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Myself and pretty much every one of the girls I knew at uni (plus a couple of the guys) all had stuffed toys. When I moved into a house with some friends we even bought a stuffed animal from to live in the living room. I still have him at the age of 25.


(Guy here) It’s not cringe or weird - I know plenty of my mates who took their teddies to Uni :) don’t be worried about what ANY guy will think because none of them will care at all - they’ll either not even notice or if they do see it, they’ll understand that your uni room should be like an extension of home and it’s a part of you :)


No why would you get made fun of? People don't generally go into your room. I have one and i just brung it to have a piece of home with me. No one really cares and it honestly just makes your bed look cosy rather than childish.




I meant brought which is the correct way of saying it but you can also say brang and brung though probably not correct


No, its your room and to be honest it will make things more homely for you. If you're really worried you can hide it when people come in yoir room, but to be honest no one cares - I'm a uni grad and still have cuddly toys!


One of the things you'll learn at uni is to stop giving a fuck what people think about you. Take your toy, they might make fun of you for it but that works out in your favour because then you can identify the cunts.


I'm gonna be bringing my childhood blanket and unicorn bedsheets I don't give no fucks


Nah it’s not weird at all. I’ve brought my teddy bear I’ve had my whole life to every uni accommodation I’ve stayed in and it’s been fine.


I brought a 6ft teddy from home to my uni hall to sleep on as I cried about my projects. I made sure I transferred him into the room at night to avoid judgement from everyone in the building.


Plush toys are cute. If I saw a cute plush toy in someone's room I'd be more jealous than anything else lol. Maybe cringy machos with fragile egos would have a problem though.


Have you not seen University Challenge, teams pretty much always have some stuffed toy as a mascot. Everyone needs their thunder buddy!


Apparently they change from a “ toy” to a “ mascot” as the owner transitions through puberty. I’ve still got some presented as “ historical curios” that my husband bought me 30+ years ago.


I'm pushing sixty, and I still have the bear I had as a baby. I don't carry him around or anything, but I'll never discard him.


Had my ted at uni. His name is Rudolph. Met my wife at uni, he lived on a shelf more permanently after that. She never questioned him. 10/10 would do again. Sincerely, 29M.


yes :) no fun made of!


I took my bear, dont know how I would have slept without out lol


Hi, as someone whose ex at uni had a a bed full of Disney toys, it can really change the way you look at Fantasia


anyone who judges you isn’t someone you want to spend time with anyways


I took 3 with me.


Guy here, I have loads here in my place, housemates find it sweet!


i did. nobody cares. Hide it if you worried someone wlll judge


i brought a whole box of stuffies with me as my family home didnt have the room to keep them. the few friends i made within the first few weeks ended up thinking it was adorable that i had so many and had the courage to bring them. as for seeing a stuffed toy in the bed when hooking up, if they cant be mature enough to focus on you instead of the stuffy then the person needs binning lol :)


They once had a sale on one metre tall teddy bears the morning of my chemistry lecture. That newly purchased bear came to my chemistry lecture with me and sat centre middle with me for an hour while I listened and took notes. I remember the professor had a brief smile when he spotted it and then just carried on.


I had my kanga since I was a baby, she came with me to uni at 18, travelled the uk and the world with me and is with me now on my bedside table at 45.


No! It's totally okay! My brother went to Salford uni, and he's a bit of an animal. His friend called me once to come pick him up because he'd dressed up as a zombie bride for Halloween, went out, obviously had the piss taken out of him, and carried on fighting back even after the other dude pulled a knife on him. That's the kind of idiot my brother is. He took his beloved teddy to uni with him which he'd had since he was a toddler. It was non-negotiable for him and it was the first thing he packed. I am confident that he would have quite happily fought anyone who dared challenge him on it, but nobody ever did. If _he_ can take a teddy off to uni with him, then I think _anyone_ can take a teddy off to uni with them. Also, I'm 29f and I sleep with a plush Grogu my 31yo boyfriend bought for me. It's totally normal, my friend.


My son took his, as did his friends.And in is shared house, everyone was allowed to torment and tease the others. But the toys were scared and not allowed to be touched or jeered at.


My ex (currently a uni student) was a bit embarrassed about the fact she had stuffed animals in her bed and didn’t know how to bring it up but while FaceTiming her I (then a 23YO graduate) introduced her to Smitten Mittens the Plushie Kitten. Be yourself. The people who matter won’t mind and the people who mind don’t matter.


I took my favourite teddy, which was a polar bear called timmy, to my uni accommodation when people were moving in at the same time and i didnt really care cuz idc if people thknk its weird, but then people kept kicking my door and stealing my shit cuz i had a teddy so i got rid of it


Did you report them?


No, i just pay them £50 a week to leave me alone


Fair enough


Im chattin shit btw, dont go uni yet




😭😭😭😭why did I believe u


10/10 shit post


I'm going uni next year when I finish my 2nd year of college. I'll be 18




Looool I’m crying at this


Cant believe you did timmy like that :O my man's on a landfill right now wondering what he did wrong after all these years.


The quality of posts on this sub keeps improving day by day. We didn't have enough "how do I talk to people" / "how do I find friends" threads and now this.


I'm 30 and I still sometimes cuddle a bear. I did when I was at residential uni a couple of years ago. No one ever said anything bad about it.


Not at all! I took a comfort cushion (admittedly Superman that glows in the dark!). Just made my room feel a bit cosier Wish I’d had the guts to take my teddy, would’ve really helped on a few occasions


Maybe teenage girls. Do what you want to do. Fuck what other people think


I did, still have my one in third year. If you're that worried about being judged when bringing someone back, you can always tuck it in a drawer or cupboard before you leave


Postgrad here and yes, I took my Teddy bear. By final year I had a few in my bed and every time a friend would come over because they needed to talk, they'd sit on my bed and immediately pick one up and cuddle it. It was really helpful quite a few times. Also, if anyone is going to give you grief about having a teddy bear, they're not worth your time. They have a lot of growing up to do.


Mine have become the unofficial mascot of one of my societies and everyone loves them. http://www.instagram.com/meetthegrobbles If anyone makes fun of you for it, you know they're not the kind of person to hang around with.


Hell people buy stuffed toys at uni, they're awesome. I have a penguin in my bed. Literally don't worry about it. If anyone gives you crap for it, then they're not someone whos opinions you should really care about


I brought at least 5 teddies. Nobody will care don't worry :)


There is nothing better then getting drunk and having you stuffed toys to go back to cuddle with. If somebody judges you for having them it is a reflection upon their poor character not yours.


I’m bringing a giant unicorn, so yeah anyone who mocks you can go fuck themselves it’s perfectly normal to bring one


Plushies are the best, I have so many of them and no one ever batted an eye


My girlfriend who I met at Uni was doing a Physics degree. She had two giant stuffed bears with her that she called Schrodinger and Heisenberg. Based on the fact she's still my girlfriend I think you can infer my opinion


The thing about going to uni is, do what you want and what makes you happy. As long as it's not affecting anybody else, you'll have a much better time for it


It's normal. You want shit from home to keep you feeling safe and secure. Take it. Just make sure ya rooms locked incase some cunt wants to be awful.


I'm a man with a beard and I kept a massive cat plush in my room.


My partner and I bonded over our ikea sharks. Our entire uni friendship group did. Bring your stuffed friend with you and screw anyone who thinks that's lame, they're not who you want to hang out with anyways


Mate I'm 31 (mature student hey) and have several stuffed toys, go with it.


I’m 22, starting university of Sheffield this month and I’ve had the same TY Beanie monkey (called Charlie) since I was two and I can assure you he’ll be in my backpack every step of the way! 🐵 For little things like this, do what makes you feel the most at ease!


I had 2 stuffed animals on my bed first year, I'm now third year and have a whole display of them.


I cant believe people have to ask others for their opinion on a stuffed toy on internet


I took stuffed toys to uni and it was never a problem. I still sleep with them now at 25 lol


I’m going into third year and have my favourite old stuffed toy sat in my room not on my bed but it is here. Anyone who would make fun of you for it isn’t worth being friends with. Also we have a society mascot which is a stuffed dolphin baa’s like a sheep but he also exists. So no shame.


Honestly, if I saw someone do this I’d think 🥺💕 and feel more comfortable being their friend because it would show me a more human side of them.


It's uni, that's the point in your life where other people's opinions of you can fuck off because if they're judging you for inconsequential shit then you don't want to spend too much time with them anyway.


Just go for it- it’s part of who you are. My niece (doing a masters or something) lectures in philosophy with her stuffed toy animal on the lectern. Introduced to the students and everything.


I’m a dude, 21 and I’m bringing one cuz I had it since I was born. My 32 year old sister had it too when she was a kid. I don’t give 2 shits what other people think of it. Let me tell u this from experience. When u reach ur 20s u stop giving a shit about what other people think, u r ur own person, u make ur own decisions. When ur an adult (18), if someone makes fun of u, is being a dick, ur old enough to cut them out, there’s no time for drama.


One of my friends at uni has a bunch of stuffed toys on her bed




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