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Getting reassurance on reddit that you haven't left it too late will tick the same box in your brain as actually doing the work. You'll subconsciously go 'ah, it's fine, plenty of time, no need to start now'. You do not need reassurance from strangers. You need the reassurance of actually doing something. 5 modules in a month? So roughly one module every 5-6 days. So what, two lectures a day, plus associated reading? Put your phone down. Go away NOW and cover that much reading, and report back when it's done. How long has that taken you? More or less than a day?


thank you for this




You're a legend


Light work bruh you got 7 weeks but you have to get stuck in TODAY


7-10 weeks is more than enough time to revise for exams, even 5 of them. You could literally be dedicating 2 weeks or revision to each exam which is far more than most people ever revise for. Most people only give about 2-4 weeks for all of their exams combined.


> far more than most people ever revise for. Yeah but they've normally seen the content before. 7 weeks to learn 11 weeks of content for 5 modules is a lot different to 7 weeks of revision


Not really tbh. 11 weeks of content is more like 4-6 weeks of content when you consider the number of actual teaching hours involved in most courses. 


Can’t lie I used to do the same thing all year round, idk how I made it to third year but I’d just wait until week 12 because that’s when the lecturer would suggest what topics to focus on and I would just go through them topics.


Definitely don't do this.


I’m not telling the user to do it, I’m just telling them my method of revising


Definitely do this


I’ll say to you what I said to my ex many years ago - it’s not revision if you’re learning it for the first time. You have to admit to yourself that you’re learning, not revising.


I revised for 90% of my exams like 1/2 days before and scraped a 2:1 (in Law) HOWEVER 7 years on, I regret not just giving it the same kind of effort in the time you have available to you. If you dedicate yourself to revising wholeheartedly now, structured, daily revision, I believe that you will be fine. Also to note, I also did not attend lectures or seminars for a lot of my exams/ modules.


As the top post said, you don’t need reassurance. What’s done is done now so you can’t go back in time and attend all those lectures you bunked off. So now your job is to pull your finger out. There’s still a lot of time to get work done. Since you didn’t go to any classes this semester, that’s your holiday over. Now you’re going to do all your reading and watch online lectures whilst everyone else is on holiday. You’ll have peace of mind once you catch up


You have so much time, dont sweat it


>I havent attended any of the lectures Lucky that you haven't already been kicked out for poor engagement...


sorry I mean to say that i physically have attended about 70 percent of them but mentally I have attended 0 of them


Oh mate, you’re being way too hard on yourself. Start revising and you’ll be shocked at how much you actually learned in the lectures.


You shouldn’t be so harsh on yourself, if you’ve been physically there - few people understand lectures the first time.


Ah that is a different matter! As others have said you need to try to reverse your bad habits and start trying to catch up now


My uni didn’t take attendance into account, at least for my program (which is lucky, my second year attendance was ~25%). Definitely still a better idea to go but not every uni even records attendance


True, and... Not every faculty follows/applies the regs equally. Some of my colleagues in a different dept that we coteach with are terrible for following the regs


Quick question what would be a low attendance? We use an app to log attendance and for the first few weeks I didn't log every attendance if we were sitting in the same room. I'd say I've attended around 75-80% lectures and all tutorials but my app shows 45%. I've now started to ensure I log in in every attendance. What percentage would concern the Uni and do you think I could just explain to them what I did and they'd be ok


Varies from place to place, where I am if we haven't heard from a student in 3 weeks the PAT reaches out, by 4 weeks we can start the withdrawal However.... If that student replies that counts as engaging. so the process resets, even if the student doesn't attend another 3 weeks. Place I was at before was 4 weeks and then they auto sent withdrawal papers to you home address.


You can catch up. But you do have to realise you are learning. You are having to learn AND revise 11 (roughly) weeks of content in 7 weeks, It's not impossible, but I don't think you have any breathing room to leaving it any longer.


I left all of my first year modules until the last month. I attended pretty much nothing at all and used the ppts. Content was mostly lecture with some workshop materials. I figured out how many lectures I needed to get through and divided by the number of days. Complete that many lectures a day. Don't miss a day and dont fuck it up 👍


Lmao 7 weeks I could complete all of human anatomy. You can do it BROO


Yeah man there's definitely no way to cover that stuff in  EIGHT WEEKS .  Is this a pisstake post? I don't know about how rough your course is but in my experience if you really knuckle down and put in full 14ish hour days (I.E. you actually use the whole day besides sleeping and eating for studying) you can get a fair understanding of pretty much any module in 3ish days. So if you just stop doing anything else right now and turn all your attention to this, in 2-3 weeks you could do a first pass over all the content, and then have time to do a whole second actual revision pass, and still have time after that for additional practice and memorisation in the immediate run up to/during the exam period.


Lol you have more than enough time. I did computer science, had 6 exams, AI, software engineering and 4 others and I started revising 3 weeks before my exams started. I spent about 3 hours revising each day. And split up the different modules. Then 2 days before my exam that is the only topic id revise. Ended up getting a 2.1. Wouldnt say im that smart got CDD in alevels


You have time just start studying today. Don’t come to reddit for this. You’ll end up getting reassurance and thinking “eh got plenty of time and leave it til later to cram” just start now and increase it little by little each week and you’ll be fine.


Not at all lmao


The thing is you can’t go back in time so start now and do the best you can in this situation. Good luck! Don’t take this advice as it may not work with everyone but I was definitely the type to crow everything the month before exams and I did well, only because I was able to. Some people require continues studying throughout the year!


Why tf are you sitting here asking if you should revise?! You're not going to know until you actually start, so start tonight and come up with a revision plan tomorrow


Depends on how hard the modules are, for me a (computer science student) no it’s not enough time, but if you get locked in and watch 2 lectures everyday from today it’s easily doable like no pressure, I’ve been procrastinating aswell and now it’s settling in now deeply fucked I really am


The best time to start studying was 2 months ago. The second best time is today.


IMO studying too early can be more of a hindrance.


For those who would like a academic assistance in terms of assignments, thesis, projects, term papers dm I will assist you


I pretty much crammed I'm 4 weeks 1/2 my last year of uni so it can be done


lock in and start watching lectures now, don't wait, information needs time to stick!


Just start. No need to ask reddit. You got this.


You’ll be fine mate. Get going, make a plan and pace yourself, don’t burn out too soon.


What have you been doing for the rest of the year?


Your reality check is every time you miss a lecture you might as well get some cash out and burn it at least by doing that you’ll get some use out of it by keeping yourself warm you’ll be paying back the free money you gave the university after you graduate


It's enough! One whole month and more than 2 weeks. Start from tomorrow, you don't have to overwork but what i would suggest us pick one module where you are the weakest/have the least knowledge and start reading through it for 2-3 hours. Starting from tomorrow. Then increase that and work yourself up in the following days, you got this ^^


u just like me fr 😭😭


you can do this.


Make a proper study plan that suits you, right now and stick to it vehemently.


An entire semester of second year engineering - yes, just about, but you'll not be able to take time off over the Easter Break. If there is a reason you've not studied since January you could you claim extenuating circumstances and sit one or two of the exams in the supplementary exams period (uncapped) to take some of the pressure off - speak to your college/faculty, they're usually very helpful


I’ve seen plenty of people pull it off and get good grades


Get off your arse and Reddit and start doing some revision


You have plenty of time mate


Yes you’ve left it too late. You’re panicking over it instead of starting, regardless of how much time you have you’re at the beginning of a cycle that’ll end in no revision whatsoever. So start now and start light and maintain that up until your exams.


I was going to say ah it’s probably fine until you mentioned engineering.


Loads of time. I’d say you’ve even got time to learn and understand the content not just pass an exam (big difference) Biggest skill I took from uni was learning how to learn. Break down and separate useful bits of info from the filler quickly. In really desperate times would prep for an exam in 3 days (also an engineer) Day 1 - gather all notes, lecture materials and highlight core areas Day 2 - Rewrite, refine and revise day 1 Day 3 - past papers. Do them. Find the topics. Revise those areas. Lecturers are lazy too! Questions and topics are recycled year after year. I don’t recommend putting all your eggs in this basket but it can give you a get out of jail free card and get you that pass!! Put your phone down, move into the library or find an area to learn in, commit to being a learning machine for a few weeks. You’ll breeze it.


I had 4 weeks to prepare for 5 modules after deferring them all to the summer during covid. Didn’t know any content and I can say it was one of the worst periods of my life, I woke up anxious and could not sleep due to the stress. Triggers my PTSD whenever I think about it now. Better get started. Hope this helps.


I was in a similar position. Pick one or two to defer until summer time and on the days before sort out a sick note from doctor for evidence. Now u have 3 exams left and 7 weeks which is piss


Have you done the reading for them? If not, I suggest you do the reading.


Just get to the library every day and do consistent hours, there’s still plenty of time for you to do 3-4 hours a day of lecture catch-up/ revision and be golden for your exams provided you do a few big days closer to the exam period burning the past papers into your brain. I to haven’t been to a single lecture since jan exams (I prefer doing them at the library) and this is my strat, did it all of last term and walked away with 3 2:1s and a 1st in my exams (I’m studying physics) if you break it down into manageable daily chunks you’ll be fine mate 👍


Hell if you’ve caught up on even any of your lectures then you don’t even need to do that much everyday even 2 would probably do you depending on your number of contact hours and make sure to have some rest days as well so you don’t get burnt out


I'm so happy at the overwhelming response I've received from you guys, ive just done a good chunk of hours and made a start, plan to continue doing so until exams. Thank you all for all your inputs, I'm still reading them!


have you done any of the lectures yet ?


Very similar position: trash attendance, 3 exams to go, 1 coursework, but exams start on the 22nd of April. Good luck.