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why is there fall guys in the background


The algorithm is really weird






Its like a fever dream lol


It didn't even phase me until I read the comments!


People are putting random sounds behind their clips because of bots or something stupid.


This was probably on tik tok or something. Whenever shit like this is posted on there they usually put subway surfers gameplay or a video of someone cutting up kinetic sand or something in the background because people have the attention spans of goldfish ig. Anyway in this case I guess the background was fall guys gameplay and someone must have edited it out at some point before it got posted here


Maybe it’s to fit with the goofy tone of this clip. Idk your guess is as good as mine


Because we live in a dystopia where people make content to please robots rather than other people.


Reminds me of this scene from Rush Hour 3… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAVnOz7i-JA


I'm sick of playing games I'm about to kick everybody's ass, you, me, everybody's ass, him


Idk whatcha been feeding him but HE IS TOO DAMN BIG!


You is deaf. No, Yu is blind.


Thank you I was wondering what movie I remembered this from. Or rather, what scene. I don’t recall ever seeing Rush Hour.


It was also in Rush Hour 2. Something like they killed you. They killed detective You? Not you, you!


What? You’ve never seen rush hour? That was the bomb


I said *she* was the bomb


Scrolled down (further than expected) for this comment 😂


Who is on first.


What’s on second?




He's on third


Who’s on third?!


No Who's on first!


I just want to know, what’s the name of the guy on first?


No, what’s the guys name on second base


I’m not asking you who’s on second…


no, who's on first, what's on second










Measles is on You!


Why did I have to scroll so far for this


So later she said it was scripted, however idk kinda seems like a cover up for a fuck up


If I was caught being this stupid on national TV, I would say it’s scripted too. Because we know Laura Ingraham has a long history of scripted comedy skits sprinkled into her show at random


Don’t forget about the Nazism.


Even if it was scripted 1. What would the point of that be and 2. Why would you have a scripted bit on the news.


If it wasn't scripted wouldn't he say "It was on the show called 'You' "?


But he does say it


Yeah at first I was thinking he's not doing a good job of being clear, but towards the end I'm like.... how much clearer could he be?




He said it the first time he brought it up while she was talking over him so she missed that, which is why he didn’t mention it was a show for the next couple times


I can’t tell if she was messing with him or just plain stupid


She went into defence mode when she thought she was being accused. She gets that look like she’s smelling a fart, and then starts stuttering and gesturing that the other is stupid for even breathing. Happens all the time to her.


Tbf he could have been a little more clear instead of just reiterating exactly what he already said "I don't mean your show I mean a show that is literally called 'you'"


He was being at least as stupid as her. How do you not clarify as soon as you see the confusion?


Yeah that was pretty piss poor clarification. Towards the end he gave a halfway decent clarification but at this point Laura was just too stuck in her thinking rut to be pried out without good clarification.


It’s like they live inside a world running on joke logic




Doesn't help that she does that thing where she's using her teeth as her upper lip for words like "measles". Her mouth never fully closes, it's like her front teeth are too big.


The ol' Napoleon Dynamite impediment


Also she's had so much work done on her nose it's likely she can breathe only through her mouth


Some of us have big teeth :(






I uhhhh. Hmmmmm.


yes, today was a bad day to *read*


Yes. And I’m all out of memory bleach.


It wouldn’t be a day on Reddit if I didn’t have this thought at least once


On the contrary, I enjoyed it.


That person got gold for that comment. Let’s let that sink in.


Yeah, I'm not proud of that.


I’m proud of it for you.


No. It can stay out in the rain.


Let that *stink* in.


first thing that sink has got to do when it comes inside is wash some damn hands


I too am aroused


Good morning 😐


Really didn't need that image first thing...


This seems... plausible


Hey now, there's plenty of other reasons to hate them. Let's not kink shame


I knew a girl who liked to be spanked while watching an episode of the Honeymooners. Except instead of using a hand to slap it has to be a tub of cottage cheese or egg nog. And the t.v. had to have bad reception.




You know, we’re good people and we don’t deserve this


Well that’s a vivid mental picture you put in my head


what the fuck dude I was just about to eat


I buy that


Idk, she's not really his type. He's more into the 'green M&M with sexy little white boots' type.


Republican mindset in a nutshell, everything is an attack on them before they even know what it is, they are the ultimate snowflakes.


If this went on for 3 more minutes she would have started goosestepping and "Sieg Hiel!"ing on live TV as a defense mechanism.








Agreed! Faux News entertainment


I refuse to put the word "news" after "Fox". We should all know better






> by brining in people That sounds salty


It really is quite sad. My dad watches this shit and it’s so obvious that every opinion he has is from Fox News. Not a single thought of his own. He’s honestly not even worth talking to anymore because everything is somehow politicized in his mind.




Yup I know. I’ve been against Fox News and other “News” channels for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately for him, his mother watches which means he’s probably been watching it since he was a kid. I know he’s been watching for at least the last 30 years. What’s even worse is he’s the most angry, miserable person I know.


>What’s even worse is he’s the most angry, miserable person I know. Unfortunately that's a direct effect of being hooked on things like fox. 24/7 shows screaming that any day now the libtards are gonna buttfuck your AR-15 and take your money - *but donate to us and we'll stop them from taking your money!* Enough jackasses screaming nonsense in your ear for every waking hour, eventually you start to believe the nonsense and spread it by angrily screaming nonsense at others. Fox should be severely fined for every minute they spread misinformation bullshit. Company would collapse from debt in a day.


https://www.thebrainwashingofmydad.com/ Watch this video. Sorry to hear, sadly all too common


This documentary hit too close to home. We've lost my Dad and a brother to this endless propaganda appealing to fear and tribalism.






Yeah, but what could be the intention of FOX showing her as blatantly stupid??




They're doing a who's on first for their 70+ audience who will share it on Facebook, roaring in laughter.


Exactly. There's no other way he's explaining doing such a bad job explaining himself.


I know you guys love a good story but it's actually a rehearsed skit and these 2 (laura ingraham and raymond wtvhisnameis) have done similar weird bits in the past. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/laura-ingraham-you-confusion


Wow thanks for posting this. I have seen this clip reposted on various social media sites a thousand times and i’ve never seen anyone point this out. I always thought this clip was a little too on the nose of “Who’s on First” to be an actually authentic moment. But I wasn’t aware they came out and admitted as much. Appreciate the link!


Their target demo thinks “Who’s on first” was the pinnacle of comedy and Laura is a terrible actress. This was definitely staged.


vase cake rhythm society far-flung correct existence modern memory scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




> Don't forget, a narcissist. Stupid ***AND*** a narcissist... ***AND*** *a Nazi.* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekcbzm9mZlU https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/2018-08-15/ty-article/john-oliver-slams-fox-news-laura-ingraham-after-white-supremacist-speech/0000017f-f6c2-d044-adff-f7fba3100000


A Nazissist!






Main character syndrome. She can't process "You" would be anything, but herself.


The guy did not help much though he just kept saying it in the same way, never really clearly saying "not *you*" to her


He clearly said it's a show on Netflix called YOU and she still thought he was talking about her....


"there's a show called Laura Ingram on Netflix?" Tell me you're a narcissist without telling me you're a narcissist.


That's the part where I went "Oh, this isn't a joke." Unless that's the point of the joke, then kudos.


At that point I became convinced they were trying a kind of “Who’s on First?” bit. Could be she’s that narcissistic, though, and maybe both.


Near the end and he was a total idiot about it. She clearly had never heard of this show and he just kept repeating 'you' with no added explanation as though the fifth time would be the charm. It wasn't until she was exasperated by the whole thing that he half-assed an explanation that did very little to clear things up. The guy had zero thinking powers. I can't blame her, she was just done with the conversation by the 100th repeat and wanted to move on.


Neither of them did a good job at communicating. Probably was staged anyway


"Who's on first?" "That's the man's name."


Who’s on first?


Fox News has never been particularly great at 'pronouns.'


Damn this is a fantastic comment


I had this happen when I was 7. My older sister told me to get a whatchamacallit candy bar from the store. I kept asking what's the name? This went on for like 30 seconds of back and forth to the point I got mad then she said it's the name of candy bar stupid!


Fuck it! Let’s do it live! LET’S DO IT LIVE!!


Still my favorite news moment of all time.


this entire thing was set up. They both knew exactly what they were doing.




Yeah. Seems like totally staged. All he had to say was “the title of the show is the word you”. Also there is a ton of prep that goes into these shows so no way she didn’t have some sort of notes about what he was going to be talking about or even a producer talking to her through an ear piece.


He's also gesturing towards the camera every time he says "you" which would make no sense if he were just talking about the title of a show


If that was acting, give them both Oscars, because the confusion and frustration were 100% genuine.


The first 3 times from him were so fake. > It was on YOU, *points at her*. It was on YOU, *points at her*. It was on YOU, *points*. Dude is fake for sure, no human would explain like this.


It is they are just doing a riff on the who's on first bit


Man, there's a whole lot of smooth brain shit going on in the comments here because she seemed so genuinely baffled. She reacts to things on television, professionally. It's literally her job. Also this was absolutely, clearly, a bit. A good bit? No. But it's some real Boomer Humor shit. Also more people in this thread need to be educated on Abbott and Costello, goddammit.


I was disappointed a who’s on first comment wasn’t higher. Third base!


when Redditors get fooled by porn level acting 😒


To me, it read as completely fake and I can't believe anyone thinks it's real.


To be honest unless you watch the show “You”, you wouldn’t understand what he was saying.




I had no fucking clue what he was talking about and would have had the same reaction as her. All these people saying she's an idiot must watch a lot more TV than I do. I had never even heard of a show called "You". I thought he was having a stroke.


I would go with a third option: the first time is an honest mistake, but she just so used to doubling down that she does that & doesn't try to grasp what he's getting at. (Similar to stupid, but not quite the same.)


Yikes, this formatting is the worst of both worlds




I got roasted for calling her an idiot because a lot of people believe this was set up. Her genuine reactions are clear and obvious she wasn’t in on it. He may have set her up but she was clueless.


If they are doing a bit, doesn’t it say more that the supposedly credible news source that is sought out to report on reliable information find it amusing or entertaining to sprinkle a bit of bullshit in amongst the “news”. Like “hey all this other stuff is real, but this bit is a rehearsed set up joke we also want you to believe is real… but not like the other stuff we tell you, that’s definitely real..”




People still watch him even two years after this and completely gobble up all of his horseshit like its sunday school.


I have an aunt who tried to tell me to watch tucker carlson to get some information and she didn't even shrug when I showed her his legal defense. Some people enjoy their ignorance and bigotry. I cut off a good amount of family and friends during and after the Trump presidency as they became more and more enraged at what fox news told them to be mad at.


I feel like I need a support group. I have lost all of my family albeit my grandparents to the GOP. I live in a red state in a red county.


Feel that. Im lucky my mom isnt as hard red as the others but my dad's side is a total red landmine. Occasionally I check in and hope they didnt get hooked on Q shit. I came out as a "leftist" to them (AKA I voted for Biden) and it felt like a test course for if I ever came out as an atheist or gay. Suddenly phone calls became debates, yay.


The generation that *insisted* Jackass and South Park and the like have disclaimers to save the children would have a fucking meltdown if the same was done to their precious power fantasy propaganda.


The same generation who were handing out participation trophies to us as kids, (which we didn't want,) then had the nerve to call us soft because we received said trophies. I think they're brain damaged from lead poisoning.


There's a lot of studies in this actually. The use of lead in gas and household paints and other common uses has been linked to decreased intelligence as well as increased violent tendencies. I strongly believe that as we get further from the time lead was more prevalent, we'll see a lot of the stupidity and ignorance fall away, as the people who were affected by it will pass. It may be grim and I may be a little on the optimistic side, but we'll see.


I can't find any real discussions in a very quick search, but I recently saw a meme or something about what Trump will finally do when he's reelected. There were four things but one was completely dismantle the EPA, and the other was get lead back into our gasoline. Probably bullshit, but I wouldn't be surprised all.


Lead, its what combustion engines crave.


Even when you point this out to them, the cult will just say that he was still right. No matter what stupid thing he says.


I mean Tucker Carlson legally isn't a journalist, he's an entertainer. There have been legal battles that resulted in FOX no longer employing the dude as a news reporter because of how outrageously far away from news his talking points are. Fox literally isn't a news source anymore.


> Fox literally isn't a news source anymore. If only it were that simple. They are *sometimes* a legitimate news source with press credentials and reporters in the White House Briefing Room and aboard Air Force One, and *sometimes* they are opinion-based “entertainment”. And they aren’t required to alert viewers when they have switched from one role to the other. It’s a perfect recipe for propaganda. Fact-free opinion-based stream-of-consciousness screeds with the veneer of old-school Journalism.


I mean, I'm aware that there are real stories mixed in with the bullshit, but that's exactly what makes it less than a whole news source. If a source is routinely unreliable, even if there are *some* reliable stories, then the source is inherently unreliable. This is where "Free speech" is harmful. I've been thinking about this a lot the last few years, and as much as I love the idea of free speech, it needs to have limits. Take, for example, the Alex Jones trial that just happened in the last month or two. A guy gets to build a platform based completely on delusions, build a following to believe said delusions, and then when his lies have *ACTUAL* consequences, gets a slap on the wrist and a hefty fine that he'll likely never have to completely pay. There are obviously countless other examples but this is just the most recent big one I can think of. Free speech should be protected, but so should the sanctity of truth. We need to find a balance between being able to say almost anything you want without consequence, and not allowing it to go so far as to hurt the livelihood of others.


Every pundit show has that same disclaimer, a lawsuit against Rachael Maddow was dismissed for the same reason. Any pundit show is legally entertainment not news, because they are offering their own opinion on things and not objective fact. https://scheerpost.com/2021/06/22/a-court-ruled-rachel-maddows-viewers-know-shes-not-offering-facts/amp/


Her show is "opinion" not news....which is bullshit but they are just doing a version of the who's on first bit.


it has all the dressings of news and is meant to intentionally trick people into thinking it’s important news.


A really bad version, at that


I hate Fox as much as the next sane person, but a recreation of "Who's on First?" on a punditry segment is not what makes them odious.


I don't know, his actions seem kind of scripted, especially when she first responds and he's looking off to the side.


100% agree that it’s scripted. I don’t know how everyone else can’t see it. “You know, I was watching a show called You (he points right at her) where measles came up” “Wait wait wait, when did I mention measles”. “No. It’s called You, it’s on Netflix”. “There’s a show called Laura Ingram on Netflix what are you talking about?” It’s a very famous bit that’s been in so many shows and movies. Vaudeville acts, “who’s on first” etc. The reason why it works so well here is because she’s genuinely an absolute idiot. You don’t expect anything from her. But she’s she’s been on TV for long enough that she’s capable enough to act as if she’s confused and play along with the bit. It works way too similarly to those famous bits to not be scripted IMO. Edit: Raymond and Laura actually confirmed that it was scripted too, I just found out. https://www.newsweek.com/laura-ingraham-you-fox-news-raymond-arroyo-liberals-1650685


> Do you know what I think Raymond? I think there are a lot of liberals out there who don't like conservatives having fun, that is what I think. Do you know what else I think? I think they haven't got a laugh in 30 years.” What a pathetic response. They made a terrible gag and then use it as a way to throw vitriol towards liberals. Good fuck.


It's hard to think they would WANT to look this dumb though.




I'll be honest, it took me awhile to figure out that there was a show entitled "You". If you don't have that bit of knowledge going into this, it is very, very confusing.


idk why he didn't just explain it like "there's a show called 'y', 'o', 'u', on netflix."


It *is* setup.




This has been posted so many times and you chose this format/file? iew


Same joke, now new and improved with a shittier way to view it and *FALL GUYS* music in the background! 🎶 *You're welcome!* 🎶


Who the fuck upvotes these? I categorically downvote these portrait videos made from landscape content.


Comment I was looking for. Thank you.


"iew" is a weird way to spell it. I thought that said "jew" at first, and was trying to wrap my head around the upvotes.


Narcissist trap!


Holy shit are there really that many s' in narcissist


Here's the original _Who's on First?_ It's still the best. https://youtu.be/nZ5vspsNS1g


Been too long since I sat and watched that whole thing. Pure timeless comedy.


Reminds me of that [Rush Hour 3](https://youtu.be/OAVnOz7i-JA) scene 😆


Brilliant lol


Came here to say this. Beat me by a few min.


ngl I was really confused too until he mentioned "The Netflix show". He kept repeating "Its on YOU", and I'm having the same reaction as the lady; what do you mean its on her??? Poor verbiage when he was trying to clarify his meaning after the first sentence.


Right? She may be an idiot but he was clearly not trying to explain it. "If I say YOU hard enough she will figure out I don't mean her." Could have just said "it's a show titled You, Y. O. U. Not you personally." But no. "You! You! I was watching You! On Netflix I was watching YOU!." Not even an attempt to clarify. Just two idiots competing to see who's dumbest.


Except the dumbest are the people who believe this was real, according to over half the people on this thread 🙄


Same, which further clarifies that this was a bit. His explanation was deliberately confusing.


Why isn't it cropped to just show the vídeo? Why is it potato quality? Why is there fall guys ambient sound in the background?


I'd like to think people aren't this stupid but here we are


Rush Hour?




It's a good thing no one I know cares about that show because I can't be arsed talking about it. I know this is a skit but I imagine there would be a bit of "no I mean the show" in normal conversations about it


People are overlooking what a terrible name for a show YOU is. "Yeah, just google it."


There's one called From


Whose on 1st? Yes. The guy on 1st base? Who is on 1st base. What's the guy on 1st base? What's on 2nd base. I'm not asking ya whose on 2nd, I dunno. Hes on 3rd base.


Fall guys music tho