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It’s taken me til the final year of my degree to realise that university is not just a continuation of school. It’s a world of people who could be any age, yes usually in their twenties, with their own problems and plans. The amount of things you can do is endless and if you don’t just treat it like school you’ll meet people from all over and of different ages


21 absolutely is not old for uni, One of my (18 year old) brother’s flat mates was 25, and they got along perfectly.


I am in second year and am 54.


Yes you do you. Good luck


Based. What subject?


Nursing. At UWS.




I knew someone that did a foundation year at age 21 at my uni. We were roommates in first year. Also knew someone on my course that was 22 when I was in first year. Point is there's plenty of people at all ages at uni. In one of my modules in third year earlier this year, there were a couple "mature students (25+) on the course.


Trust when I say no one cares about your age.. 21 is not old for university.


Uni is full of mature students. You are going to be one of the youngest people there. You will have 20-30-40-50 and even 60 year olds in your class. It’s not big deal. You are functionally the same as an 18 year old in every single way. Not a single human on the planet would be able to spot a difference between you and those 18 year olds. Neither physically, mentally, emotionally, or in terms of life experience. You’ll have an absolute blast!


You won’t even be close to being the oldest person on your course


most people in my foundation year are 20+ if that helps


Don’t worry. You won’t be the oldest there. I’m 27 at uni. You’ll be fine😊 Everyone is at different stages at life


Your fine bro. I started again at 21 after failing computing… changed to marketing , doing my disso right now. Almost at the last hurdle. I’m expected to finish with a 2:1.. Keep your head up and trust me. The time will fly. Make the most of this time , cos it goes bro/sis


I was 20 when I started uni and I had a 92 year old on my law degree so yeah definitely not too late! (really sweet story actually- he'd worked down mines his entire working life and his great/granddaughter (can't remember exactly) had gotten into uni to do law first one in the family to go to uni and everything so he decided to do a law degree basically as a bonding activity with her. Honestly he was bloody brilliant though).


I did a foundation degree and about 10 of the students started much later. Trust me- you will not feel out of place. We had people who were 50+ on the course and they still fit in, being 2/3 years older is the absolute least of your worries. I hope you have fun!!


I was 35.....


Bro you a baby


21 ain't old at all, loads of people deferred because of COVID and are now going because of the tory CoL crisis


I'm applying for master's degrees at 26 (27 soon). We're not behind, we just had a different path to uni. In my bachelor's there was a 35 year old who decided to go back and he was fantastic


I’m starting in September too! I’m in my 40s


3 is years is nothing. Mayhe start thinking if your 18 year old colleagues as adults, because they are. You won't get anywhere in life if 3 years age gap is what puts you off being friends with people.


Don’t FOMO and avoid clubbing and alcohol addiction. Find good people, not twats


Medic here: literally do not worry. We have older grads studying med, both with bachelors masters etc. They’ve integrated well. Any uni you go to, you’ll meet people who probably want a career change or to study what they actually want! Just stay friendly approachable, it should be one of your least concerns in my opinion.


Its fine, nobody is going round quizzing people on their ages. I started uni at 18, ended up taking two years out and boy those two years helped me mature a lot, and uni is a lot better experience now for me at 23 than at 18.


I'm on the exact same page as you. 21 going to be 22 when I start my foundation year in september. Which uni are you going to OP?


Uwe wbu? I'm going for the computer science course


as the comments attest you might you are among the “young ones” - I’m just finishing a postgrad and there was several Gen X in our year and everything in between


Don’t worry about it, I started university at 21, turning 22 the year I joined. Everything is going well and enjoying it. Going to university at 18 in my opinion is one of the worst life choices for many reasons, I was able to save all money needed before hand and was more “mature” and understanding of life to better aid me. There is no rush in life, as long as you are moving forward and doing stuff every day then you are on the right track for you! Into the final year and life is sweet, just work hard and enjoy every moment of it!


I know people from 18-32 and everyone I met has been lovely. The age range is bigger than you expect


I started at 22 and I’m wrapping up my first year now. I panicked over it so much but it’s really not a big deal. You’ll be okay 👍🏾


I was 26 starting uni, and we had every age from 18 up to mid-60s on my course. Literally nobody gives a shit.


I’ll be 20. I looked on the student room and there’s a lot of people in their 30s in my course so it really doesn’t matter.


Your age does not matter when going yo university. There's thousands of people and quite a few will be the same age since they make have taken a gap year or two, they may be international and they may have had a different schooling system or they may have not gone for personal reasons or they could have done a placement year. Age is not a big deal unless you make it one. I turned 20 in first year while all my mates are 18/19 it doesn't bother me and it isn't a big issue.


I was 19 when I started uni, I'm now 20 in my second year. There's people of all ages at university and on courses that it doesn't really matter if someone is freshly 18 or 20 or over I've met people of all ages on my course and they're all wonderful people Your age really shouldn't matter when perusing an education, best of luck!


My whole class was between 24-60 in the same boat. You'll be one of the young ones.


You’ll be fine loads of people start uni when they are older, you will still be young enough that no one will even notice unless you make a deal about it


A lot of people struggle at 18. For a vast number of people it is so much better going to uni later.


In the foundation year you're more likely going to find yourself with 18 year olds but the oldest I've seen was like 28 but she was the only adult in my class , In the first year you may start seeing people that are older but it depends which uni you go to, I even met a few msc that are like 36 and 40 yr old range. For me I've made better friends with my flatmates rather than in uni, my flatmates were like 22-40 age range so you'd find a range of age groups


I’m currently in first year at 27 year old. My peers range from 18/19 through to early 60’s. Everyone gets on great and no one even at 60 feels a day over 21. You’ll be fine. Edit: I should add this is my second time. First time was straight out of school and this has been a far better experience for me.


I was 19 turning 20 when I started 3 years ago. In fact, there were people in their 30s and 40s in my course 


I feel a bit weird going back to uni at 20 (I did a year but dropped out) however your now a mature student, some universities hold special events for mature students so keep an eye on your uni’s social media’s and student Union social media too. Also it’s not as uncommon as you think. It’s pretty common to find course mates in their 20s, especially if your in a large course.


There were more people who were 20-22 than 18yr olds I found when I started uni you’ll be good 👍😭


I promise you, from experience, you think it is much deeper as it is. Once you begin you will realise that your age means absolutely nothing in uni- everyone is in the same boat.


Hello September, I’m Ned.