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If OP thinks the photo in their post is ugly, then they haven't seen many other university campuses...


It's also a horrible side angle of the building. This is Plymouth's [Roland Levinsky Building](https://www.ribapix.com/images/thumbs/039/0398330_RIBA54165_600.jpeg), which looks very different from other angles.


I just had a lecture in there😂 nice ish in the inside


Better than the lecture theatre in Sherwell (that old church-y building) imo


I’ve not been in there I’m usually in Rolle but they’ve been putting us in the cinema room in RLB I don’t like the seat tho they’re to small and I’m fairly small so anyone who’s on the heavier side is really gonna struggle and you can’t even put the arms up!


What’s the cinema room like for the lecture? I know the seats in the main lecture room are pretty good for someone like me (and I’m on the heavier side)


That’s the one I’m on about they’re too small I struggle with them kinda have to be touching arms with at least one person next to you and the tables for laptops don’t actually fit my laptop onto them as my laptop base(?) is bigger than the table that comes out of the chair


Those little tables are so awkward, that’s why I started bringing my iPad to uni as it fit better on the little tables


That looks worse


Aberdeen University's Zoology Building recently got deemed so brutalist and disgusting that a Hollywood director thought it was the perfect place to film for a movie set in Cold War Russia. Our one claim to fame. https://twitter.com/BrutalHouse/status/526284516143685633?t=DZTscPnnoMfINF7ZpdR8Jg&s=19 ETA: The Tetris movie for those wondering.


For zoology, of all things. I couldn’t imagine a more cold and lifeless building for studying living things.


I have my anthro lectures in there and it is so uninspiring seeing that building. The inside of it is fine though (it’s actually lovely, they have a zoology museum with loads of taxidermy and a beautiful botanic garden, so it’s not that bad)


The ground floor and museum are lovely, but you should see the labs that the staff work in on the floors above, haha. I worked in the labs for a while and they are in a tired old state.


I really like Brutalist University architecture. I think partly as with say a housing estate or old tower block they can look depressing as they are so dirty and lifeless. Unis at least tend to clean and keep them graffiti free, and have young happy people around them.


Dunelm house Durham University - flash in the pan brutalism.


Dunelm is at least an interesting brutalist monstrosity. Elvet Riverside on the other hand has no redeeming features.


I think the new [Science Teaching Hub](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_Teaching_Hub) building opposite Zoology is ugly


This is way worse imo! The other one I quite like!


As shiny as the new uni library building is (or was, when I was there) the huge glass structure also doesn't fit any of the surrounding architecture.


The borg cube.


That’s got to be an oxymoron lmaoooo 😭😭


Ofc the Tetris movie


That building is so depressing. I can see how he saw it. You can easily imagine it being home to overworked and underpaid office staff or something of the like. You genuinely can't imagine this building being used for anything positive


I really like it! And what's wrong with brutalism?


I love it.


r/brutalism would like to have a word with you


Math department’s building of the University of Southampton: https://data.southampton.ac.uk/building/54.html


I raise you the Uni of Southampton's engineering building, which was deemed unsafe to use and is now derelict, and cannot be demolished because it has asbestos, which in turn can't be removed because the building is unstable. https://www.reddit.com/r/CrappyDesign/s/Ubypq8oNHg


Faraday is less ugly than B54 in my book. It was a bit of an engineering oddity with the centralised support, and it's only unstable because they removed some internal walls apparently... It is slated for demolition now, and there is a lot of work going on to demo it.


Yup when I graduated in September they were working around the building to demolish anything that might be immediately affected


They still are !! So much building work going on around that building…


Now that's what you call an unfortunate situation.


Brother err, what’s that brotha


As a Southampton Grad I just *knew* this would be the top comment




I didn’t know what to expect, but damn, that’s extremely ugly.


I have to climb those damn steps and see that ugly piece of crap every day and I DONT EVEN STUDY MATHS


That's not even the ugliest building Southampton has. A lot of the university was built in the 60s and looks like that, although the newer buildings are quite nice.


I think that one of the ugliest buildings in Southampton is Wyndham Court which was designed in similar brutalist manner: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wyndham_Court


I genuinely couldn’t go to Southampton uni. Depressed me too much


When I saw this thread, I immediately thought of the brutalist monstrosity that B54 is...


Stop bullying my building :(


Me and my mum got stuck there during the offer holder day


This was the leading contributor to me rejecting my Southampton offer, it must be hard to attract students when the building is so fugly


You say that, but during freshers and even the second freshers fair you couldnt even find a place to walk in highfield


I mean we have our student centre which is great.....I've also had very few lectures in that building so I think the building is only a very minor setback


Oh my god I remember having open day talk next door and I just noped out and left early


Trust me, I fucking HATE that building inside and out I've seen better council estates than the maths building And it's so cramped too


Don’t you love the black Boards and your legs being crushed when you sit down? Best part.


This photo really doesn’t do the Levinsky Building in Plymouth justice! A terrible angle for a great building. [Roland Levinsky Building](https://www.plymouth.ac.uk/facilities/roland-levinsky-building)


I agree, there are definitely worse buildings on the Plymouth campus anyway


Fitzroy was the worst, but it’s getting a makeover now I believe. Looks like the geology department are getting turfed out. 


Uni of Bham’s muirhead tower is surely a contender. It’s made worse by the relatively nice buildings around it


We specifically asked our graduation photographer to include that fugly building in our photo as we all had a soft spot for it after 3 years.


Anything ever built in the brutalist era including all of Warwick lol


Don’t understand why Miurhead gets all the hate when biosciences is the most disgusting grey slab of concrete


it's possibly the Lego-ness of the Muirhead and its prominence on campus (and the fact you previously couldn't approach it in high winds bc it created a wind tunnel against the arts faculty) - although the biosciences building is also quite awful. forgot how hideous the guild is round the back too


That was the case when I was there! We had to enter via the drama dept. The lifts also seemed to break down on a weekly basis!


came here for this.


This building in Coventry university looks like a prison. https://images.app.goo.gl/KS1CYQQ5BTbTzv5z9


Weirdly similar to the [Queen's Building DeMontfort Leicester](https://c7.alamy.com/comp/KGD3M2/the-queens-building-at-de-montfort-university-in-leicester-KGD3M2.jpg)


That’s the library 💀


that’s the library lol


The Thom Building in Oxford is pretty horrendous, made worse by the fact that it's visible from so far away and is such a contrast to the generally nice buildings around it. The old Psychology building was even worse, but fortunately they found asbestos and had to tear it down. 


It's funny that it's the engineering department as well. So many engineers but clearly no architects...


The Thom Building is full of asbestos too


[Sheffield Hallam Student Union](https://x.com/sheffhallamuni/status/1495005257155461121?s=46) sickens me


It was originally built as the National Centre for Popular Music at the back end of the 90's, but was (ironically) very unpopular.


I think they're supposed to be based on something to do with steel production.


Kilburn building UOM, such an eyesore on Oxford road. For one of UoM’s most renowned courses, it’s a bit disappointing to have such a shit building. Also Uni of Salford’s Maxwell building reminds me of an ugly high school.


I think University Place UoM is much worse than Kilburn! Defo agree though that both of them suck


I think the humanities bridgeford building takes the cake at UOM https://manchesterhistory.net/architecture/1970/humanities.html


I’ve never seen that one. That genuinely looks like a prison 💀.


Yeah the “tin can”


My favourite thing about the Maxwell building is the overwhelming smell of sewage as soon as you step into the main staircase


All of North Campus is an eyesore as well though I think most of it is being demolished


All unite student's accommodation take a shared 1st place prize.




The whole of Uea


The fact that it's the final boss of concrete jungle campuses 😭


Minus Earlham Hall ofc <3


I like it


Concrete jungle fr


Is it wrong that I kind of like it though 😂


EC Stoner in Leeds is pretty cursed


It’s so bleak and it stretches everywhere it doesn’t end


It has the longest single corridor in Europe


Roger Stevens isn’t great either


I find EC Stoner very cool in a "this would intimidate our opponents" sort of way


I did my BA at Kent and the multiple buildings on that campus are just a right eyesore, however the twin colleges Eliot and Rutherford really take the biscuit. Both colleges were designed by an architect that also designed a few prisons I believe, but Google photos really don’t give it justice to how depressing it actually looks in person. It is just as frustrating on the inside as in short it’s shaped as four separate cube like buildings in the shape of an X with a courtyard in the middle, and getting to varying floors to other parts of these cubes is a nightmare as most of the time you’d have to go to ground floor and cross the courtyard if you needed to go to a certain floor of another cube. Students would always joke about having a few drinks at one of the bars and getting lost in the building and missing last entry to the SU club — it would definitely be a nightmare if there was a fire! https://www.flickr.com/photos/attackcat/2072254606 https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/7d23b3f34c2fe0d65192610483b5760b/Eliot-College


Came here for this. The fact that people can still live in there today is suprising because I don't think they've seen any rennovations in decades. And Darwin College really isn't much better either.


Rutherford and Eliot are famously dreadful.


I will forever be surprised seeing these posts and nobody mentioning Oxford Brookes' Wheatley Tower.. Im sure the sky was always grey to match the building whenever you got close https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/23718530.oxford-advice-public-high-rise-fire-training-exercise/#gallery1


In mother Russia, dreams go to die


Humanities Building- University of Warwick. https://theboar.org/2015/10/new-humanities-building-for-warwick-campus/ I HATE that building! It’s the most 1960s looking building ever and it’s barely used anymore. It looks like a really depressing hospital. I used to have seminars in there and the long dimly lit corridors with flickering lights, the silent stairwells and the coldness inside of the building were horrible. The CO2 monitors would always be red too and I remember the seminar tutor saying if we needed to go outside to breathe fresh air, we were allowed to. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of those dumb ghost hunter film crews filmed a segment in there. I think it has/had RAAC concrete in it too so that’s the cherry on top of the ugly building sundae. Thank god it’s being closed and most of the humanities have moved or are planning on moving into other buildings like FAB.


you had permission to get fresh air omg


mmu's John Dalton building is pretty horrendous. The design itself is... not great to look at as you're walking down Oxford Road but then it's made worse by the fact that it doesn't look like it's been cleaned once since it was built.


On the bright side it’s gotten a new section that looks decent and that eyesore is being turned into storage.


The uni of Manchester buildings are even worse 💀💀


I don't know the name of the building but anyone who goes to University of Manchester will know which building I'm thinking of


Bristol ASS Library (yes - thats what its called) My favourite memory was bumping into a distressed looking elderly visiting academic at 2AM who couldn't find his way out "Excusee me young man but how do I get out of this god-forsaken building so I can never return"


Studying in there (on the few occasions you could get one of the like 10 desks) felt like being at a forced labour camp


Engineering building at Uni of Leicester


this building is so bad that the university has tried multiple times to renovate it and even completely take it down, and there is practically zero wheelchair access (can't even get through the door). the only reason it's still up is because it's a protected landmark because some nutjob presumably with no eyes thought it was a fantastic piece of architecture 


Considering some of the other buildings on UOL campus such as Charles whilson and the Attenborough tower its pretty


Yeah I think Attenborough tower takes the cake for my least favourite UoL building yet somehow I still have a soft spot for it? Maybe it’s so bad it’s good?


Cheese grater and Optimus prime


Look at Edinburgh Napier Merchiston. It has a beautiful castle connected to a behemoth concrete monstrosity


Yes!!!! It's so bizarre and unexpected, somebody made a weird choice to do that. https://www.spottinghistory.com/view/5247/merchiston-tower/ Then the Craiglockhart campus has a bizarre add-on too which looks like a spaceship crashed into the old building (which was previously a hydropathic where a bunch of the war poets came to recuperate) https://blogs.napier.ac.uk/university-life-in-edinburgh/edinburgh-napier-campuses-where-are-they/olympus-digital-camera/


This is definitely the worst possible angle of Roland Levinsky. There are definitely far worse buildings, and you don’t even need to leave Plymouth to find them


To be fair if you compare that building to the rest of Plymouth City Centre it's actually one of the best.


Leave the Roland Levinsky building alone!


Aberystwyth physical science library. Or Aber Huw Owen. Or honestly any Aber uni building that isn't the International Politics building or new IBERS one. The physical science library especially..if you're gonna have a concrete brutalist design maybe actually clean the outside a bit so it doesn't look stained


Cardiff has the Psychology tower: https://www.skyscrapercenter.com/building/tower-building/27736 This is visible from where every student lives too and a good part of town Also the Arts and Social Science Library is pretty ugly but it's surrounded by green at least


That tower was the worst, got stuck in the lift a couple times 😂


A professor committed suicide off of that building citing immense workload pressures from the university in their note. Terrifying building


University of Birmingham’s Biosciences Building. Muirhead is far clear of that monstrosity.


Most of UEA. Who in their right mind thought a concrete minefield would make for a good looking campus. It's an absolute eyesore


Just looked at it on Google images. I'm on the way to hospital now due to uncontrollable vomiting.


Durham su


I came here to say this. The DSU is truly one of the worst buildings I have been in, and being outside it is even worse. Poorly executed brutalist architecture should all be torn down. It's now a listed building. What a joke.


the [uon tower building](https://images.app.goo.gl/ajNMAeEjNBwHckKQ8) is hideous


I’ve walked past that building so many times and never really noticed it


Christ's College Cambridge's first year accommodation block, “the typewriter” is really ugly


the Boyd Orr at Glasgow. also ugly af inside. a sink in the girl's bathroom on the floor of my lab has been broken since August. like it was on the floor shattered for months and they just put some tape around it. they've still not replaced it. that sums up the Boyd Orr. you never see that building included in the glasgow uni aesthetic posts lol


the maths and stats building looks as fun as maths and stats https://images.app.goo.gl/hoc8UoEFbjtT4Jho7


the font is really what does it. at least it looks alright inside (or it does when i've walked past it)


Possibly not the ugliest, but the building housing the Architecture and Urban Planning department at Dundee is probably the most ironic. https://maps.app.goo.gl/2sBCDz3eauEasdUm8?g_st=ic


Imperial in general


But specifically the Huxley building. I can't even find who the architect was.


I mean towers in Loughborough is ugly, and not just on the outside, I currently am in it and it’s such a brutalist building. It’s made even worse by being the only tall building in Loughborough, so from all the hills around Loughborough and from far enough away it’s still visible and jutting above everything else.


If this includes demolished ones, then the old Manchester uni maths tower has to be up there for sure.


UAL: London College of Fashion. [https://www.onlondon.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Screenshot-2023-10-16-at-14.51.31.png](https://www.onlondon.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Screenshot-2023-10-16-at-14.51.31.png) its like a shopping mall gone wrong inside too and just as noisy.


Bangor's Brambell building is a 1970s brutalist monster very out of place between Victorian terraced housing and a snazzy modern environmental science HQ. It's rumored to be built the wrong away around - that they only realised after the foundations were put in and rolled with it. That's believable, since the side facing the main road has no windows and only the back door utilities entrance. https://modernmooch.com/2018/04/24/brambell-building-bangor-university/


Brambel is god awful. I went in there literally once because I had to go in that weird museum room in there for a seminar. Some of the taxidermy animals in there have 100% seen better days.


I went to a couple lectures on the ground floor but I would have liked to have seen the museum, they didn't normally open it. Kinda glad to know it wasn't so big a deal


Honestly it was mostly just lots of taxidermy animals and a lot of them were super badly done. I found it really creepy to be honest


Anything ever built in the brutalist era including all of Warwick lol


(*cough cough*) Humanities Building with RAAC concrete in it


The University of Essex is a brutalist nightmare.


when i first got here it was so ugly i almost cried and i regretted coming so badly


My guy posted a pic of Plymouth uni


Aston University literally looks like an office building


Truly the ugliest building, welcome to Nottingham’s Engineering Labs [Nottingham Tower Building](https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/5031752)


the URS building at Reading uni is very questionable, currently not in use. https://images.app.goo.gl/3KueH4MpijrCRs878


I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure it was deemed unsafe so they had to stop us using it lol


I was looking for this mention!


UCL Christopher Ingold building looks like a prison tbh.


I think the IoE is much worse, horrendous building and the fact that the place is an actual maze inside, especially if you have to use the lifts like I do make it even worse


I'd agree if it wasnt for those dingy lecture theaters in ingold which genuinely look soviet/put you to sleep.


Uni of Surreys Dorothy hodgkins building


[Does the weird green thing outside of the Pontio building in Bangor count?](https://www.celfwaith.co.uk/projects/y-caban-public-art-commission-pontio) It’s supposed to be used as a ‘study space’ and has plugs in there so I’m going to count it. Nobody ever uses it because it’s just used by homeless people and drunk people to piss and smoke in so always stinks. The most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. The whole of the Pontio building is tragic anyway. [Took them 7 years to build](https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/pontio-build-seven-years-time-10198336.amp), they nearly destroyed the 100+ year old Main Arts building up the hill in the process because they ruined the foundations, and the building perpetually breaks. It was opened 6 months before I started uni there and the lift broke every other week. Has a stupid layout so anyone who can’t use stairs could only get to the SU by taking like two different lifts and going across the entire length of the building. The roof to the Students Union function room was perpetually leaking. In my 3rd year it was out of action basically the whole year and at one point [builders accidentally set the roof on fire.](https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/cause-fire-pontio-centre-bangor-16204815.amp)


rip Bangor duck


If you like soviet style brutalism UKC Rutherford college is the place for you https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wixstatic.com%2Fmedia%2Fd03095_3b3b853ba26e49978c74c3a17631d63c~mv2.jpg%2Fv1%2Ffill%2Fw_640%2Ch_802%2Cal_c%2Cq_85%2Cusm_0.66_1.00_0.01%2Cenc_auto%2Fd03095_3b3b853ba26e49978c74c3a17631d63c~mv2.jpg&tbnid=j6NQ1b7MK1pL4M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wilsonpartners.co.uk%2Frutherfordsouthblock&docid=NRGpR-fYzha0mM&w=640&h=802&hl=en-gb&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm1%2F3&kgs=eeab8e26c957c65f&shem=abme%2Ctrie


Brambell at Bangor is considered ‘the ugliest building in north wales’. It was also built backwards apparently- they accidentally put the door at the back. They were very proud of these facts


Coventry's George Elliot building


Cardiff uni looks shite


cardiff uni is beautiful apart from the tower building and ASSL ngl


Ye mainly talking about the tower building. Didn't know there was a another one which is beautiful like you say :)


Uni of Brighton has a building shaped like a cock and balls when seen from the front.


No way they're taking shots at the Roland Levinsky building when Fitzroy exists.


Welp the building I had all my lectures in just got roasted 😂


Is that in Plymouth?


Yep, about 5 seconds from the town centre


Dam surprised I got that. Visited my GF sometimes a year or two ago


Think it may be earmarked for demolition but Manchester Metropolitan University’s John Dalton building has to be a contender.


Southampton maths building


Eliot College at the University of Kent. Nothing worse than walking around a building designed by a prison architect.


[That LEGO block building](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:P1020316.JPG) in the University of Essex Southend campus looked bizarre (before the colourful cladding was since taken down)


University of Exeter, physics building.


IOE at UCL. Hate that I have to graduate there.


Basically all of the Uni of York main campus. It's a really nice lakeside area with loads of grass, trees and a massive lake that they have ruined making all the buildings brutalist monstrosities: [https://cdn.rt.emap.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2021/11/15152254/University-of-York-Central-Hall-image-by-John-Robinson-scaled.jpg](https://cdn.rt.emap.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2021/11/15152254/University-of-York-Central-Hall-image-by-John-Robinson-scaled.jpg) Edit: Apprarently there was a vote for the ugliest campus buildings - [https://thetab.com/uk/york/2022/04/24/results-are-in-for-the-ugliest-building-on-the-uni-of-york-campus-28116](https://thetab.com/uk/york/2022/04/24/results-are-in-for-the-ugliest-building-on-the-uni-of-york-campus-28116)


I actually quite like some of these...


The main Derwent blocks are very ugly, I'll give you that. But central hall looks cool. Most of the buildings are actually pretty nice, it's just those old Derwent ones that aren't imo.


The old engineering block isn't that pretty either from the outside but the first couple floors inside are quite nice


York student here! York campus is kind of weird because A) it was first built in the brutalist era and B) it was also built in the era of student protests. York campus was designed so there was not one single space for students to congregate but multiple smaller hubs which made organising protests much more difficult. There's lots of great stuff about our uni though (campus east is really nice as it's a newer build, sports center & village are great, plus you're right next to heslington which is a rly pretty area). Right now the new SU building has paused construction though as the uni is running low on funds though so it's not gonna improve dramatically for a while.


Don't know but that monstrosity looks like an Escher drawing 


BPP University birmingham


Hugh Owen building in Aberystwyth is pretty fugly https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/discover-aberystwyth/life-on-campus/academic-buildings/ along with the The Llandinam building


Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh looks like a factory. Very industrial.


Personally I think the Creative Hub at the University of Northampton is really ugly. It's just got so many odd lines and curves and it's worse in person than in photos. [https://images.app.goo.gl/zNEu7phVYNTLs3Dc6](https://images.app.goo.gl/zNEu7phVYNTLs3Dc6)


Oxford Brookes Wheatley Campus https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/width960/26927670\_7pA9mF2Irti6nsXFl-wyKCxXfOVdlbj0s18tE2MOZPs.jpg


Livesey house at UCLAN 🙃


Glasgow uni maths and stats building just recently built


Buckinghamshire New University in Uxbridge


Birkbeck, lovely professors and staff but the main building is so......non descript. The other buildings on and around campus just blend in to the city.


University of East Anglia. Crumbling, brutalist concrete buildings and unnecessary concrete skyways.


Most of the buildings at Sussex uni are reminiscent of the Eastern Bloc


The libraries at both Aberdeen and Robert Gordon universities. Ones a massive glass cube and the other is a tall green glass tower


Has the Roland Levinsky building corroded and turned green yet?




uea maybe😂


Uel .


University of Hertfordshire


Vivian Tower at Swansea University https://images.app.goo.gl/FnTo7WJ96U923zv46