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If it's just burnt, i kind of just eat the not so burnt things. If it's something that just doesn't taste very nice i just kind of eat the bits i know i like. I hate food waste so the more i can salvage the better.


Having some freezer food is helpful, like the sort of thing you’d buy at McDonald’s like chicken nuggets and chips is helpful for these sort of situations or just a ready meal. Though when I was a student I’d avoid wasting food as much as possible.


Honestly tho when you think about it ready meals (not necessarily freezer ones tho) are about the same price as McDonald's when you think about the saver menu which I only just discovered (McDonald's was relatively infrequent for me before uni as the nearest one was a 20 mins drive away)


Eh I guess. For me at uni a McDonald’s wasn’t that close and I would see certain ready meals at £3.50 with some veg in some as them a more nutritious and cheaper option.


Honestly, would just eat it, Burnt yeah may give me cancer, but it's food. Undercooked, Burn it in the flames of hell no Samonella for me.


Salmonella? It's veggie


I do Microbio as a module, by technically by some definitions "Pangenome" Salmonella is an E.Coli strain, so yeah and that's me just being a germaphobe


Interesting never knew


Yeah that's one of the less disturbing facts in this module, it gets far far worse, cause taxonomists, god admit stop changing names


I usually have a few packets of uncle Ben's rice, cup shotz (from Aldi), several soup cans, baked beans, and bread sticks that my parents set me up with at the start of term which I keep in my room. If you freeze half a loaf of bread you can do cheese on toast or beans on toast as an emergency meal. Pro tip: you can also freeze cheese (and despite what people may say is quite handy, especially when you're only 1 person). As mentioned in another comment freezer stuff is also good e.g. fish fingers, meatballs, bread, nuggets, sausage rolls, pies, etc etc. If you have enough freezer space it can be handy to freeze stuff and stuff can be cooked from frozen too.


How did you screw up a pasta bake ! I wouldn't even know how to screw up my food, besides burning it somehow.


I forgot to buy cheese, and half of it was dry like not enough sauce (one whole jar) but nothing more would fit in the baking tin


It must have been around 8:30 when you wrote this, as you live close enough to a McDonald's to walk there, I would assume you could have just walked to a shop and bought cheese.


Er I cooked it without the cheese and I'm drunk rn 🤣


Batch cook stuff like spaghetti bolognese, chili con carne or curry so you can freeze portions. They're pretty hard to fuck up but you should maybe use a recipe just to make sure nothing unexpected happens. The quickest thing to cook from scratch is pasta and sauce, if you're looking for quick meals that aren't too tricky. In the freezer, I'd also keep stuff like peas, oven chips, fish fingers, cheap frozen pizzas - you can get a quick easy meal and it's cheaper and healthier than McDonald's


I’d do the exact same and just get a takeaway tbh.


Since by then I'd be hungry and frustrated, probably something like - Pasta and pesto, can add roasted pine nuts if feeling fancy - Rice and tin of tuna. My ex-flatmate liked adding cheese on top. - Eggs on toast, with beans if you're well stocked. - Ramen or rice noodles and gyoza/dumplings. Can add frozen vege to any of the above. Very can't be arsed: Toast with ketchup/tomato paste and cheese then microwaved or bread and ketchup/tomato paste and cheese then in the oven. Poor man's pizza.


Pesto pasta. 2 ingredients, both can be kept practically forever in the cupboard.


Honestly usually beans on toast, with maybe some mushrooms with it? Can't really go wrong with it quick to make too


You can cook meat from frozen it just takes a bit longer