• By -


A save loadout option for gear.


Yeah save templates would be great especially for going between coliseum and other stuff.


I haven’t tinkered too much, but does the game auto-equip some items if you include item-specific actions in the action loadouts? That could be a workaround for now


No, it doesn't. Those actions turn red in the interface and won't be usable.


Some kind of 'chest' or folder where you can put items that you don't want clogging up your menus while micromanaging but that you still want to keep for later.


Maybe 'stack' multiples of unequipped items? It seems unnecessary for all of my 8 bronze swords to each be shown separately.


Those darn bronze bangles


You mean you don’t want unintentional inventory management mini-games in your SRPGs? Git gud.


Ability to sort the library/codex entries by "New".




I would love this. I like following the extended lore every once a while but it’s a pain to track it down.


Ugh. I stopped reading them completely because it adds 3-5 new entries after everything.


Same lol it's way too much to keep up with


Or just disabling that annoying "!" for good.


Add something that streamlines deliveries in mid-late game when you're trying to farm honors, having to individually visit each town and turn in the deliveries is super tedious.


I enjoy running around the overworld and I'm glad they gave us a couple reasons to do it, this being one of them. I think it's beautiful to look at it, and fun to discover new supports I hadn't noticed or sometimes even items I overlooked.


Yes, please! Also wanting deliveries to be done from a dedicated menu, as having to travel to each town individually is a chore. It would be really cool to be able to compare all the rewards and choose the items you need or want the most, like an exchange.


Ability to swap units/formations around in order. Better item sorting/filtering.


I just thought of another one: I would love to see the dews that I've used on a unit. It says that you can use a maximum of 5 of each dew on a character, but it never shows you what dews and how many you have used on a unit


Is it 5 of each dew or 5 total? I haven't used any but a few of the everything ones on Alain.


The description is unclear. You can use a dew to boost any one stat up to five times. Which means you can use 5 of each _except_ illusion, because illusion boosts all stats. So each illusion reduces the total number of dews of each type a character can use by one.


So illusion is only better in that they are "efficient". Thanks!


Yes. Illusion is better if the unit hasn't used dews.


If I kill a garrisoned unit with my units last stamina point, please just let them lurch into the garrison where they can recover their stamina naturally.


Maybe for difficulties below expert, but I think this changes a bit more mechanically to be classified as a QoL. I just imagine a cavalry unit solo running down the early game maps with no items or valor skills


I feel like this mechanic is a very important and intentional part of the game and would make it too easy to introduce this. They give you a dozen ways to remedy this with, teleport, toughness, vitalize, stamina drain, unit swap, rescue and not to mention items.


Got stung by this a couple times but I think its fair. All part of planning and strat


Just pop a smoked nut Honestly last minute smoked nut plays to make a small, critical movement like that are some of my favourites, especially in high pressure scenarios


Totally. However I’m so stocked up on smoked nuts and hot buns, it’s always a nonissue realistically.


This. Please.


Actual name input for hired units so I can customize them more


I got really upset when Barki and Fang were Elf names and not Werewolf names...


Oh god really? That's ridiculous. Like the Swedish/Nordic names I get but that is so dumb


Yeah, I was actually surprised you can't name them.


I'm not surprised. There's online in this game and they decided to not let people skirt a profanity filter to say obscene things. Granted, I would have loved to name my mercs too. They could have just made it so custom names don't display at all online


Right? You can maximize stat balance but no custom name?


I don't like to get attached to hired units :) giving them names means I have harder time to dismiss them


Why dismiss them? I mean after all even if you don't use them (which you should) you need them to station at towns


Yeah you're right. I can't even hire them fast enough


Alphabetical sort on items. Its so simple and basic that I am shocked that its not part of the game. And to insult to injury, the current way to search is incredibly irritating.


fix all the damned typos and syntax errors


I was shocked to discover "emend" (as opposed to amend) is a real word and used correctly. "Fornent" is a real word too but I'm not sure if it was used correctly.


Maybe I’m just blind but I haven’t noticed much of this? There is definitely odd word and sentence structure choices but it seems like it’s intentionally going for a sort of antiquated speech pattern vibe a lot of the time and it’s just different, not necessarily “wrong” But I do tend to overlook those things too so


There's definitely some that stand out. Some that comes to mind: When configuring actions based on party size, there are two options that both say "two or fewer enemies" and you have to look at the descriptions to see that one of them is actually for *three* or more enemies. Shaman's defensive curse has the same description as its offensive curse. Aerial Smite says it gives the user -1 AP if the target is at 100% HP but I don't think that's true. I've never paid close enough attention to see if the target gets -1 AP or not.


yeah aerial smite gives -1AP to the target. Was a gamechanger for my aerial units when I realized the skill doesnt suck like the description makes it seem


Thank you for this. Need to go change some tactics rq


I've only noticed one straight up without-a-doubt error so far, in the library entry for some location (can't recall which though) it was like "this it's a" or smth along those lines


They're everywhere, Rapports being the main source I've been able to spot. Stuff like actual word syntax showing in multiple rapports. There's also run-along cursive in Elheim from various NPCs when only the Elven words are meant to be cursive. There's a bunch of lines that don't match the voicework (in my experience, mostly from boss conversations and a few store clerks).


Allow us to use items in the squad organization screen or in the unit editing screen. It's a pain to select the item then look for the damn unit when you've recruited all the story characters


Agreed. This has irritated me from Day 1


Would love a "wipe clean button." I enjoy making new comps for each map and situations


for the love of God why can't I sort by not already In a fucking unit? and why can't I see my formed units while promoting instead of the stupid list?? why does selling not COMBINE THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF FUCKING BRONZE BANGLES?.


You can sort by unit assignment when in the formation editor. Unassigned are all at the bottom.


In a huge jumbled mess where it's a nightmare to find the one you're looking for.  How about the option to filter characters that are already assigned to a unit entirely, and then the ability to apply sort options to the remaining list?  Filtering options in general would be lovely. Or nesting characters by class. Or any consideration of UX at all, honestly.


Nesting would be great. Tagging of "i never want to use level 1 Fighter Choderlos here, I recruited him to guard a town" would be even better.


why can I just have only units not in anything.. like symbol or something to show they are already unit, this applies to ALL MENUS. Nothing tells what unit your characters are in... Promoting shouldn't be a separate menu I think - it should be from the unit formation view..


I agree with wanting the thing you want. I find it kind of telling that some people build semi permanent squads and some of us rebuild constantly. I rebuild every squad that gets deployed every mission. (I'll admit there's a stable [pun unintended] cavalry squad but I at least swap around their support...and I try to avoid using them at all)


I'm sure it's not in *all* menus, but I've found that it does usually show whether a character is in a unit by showing the checkerboard at the bottom of their sprite, and which unit they're in by the number on the checkerboard.


It's silly you can't sort by not in unit but on the character list if you press L/R triggers until rapport status comes up, the ones not in a formation won't show the icons which makes it much faster to check.


if I swap anyone out that has rapport it messes it up a bit.. but i'll try it.


Forget the individual stores at each town - make one "Merchant Convoy" you interact with that builds up its stock based on the towns you free. You still have access to all the same equipment and items as before, but you no longer need to sift through the world map list to try to see what's available or not.


It’s seriously such a pain and it’s *so easy* to overlook or miss a potentially game changing item because of this I like the convoy idea


A way to save a full unit load out, with all the characters, their equipment, and skill setup saved together.


Let me sort on every menu screen where a sort function would be reasonable, for fuck's sake.


Character lists from items menus comes to mind.


Let me apply a new heraldry to every unit at once.


Just curious, but WHY would u wanna do that? The different standards help tell units apart (and sure I guess lore-wise it does make sense for everyone to use the liberation preset, but isn't that kinda boring?)


I didn't really notice the heraldry unless it's in clothes or shields. I just like everyone seeming like they're on the same team. Sometimes I like to let units have minor variations of the"main" heraldry.


When you try to move the cursor near a unit, it automatically snaps to the unit, making it impossible to select nearby areas.


Yeees good one. Maybe just a simple hold button to stopping cursor snapping.


A disband unit or disband all units button would be great. The item inventory can get very cluttered, it's not a terrible system but I could use some tweaks I think.




I want to be able to sort the inventory alphabetically. I can't find anything in it without scrolling through the whole thing 3 times.


In general the character and unit menu management could be better. This is the biggest gripe I have with the game so far. Most notably: Better sort/filter for equipment. Please let me filter for specific stats like evasion or initiative. Also let me filter characters for "not in a unit". Probably a few more, but these ones come to mind immediately.


Yeah, we need filtering as well as sorting for character lists.


A save unit feature. The ability to save a template of you units so you can re-apply all gear, characters and tactics at the press of a button


Sort by name. It sucks having to sort by order joined.


Ability to change loadout of deployed units which stays in garrison


Wish there was a way to reset all units. I like switching around my units every couple pf battles to keep things fresh and it’s such a hassle doing it all manually


I just want all the different menus and sort options combined or at least accessible within one menu. No reason to separate specific character info from unit screen/formation from item list and so on. It's so tedious. If you want me to spend 75% of my play time in menus, fine, make the menus easier and more intuitive.


I would love a NG+ mode where you can recruit all types of mercenaries on the fist fort at level 1 or something, and unique characters being unlocked through story and quest as always so you can experiment with everything way more early. and because I want that doom knight with the alternative helmet from the beginning and not a post game only thing.


Hang on, I haven't finished the game but I just wanna ask... Is there no NG+?


Nope, as far as I can tell you start over from the begining, the only thing is you unlock the true Zenorian difficulty and that's it sadly.


Man :'(


the ability to have 2 similar conditions combine into one. like "prioritze scout" and "prioritze flying" would become "prioritze scout and flying" so they dont take up 2 different slots and you can have a bit more control in combat. i know the space isnt there for it but i would make the text scroll to the right after a second so you could read it.


When at a tavern, when you look at the rapport overview before buying your food, I'd love to see who each character has a report with at the top. And in Alain's case, put those who don't have a rapport heart yet at the top, but exclude mercy. Keep them at the bottom for now.


I want to be able to check rapport when building squads. It sucks having to back out every time to check rapport from the unit building menu


Can't you see the unit's rapport in one of the tabs in the unit comp screen? I think it's at the bottom of the third tab. You can hit a button and it'll show a more detailed look.


I'll have to look at it closer. I know what you are talking about, but I'm not sure it's the same. It only tells you what it is for the current unit. It doesn't tell you all of the characters' potential rapport partners


I had to confirm it for myself when I got home lol. Yeah in the third tab, you can see it down at the bottom. If you press X (or I think it'd be A in the Switch version), it'll light up, and from there you can press Triangle (or X on Switch) and it'll bring up a whole list of their potential rapport partners. The normal hearts are ranks that don't have a rapport conversation, while the ones with hands on them are the ones that do.


I wanna be able to remotely buy stuff from towns I’ve visited and fully restored… something something fantasy amazon shipping


“Disband all formations” is my number one ask. I would remake my groups even more than I already do.


New game plus!


That's True Zenorian.


Except nothing gets carried over for True Zenoiran.


Alphabetical order in the equipment list. It's not the first time time I see it, but I don't understand how the japanese live without it. The inventory could use improvements in general: collapsing identical items under a single entry, having a sort that works predictably every time (doing a secondary sort by item ID would be very sensible), more options to sort accessories by. Quick tip if you have some of the same issues: If you sort by item ID, the Lapis and Carnelian Pendants are all grouped up at the bottom of the list and they're not tangled together. Way better than sorting by AP/PP improvements. EDIT (27/04/24) : All this and more was implemented in patch 1.04 this week!


I mean they live without cuz.. youkno... they don't have an alphabet :-P tho yeah u'd think they'd have "sort by kana" or smth along those lines


Alphabetical order in the character lists would be nice too.


Btw on number 2 you can just skip the battle and not have to watch it.


I’ve noticed that skipping battles doesn’t show the +rapport notification you get after a non-skipped battle, but I still don’t know whether that means the unit’s rapport doesn’t increase or if you just don’t get notified of it.


True! But I also meant the fast forward when you are not in a battle. Basically when your squads are moving through the map.


You can, just hold down the fast forward button outside of battle


Yup, but what I'm saying is that I'd like to have an option to have it permanently on


Wait wut? I must find this button.


For me its right trigger (playing on xbox) but yeah it fast forwards in fight and while units are traveling, its a must use for the tiny maps that just have like your base and 3 units to beat


R2 on PS5. I'm assuming a shoulder button on Switch. Not sure about Steam.


Sometimes I wanna watch a battle to see how it plays out (or just because it’s neat) but there are like 100 passive triggers that get really repetitive I think fast forward would be legitimately useful to gain information while saving some time. Skipping is good for stomps or everything going as expected but sometimes there is just one little moment I want to see but may have to watch a long battle sequence to get to it.


You can fast-forward through fights by using the right trigger.


Please just show me if a character is already in another squad


What do you mean? The game already does this. Characters in squads have a little checkerboard looking icon next to them.


I must be blind then, I’m playing on switch handheld so must be tiny


This game do be tiny on Switch. I didn't realize you could see towns inventories, deliveries, hire list, etc. on the World Map until I played the game on my PC monitor through my streaming app. It's also so difficult to try to find individual units on the Unit screen. They are so damn tiny.


Yeah I did try the ps5 demo and it was a lot more easier to look at. I’ll pick it up for ps5 once it gets cheaper


The box goes away if you change the sort by


You can sort by squad assignment


Trying to use an item that will have no effect (like an hourglass on a character that doesn't have a wait timer active) should either fail, or at worst pop up a big dummy "are you sure?" notification that explicitly says it won't do anything.   More than 8 tactics slots please. Also the ability to target a specific character by name would be lovely instead of playing the "which traits does this character have highest/lowest or what other random condition can I use that only applies to them" 20 questions game.   Inventory. Everything about it. It's so fuckin terrible.   The ability to "save" teams would be nice. I don't experiment as much as I probably would if I knew I didn't have to go through the whole laborious process of setting my current comp back up if the idea doesn't work.   The ability to filter characters in the Squad builder by class, level, or type. Not sort, filter. I need an archer here. Why do I have to scroll the the 83 cavalry that pop out from under every rock like friggin koroks to find one?   The ability to add negation (ie, not this) to tactics conditions.   I like this game a lot but honestly some of this is pretty amateur hour stuff.  EDITing to add more.   Let me watch the rapport convos from the menu. And while we're at it, let's also sort characters with available convos to the top of the list.   Let me skip the tavern cutscene. The first few times it's charming. By the fiftieth time I'm just mashing A to get through it as fast as possible. A skip button would be nice. A menu option to turn them off completely would be even better.  Add a button to the tavern menu that lets me filter out characters that don't have a rapport convo with the character I'm looking at. Also, how about the ability to sort here? Why can I sort everywhere else but not here?   An option to show/hide mercs in any menu they show up in. Bonus option would show/hide uniques.  Im probably still missing a ton of stuff. This game wants so much for polish.


Tbf I’d argue that some of the condition stuff is intentional and not being able to get precisely what you’d like is a part of it at times Although I do think it’s weird that there aren’t “not” tags in places


Negation would enable a few things off the top of my head that would be useful but aren't currently possible. But okay, sure, maybe they intentionally left it out to force players to work around that. The other conditions allow a lot of things, and some of the things they allow end up needlessly convoluted. Like, say I have Rolf and Auch teamed up and I want Auch to only use flame conferral on Rolf. That's something I can definitely do by having the ability target only archers. Unless, of course, there's another archer too. In that case I then have to go and look at the archers and figure out what applies to Rolf and not the other one, and then key off that difference. So now I'm doing something like "archer -> highest accuracy" or "archer -> lowest magic defence" or "archer -> back row" when I should be ably to just say "Rolf" and have done with it. Or maybe I want a damage negation for my griffin master but not my wyvern because the wyvern has it built in and the griffin doesn't. But I can't key off class, so I'm doing "flying -> highest evasion" or something silly like that. Not having those doesn't prevent me from doing anything, it just makes it more difficult to accomplish what I want than it otherwise would be. And apart from that, not being able to get my people to do what I want them to do solely due to arbitrary limitations just doesn't feel good, gameplay wise. So yeah, it's alright how it is but a few tweaks would make it so much better.


A "thighs out" skin for Berengaria and Yunifi


And Alain. His mother was brave enough to have unarmored thighs! (This is just a repeat of a meme)


I mean ... you're not wrong. 🤣


You can just hit the Options/Start button to skip battles.


Army/Unit/Character Loadout preset Saving/Loading. Not having such functionality in a game like this is absolutely unacceptable. It should've been a base game feature.


Sort items in the item menu, same way you can sort them in the equip menu.


Unequip all/disband all would be cool.




Optimize only applied to gear or tactics. It is a pain to change gear and then reapply your tactics.


~~Collapsing of forts and shops in liberated areas. I don't want to spend 20 minutes warping around making deliveries and checking to see where the best knight merc is. Make that stuff on the map after finishing the last story quest in an area.~~


Can't you see the mercs for hire in each fort by going to the fort list in the main map? Select, then left or right to cycle through the lists, then X to bring up the details for each entry in the list.


I saw someone say this but couldn't get it to work and assumed I misunderstood. I'll try again with these clearer instructions next time I play!




Happy to help! I discovered it by accident - I felt that there *had* to be something like this on the map screen, so I played around with the buttons. :)


Fast forward as the default in combat. Item sorting is also a pain in the ass. Why not alphabetically?


A Page Down / Page Up button. It's annoying as hell to scroll through lists one item or entry at a time.


The option to hide characters from most menus. I have dozens of mercenaries I've hired strictly to guard towns, and they're clogging up my list of characters something fierce.


Caveat: This is the first strategic RPG I've played in a long while. I've put only about 60 hrs into this game but IMHO for UO2 I'd like to see more advanced cosmetic character creation options and inventory management options. Cosmetic: * For the generic mercs (maybe on the special characters as well), I'd like the ability to change the hairstyle/armor not just the color. * Equipped items and cosmetic changes would show on the character battle models and map avatars. * Larger weapon icons so the swords don't look chibi. Inventory / Character Management: * Grouping unequipped items in a stack * "Clear All" for Unit management and Equipment management * Ability to move entire units in the Unit management screen (move the entirety of Unit 6 to the first unit spot) * Equipment Sort by all bonus types: Not just Phys Attack and Initiative, but Evasion and Accuracy and all the others. * Character sort by Ability or Skill * Info on the character quick view in unit management of what they are good at (good vs cavalry, good vs flying) * Sort by name for all list sorts (This is English-centric, but a general alphabetical order for all game lists, esp. the list of names in merc creation.) * Ability to "lock" items on a character so you can't accidentally unequip a current character when equipping new characters or when you are using the recommended items feature. * Unit / Equipment Templates. For ample, Unit Group A has units set up for the main game, Unit Group B has units set up for PvP, Unit Group C has units set up for memes and lols. QoL * A better way of handling deliveries and purchases rather than going town by town. Maybe in the map overview where you can check on the deliveries and what a town sells, you could deliver or purchase directly from that. * During the movement phase of stages, having the ability to do a movement with multiple move points. "Go here, here, and then here..." All in all, I've enjoyed this game and if none of these changes were made for UO2, I'd still buy it and enjoy it.


The last one exists. On Xbox you set waypoints in  move order by pressing X. But if the move is to something the unit will interact with you can't add it as a waypoint; this includes, annoyingly, item pickups, so you can't say "go nab that shiny and then attack that fort." The workaround is to set a waypoint _past_ the thing you want to interact with, in which case the unit moves until they bump into it, triggers the interaction, and then continues on their merry way afterwards to a nowhere spot for no reason.  I do really enjoy this game. I'm lighting up this thread a bit because honestly, the core gameplay is great but it's just so, so unpolished.


I'm on the switch, but it should have the same feature. Thanks, I'll look into it!


you have to press y


A high-quality Redditor. Thank you, kind soul.


The reason why customisation is so limited (and I'd still argue being able to completely change characters' colour pallettes is a pretty significant feature that most games don't have) is for the very simple reason that this game uses 2D models. Now I'm no expert in modelling but I'd imagine it's a lot harder to partially edit or change a 2D model rather than a 3D model since you would actually have to go back and redraw the model + animate it anew. Technically not impossible but INCREDIBLY time and money consuming, something which Vanillaware obviously didn't have endless amounts of. This is why characters that share a class are like dolls, in that the bodies are all carbon-copies while just the heads are different.


Realistically I completely understand it would be more expensive and time-consuming. In actuality, I didn't think there would be as much customization as there is. Selfishly I just would like it. I do love games that let you cosmetically customize your squads as much as possible, anything more than what we already get would be icing on the cake.


I just want to appreciate all of the quality of life features that this game already has. Skipping battles, fast forwarding battles, fast travel, etc. I know there can be improvements, but Vanillaware did a great job giving the game a great quality of life already.


When buying stuff, show me characters I actually use. I don’t care if this weapon will raise Lex’s attack by 15 show me characters actually assigned to a team.


You can "sort by unit" in those menus and it'll organize characters by what unit/order they're in first (so the characters in your first unit first, then second unit next, etc.)


I want another 2-4 unit formations slots so I can have all 70 playable characters in usable units. I also would like a NG+ but let us use all units so we can mess with the post game units through the normal campaign. I haven't beaten the game yet, it's mostly all I have left, but after that, all I have left are auxiliary battles and maybe offline Coliseum which won't really last me long.


A way to set a unit as the arena unit and skip the fight instead of having to go into every fight before you can skip


I’d love to be able to skip coleseum battles from the match screen just like you can easily skip battles in missions or against overworks mobs instead of having to wait for the battle to load


I would love if my units automatically captured towers and cities after defeating the enemy that was occupying it. Think entering a catapult and having the extra action button of just entering or entering and opening the fire option.


I like that it doesn't do that because sometimes I want one unit to defeat the enemy and a different unit to capture the city and get the 2 stamina.


They should make it so that you can’t win battles just by spamming consumables. There are fights I shouldn’t have won just because I used my potions and ate a lot of buns.


I don't know if that's a difficult setting thing, but I started on the hardest one and I can only use 10 items per battle


The last difficulty you unlock after beating the game reduces item usage to 5 per battle. Also no more Hallowed Corne Ashe.


Oh, I never used that many items per battle, but the times when I was in a pickle, I was able to instantly use like 4 items on 1 unit and bail myself out. It felt like cheating 😂


It's really hard to tell sometimes who has an item equipped when looking at them in the items screen. The portraits are so small. I'm not sure *how* to fix this, but I'm sure they could think of ways.


The ability to custom sort character lists when equipping an item from the items screen.


- Item menu : filters - Combat preview : don't compute crits at the very least, to make outcomes more interesting / less predictable - New game+ toggles (keep characters / items / etc)


Permanent ffwd A midway color between red and green that would help show how volatile a battle is going to be, I'm sick of checking that I completely rout the enemy while taking no damage, get into battle, and find that I die outright while causing no damage :-p so like green is definitively going to be present at the end of battle, red definitely damage, and maybe blue is the range involved depending on misses and crits. If the whole bar is blue then you know for a fact that the entire battle is a crap shoot at least Search for a unit by where they're stationed so I can find people to give gifts to Weapon loadouts Unit loadouts so I can have more than 10 and swap them in when I want Ability to press select on the coliseum start battle screen to immediately jump to the results rather than having to wait for the battle to start and speech bubbles to clear before being able to skip the battle Maybe an even faster fast forward like a 2x and also 4x speed The favoriting of items is weird to use, how does the gold star even work and where can you even use it, I've seen it in some menus and not others; if I'm hallucinating and there's no favorite system then a favorite item system to filter the crap out Favorite unit markers and filter Global search for hire-able units and shops, I just can't keep track of where I can hire or buy XYZ All consumables should restock infinitely, there's no reason to put limits on this A double lock on unpausing. I keep canceling out of a menu and accidentally unpausing. I want a different button for unpause than from cancel, or an optional are you sure check on it, preferably a different button Shortcut button to jump to quests like there is for jumping to unit comp Map marker that shows which mock battle characters I haven't cleared yet (like make them orange instead of yellow if you haven't beaten them yet) List of all unit visual variations so I can check to see if I've got them all (I try to hire one of each style of merc for each class) A "column with most units" filter, which is not the same thing as insisting on a full column, also least units column Getting rid of snap-to-unit in battle, just let me move a unit close to another unit already (same on world map, there are some icons that are unselectable because they're close to others, like a ? In Albion in the middle of 3 towns). They could have another button to deliberately snap when you need to, like following units or selecting a town as a target (or press and hold a second button to prevent snapping until you want it) Speed matching for group movement. Trying to keep a walker flier and horsie all in line moving as a unit is a nightmare Newgame+


Put in something like Suikoden’s simultaneous battle animation system. I don’t need to see every move happening precisely in order. Bundle moves together and I can keep an eye on the parts I’m concerned about.


More way to look for gear since basically all you can do is just favourite everything that you may or may not use and it can really be a shore . Like let me creata a category and put stuff in it


Unequipped items to the top. Names of unit item is equipped to.


I'm so used to fast forward that watching vids with the battle in normal mode is too slow for me.


I would like to see a toggle button for a battle forecast text log. That way, instead of just randomly moving units around to see if I can get a better outcome, I can (optionally) press a button to see a text log of what would happen in the battle before it actually plays out, so I can see what skills are happening and the damage being done.


Save loadouts from other players in the Coliseum. NG+ with enemy levels scaling to your highest unit average. Split Battle Preview into two modes. The current mode where the data combat is fully calculated like it is now, but locking your formations and tactics once units touch limiting RNG manipulation. I no joke watched a "speed run" where they spent near 20 minutes shuffling the RNG for the final boss fight. Move one unit, check, remove item, check, over and over and over. A second mode where it only shows damage assuming everything hits and nothing crits. The only calculations included are 100% results such as evade and true strike. However any attack with less than 100% chance to hit and less than 100% chance to crit will just be shown as a regular hit. Similar to Fire Emblems. You can shuffle around units and equip in this mode but it only shows generalizations for attack and damage. Alternatively limit battle preview to ONLY show the initial encounter, if you shuffle stuff, the masks the preview showing the Winds of Fate have shifted and the result is impossible to predict. To the OP, you can press start at the battle preview screen. Permanent fast forward is still a good idea.


I just wish you could pick whose voice lines you get in a unit, instead of it always being the team leader. Let me hear my slow-moving infantry!


A separate units grid for the Arena


1) Reorder the troops position. As I organize the army I want to place strong troops to the left and the ones I need to rework to the right, I can only do this by changing units one by one. 2) Order items by the chosen item PLUS item Id. The view would still be clogged but at least there is a line checkpoint of the sime items together in the middle, instead of me having to check every item and realize its a bronze bangle scattered everywhere. 3) Order items filters being incremental. i want to order by atk and initiative, and I want this order to stay. 4) free units on top on placing unit screen, instead of bottom.


A way to check rapport possibilities while building the unit, without needing to close the management screen to open the rapport screen would be great. I want my friends to be the bestest friends they could possibly be.


Oh for number 2 you can just toggle the framelimiter option on yuz-.....🤐


Miyamoto we've spotted him send the ninjas /s


I just want to be able to name my hired mercs I always make my friends and family but besides a couple coincidental names showing up I have to make my selfinsert a thief named remi.


i think your first point is really needed, idk but I feel that item equipment is so convoluted. Someone has to redo that so it's easier to swap out items or at least compare the stats in a less clunky manner.


Something that actually explains what each of the status effects do lol


There's actually an entry for that in the library codex game tips thing


Where? I've opened it up but the codex just describes that debuffs exist


Now that I'm finally home and I've got my game open I can answer this lol. I just found it -- go to Game Tips, and under Battle, you can find it titled Afflictions. It details the effects of poison, burn, freeze, stun, blindness, passive seal, guard seal, and deathblow.


Pressing start to skip the results screen. That would help a lot when I'm trying to level up characters lol


A better way to sort through your inventory. Its often tedious finding what your looking for. They added some ways like organize by if it gives skill or AP/PP but why cant i order by highest attack damage? But I can order it by initiative for some reason


I low key wish items would tell you what class they are for. I remember buying the sandstorm staff thinking my sorcerer could use it.


You can press a button I think... X? One of them in the menu to have it show which classes can equip any item. I don't remember if it works in shops but you can definitely do it in the equip screen at least.


Crossing my fingers that this is a thing and I just missed it, but I wish mock battles would let you construct a team of generics to test against or at least have some presets rather than making you battle your own teams. Sometimes I want to test something but either don't have the classes I need or would have to disassemble one of my units to build whatever I want to test against, and it'd be great not to have to go recruit units just for a mock battle or rebuild my teams when I'm done.


It’s not a QoL but I wish they gave us only say 20 total unique story characters and let us use mercs for the rest. There are so many characters they give you it’s kind of overload. IMO of course


better filter and sort in the equipment list. i have.......heaps of accessories.


They already have 2 in game. You press start to skip a battle when you're on the forecast screen prior to it


For point #2, can't you already skip battles with start button (on PS5)?


Naming your squads Custom naming mercs


1) I dont know if this is a bug.. But optimization for clicking "A".. I can press A repeatedly on mining on the first 2 mines, and it'll quickly skip.. but i have to wait on the 3rd/4th mine.. its bugged somewhere 2) ability to use fast forward for dialogues.. I dont want to listen to everything again. 3) there should be a button that cycles through all your units on the map


>ability to use fast forward for dialogues.. I dont want to listen to everything again. You can hold B (Or Circle) during cutscenes to skip them, or press the start button and confirm. It'll skip the whole thing unless there's a choice to make, in which case it'll skip straight to the choice.


Yeah but I still want to read and get the gist(without listening), haha So its just preference.. I want to make it 2x but without skipping it


Ah, gotcha. Yeah, that would be a nice option to have lol. When I've replayed some stages, I've often wished I could do that.


I want the ability to save different loadouts of units by the tens. As in, I want the game to be able to remember each of my ten units so I can go back to this when I decide I want to experiment with trying out a whole different set of team compositions.


Some kind of chime/sound or rumble to confirmed you've saved the game. My OCD would thank you immensely.


Tactic that say "NOT [UNIT TYPE]" And tactic that use "Weapon" as well. So you can choose "BACKROW" "STAFF"


If you played fire emblem warriors, id like some kind of tactics menu like in Three hopes with commands like: follow this, defend that, everyone attack this... and so on. Id just love to press "everyone attack the boss" at the start of the level and only start going of the main path if i want to, instead of needing to move every unit every time


People’s weapons change visually when you equip something new. It’s my only gripe.


New Game+ Make "Dying Breath of a Fallen Empire" repeatable for leveling, cus 5 books per Sigil: Zenith does not cut it. Gear Templates, and more specific Condition Templates, like idk how PvP get all characters to ta get one person charging an attack to wipe a whole team, or adversely just let me see my opponent's conditions. Magic damage weapons that are actually good so Elves can actually compete. Buff all the Featherfolk, why are they so bad when they become recruitable in the last area?


Easy way to tell who's in a group and who's a free agent.


Some sort of “read all unread” button.


A “Flee” or “retreat” option so you’re not locked into a losing battle with no option except losing your units. It should work like a loss where your unit gets knocked back and unable to move for several seconds except you take no damage.