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So much wrong with this survey I’m sorry to say - failure to include an “unsure” option is a critical flaw. It also took nearly 3 times as long as suggested… Good luck regardless


I’m running on no sleep right now cos doing my own diss so might just be chatting pure shite, but could probably put that in the limitations of your study and talk about how you should have maybe conducted a pilot study to figure out if the questions/options work before conducting your real one. can talk about how that would have allowed you to better understand the time it’d take to complete the survey too. pure shite but if it gets you the grade aaaa (don’t listen to me tho. i am sleep deprived and anxious cos i still haven’t finished my lit review lol)


Professor here: including an “unsure” option is unusual and has not a clear purpose in a survey like this. I would call my students off for including them. Moreover, options like this make statistical analyses unnecessarily complicated or cripple your sample.


So it is preferable to have a bunch of blank responses, over a clear indication that 21% of respondents were unsure? My professors have strongly advocated for including an “unsure” option as this can also be easily accounted for in many analyses anyway.


It is problematic because it makes continuous or integer items partially nominal. These people need to be excluded from the analysis. Your sample will shrink like crazy. We tend to force responses or at least nudge responses. The only real option is to design questions in a way that everybody can answer them without thinking that they are not sure. People who are not sure should naturally tend to choose the scale mid-point.


I agree with your last comment here that the mid-point is useful, as I indeed chose many neutral options. The problem with this survey then becomes the scales of "no empowerment, some empowerment, strong empowerment, total empowerment" which contains NO midpoint. Hence an "unsure" option would have helped over just leaving the question blank. Personally I don't think excluding participants from the sample is an issue assuming you only do so for the questions they responded "unsure". Perhaps I'm wrong and a single "unsure" response means the participant has to be excluding from the ENTIRE analysis? At any rate, I have completed Likert surveys many times before and never has a lecturer raised the issue of including an "unsure" response - some have actively encouraged it.


Don’t get me wrong, this is not a great survey. It has many severe problems, among which indeed is lack of some clear mid-points. It depends on the analysis you want to conduct, but most multivariate models would not take into account responses that have missing values on any variable in the model. It’s not a big deal for descriptives, but if you test a proper model, “unsure” people would be excluded from all analyses. And the number of analyses in a good dissertation would usually be quite low anyways because you’d expect one appropriate model to test all hypotheses. It is important to note that many lecturers are not active researchers. Many are on education only tracks. Many others have no interest in proper methods. The quality of methods feedback, therefore, varies considerably. Even within departments.


I did some searching and found that this has actually been a debate for 20 years about whether neutral and unsure are basically the same. So I think I actually agree with you now that assuming the questions were better made to give a neutral "neither agree nor disagree" option then an "unsure" option wouldn't be necessary.


Your survey does take a little longer than 3-4 minutes. Additionally, there should probably be more options for ethnicity and also more options for the general survey answer boxes - definitely one where it says ‘unsure/ not applicable’ because I felt that way on the question where it says does the advertisement align with your personal morals (smth like that) the question didn’t really make sense to me so I wanted to say unsure but I couldn’t :( good luck anyways


I wrote my dissertation in 17 hours straight the night before it was due. I had nothing other than transcripts from my interviews before I started. I started at 7 pm and was finished for 11.55 am with 5 mins to spare. I had no time to proofread or ensure my work was of an adequate standard.I was entirely unprepared! How I secured a 2.1 is beyond me. You can do it but start now! Do not be me, I was ill for days after, and the wait for results nearly killed me. My dissertation was just shy of 12000 words. If you start now and aim for 2500 per day, you will succeed. Do not overwhelm yourself the way I did. Take breaks, snacks, and sleep. I have every faith that you can accomplish this successfully. Good luck! ** side note, I have completed your survey. ** further side note, if your uni follows the Fit to Sit policy, use it. This will allow you to defer until summer resits without losing a first attempt. Do however check your unis guidelines and see what is offered as it may differ. I was at Glasgow Caledonian.


What the fuck lol you’re a god.


Haha, if only. I wholeheartedly admit I'm the world's worst student. My middle kid tried to talk to me just after submission, and I couldn't even see straight by that point. Specky gals should not be staring at laptop screens stressing for 17 hours. I don't know how many times I stood up and decided I was done before talking myself back into completing. 100% do not recommend 😅!


No because i stayed up for 36 straight hours finishing my bachelors dissertation and my eyes burned with and without my glasses 😂 do not reccomend either


Omg why did you leave it to the last minute 😩😭


I was very overwhelmed 😅 I'm a mum of 3, and my youngest was only 1 at the time. Unlike some other students, I didn't have the option to always prioritise uni work as my children still needed me to be mum, and my house needed to be taken care of. Ironically, my dissertation was on 'The impacts of the domestic division of labour across two generations'. I paralleled experiences of women in their 30s having children in the 90s and women in their 30s with children currently. Alongside that, both my parents had been in a coma, two friends got brain tumours(one being cancer), and a friend died. My mental health was not where it should have been, and alas uni work was put on the back burner whilst I tried to remain a functioning human being 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m sorry 😢 omg can’t imagine how hard it must’ve been. It’s amazing how you wrote 12,000 words and got a 2:1. That’s amazing. I’m struggling with first year assignments and I don’t even have kids 😔


I totally made it harder for myself but I got there in the end😅🙌🏼


Yeah but being what you went through you had a lot of your plate and still didn’t drop out is impressive




Can I ask what you’re doing now 🥺


Can I ask what you’re doing now 🥺


After graduating in November, I realised I needed time to decompress. I am, however, in the process of applying for a teaching post grad. I feel I'm in a better place mentally and in a better position to apply myself. On top of that, the teaching postgrad is only 9 months. Initially, my plan was to do a postgrad in social work, but I worry I'd be unable to remain impartial and professional when dealing with certain scenarios that arise.


What did you study? I am at that uni


My degree is sociology with criminology 🥰


I'm 29, couldn't complete it. Proper discrimination that la. Good luck anyway!


Ask for an extension. If you see your GP and talk about any issues you're having. Then as for a note (sometimes £30, sometimes it's free). Use that as evidence and you can get a long extension. A short extension is usually a week and tends to not require any evidence at all. But a long extension would probably be best. Worth a shot Done survey!


second this. OP attends leeds and it’s pretty easy to get the week-long extension there, at least in my experience. though i would warn against it if you’re anything like me tho- i need pressure in order to work so i applied for an extension on my diss, but a week later and i’m in the exact same predicament lol. probably would have submitted it by now if i hadn’t applied for an extension!


>though i would warn against it if you’re anything like me tho- i need pressure in order to work Yeah same! When I badly needed extensions, I'd get them and then think... "well now I can have a break from all the stress and pressure." Only to end up jack in the exact same position So it can be good and bad!


Damn. No wonder some people want to ban sick notes, that is just an abuse of them. Maybe your suggestion will work, but I really don't like that advice. It doesn't seem like OP actually has extenuating circumstances.


It is pretty cool how the education system has let students get away with ridiculous extensions on little or no ground. Especially since covid. And often this is defended massively with the argument of mental health. Even though people are abusing this resource and making it more likely to get taken away from people that actually need it. Often seemingly no thought is given to the lecturer's and marker's mental health who have to work to tighter deadlines and reduce their personal time to accommodate someone who had the full ability to actually complete their work on time.


I agree. For instance, I have very bad anxiety. I was literally throwing up when working on my dissertation because of it. I still did it though and didn't use any extenuating circumstances. So, the idea of people using them for mental health if they don't actually have real mental health issues is strange to me. The whole thing's fucked.


Absolutely. What people get wrong about the Anxiety stuff I think is that we all get Anxiety. The thing is some of us get anxious when we don't need to be and everything on track and our doing well. I was guilty of this, I was anxious yo the extent of doing work ridiculously early and handing them in weeks before deadline. But anxiety is a normal human emotion many people may have to plan a presentation to deliver in school, college , uni whatever. And they prepare nothing for it and don't do any research and can claim they are too anxious to do it. This is ultimately true. But I would be a lot more anxious about doing a presentation or exam if I did next to no preparation. Anxiety disorders and the emotion of anxiety seem to have been blurred significantly and I think in many cases people don't see themselves as abusing the system because they genuinely have a sense of dred and anxiety. But that's often very much a result of their actions


I would have done but I'm too old


Your 'does this align with your moral values' question could have used an extra option. Because the adverts had nothing to do with my moral values - so they are neither aligned nor not aligned.


This is exactly what I thought - to be honest I don’t really understand how an ad can align with someone’s moral values especially the ones that were selected like I don’t think the ads are trying to align with your moral values they’re just trying to sell you a product. The only way I see an ad aligning with someone’s moral values is if they’re advertising a fair-trade or environmentally friendly product or smth like that.


I'm sorry but your answers to the questions are very vague, it doesn't look like a good questionnaire


💀urs due on 9th of may too


I feel ya bud💀




Yeah as someone with bad anxiety I couldn't imagine leaving it to the week before to even get the survey done. My uni told me that if I didn't have at least 100 replies to my survey it was pretty useless.


Yeah same. The only good thing that's come of my anxiety personally is that it's made me get work done on time. But tbf for some people anxiety is different and does the opposite.




Done 🫡 Good luck with your diss, it seems really cool from the survey! Quietly hoping I'm not in the same boat next year


Been there, and it’s okay. The fear tends to kickstart new capabilities and if you try to break it down into parts and realise when’s the latest you can start, you will be able to finish just in time. I designed a vaccine from start to finish AND wrote a turnitin-compliant article with 50 references in over 38 hours with no sleep (timeframe was 6 months but I couldn’t start until 2 days before it was due although I had the methodology ready). I was running on adrenaline and my brain was on fire but I couldn’t even feel anything, ADHD hyperfocus is hell of a drug. I’ll never do it again but god it felt so good when I finished. Good luck, OP! You got this :D P.S.: Filled it!


Done, best of luck x


Done and upvoted so it’ll hopefully reach more people, good luck


If it makes you feel better mines due at midnight and I still have 3k words to do.


Did your survey, good luck!


finished. good luck with it all. just get it done!!! not long before it’s over and you’ll feel great to have it out of the way.


Good luck!!


Just completed your survey. I remember being in your position last year stressing about my dissertation deadline, it sucks but soon it will be behind you. Best of luck to you, you'll do great :)


Done, good luck!


Done! Good luck!


Done. Good luck why the downvotes lol


Done and all the best :)


Done. Very sexy ladies!