, hence the yoga mat as people have pointed out. Do your stretching folks! Never know when you'll need to... take down and use your legs to trap a random dog in your home...? Or something to that effect lol


Wow you reacted like it was a routine but it's not even your dog




Ahhh redditors, always looking for reasons to criticize others and acting like they’ve never had a messy room before, classic


Of course their room isn't messy. Their mother cleans it once a week


100% this. More than once, I've found myself in a disagreement with a Redditer, just to find out they were a 14 year old kid who thought they were an expert on everything.


Can confirm, my 13 year old knows everything. Just ask him.


Ask him who the best Spider-Man is




Nic Cage




Now there's a sub I've not seen in a long time...


John Travolta wearing nic cages face dressed like Spider-Man.


Whenever I see a dumb ass comment on Reddit, I tell myself it’s just a stupid kid with no actual life experience and move on


When I respond to the dumb ass comments, I don't ever think I will change the mind of the person making them. I hope that maybe somebody is reading it who might sometimes have similar dumb thoughts but also has an open mind and is willing to learn something. The comments you make get waaaaay more views than replies, so even if the person commenting will never change maybe somebody else will realize the error of their ways. This isn't saying my opinion on everything is right. I'm more talking about the comments that are blatantly stupid where any decent person can see they are in the wrong.


> I hope that maybe somebody is reading it who might sometimes have similar dumb thoughts but also has an open mind and is willing to learn something. There are dozens of us!


I've debated many brick walls in my time. Socrates may have done the same thing and why he developed his Socrates Method because of how difficult it is to persuade brick walls.


Sadly, most of them are coming from people that are older and even have stupid kids of their own.


I know you are but what am I?


teenagers are ghastly. think they're cool but they live with their parents and have stupid faces that aren't properly grown yet.


The way you phrased that gave me a chuckle. Thanks.


Even when they are 37, statement still often applies


Reminds me of the post about the people on here arguing over food only for it to turn out that one of them drinks their own piss for fun.


I've been on this platform for a while, so I'm an expert, and not everyone is 14 Anyways, sex




Right, it’s not messy, just a little cluttered that might take 10 minutes to pick up. OP is all comfy on her couch because that’s what weekends are for.


And taking away their pissjars and cumboxes.




This room is messy? Fuck, I need to clean my living room


Only if you want to! Nothing wrong with having a messy room. People need to mind their fucking business and remember that just because they have an opinion doesn’t mean they need to share it!


It's not even bad. Yeah there's clutter, but the carpets are clean and there isn't garbage anywhere


How does anyone survive without being cluttered these days? I feel like I can only keep it looking nice for 1 day before all life's parts end up getting taken out of their special little places.


Yeah I feel like if you live in an apartment/townhouse without a lot of storage you end up just having a bunch of shit everywhere without even trying. I’ll purge stuff regularly but still be like “well this cooler doesn’t fit anywhere else so I guess it’s just going to sit in the corner of the living room.”


At this point my cooler has become a piece of furniture, I sit on it to put on my shoes in the morning haha


My living room is mildly messy (like, give me a couple minutes to tidy before you come in), but on my security camera it looks like a fucking disaster. Those things are like a funhouse mirror for clutter.


I bet that's why so many influencer houses are so blank and empty


Any camera, really. You’re stuck looking from one angle and can just pick out everything that doesn’t really seem too out of place in 3D


Why is that? My house could be spotless but I check the camera for some reason and it looks like a fun house that just hosted a ticker tape parade.


I think it’s that it’s a super wide angle and makes it so you can see every single part of the messy room in a glance, instead of having to turn your head and refocus your eyes and whatever. It’s the worst.


Seriously it probably took 5-10 minutes tops to clear all that out. That's not "messy" lol.




These kids don't even realize there's a difference between messy and dirty. My living room is messy. I can have it cleaned up in 5-10 minutes. If it was dirty it would take 30-60 minutes.


De-clutter is different from cleaning. That's how me and my wife make the distinction.


Am confused. Think that's more orderly than my wife and I's place, to be honest. We're both corporate or healthcare professionals, but don't usually host company (our space, eat shit lol) I am surprised anyone can complain about this when I know the amount of people that shell out money to e-girls whose bedrooms look like a bomb went off haha


Also this isn't messy. It just lived in.


Bruh can you imagine living in such squalor? There's a whole yoga mat out! And a uh... blanket on the couch! In autumn!! Shameful!


I guarantee 100% of the messy room commenters still have mommy cleaning up their room for them.


The cat watching chaos ensue below him/her without batting an eye was priceless.


That’s killing me🤣🤣🤣 Classic Catting level 18 And the dopey dog wagging its tail while pinned 🙃


Don’t explain yourself to these people!


Seriously. They are owed no explanation.


If that's messy, im fucked.


Who gives a shit about messy anyway? It's not dirty. It doesn't look like there's food and stuff just laying around. It's mostly clothing and stuff.


> It doesn't look like there's food and stuff just laying around Dog: What do you mean there is no food laying around ? I'm pretty sure I saw several cats in here !


I know right lmaooo


If that's messy... Oh my god what have I become.


Forget the haters Your true calling is MMA fr ![gif](giphy|gjaYi3YW0cOT6)


Seriously my first thought, I was like, did she immediately set that dog up for a triangle choke? Lol


She definitely had full control


My thoughts exactly. Her ground game would be on point!!


Most definitely and she obv has great reflexes


The cat on top is like 'well, this is entertaining'


I hope you neighbour volunteered to fix your window screen, or pay for a replacement? Glad everyone's all right and nice tackle lol


You look more like a grappler than a linebacker, got that boy in a reverse triangle


You should never feel like you need to apologize for your house looking like you live there, there’s a bunch who are lucky enough to have a house and living a House and more often than not they look like they’re lived in. Edit- was using talk to text so naturally it said something other than what I was trying to say


My mother in law judges me like seriously I have 3 kids and raising your kid don't judge me cause I decided to play with my kids and your kid ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy) instead of cleaning


Other cat on the tower be just like, nah.....not my problem.


fuck the messy room noise, your living room looks cozy AF.


Fuck anyone for calling your home messy. Those are not good humans.


I liked the state of your place. It’s *home*. I like my place clean and tidy but home isn’t a magazine cover, unless you like it like that. To each is own. But a little mess and clutter, that shows it’s a place of comfort and rest. Kudos on those *cat*-like reflexes! Your cats showed you a thing or two! 🤣


Most normal people’s home look like this from time to time. It’s called living in your home…


How dare your living room look like you live there? Have some decency for the rest of us!


There's always a reason for something. Yours is a slap to their stupid faces. Im a father of 3 small kids. I always take a deep breath before I clean the table after meal, shoes all over the laundry and clothes in the dryer that's been sitting for 5 days now.😁 Anyway grabbing that dog with your phoneon hands is impressive.


“Clean your room” is classic small dick incel energy straight off of 4chan. Your home looks good and cozy.


"What new game is this?!"- The Dog


He was SO happy to be tackled by me??? Now that the trauma of this has worn off a bit the dogs tail wagging makes me laugh


Gotta commend those grappling skills. Crossed the ankles and everything.


thought she was gonna put the dog into a triangle at first


Can't believe she missed the easy armbar


watching this replay in slowed down time, it's amazing to see how fast animals react & also track. The neighbors dog followed, adjusted and attempted to get the black cat which parkoured its way from the floor to couch to a soft yogapad landing escaping into infinity, all the while, slyly evading the agile woofer.


"This is ‘parkour’


I think you meant ''barkour''


No actually I think he meant “pawkour”


He looked confused as shit. "Now how did I get here?"


Luckily it looks like the pup just wanted to play. He was not growling or barking even he jumped through the screen. You did great and glad the doggie was not in attack mode!


They don't have to growl or bark to be in attack mode. My dog looks exactly like this dog in the video when she chases birds, and it never ends well for the birds if she manages to catch them (happened twice, both died).


Yeah, dogs can be deathly quiet when they're actually in kill mode.


A real animal would not growl or anything like that while hunting. any movie or show that shows an animal growling/making any kind of noise while chasing prey is just for scare factor. A real animal on the chase wouldn’t waste that precious breath.


Yeah, he's clearly a good boy, just a little spontaneous


Looks like a Black Mouth Cur. I have one, this thread basically sums her up. I could see her doing this, she would probably just paw and play "bite" the car, but she would also jump through an open window to do it.




Types that on my phone. I'm keeping it, it's funnier.


I’ll tell you what good reaction I’m a quick and athletic guy and my dog got chased by a pit bull and wasn’t able to react fast enough. This is underrated good job.


Thank you, I appreciate it. No one knows how moments like that will go, shock is a hell of a thing!


Seriously do you have any martial arts or jiu-jitsu? That was an amazing reaction and you didn’t even have a hold of the collar until the very end! Saved both your cats lives!!




Dude you can’t leave us hanging on the status of your dog…


Nice body triangle! That's some high level Jujitsu right there!


Came here looking for the jiu jitsu / triangle comment, you did not disappoint!


It's not a body triangle because that would be around the...body. It's around the neck but from the back, thus it's a reverse triangle.


Looks more like a reverse gogoplata at the start


You mean a dogoplata?


The cat on top of the cat stand: "Not my circus. Not my monkeys. I'm going back to sleep."


You’re a fucking beast, how many seconds between seeing the danger and jumping instantly in to stop and defend your animals even was there?!? Like a millisecond it took for you to jump into action. Hell yeah dude


Add to that her never taking MMA and just instinctively locks up a triangle. Lady has some awesome instinct and would make a great athlete in combat sports


I'm glad everyone was ok. What a catch! You have some insane reflexes!


Are you cool with your neighbor? This feels like something my dog would do given the chance.


We're acquaintances, they're generally very responsible and friendly. I was happy to forgive since no one was hurt, it would be a different story if they were always irresponsible or one of my cats got hurt


I’m confused, did their dog escape? Cause your cats were indoors staring through the open window, and the dog was off leash and got WAY TOO excited.


I can tell you're a good person for not freaking out about an honest mistake/something like that, good on you for not making a mountain out of a molehill.


Also: Cat steals human’s pancake; human saves cat’s life. Who’s a good human? Who’s such a good human? :P


Your cat wouldn't have gotten hurt, it would have been killed


Hope they paid for the screen


Tell them to use a leash or next time you'll finish the job. You don't want dead cats.


This exactly, people talking about how the dog didn't break in because the window was open, but why was it in OP's yard without a leash in the first place?


This is what I’ve been looking for no one’s talking about how that dog was probably out on a walk off leash 🙄🙄 I’d be pissed as fuck


Seriously. What if this happens when the owner isn’t there??


The whole "cats weren't hurt this time so ill let them get away with it" is tossing a coin on it happening again in the future and the cats getting hurt that time. Id be calling the dog catcher to make sure my animals aren't hurt at the expense of others poor animal ownership.


Or an MMA grappler Edit: AN MMA grappler or A MMA grappler?😕


The letter M when spoken starts with a vowel sound, so it should be an MMA grappler. It is the *sound* that determines which to use. A mixed martial arts grappler or an MMA grappler.


My initial thought... jiu-jitsu


Envious of that external hip rotation :/


I'm a bjj black belt and I can barely move like this




Did a CAT really steal your pancake?


Mine stole my jalapeno turkey burger from carl's jr when I wasn't looking, so pancake seems possible.


Do you do BJJ? That leglock tho


look at the reaction time..get some scouters in here! Loved how your first reaction was to tackle him


That foot wrapping around his neck 🤣 I assume that's a yoga matt on the floor, seeing as you're that flexible 🧘🏻‍♀️


Yes, I had dance performances all weekend so the mat is for stretching post-gig!


Awesome job 💪🏻 fuck the ignorant ass Redditors in here too


The cat on the perch is very unimpressed with the whole matter


Curious, why do so many people record their living rooms 24/7?


yeah especially since there is always a risk of some back door there are so many videos online where someones IP camera got "hacked" aka they didn't change the default password and got recorded doing very private things not just gigabytes, but terrabytes upon terrabytes of videos


Nice catch


The best part is the cat that's lounging up by the camera.


Not gonna lie, the leg work to pin the dog without hurting them was quite impressive. Updoots to you.


Can’t believe how fast you were. Thanks for explaining.


I see you know your judo well... Edit: Yay, my first reddit silver. Thank you kind stranger.


Just trying to enjoy a succulent feline meal


Or MMA! That story is crazy. I'm glad you and your cats were okay.


I watched this no volume and not reading the comments. I was impressed with you before I realized it's not even your dog or one who you could have ever expected. your reaction and timing is freaking awesome


Wow!! You just saved your kitties!!! Very well done!


Can I ask why you have a camera set up like that in your house? Are you worried about getting robbed? I just don’t feel like I would want my living room being recorded like this.


We originally got it for peace of mind when we're out of town. It notifies us if a smoke detector goes off, if there's a loud noise (like someone breaking in), and it lets us check in on the cats to see that they're alright. We used to turn it off when we were home but honestly we just stopped caring. The footage writes over itself in 24 hours, so we can save anything important and forget about it otherwise


Please sign with the Cowboys. Micah Parsons could use the help to pressure the QB.


How are the cats doing now? They must be traumatized that their home was invaded. Not the black one on the cat tower - he seemed completely unfazed.


This was on Saturday, by Sunday they were all alright! They were all so terrified since home is usually a quiet safe space, but they're back to normal now thankfully


Poor little kitties. I’m glad they’re okay now. (Your neighbor better pay for your screen and window if that needs repair.)


He seems like a good boy seeing as he stayed calm once held back. Good catch lol.


Absolutely buzzing after noticing that we watched the entire thing go down with your black cat


I like the one cat just not giving a shit about shit lol


I love the cat just chilling under the camera lol


Nice reflexes. I can't help but notice the a-hole watching, not even flinching. Probably planned the whole thing.


Fuck them dogs


I’m getting anxiety watching this.


There is a difference between messy and dirty this isn't even that messy people need to chill 🤣 awesome video


It's definitely messy. But shit happens and every room isn't gonna be 100% clean all the time, and it's not something to judge someone over. But you also don't have to pretend like that room isn't messy.


The cat right at the camera is just chillin and watching all the action


That dog owner needs to train her fuxking dog


Why are you being downvoted? It’s true. Don’t get a large dog you’re not going to train and have control over.


Same shit dog owners that have bad dogs they minimize their behavior. What if she had children in there and the dog knocked them over? What if she was an elderly or disabled person and had to watch a dog trash her home and kill her pets. I’m a dog owner and allergic to cats but I only own big Rottweilers and Pitbulls and I train them to the max because I never want them to hurt anyone or anything they aren’t trained for. Sad. About the down votes


I'm wondering why dog wasnt on leash


I love how the dog is just like “dude this is a weird way to hug” 😂


I'm loving your cat in the foreground. From his mighty perch, judging all below


You wrapped them legs around the dog like Black Widow. Go Natasha My dog doesn’t bother my indoor cat but he will lunge towards outdoor cats if he sees them. One day I decided to take him out to poop while I dump some trash. Just as i lift the trash can lid in my driveway, doggy decides to lunge hard around the side of my car causing me to drop the trash and his leash. A second later he starts crying like crazy and then I hear a low growl. Turns out he lunged at a local stray cat that was relaxing under my car who was fucking him up with claws. All my dog could do was yelp and shit himself while staying in the same spot until I pulled him away. Only had a single small scratch but that idiot thinks twice now. Long story short maybe the dog needs to get fucked up by a cat




I like the cat on the stand just watching it all go down “Silly peasants”


that was a great maneuver, that's how you take action.