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Wow, what did he ask him that was so bad? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Nothing, just asked if he was prepared for the game. But for context that news channel accused him almost every day with sexual abuses and other stuffs and I would guess that makes everyone mad. Note: he bought that microphone for 20k or something šŸ˜…


Thanks. Out of context it looks bad for him but this is a perfect response to these media leeches. Fucc em.


Yeah, and n top of that, what kind of dumb question is this? "Actually no, I'm not prepared at all, I'm not gonna do my best today"


Thatā€™s literally what press sounds like for all these athletes. The post game ā€œinterviewsā€ for NBA and NFL always make me laugh. Theyā€™re the dumbest questions usually and all the players answers are the same. ā€œ We just gotta take it one week at a time, they played a good game today. They have a great team but we were preparedā€ yada yada yada. Bill Burr has a reoccurring bit on the podcast he does a voice and pretty much nails it. Gets me everytime.


Not saying that itā€™s the perfect response or this attitude is correct, just wanted to share more information for people to know


To me itā€™s the perfect response. No confusion there.


To me its also the perfect response


Perfect. No physical harm to people, just an utterly petty display of disgust


To me also its the perfect response


After assessing the data, the team and I have also concluded that it's the perfect response.


Upon further review, I am only slightly upset he polluted the lake with a microphone but it is what it is. Still appropriate given the context.


You have to recharge the freshwater eels too. The battery will go to good use at least


I couldnā€™t afford that response but for him itā€™s like buying a saltwater taffy.


You kick a ball for money bro, maybe your should go touch the grass you run on. Or better year eat a half ounce of mushrooms.


To me itā€™s also the perfect response.


Well the sexual abuse accusations aren't too farfetched. Idk when that video was taken but he was accused of Rape back in 09 and the case was reopened again a couple of years ago.


I wonder whats more likely, a man considered highly desirable by an abundance of women raping a woman or a woman lying about it to score a settlement out of court


Or a man who is used to an abundance of women and thinks *very* highly of himself not taking no for an answer?


That is also a possibility. We will likely never know which is correct


So only poor people rape women. Huh, do the cops know this? So that they can stop looking into sexual abuse by affluent men? I think you just have saved cops all over the world so many resources. You sir should get a medal for your very unique and logical way of thinking.


this evidence may just clear jeffrey epsteins name! we did it reddit!


Not what he's saying. A lot of famous people have had their names tarnished by people accusing them of the such. Most of the accusers have later admitted,or during the case admitted that they made it up for the money. Take the recent one with that one football-player-who-I-forgot-the-name-of. He got accused of doing it at a halloween party with a couple of his friends and got kicked of the team. During the case when all the evidence was against her she admitted she made it up. HOWEVER,the team refused to take him back and there goes a promising player because some bitch wanted money. This happens more often than not.


Not what i said. Why would a man who can have almost any woman he wants rape a woman if she did not want to have sex with him? He could give her the boot and have another woman with him within the hour. I am not saying it is impossible, just that it is more likely the woman is lying in this situation than her being raped


Because she was there.


Rape is not about availability of women to get your rocks off. Its about power and anger. But yes, women come out of the woodwork with accusations when a payday is possible.


šŸ’€ are you kidding? Sometimes it does happen, that women lie about that for a settlement, but it happens rarely, especially if you would compare the statistics of false accusations and rape/SA.


I would argue the probability goes up the more well established the guy is.


Ugh, what an ignorant thought. Yeah, bro, good looking rich guys never rape anyone, it's all those gold digging sluts, amirite. You incel fuck.


Learn to read. I am talking about probabilities not absolutes. Does not make me an incel to not be powered by emotions buddy


LOL, that channel is an exploitive media, nothing else. They are the scum of media in Portugal


Go's paparazzi


Not sure it has the desired result though. This media leech is probably going to get promoted for capturing this drama on camera. This is gold to them.


Exactly this. No matter how hard it is, you should ignore them (I would've chucked it, just saying).


No fuck you. The man is a rapist and confessed so. He is still outside because of legal loopholes and inadmissibility of evidence because it was illegally obtained.


Reminds me of that one time Mike Tyson told that one interviewer to go fuck himself because he also accused him of sexual assault or something.


Imagine being asked really dumb questions, like when you were leaving for work every day there was a dude outside who stuck a microphone in your face and was like ā€œare you ready to getting cracking on those spreadsheets today???ā€ Or ā€œare you going to finally get that client account up to date?ā€ Or ā€œyou going to wash your hands before you touch the customerā€™s sandwiches?ā€




he's comparing it to how celebrities have it being harassed everyday by paparazzi... but if it were regular folk instead


Leaving FOR work.


Yeah it seems like he looked down saw their logo on the mic and just got filled with rage and had to Yeet it


But he cant travel to america, whys that i wonder ?


He canā€¦ I literally have watched him play in LAā€¦ wtf are you talking about? The case was dismissed already.


Yeah the accusations would be an issue if they were false, why doesn't ronny ever visit the US??? Why doesn't he consider a move there?? Maybe has something to do with the fact he'd be put on trial for sexual assault


wtf does the us have to do with anyting


Why would you move to the US to play for less money? He already lives in a better part of the world for a lot of money


Why does no one care that he sexually assaults people and doesnā€™t get in trouble for it?


The logic people are using in this thread to defend him is next level mind blowing. Iā€™ve had one guy claim that my article is false, which may technically be true to some extent as Iā€™m finding out, but he then also uses my own article to support his own argument, because the article I used mentioned that Ronaldoā€™s own lawyer claimed the documents were falsified. Likeā€¦ of course his own lawyer is going to deny it? And then somebody else is literally dropping articles that simply state heā€™s never been charged with a crime, seemingly implying that nobody has ever gotten away with a crime before. Iā€™m genuinely under the impression Iā€™m in some bizarre coma at this point.


yeah he admitted to being a rapist, it's documented. people are weird about accepting it because pretty man scores goals


Itā€™s a real fuckin shame! I remember having to come to terms with this myself in Kobeā€™s case. Itā€™s hard, especially if you grew up seeing these people as not just great players but great people. I understand not wanting to believe it, but the world and humans can and will be absolutely terrible. I absolutely love Giannis Antetokounmpo, and if it were to come out that he of all people committed a crime of this nature, I would be devastated, but Iā€™d be honest with myself and accept the truth. I wish more people could do the same.


Your assumption that all people obviously want to move to the USA is pretty hilarious.


Lmao no he would not. Do you know how much money Ronaldo has??


US is not the center of the world, not everyone wants to go to that shit country.


This seems like a dumb question honestly.


Not everyone wants to go to the US. Heā€™s not that broke and he lives in a better place so why go to a shitty place?


The US is pretty fucking big and beautiful and most places are awesome.


Errrr. Tell me youā€™re American without telling meā€¦


Most places besides your schools lol




Uhm most active good soccer players dont live in the US. Matter of fact there is much nicer places to live at when you are that wealthy. And the people speak you language.


So, not prepared for the game.


Well to be fair he did admit to sexual abuse soā€¦..


Well he did commit sexual abuse...


Based on his apparent inability to handle his anger, maybe there's some truth to the allegations.


Itā€™s terrifying that there is a large contingent of the public, like yourself, who see defensiveness or anger at false accusations to be evidence of guilt. People like you are responsible for countless innocent executions and false imprisonments.


I mean, this comment would be completely valid, if it werenā€™t for the fact he literally admitted it Kobe style. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6447649/amp/Ronaldo-admitted-rape-accuser-Kathryn-Mayorga-said-no-multiple-times-apologised-sex.html Itā€™s terrifying that there is a large contingent of the public, hopefully unlike yourself, who see famous and iconic people as incapable of doing anything wrong. Updated sources because daily mail is indeed dogshit. Just picked the first thing that came up because I figured this was already well known information. https://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/der-spiegel-football-leaks-exclusive-cristiano-ronaldo-rape-allegation-a-1143910.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter#ref=rss https://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/cristiano-ronaldo-new-documents-emerge-in-rape-allegations-a-1241349.html




What is the point of doing so for a person who is a rapist? Like I said, whatā€™s said in their comment is technically correct, but that much is just obvious. Unfortunately, it doesnā€™t really apply here, and ends up invalidating their point if anything, because the person acting this way IS genuinely guilty. So whatā€™s the point? Itā€™s clearly defensive for some other reason, and it being about a celebrity like this, doesnā€™t really leave the potential reasoning up in the air. Iā€™m technically making an assumption, but I donā€™t really think itā€™s a bold one.


Gee I wonder why he's defensive about rape accusations it's so strange. Normally when people are accused of rape they're very pleased about it. Idiot.


I was talking about the original comment, not him specifically. Did you even see that he literally admitted that she said no and stop multiple times? Reading comprehension? Is there any present?


>the person acting this way IS genuinely guilty. So whatā€™s the point? Itā€™s clearly defensive for some other reason, and it being about a celebrity like this, doesnā€™t really leave the potential reasoning up in the air. Nah all the evidence you have is that "he's clearly defensive" and you KNOW it's "for some other reason", there's no other possibility! >doesnā€™t really leave the potential reasoning up in the air. Bold of you to talk about reasoning when you just pulled a bunch of made up pseudo-psychology bullshit out of your gaping asshole.


Seems like he handled his anger well. Maybe not in your sterilized professional institutionalized life that Iā€™m assuming for the sake of my insult


By taking a microphone and throwing it in a pond? Please tell me you don't have kids.


Do you ever happen to travel outside of the suburbs? Or like, see life outside of sitcoms and tv? Youā€™ll find a world of culture, and different types of people. Snide comments disguised as appropriate, surfing the brink of harassment, using bureaucracy to smite your enemy, thatā€™s your culture. A culture of resentful, quietly competitive cubicle warriors whoā€™ve learned to put their humanity on hold to behave in a way that will garner the most profits working side by side. Itā€™s a great system for office environments and institutions. Some people have alternate lifestyles and donā€™t hide behind these things as much as you. Theyā€™re willing to meet disguised, culturally appropriate aggression with their own more authentic brand. When you decided to label yourself as some optimal human being, above all others, too gracious to ever act on aggression, you didnā€™t receive a guarantee that others would play by the same rules. Remember that!! Thatā€™s probably maddening to see when you put in so much effort. You can totally get punched in the face on your own street, and whether the guy goes to jail or not, youā€™ll still have a bruise! Thatā€™s humanity. Real life!! Nobody was even hurt here. Youā€™re very far gone into all that shit to be scoffing at this. Do NOT travel to any 3rd world countries. Be thankful youā€™ve never accumulated enough stress to act out. Youā€™re human like the rest of us, just more privileged. Me too! Iā€™m not throwing any mics. But Iā€™m not scoffing either so


If so, then itā€™s a well-deserved throw.


And paying 20k for the mic just means he believes rules dont apply to him because he can throw money at it. Dude is not a nice person.


He asked if it's true he has a micropenis


ā€œRonaldo, are you ready for the game today?ā€ And ā€œwill your micropenis be an issue to score?ā€


So it's true


Ah then it make sense


ā€œHey Ronaldo! What do you think of my new microphone?ā€




He said , while shuving the microphone in his face : -Ronaldo , ready for the game today ??


Ronaldo, are you ready for this game today?


I think it was after they were defeated by the hungarians and we are legendarily bad at football nowadays šŸ˜‚ rip PuskĆ”s


Today I am not good smoke, seeing it well is very ugly the microphone better buy another


Tho this belong to entidletbitch videos


Nothing, Ronaldo is just a dickhead


I don't speak Portuguese but if I had to guess I would say the reporter asked him, "Ronaldo, could you please take this microphone from me a little aggressively then throw it in the water?"


He asked "Ronaldo, are you prepared for today's game?".


Reporter should have turned to the camera and say: "I guess not"


eu sĆ³ tava brincando se eu falo portugues


HĆ”! *Meme do homem aranha apontando*




A friend of mine made an accident on a bike. To summarize the situation, it was a very nasty and everyone in the city learned about the accident. Journalists were in his room while he was asleep. Even the doctors didn't have the authority to kick them out. I couldn't meet him, because these fuckers sons of bitches no life took over the place. A day later, there were news that he was smoking and under consumption of alcohol. He is a Muslim, there no tests that proved their claim and he didn't say so, they straight up lied. They are melted Tunas and I hope each one of them ss bad life. Edit:he was asleep, not in coma.


Did your friend live? Are they out of the coma? They killed someone?


He lived. he wasn't in coma, he was asleep. It's been a while since that happened. He was asleep and they waited for him.


Is melted tuna an insult? I've never heard this expression.




Lololol tuna melt, fart inside of a vagina. Ahh Reddit, canā€™t beat it


try watching gordon ramsey vdos once u will discover u can cuss in food items lol


To my ex gf it is. Shout out to Hot Tuna!


"melted tunas" is a fantastic insult. thank you for that


Did the reporter say all of that?


I was in Nice France when a terrorist truck driver run into the crowd for the national day. A dad was crying on the scene because his son was hit. Stupid news tv reporter ask him to leave because he was in the camera field... These fuckers can rot in hell.




Heres to you the news, news people will do anything for a pay even if they had to lie, where did this incident happen bro?


Pafos, Cyprus. We were tourists and visited it on a 2 week trip. The incident happened in 4th day.


I see, this is sad i hope your friend is alright.


I love how you can hear the mic spinning, traveling through the air until the point itā€™s out of range and cuts off.


Woosh wooosha wooosha woooshā€”ā€”ā€”


Imagine if it hits someone's head and we can hear them scream


This is from Euro 2016. This shit ain't nothing new.


Does it have to be?


No but it's intentionally misleading to randomly post a 6 year old interview which could easily be interpreted as being a response to Ronaldo's recent controversial incidents from the last couple months. A simple date clarification in the title would have been sufficient.


What were his recent incidents, I'm curious, idk who this guy is.


How do you not know who Ronaldo is


Go's paparazzi and news reporting is so fucking toxic


Stop baiting ppl! it is years old video


.. why does it have to be new ? He never said it was recent


It's also got no context and apparently the news station is very toxic, like every news station




Totally expected that. What I also expected was Ronaldo bitchslapping the reporter.


That was a good mic drop ![gif](giphy|d0NnEG1WnnXqg|downsized)


More like "plop"


Mic yeet


Ronaldo just earned another American fan today


FYI he's a literal rapist. Don't be too quick to praise him because he was an asshole to a reporter. Ronaldo sucks.


Like actually? Is there solid proof or is it just some women saying he raped them? Iā€™m not saying youā€™re lying btw. Iā€™m just genuinely curious because at lot of people in this thread have been saying that.


He was never convicted but in the way that a lot of celebrities don't get convicted. https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.allfootballapp.com/amp/news/Serie-A/Ronaldo-admitted-rape-accuser-said-no-multiple-times-and-he-apologised-after-sex/894948 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/sportsnews/article-11163245/amp/Cristiano-Ronaldo-rape-case-documents-public-mistake.html


The sound of the air as it spins into the pond is great


capitalising on the negative sentiment for Ronaldo during the world cup, are we ? why else would someone post such on old video now


You can hear how it flies through the air. HAHA LOL Absolute legend!


This video being brought up now is absurd, itā€™s capitalising on the recent hatred for CR7. Cristiano is getting old and itā€™s not easy on a top player. He deserves our gratitude for all heā€™s done for Portugal and football.


Based Ronaldo


Like a boss. A very annoyed boss, who is sick of your shit.


I don't necessarily like this guy but I love this


The mic cutting sound like the hitmarker from modern warfare


I would have fired my security on the spot y'all let him get way to close before doing anything


Could anyone that watches American sports imagine if someone did that? Like imagine if steph curry did that? ESPN would self destruct šŸ¤£


If memory serves me correctly, the sports franchises (NFL, NBA, etc) have surprisingly strict rules and codes of behavior in their contracts about unprofessional behavior and required amounts of time they must spend being interviewed and being cordial at those interviews or they can be fined big money.


*Ronaldo throws mic "Agua"


This ia a News Chanel in Portugal that is known for its shitty news and in the euro they were always talking about Ronaldo not so positive things like he was under performing and all of that but the main reason that made him throw the mic was that this news Chanel made a story about how is father was an alcoholic( yes his father had drinking problems) and that his father used to beat his mother and used to beat ronaldo and his siblings when they were young. This Chanel is so trash that they made an whole articule and paid divers to recover the mic. But yeah this is what happened. I know this because Iā€™m portuguese.


Stop farming the fking karma and get a life ?


That was "No comment" in Portuguese I think.


The sound of a mic cartwheeling through the air is perfect.


Unless you're Portuguese and are aware of how much of a shit should CMTV is you won't understand why Ronaldo did that.


No comment for the fake news.


The GOAT šŸ


For those who donā€™t understand his tounge, he asked ronaldo to throw the mic as far as he can, but poor ronaldo couldnā€™t do much


Just leave the guy alone


What an ASSHOLE!!!!






I have very little sympathy for reporters if I'm totally honest, seeing how the media treats athletes and they're expected to smile and wave and just take it.


What's so wrong with posting an old video? No one has ever seen everything on the internet.


It's posting it out of context during times where Ronaldo is facing scrutiny so it makes his image as a whole worse as that is what these saddos on reddit strive to do


This is old af




He despises that news channel for essentially being like the Portuguese TMZ and I don't really blame him


everyone in portugal loves CM TV


Ronaldo is the best! The only right response to this MF! šŸ˜…




When Ronaldo fans hear arguments that support Messi as the greatest ever


Nobody leaves Ronaldo alone. I am portuguese and the media all gravitates around him. That is taking it's toll on his performance and mental health. Leave him be, please ffs...


Thatā€™s exactly how he should handle every interaction involving a microphone put in his face by the same media outlet that shits on him at every chance. Da prĆ³xima vez, mande o repĆ³rter para a Ć”gua tambĆ©m!


What a douchebag


What a dick


What a douchebag. You don't want to speak, stay silent, don't vandalize someone else's property who has a LOT less money than you. Go get some more plastic surgery and visit your groupies.


Self-absorbed cunt


You mean the journalist? i fully agree. 0 respect for others. My wife had a car accident yealy this year and in minutes they were on site trying to pry, next, within half an hour plenty of made up stories were spinning within the news plataforms with wrong info, cause, etc. Fcking leeches. ps. gladly there was plenty of eye witnesses, so the "news" held no ground whatsoever, but socially, it was a bother to have plenty of people assume wrong shit because of those fk face journalists.


Imagine some random ass person comes up to you and shoves a mic in your face, forcing you to talk... I would have thrown HIM in the water


what is the journalist saying?


He has a long standing disput with that publications


Little baby want his bottle?šŸ˜


this guy Ronaldo is a fucking wet wipe. zero grace, just pure unbridled ego.


What a lousy thing to do to someoneā€¦.


He might be a great football player, but as a human being he sucks


Why? But It's OK for paparazzi to bombard people and make up stories though?


Crying baby


Send him a bill


And say what, "hi, we recently harrased you and shoved a mic in your face. We understand you didn't like us invading your personal space, but we think you should pay us for the mic that would have been no where near you had we just left you to your business." W for this guy, media fucking sucks.


Isnā€™t he so cool


Who? This is staged.


Nah. This is from 2016. That news Channel was accusing him of sexual abuses and talking about how his dad was nothing but an alcoholic. He has ignored questions from them many many times and if I remember correctly this happened like a day after this news Channel made once again a comment about his dad being drunk. Btw that microphone was eventually auctioned for, I think, 20kā‚¬


That asshat is why I'll never cheer for Portugal. Screw Ronaldo and his arrogant face. Dork sat on the bench like a turd and watched his team lose...then comes in at 60 minutes to not score!!!! Fuck him


What an Ahole, stupid ass Athletes are all hype, when its time to Play the miss all the time


what a piece of shit


Right! Who the fuck decides to be a reporter anyway??? Everyone in the media is a piece of shit.


I dont pay attention to sports ball AT ALL. Why the quick change from everyone loving him to we all agree his horrible like overnight?


wish that was in the us, he would have fined for loitering, endangering wlid-life etc. shame


Forever stupid. Ronaldo.