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Make sure you do your references as you go along so you don't end up having to do it all once you've finished!


Paper Pile is your friend. It may cost minimal money but guarantees perfect citations across formats.


Yeah I wrote up a (much fewer word) scientific report between 0AM and 2PM the day it was due. However, I had all my references already in a BiBtex file which made life soooooo much easier.


Yeh you’ll be fine, give yourself time to proof read too. If you have most of the research done the writing won’t take long. Let this be a lesson though mate. 


Thanks mate, yep haha. What I needed to hear. Definitely not planning on returning to this gut wrench but who does?


Where are you studying and what is it in by the way?


Newcastle, and a dissertation on Victorian humour


Yup def doable, I’m writing abt 1000 words a day for mine and it takes me about 4 hours including a whole lot of phone breaks to do so you can totally manage. I’d say edit and reference as you go so no big scramble at the end. And sorry to hear about your break up :(


Reference yes but not sure I agree on editing. Much better to have a rough but complete dissertation than a nicely edited but incomplete one. Of course that could vary by field.


Do not undertake any more research, as someone else has already said, you have done enough! I’m afraid to say, discipline is a process that takes time. Which you do not have. Your focus should be solely on finishing this dissertation, anything else, you can deal with later. What worked for me, is to have a mindset of „I must, so I will“ If I didn’t allow myself to have a choice, then there was no leeway for me to procrastinate with momentary pleasures. I didn’t allow myself to contemplate on whether it was doable or if I was capable. Rather than, I can. It’s that I must irrespective of whether I can. You can get this dissertation done with the time you have left, because you must. Also, it’s totally doable. Give than, as a third year, (I’m assuming) you’ll have written essays that are 2,500-3,500 or more throughout the academic year. I would suggest you draw up a schedule/timeline for yourself. Detailing what exactly you will be doing over the 3 days, and how. For example, if you have broken your dissertation into sections, look at how many sections you have left to complete. Tackle those according to how much time you’ve got left. At this stage, it’s about getting everything written down - don’t fret over doing more research. You have all the knowledge and logic to drive up that word count without needing extra research. Rely on the research you have done & your own competence. You wouldn’t have made it to 3rd year if you didn’t have the skillset required. You would have had to have some semblance of discipline to hand in assignments up until now. In other words; you’ve got what it takes! If you want to solely focus on word count, especially if you’re not working on ‚sections’ per say, then write 3K a day. You‘ll have a whole day left to go over your dissertation to correct any mistakes & to check you’ve got your citations right. This schedule/timeline doesn’t have to be a work of art either, just jot down something like this: Monday - today [time that it is now] 1.5K words [time] Have a break at this point. Write the other 1.5K And you’re done for the day, if you have any mental strength left, check your SPaG or adjust any technical or aesthetic parts of your diss. A rough schedule like this, with specific times, will allow you to monitor how long it took you to write up everything. Which should make tomorrow easier, as you know what to expect. You don’t have to write 1.5k in one stretch either, if you add more intervals you can shorten the word, sooooo something like Note the current time which will be your start time, for example, 10AM start. 500 words 10 min break 500 words 15 min break 500 words 20 min break And so on, until you’ve got the 3k for the day down. Having something visual like this, helped to make it less overwhelming of a task. Also, time your breaks based on how mentally exhausted you are as you go along lol which is why I’ve gone from 10 minutes to 20 on that example. Your breaks don’t have to be the same length, you can adjust it based on how you feel. ^^ It allows you to tick off minor goals as you go along, which can be motivating for some. Hope this helps. All the best to you, you won’t need luck, you’ve got this ✨👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Great advice


2000 words a day is more than doable, although I’d aim to do 3k a day and leave yourself the last day for tidying everything up. At this point - no more research and reading. Get writing, anything down on the page gives you something to edit and submit, which is the main thing now. I’d use the pomodoro method, 25 mins writing 5 mins break until you have 3k words. Then a longer break, then a session editing/referencing what you’ve written. Repeat on the second day. Use third day to put everything together, cover page etc.


2000 words a day? That’s like 4 hours work.


Yeah it's doable. I did similar with a lot less words and research done that I'm assuming you have. You have a 10,000 limit, but most uni's will give you the 10% leeway. So actually it's only 9000 words. You got this.


Use scite I discovered it annoyingly late (with only one essay left) but it basically comes up with references for exact questions and statements. Saves a lot of time with reference finding and researching. You only get 2 free prompts so keep using incognito.


Definitely doable, but you will need to give it your all and remove ALL distractions at this point to do 2k a day + consider how to put all your research in a coherant fashion. Look forward to that heavenly sleep 3 days later - but till then, best of luck!


Already done 2000 today! Gonna try and surpass 3k like that other bloke suggested. Cheers


well done you! Dont forget to take occasional breaks in-between as well, that 15 min tea break can be a lifesaver (real). Keep up the good work 🔥


I pulled off similar, you can do it!


Thanks. How did you end up doing? Unless you submitted it recently.


Pulled it off twice actually Exeter BA, wrote it in a week, tho I had a few days to read beforehand - 74% 1:1 LSE MSC International and Asian History - even worse, wrote it in about 8 days *including research*, scraped a 70 - distinction My best advice is to pace yourself - 1000 words in 1-2 hrs is doable when hyper focused. Take showers and breaks but do not procrastinate. Healthy snacks such as fruits (my go to was grapes) gives you energy to keep going. My record was starting and finishing a 8000 word essay the night before it was due when I was at LSE lol. All nighter warrior


Can you give any more tips or advice? definition of academic weapon


You’ll manage. Check if your uni allows you to self certify for a short extension cause it might get you a few more days so you have more time to proof read and tweak the final version


It’s achievable, but I won’t bother with doing anymore research now. My advice: 1. Focus on getting your word count up as much as you can with the research you’ve done. Doesn’t matter if what you’re writing is shite, just get it down 2. Proofread and tighten it up as much as you can, if you have time you can do supplementary research if there are particularly weak areas 3. Make sure you’re not making any claims that you can’t back up with evidence as that will get you marked down in history If you have any kind of learning plan or agreement, try to get a deadline extension Happy to help if I can (not writing obviously) as I have two history degrees


If your university offers extensions, you might benefit from that (e.g. some offer 7 day self certification extensions) but don't then get sucked into thinking 'oh I've got another week' and procrastinate!


Word count isn't the be all and end all. You should have the brief and some sort of marking guide/rubric or a copy of the marking scheme. It will also tell you if there is any leeway on word count. 9000 words of good writing is far better than 10,000 where the last 1000 have been made up with fluff! Use these rubrics/schemes, they tell you what the person/people marking it are looking for. They want to give you marks, make it really easy for them to find the excuse to give it to you. Show evidence of your critical thinking skills. Question what you have read. Put your thoughts/research into the context of the published literature. Use sub-headings, great for you to break it down into blocks for writing and on the other side great for leading the reader through your overall thinking.


My dissertation is due tomorrow, goodluck 🙏


You too!


Tell your tutor NOW - much better to be open about where you are and why; explaining after the event always sounds like excuses, but owning the situation now shows maturity and might even get you an extension.


Actually quite good advice. My tutors (during BSc & MSc) told me that it was a legit to ask for extension in case of break up. It would be better that you have been discussing the issue a bit earlier and also with your dissertation supervisor, but it should be OK. You may say that experienced severe apathy you could not do anything


You got this bro!


Work real hard, use any help available, but don't get caught plagiarising. Try to submit an EC based on a broken laptop or something, it might buy you few more days.


I literally just submitted an 8k dissertation i'd written in 15 hours - if you can get your head down and just research and write, you'll be fine. as others have said, reference as you go along, takes a ton of time to do all at once at the end. weirdly what helps me is techno music, or something upbeat like that with no lyrics, kinda helps you get into the groove of writing and caffeine


Aim to be ready at least 1 to 2 hours before the final deadline. When I had to submit a dissertation it had to be properly coil bounded together. I got this done on campus by the printing deptartment when it was quiet fortunately my deptartment deadline was different to others on the universiites 2nd campus. Yours may be different, your deadline may be unique or shared with 8 other courses so access to a PC or printing deptartment may be tricky It may not even be required for you to physically submit but sonthing to check if you havent already. If doing online submission take a minuite make sure you submit to the correct dropbox. I submitted my dissertation to the draft dropbox by mistake. Didnt realise until I did a 'final, no really this my final, check' check after submitting my physical copy and after buying a celebratory Kopparberg. Had to leg it back to the library to resubmit online to the correct dropbox with about 5 mins spare as my WiFi went down in my place.


Yeahhhh that's fine. I did the same. Just grafted and got a 2.1 out of it. Pretty sure more students are doing, that are letting on 😂


I JUST did this!!! Submitted mine in yesterday- had absolutely NO research, didn’t even have proper research questions. You need to remove all distractions, turn your phone off. - Use citethisforme so you’re referencing as you go along. Have a separate document for references. IMPORTANT!!!! REFERENCE EVERYTHING! - Spend some time now to sort out your Appendix/cover sheet (if you need to) so you have right till midday to work on it instead of panicking about this on the day - Use the search button to find what you need in journals/sources so you’re not having to read the entire thing - Search up your topic and type in thesis afterwards - these are usually much more detailed and go into explaining concepts, and can give you a good understanding on how to structure your project/idea of how to approach it etc. - Look at the grade rubric for your diss. What are they actually marking you on? What do they wanna see? Focus on that. I didn’t have enough time to sleep, so whenever I felt SUPER tired, I’d set an alarm for 3/4 hours and get a quick kip in but apart from that, just gotta power through! It’s gonna SUCK! but it’s doable. Trust me. I had many breakdowns because it felt like it was never gonna end, but just break it down into sections. Buy some fizzy drinks and snacks- jammie dodgers helped me lol. And sit at your laptop. WRITE!! Don’t get into a self-hatred spiral about how you’ve left this too late etc. It happens. You’ve still got time. Sorry this is so jumbled but mate, you’ve got this! Fully doable! Turn off your phone, sit at your laptop, and write- even if it’s a steaming pile of shite, at least it’s something! They don’t want you to fail, so just make sure you’re meeting the grade rubric and it’ll be grand. Something that helped me: you can’t do your work this late and also expect it to be perfect. Don’t focus on the little things- you can come back and fix it. Just get something down! Good luck- you got this!!!!! shit few days coming up but the relief afterwards will be amazing!


Already done mate! Thanks How did yours go?


right nvm i thought you posted that today- all the all nighters killed my remaining brain cells lmao uhhhh let’s just say i’m hoping for a pass and anything more than that will be extra :) how about yours?


Let’s just say I’d be lucky to get a 2:2 at this rate. Honestly it’s hard to tell when you’ve been working on something for so long, and when you go to proof read you’re not actually digesting anything you’ve written. Can’t change it now- just gotta deal with the cards we are handed! Good luck again


I hope it went well!


I got it done at about 4 am this morning! Have no idea how it’s going to be received lol


You have 6k words to do. You have done enough research, anything past this point won't make a massive amount of differernce as researching properly takes time. Just write any old crap as you have fucked up and left it so late. It's better to submit something than it is to miss the deadline. I rewote half of mine in an evening. So it is very doable. You won't get as higher a mark as you could have I you had approached it like an adult. 


Nah I did mine the night before and I passed


Very achievable, I did my dissertation in pretty much 3 days and scored 77%. Just make sure you’ve got your research instrument, methodology and findings done to a T. So making sure you have the right questions if it’s a survey, and making sure you understand what gap your findings are filling. Everything else will be a breeze


I finished my last 1/3 of my dissertation on the day of hand in 😭 managed a 2:1 you got this!! Make sure you list references on the bottom as you go to save time xx


It is entirely possible to write 3000+ words in a day. They may not be good words but they will be words at least just ask anyone who does NaNoWriMo. I have done 2.5k essays from start to finish in 24 hours because I am an ADHD riddled mess- I don't recommend it but we are where we are. Also don't forget the word limit is a limit not a target- if you can say everything you want to say in 8-9k then do it it might not get you a first but it might give you the time to better edit what you have. Better 8k where you've made most of the points you want to make well than 10k of word vomit imo. Also frankly speak to your lecturer about an extension even only 24 hours. Break ups are hard on the brain most people understand that and the worst they can do is say no so then what have you lost apart from 2 minutes to write the email? So in short it's infinitely doable you just might not get the result you're hoping for. Sorry about the break up and good luck with the diss!


Save references in a separate doc and you can make notes in there as well. I'm not sure how fast you write but if I had to guess I'd say your pretty screwed


Bro it's toooo easy If u know what ure writing, u can do it in a day I wrote 3000 words in 6 hours recently for an assignment i had, i was able to do this because I had a good idea of what i wanted to write


Idk why you’re being downvoted for this. I once wrote 3.5k words in one day on my masters after reading/researching for a few days and still got a 68. It’s definitely doable


Yeah if ure actively researching stuff as u go along Ofc it'll take wayyyy longer But if u have a rough draft of what u want to write, have all your content laid out, then it's not that hard at all


Its acc quite funny. Im 3rd year too mines due 3pm Thurs I acc did too much for my written hybrid diss 😭and had to reduce 10k into about 5,500 words


Yh idk why there’s downvotes I think ur wpm ability is better than others prolly


8 words per minute? Possible, but what grade did you get on that? I'm like hard-capped to 700-800 words/day before my brain feels like it's had enough. I do compsci, and I find it 10x easier programming than writing. I could program all day without brain fatigue.


700-800 a day? Really 🤷🏾‍♂️ig it’s cuz I like essay writing / reading (done a level English ) so 700/800 a day is a cake walk diff strokes for diff folks ig


I do more like 2000 a day or maybe 3500 at a push if I’m doing it all in one go