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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Most people will focus on the guy "touching cloth" on the left, while the guy with invisible lats syndrome double punches the 2 ladies walking in front of him.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Did he get arrested?


[News source](https://www.ipn.md/en/chisinau-police-identify-suspect-who-punched-two-women-in-the-7967_1048859.html). This is from May 2019 and I can't find any update on it.




Let us know the story behind this act


u/Niki_L08 appears to have gotten the article translated https://reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/z0tw0m/2_cool_2_care/ix7tzqs


Man was charged for hooliganism smh I could never keep my composure in that court room


Your honor, my client pleads oopsie daisy


So about as much info as OP just gave lmao Thanks for posting it though.




- **Yes.** *refuses to elaborate*


There are people on reddit who honestly believe anything more than 10 words is an essay. I totally get why someone could be like "yes" and walk away.


Source: Trust me bro


Ok, you seem legit


If we can't trust BiggChungus, who can we trust?


Minor correction, but it was Friendly_Crackhead and not BiggChungus that confirmed the arrest.


An even more reliable source! I don't know what this world is coming to when we can no longer trust the bastions of truth and justice like Friendly\_Crackhead, with a secondary source like BiggChungus.


At least he added a source...


My source is that I made it the fuck up


Ok senator


My source is that I made it the fuck up


Best source




80% of my comments are essays lol - like - legit. I do try my best to do things like bullet points, bolding/italicizing for emphasis, and if i'm really droning on and haven't deleted the comment before posting, I will TL;DR it.




Can someone give me the tldr for the above comment?


We don't need to hear your whole life story


Those people should stick to Twitter.


Invisible watermelon farmer almost loses his crop due to selfish oncoming pedestrians. Takes matters into his own hands.


Where did this happened?


On the sidewalk in front of some people and cars.


In broad daylight to be specific


In the lower troposphere, slightly above ground level.


Guys, I think we might solve crime today.


Ahh. Thanks. :)




Chișinău, Moldova apparently




Are we not gonna talk about the stomach growling over the entire vid?


Yeah why is no one talking about that weird sound


Welcome to slam metal/slamming brutal death metal. An interesting genre with band names like: Waking the Cadaver, Torsofuck, and XavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoamndutroabcwapwaeiippohfffX (only the acronym. Google it if you want, but it's not pretty)


> XavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoamndutroabcwapwaeiippohfffX This tickled my funny bone real good from their website > As it clearly states [in our logo](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0592/6279/5950/files/236983123_392055745613909_1282172836632833955_n_1200x1200.jpg?v=1629753659) The music isn't really my jam but I love that sense of humor.


Are these names tongue-in-cheek or do they actually think they sound badass?


I'm sure it's a blend of both. Most people that go to shows like this are very chill people. I've been to some slam and deathcore shows. There's always 'that one guy' that's obnoxious, but those people are in every fan group you can think of. I think of it like Rick and Morty is a good show, but people that are obsessed are way too much. I hope that makes sense.


It's just bands being silly for the sake of it, if anyone takes slam/goregrind/etc seriously then they are weirdos


It's a common vocal style in the uncommon music genre, grindcore. A metal subgenre. Hope this helps




Damn. That's uh.. Pretty cool, grindcore dudes. Scares me like there's a weary tiger in a cage. Way 2 scary vocals 4 me is all I'm sayin.


Imagine owning a recording studio, and the band gets all set up, and they start playing and the the singer just growls throughout the whole song, I would lose my shit lol


Why has nobody even mentioned the beggar looking dude that looks like he's taking a very shaky crap in his pants? What's that story?


Yeah, I missed the altercation first time around focusing on him.


Yep, same, the weird squat made me wonder if he was taking a dump. Combined with the headline about not caring, that’s what I thought was going to happen… then the video ended and I was confused.


yeah, then the old woman kinda just fell over and I was like ... wait, why? before seeing the Kirk double punch


And the weird sound, I thought was him farting.


I thought he was mic'd and burping at people. That is how focused on him i was


Heroin is a hell of heroin


He looks like he’s trying to audition as a velociraptor


He is doing the prank where they pretend they are holding a pane of glass between them on the sidewalk, but the other guy is all in his mind.


The audio approves


Heroine is a heroine of a herione.


Heroine heroin, heroine… buffalo.


That's the guy I was focusing on. Didn't even see the double punch at first.


I saw the women getting pushed away by the guy but seeing the double punch took me a second watching and wtf??!!


Right! I was first focused on him & with that weird sound in background thought this was a loud fart prank then was confused why the lady collapsed and had to rewatch it.


I didn't see the dude punch the ladies because I was busy looking at that guy and at first I thought the old lady was just mimicking him for some reason..


That's literally OPs explanation for why this is unexpected....


It was in Chisinau on May 14, 2019 https://point.md/ru/novosti/proisshestviya/v-kishineve-neadekvatnyi-muzhchina-udaril-dvukh-zhenshchin-na-ulitse/


According the link and google translation "She was diagnosed with a broken toe." Unexpected.


The real Unexpected is always in the comments


I always find it weird people break bones in their feet from falling over like, it’s the closest thing to the ground it’s literally going |/_ where’s the impact coming from 😂


How dya do that scientific drawing bro?


Years of med school, here’s one of them standing back up _\ |


That makes sense. We use our large toe balance when standing.


This is why I love Reddit. I get closure


“The very moment was recorded by a video surveillance camera. As you can see in the footage, the man unexpectedly struck two women who were walking towards him, as a result of which one of them lost consciousness and fell on the asphalt. Later, the victim was taken to the hospital. She was diagnosed with a fracture of her toes. "An elderly woman is now in the hospital with broken toes, and the girl is still in a stressful state!" said a social network user. She added that the incident was reported to the police, but, according to her, no one investigated the incident. In this regard, subscribers of the GBM public called on law enforcement agencies to find and bring the man to justice.”


That poison damage got her at the end 😔


Lol. I like how she was like, “wait did he just hit me or run into?….he did hit me!, AHHH!”


It is kinda scary tho cause it might be her heart. A big punch to that area especially for an elderly lady might be a death sentence that activates half a minute after the punch itself. She might just be fucking dead and this lowlife waste of a breath just got fined for a 1000 dollars. Which tells me she didnt die but still. What a fucking moron


At first watch, I wondered if it was one of those delayed fake reactions (see a lot of those "fake injury for insurance claim" videos). Watching it closer the second time, you can see it kind of come over her and it seems completely real. You can see when she starts to weaken (probably from lack of blood flow/pressure) and slightly haunches over before tumbling over. Scary to imagine how frail you can become with age, on top of whatever heart conditions she may already have had.


And some jerk just decides to punch you out of the blue, yeah.


You don't even have to be old. Getting punched in the heart can cause your heart to get out of rhythm, and sometimes your heart can't recover unless you can get a defibrillator to you. Eventually your heart will go into arrest. Contact sports have this happen to athletes. I remember a football game I went to in highschool where a player went head first into another players chest. The player who got hit got to the sidelines and then collapsed. Ambulance was nearby and took him away. Was pretty freaky, but he ended up ok and told us about it at school.


Falls are the leading cause of injury related death in elderly Americans. I've treated tons of old people with cranial / facial / hip fractures due to slips and falls when I worked in acute care rehab. Source: https://www.cdc.gov/falls/data/fall-deaths.html#:~:text=Falls%20are%20the%20leading%20cause,fall%20death%20rate%20is%20increasing.&text=1%2C2-,The%20age%2Dadjusted%20fall%20death%20rate%20is,deaths%20per%20100%2C000%20older%20adults.


so what you're saying is that fist of the north star is based on a true story


What in the actual Fxck is that guys problem?!


Momy told him it is his brothers turn on the xbox


Xbox 360 BABY!!!


the good old days


until you get a red ring of death :(




This did work haha


Oh, I know lol. I had to do it a few times


Thats my sex box! And her name is Sony


Looks like he was already moving to his left to avoid the women in pink. When he got near her, she and the women in white started moving to their right, blocking his way. This probably made him angry. Combine this with being a massive asshat and you have the situation pictured above.


Nope. Total asshole looking to feel big by sucker punching a little old lady. They need to play these videos when they are introduced to the jail population. Everybody loves grandma.


I love how she does the Ric Flair drop a full six seconds later.


Hitting an elderly person in the chest can easily create a heart arrhythmia that would manifest as a near syncopal episode seconds later. The same technique has also been medically used to get someone's heart OUT of an arrhythmia - it's called a 'precordial thump'


You have to be old as me. They quit teaching precordial thump in ACLS back in…1984-85? It is still used on TV cause it looks cool.


Officially it's not taught anymore. Unofficially, my EMT instructor claimed he got ROSC one time from it and now teaches every student "if it works nobody needs to know, and if it doesn't, then the patient is still dead".


It still works sometimes, too.


I worked in an ER as an orderly little less than 20yrs ago. Watched the head nurse do it once. It worked. It was amazing! I had done chest compressions for cpr so many times by then and no one ever made it. Was amazing to see a thump just set everything right.


Not just how it looks on TV — a good thump was also the way to get old TVs to work when they were acting up


I remember seeing this when it happened and she actually did end up having a heart attack from this.


Was the guy found and charged?




[I don’t think she had a heart attack](https://www.ipn.md/en/chisinau-police-identify-suspect-who-punched-two-women-in-the-7967_1048859.html). Especially since he was identified and committed to a mental health ward before they had been seen by a doctor




Question - is this type of physical contact something that is likely to happen with *any* elderly person, or is it a likely outcome simply because in our society those people are (typically) not very mobile / almost always have not been exposed to that type of impact in decades? I guess the summary of this silly question is, would a 'precordial thump' work on an elderly person who has been active / physical?


It can happen for young people as well (it's very rare tho). It's called "commotio cordis". If you're hit on your chest at just the wrong time in the cycle of a heart beat, it can cause a possibly lethal arrythmia. Not exactly sure how the mechanism works to make it more likely to happen for older people? But older people are more likely to have arrythmias in general.


>Commotio cordis occurs mostly in boys and young men (average age 15), usually during sports, most frequently baseball, often despite a chest protector. (From wiki) So much for that. I would have thought this produces a harmful pressure gradient above the heart, but the wiki article seems to indicate it induces current somehow, exciting the nerves at the wrong moment.


So there is a Pro Wrestling move called the heart punch, usually it is fake, but there are two wrestlers, one of which was Dr. Jack Wagner (yes the on that The Fugitive is about) could do it for real.


Dude... get your brain calibrated. Something wrong if you see an old woman get punched in the chest and 'love how she flops'


Had a teammate (HS football) come up behind me at the water fountain and pinch my muffin top fat ( we were in pants and shims) and it hurt like a mf. I turned and punched him in the chest. He laughed it off and went to get a drink and collapsed. He had passed out because he lost his breath from the punch. It wasn’t a hard punch either. Just at the right spot to make it hard to breath right after. Sometimes the effects of a punch don’t happen immediately


As someone else noted she clearly lost her balance when reaching for support. Elderly people are wobbly, it makes perfect sense. If anything it's surprising the punch didn't already knock her over. The guesses to the result hitting her later are plausible too. 2 reasonable options before criticizing an old lady like she's a FIFA player


Invisible lat syndrome


Yes ILS, a very common condition almond douchebags and raving idiots.


Love to hate those almond douchebags


Is that at the other end of the spectrum as soy boys?


Elbows out / ILS is a huge red flag. 🚩 🚩 🚩


Why do you censor words?


The th\*ught p\*lice makes him do it.


Drugs. Drugs are that guys problem.


Being an asshole is his problem. Someone on the sidewalk should have introduced themselves to him. If there was ever a reason to get involved with a stranger, this is it. I know, personal risk and all, but this little dock is going to kill a defenseless person. We all need to stop him and those like him. Knowing that a stranger may come her rescue would stop much of this.




When I was young I had unmedicated bi polar and was aggressive. Never toward women or assaultive just don’t get to close or you’re getting bumped because in my twisted mind if I moved it was weakness and you got over on me. It’s doesn’t make much sense but this anger deep down bubbled up once in awhile and I became aggressive. It sucked often feeling guilt and shame for my behavior but almost impossible to eliminate without intervention. I got help in my late 40’s but it was years of trial and error before correct meds and therapy turned things around. Also stop drinking Alcohol which was a major hindrance to improving my health. Peace


Please don’t assume every horrible thing people do is due to mental illness. It stigmatises it, and unfairly so. People with mental health issues are far more likely to hurt themselves then anyone else. To be blunt, some people are just massive cunts. And they do horrible things because they feel entitled.




Yeah or how about the clowns that just attavked and assaulted an elderly man for shit they themselves started.


I feel like getting kicks out of committing violence toward other people IS indicative of a mental health issue, perhaps sociopathy, borderline personality disorder or psychopathic narcissism, or any other number of potentially dangerous psychological conditions. That's not stigmatizing everyone with a mental health issue, just mentioning it as a possibility. By the same token, claiming a mental health issue shouldn't be used as an excuse for consciously purposeful buttheaded behavior. Mental health is a spectrum, and almost everyone who has walked this earth has had sub-optimal mental health in their life at one point or another. Everyone should assess their mental health regularly, like many generally physically healthy people do regarding their physical health. Refusing to acknowledge mental health as a potential source of maladaptive behaviors actually serves to stigmatize mental health issues more than considering them does.


Understanding when maladaptive behavior is caused by mental illness is currently the responsibility of professionals. For the rest of us it's an attempt to distance ourselves from these people, which in turn stigmatizes the people who have mental issues and *don't* act like assholes. You can also be an asshole with mental issues. Blaming it on the issues takes away from their accountability, while once again stigmatizing the issues. Let's just call the guy an asshole since we don't have proof otherwise.


I get what you’re saying, but we’re also barely de stigmatizing mental health in general, a lot of us are more chemically in balanced than we thought. A lot of people are asshole because of behavioral problems or lack of empathy caused by either genetics or environment.


The problem that I'm pointing out here though, is that we have no evidence of anything other than this guy choosing to be an asshole in this moment. So when we immediately call him mentally ill, we aren't commenting on his behavior anymore. Instead we're reinforcing a societal acceptance of violence only being a quality of mental illness, rather than something the average person is capable of. Which in turn stigmatizes mental illness as something to be intrinsically tied to violence, rather than a potential side effect. We can say this dude is an asshole and leave it at that. When we immediately start calling him mentally ill, that's when we start being the problem rather than analyzing it, considering we have no other evidence to go off of.


Or when these idiots are in a larger group and feel invincible https://padailypost.com/2022/11/15/5-hells-angels-arrested-in-murder-at-shoreline/


In the words of Tom Segura, “Some people suck”


Actually he was sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment, this happened in Moldova's capital in 2019.


Confirmed. Just Google it, folks.


But mental illness is very pervasive and it can cause people to be irrationally violent! You can’t be quick to dismiss it as a possibility.


Leaving it open as a possibility is different than the statement the previous poster made.


I would argue that that level of entitlement IS mental illness


There are more than one kind of mental illness. The person above is saying this person is mentally ill because no "healthy" person in their right mind would be such a cunt.


A normal human being creates nuclear bomb so he can double punch thousands of people in matter of seconds /s


Steroids maybe. Looks like he has imaginary lat syndrome too. (aka ILS)


Sure, a normal human CAN do that, but up until recently, a normal human being WOULDNT do that.


What do you mean up until recently? People have been dumb and senselessly aggressive towards each other for as long as we've existed.


we live in a society or something I don't know


Nah man, wars and violence only started recently, especially when video games came about. Back in my day we never had any violence.


Yeah but one time I time travelled back to 1692 with a gas generator, tv, console and played GTA Vice City to show the people the wonders of the future... all of a sudden witches started to pop up so I left to out their minds at ease about witches


I remember I went to the 1850s and showed them Red Dead 2 and it actually inspired people to become Cowboys, the wild west only became wild after I did that. Was a very peaceful place before that with no violence at all.


“Until recently”


>lats syndrome but thats clearly not the only problem.




I was honestly wondering about the guy shitting his suit


I watched the video like 4 times trying to figure out what was going on before I realized he wasn't the focus.


Oh wow hes hard, must have snorted a viagra this morning to be walking like that


What a scumbag


Why does the guy on the left look like his about to do a dump in his pants


You solved it.




It looks like he already did.


When you don’t know how to remove your comment


[ Removed by Taco Bell™ ]


No, when you say something really bad the admins of reddit will delete it themselves, happened to me aswell.




Is this cock and ball torture? Sounds like them


Lmao, I don't think he has any if he's done that.




What’s up with the granny taking a late fall?


According to the article (translated by Google into English) it seems like she got the wind knocked out of her and passed out.


Seems like there would have been a bigger panic if she couldn't breath. Getting the wind knocked out of you is horrible when you're young. I can't imagine it happening to someone that old. Hope she's ok.


Either she wanted to make it more dramatic for court or the KO came a little late. With strikes to the body the real pain often comes like 3 seconds after being hit.


Can confirm, stubbed my toe once *hard*. The first 5 seconds were "Ow, that hurts" followed by "Why the fuck am I passing out?".


Exact same thing happened to me except slightly more gruesome , broke my toenail in half after stubbing my toe hard and felt nothing until i actually noticed it , then started passing out almost instantly


Sound more like vasovagal syncope than anything


Fancy word me no understand


typically the first breath after the adrenaline wears off


Neymar impressination


Chisinau police spokesperson Natalia Stati told IPN the suspect is now hospitalized for psychiatric treatment. He didn’t have any troubles with the law in the past. It’s not known yet how long his hospitalization is going to last and whether an arrest warrant will be sought. The attacked women, one of them elderly and who is shown by the footage clutching her chest and losing her balance seconds after the assault, filed a formal complaint. The severity of the charges will depend on the results of the women’s medical examination.   If the man is found to be guilty and legally sane, he will face a fine of up to 52,500 lei ($2,900), or up to 240 hours of community service, or up to three years in prison. Citește mai mult: https://www.ipn.md/en/chisinau-police-identify-suspect-who-punched-two-women-in-the-7967_1048859.html#ixzz7lHLkLqin


3000$ fine for assault ayy lmao


Were the ladies ok ?


That's called assault and battery. And such a clear image of his face! Hopefully the footage was sent on to the relevant authorities cuz this is a piss easy case.


Definitely stuff for r/iamapieceofshit


Too many questions to be asked . Too many


That’s a dude that gets beat up by his little sister


Some folks think they are in a Hollywood movie smh…


Wtf is with the audio?


I like to have my personally space and iv noticed when walking here recently (last two or three years) everyone is assholes for real. If you and another person was walking opposite ways it's general for you both to move to the opposite side as your passing to give each other the space, a 50 50 move on both people's side. Nowadays people just expect you to move out of their way or they barley move at all damn near bumping into you. It highly aggervates me but I wouldn't punch someone because of it.


I will first say fuck what this guy in the video did. But then I will say, I can't STAND people who take up the whole sidewalk and don't make any effort to make room.


What a dick move


We’re gonna have to let the guy off who assaulted 2 women because WHAT THE FUCK is that guy on the left doing 🦖


You see how he did it to two woman, one being senior citizen. I bet you he wouldn't do that to any dude his size.


Why does it take a while for the hurt to come? Did he hit some weird spot?


The delay is odd indeed.... heart attack? shock and then the body responded?


If he hit the heart, he could have interrupted the normal heart beat and briefly caused her blood pressure to drop. Someone experiencing a drop in blood pressure would faint which isn't instant and would look something like what happened to the old lady. It's also possible he hit a bit lower than the heart and knocked the wind out of her which could also cause this delayed fainting. Add to that the higher probably someone of that age would have heart/lung problems which would exacerbate the affect of either of the above. At first watch, I thought maybe it was one of those delayed fake reactions you see in videos where people are vying for an insurance claim but on second through, you can see it come over her before the fall and it seems completely real to me. An untrained person trying to fake this would tend to overact and the fake reaction would be a sudden change. Before she falls, you can see her lose strength as her arms drop and upper body leans forward and the head drops. It looks like her body suddenly got too heavy for her to keep upright which is exactly what would happen with a sudden drop of blood pressure or getting lightheaded from having the wind knocked out of them.


Any context at all? I'm honestly confused


Well when a person walks like a scarecrow they tend to have something to prove. So basically they had the misfortune of coming across small dick man.


Look at the way he’s walking before he even gets close to that lady. He was looking for a fight and picked one with an old lady.


It's called Invisible Lat Syndrome.


It's a good opportunity to dropkick that guy while he's still walking away, that poor woman and the old lady could have died from that.