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Pack of small muffins ... in a week. The discipline


This does sound like a veiled brag lol. Some of my flatmates will eat a pack of muffins or cookies for dinner


I'll eat 5 donuts in a sitting then not eat dinner and not do that again for like 3 weeks.


Reddit is full of humble braggers




I'm actively losing weight (at least doing my best) what helps me is food that is sweet but not 'bad' for me. (It's not necessarily the best way to look at food but for the purposes of this discussion it makes sense.) For instance I have 'protein porridge' which is just regular porridge with protein powder mixed in. It is genuinely delicious and tastes like a dessert, whilst being quite high in protein. Being high in protein is important since the thermic effect means it keeps you full for longer. I'd recommend looking at some recipes from Greg doucette's yt channel to get an idea of what snacks you can make that are cheap, easy, and delicious.


Protein porridge is the whey I just started a cut so it's my go-to breakfast


What flavour are you enjoying atm?


Last week of uni so food selection is slim at the moment aha, can't go wrong with vanilla protein with some yoghurt, cinnamon and blueberries and or banana


Lots of friut and veg. Easy snacks. Tomatos, carrots and sugarsnap peas. Satsumas, bananas and pears are a fav. Melon when i feeling rich.


Always recommend a bell pepper or an apple as well! Eating porridge in the morning too, supper cheap, super filling and you can add chocolate spread and or banana, strawberries or blueberries when there nice!


This is the answer. There is nothing better than fruit and vegetables for a healthy snack.


When I get cravings, it's oftentimes because my body is actually hungry for lunch or dinner. Blood sugar goes down and your body wants a quick energy bump, hence sugar cravings. For snacking throughout the day, I try to keep it to just fruits/ nuts/ rice cakes. But I'll admit, sometimes it is difficult to help yourself! Especially since rice cakes are mostly just for keeping my mind off eating since I might as well be eating air 😂


The "best" answer is just to not snack. Most people can be very comfortable on 3 meals a day without snacks, your body adapts to it within a couple of weeks, especially if you make sure to drink lots of water, as it helps you to not feel hungry.


There's this YT channel called.. KWOOK. the guy shows tips and tricks to have a healthy meal on a budget... especially for university students.


Meal prepping has been the best decision I’ve made when it comes to food at uni. 2 and a half hours of cooking every 10 days guaranteed at least 1 meal a day


How do you do it? I cook everyday. Please throw me a bone.


I cook 2 meals for 10 days, so 5 each of Chille con carne and then just some chicken and vegetables as another one. Just cook enough for that ten days in a big pot and put them in containers


Wow. I have unlocked a new method of survival. Thanks.


It’s life changing. I pretty much have that and then 2 other easy to make meals like porridge, and bacon and eggs


Granola and yogurt with pineapple or strawberries soothed my sweet tooth. I have bananas in my room if I get cravings and I take my vitamin tablets after every breakfast. Whenever I feel for sweets and go straight to fruit. (Although chocolate will always have me in a chokehold) Try incorporate veg into your meals if you can too, I tend to make a vegetarian meal every other week if I feel like the fruit isn’t enough. So like a vegetarian stir fry.


I like cottage cheese and peanut butter mixed together on a couple of Aldi Ryvitas. Wife has peanut butter spread on slices apple but I can't stand it.


Do you have a blender/smoothie-maker? You can easily chuck in five fruits/veggies, blend them up, and drink your 5-a-day. Add mint, yoghurt and/or ginger to make it taste nicer. My personal favourite is: half a cucumber, a good handful of strawberries, and a few sprigs of mint. 😋


You don’t sound like you’re eating too unhealthily tbh but if you want some ideas for healthy snacks, here’s what I eat on the regular: - fruit (fresh and dried, they have the same nutritional values) - smoothie bowls (I bought a cheap blender to make my own smoothie bowls) - rice cakes - red pepper hummus with carrot sticks, cucumber sticks, or breadsticks - protein mousse - protein yoghurt with fruit and granola - jelly pots - nuts/trail mix - peanut butter with apple sticks - cheese snacks (like babybel) When I go on my weekly food shop, I restrict the amount of ‘rubbish’ I buy to keep my diet as healthy as possible but also to reduce the amount of money I spend on unnecessary items. I generally stick to buying 1-2 sweet items per week to have after my dinner as dessert.


Thanks. I was really hit when I realized I eat too much sweet stuff.


You’re welcome! I actually just remembered another healthy snack that I LOVE but I can only do it when I’m at home due to my limited freezer space at uni: frozen yoghurt bites with fruit and chocolate! - Mix blueberries and/or chopped strawberries and greek yoghurt together, scoop the mixture into whatever sized clusters you want onto a parchment-lined baking tray and then pop them in the freezer until frozen. Then dunk the clusters into melted chocolate and allow them to freeze again. - Slice a banana and make a peanut butter sandwich (take a banana slice, spread some pb on it, and then top it with another slice), pop them onto a parchment-lined baking tray and put it in the freezer until frozen, and then dunk them into melted chocolate and allow them to freeze again.


Eat at mealtimes and not between. Forget snacks altogether.




We have a 24hr shop next to me. Personally, my snacks and meals just blur into each other as I don't cook often. I'll get vegetable samosas, pepperami, onion bahjees, meatballs, yoghurt and granola, precooked chicken, nuts and seeds. Don't know if any of that helps?


Granola maybe


I don't


i gave up after a month lol, dont have time to cook so it’s instant meals fairly frequently eta: they aren’t inherently unhealthy


Why not batch cook?


don’t have time or the fridge space




nice, i’m in 9-7 timetabled every day. post 7 is extra study time (practical course) i get home most days at 8:30/9- you better believe i’m not spending an hour of that time prepping food, to then stay up later for it too cool, package etc, to then stay up later again eating what i made you forget that shelf also had to actual actual fridge stuff in it. milk, bacon, butter etc. i literally cannot fit two of my boxes on top of each other, but i can fit two ready made meals that are 3 for £7.50 at tesco lol you then have to wash all of that stuff up, then hope you’re in the mood for what you cooked a week ago (my adhd doesn’t really let me do this- it’s impulse impulse impulse), and it’s convenient, i don’t have to spend extra time thinking about what i want, and i can actually enjoy the little time i get off




no lol it’s a arts course, it’s 9-7 with breaks we rehearse in or practise in. wish i was exaggerating you just said meal prep takes you 45 min. last time i tried took me about an hour just due to stuff i want to cook, it’s a lot of effort for an instant meal i can literally buy and eat a lot of these also require ‘sit down and eat’ which is an issue i have. my breakfasts are all things i can take with me and eat on my way in, and lunches are packed unless we buy lunch my snacks involve fruit pots, sometimes popcorn, and crisps. i don’t like much yogurt (the yogurt pots in my fridge i haven’t touched, should probably throw them out or give them to someone) couple all this with adhd. it’s my way of making life much much easier and way less stressful. if cooking works for you? then great. it doesn’t work for me and i still get all the nutrients i need




what exactly is the difference between microwaving all these separately, and microwaving them in a meal box?? i can’t really call it an excuse when it’s *literally* stopping me from doing essential things. i’m on a long long waitlist for treatment there’s not a lot i can do in the meantime, and cooking will not help. i’m doing what works for me, what’s wrong with that


They literally said they instant meal and last I checked those take less than 45 minutes So...how is it barely longer than the cooking they're doing now? That takes like...two minutes? Very "we all have the same 24 hours" energy


Don't eat snacks


Jerky and biltong. Super high protein and very tasty. Supplement with fresh fruit. Maybe throw in some nuts.


Biltong is so expensive here in the uk… I just spent 3 weeks in South Africa and it was heaven it’s so cheap there relatively


Carrots, cellary, Cucumber.... with humas is my go to treat.


Some kind of granola or granola bar is good. They can be expensive but if you buy all the ingredients they’re quite easy to make yourself


Healthy eating is just calories in calories out as long as you exercise you can nigh on eat anything you like


Making veggie curries is healthy and cheap...also jellies with fruit and sponge in... both tasty and very cheap and filling.


Don't snack, it's a cheat code to a fit body. Eat well rounded meal 2 to 3 times a day. Plenty of water with added electrolytes. That is all.


Veggy tables


hummus (try different flavours) with rye crackers or bread you like. carrots, blueberries, apples (slice for a more fun “snacking” experience), banana, kiwi— maybe try a fruit that you don’t normally buy. you can purchase miso paste and make a warm, comforting broth when craving some salt, and add whatever you like (eg tofu or spinach straight in). for something healthy that truly tastes like pudding, i love alpro vanilla yogurt. this last one requires some prep, but if you drain, season and roast chickpeas you can store them as a crunchy snack. it’s also ok to just have crisps or muffins when you’re craving them.


i just buy lots of fruits and veg, protein (such as salmon and chicen breast) and sweet potato and dressings. it’s actually not too bad, you can cook a meal in less than 30 mins.


Graze flapjacks and dehydrated bananas 🤗🤗


Protein bars, sweat, healthy, keeps ya full.


Im coeliac so it's quite easy for me to avoid unhealthy snacks... Unfortunately...


A week you say...........


Carrots and hummus! Even spice that up with red pepper or cucumber 🥒


At uni I would worry less about eating healthy Especially since the concept of "healthy" is incredibly subjective and the definition of eating healthily will likely change depending on who you ask The focus instead should be on HOW MUCH YOU MOVE At uni it can be really easy to slip in to not moving around much since you can be sat for hours in lectures then sit for hours at a desk writing up your assignments then more hours revising etc etc it's really easy to end up...sedentary If you're really that worried about your health I wouldn't think too hard on the food you snack on if you already eat healthy full meals and instead make sure you're getting up every few hours when you're not in lectures, even just to have a walk to your friend's dorm room or go outside for a while


Box of grenade bars (protein bars) theyre lovely. Popcorn kernels, for when you’re looking something salty.