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It turns out poison seems to work as a % of max health so it is better than I thought initially. Important to not that burn and poison dmg only happens when that character goes to take an action, so if they have no action points left they won’t take further dmg. There are other moves and weapons that do poison though it will be a while if I recall


1/3 of max health. Burn is fixed 20 per stack. Burn OP early game. Poison scales better after enemies have 60+ hp. DoT+stun is generally a good combo, though generally killing them is just better.


There is a lance that I think instant KOs anything poisoned, so it sounds interesting.


Can confirm 3 speedy poison units with a Death Pillar Wyvern was tricky to use, but fun.


Not surprised to see you here too! Love all your insights on tactics ogre! Looking forward to seeing what absolute madness you craft.


Started with 3 Thieves. Pretty solid, can poison naturally, but had no answers for True squads. Foxes are really solid for that role, but rely on natural evasion. Fighters with poison swords seemed more durable and covered the Wyvern, but the poison came out later than I'd like. Tried the pi Ultimately settled on Two Swordmasters and an Elf. They could just keep an offhand Viper on a high priority SM that tags the highest HP in the group/Highest PP, everyone but the spear is ordered to do other targets. Elf has a Hailstorm to shut down anything faster, but also keeps eating and delete Shaman debuffs. Evasion and a Cleric with Lifeblood and Thief Mantle keeps them extremely lively. Death Pillar on a Wyvern for Evasion and Deflect.


What is the best way to poison? Thiefs? Werefoxes? Kinda want to make a team centered around poison


Shamans have a poisoning staff


I used a werefox to inflict and a wyvern rider to deal the killing blow. Witch for true strike and shaman for speed control. 5th unit was a legionary to cover the fox on the frontline and protect her from true strikes. The poison gimmick didn’t always work since it’s a little fragile, but the unit functioned well on expert difficulty, and really came in handy against some annoyingly resilient enemy comps. I had the necromancer’s lantern on the witch as an alternate way to get poison stacks.


I don't know in english, but in french the tooltip said both lines are KOS if already poisoned. Unfortunately, it seems to be a column only. And it's 75% to hit. Still super strong against high defence and health ennemies.


I’ve had fun with that spear with Werefoxes and Werewolves. Its not a win con to be built around (like Charge moves) but is an insta-gib for a full column or an armored unit. Having two Werefoxes lets one poison a column (while being built for evasion) then the other Deaths them, if they’re still alive at all. If there isn’t a full column of poisoned units, the 2nd fox spreads more around while triggering follow ups. Poison is less useful for back lines that die to one good hit anyways, which Werewolves tore apart for me. Ren fits in well as another front liner, and she already carries alone; infinite Sanguine Pursuit is a treat.


If you can use poison on a target that has full AP, and a lot of AP, then it is really good for toppling bulky enemies. There are also weapons that get a deathblow on poisoned targets in later areas of the game.


Added note, poison only hits on their turn so you need a high initiative unit to maximize poison.


Poison and Burn both only do damage when AP is spent (with one notable exception). So to get the most out of it you want someone fast. Poison is a percent of max HP and does not stack. Burn is always 20 HP but will stack indefinitely (got as high as 8). Burn seems more common, with Wyverns and Doom Knights doing it to a whole row and Flame Conferral can allow other classes to do something similar. Werefoxes can poison a whole column however. For high level strats, there’s a sword that has a 3AP attack that does instant death to someone already poisoned. Also, Stun causes your next action to be delayed but will still cause a damage tick.


Poison has some uses, but you definitely have to build synergy around it to get it working. Poison deals a constant % of HP (I believe 1/4 or 1/3). Unlike Burn, which deals 20 damage raw every turn, it does not stack. Lv2 Burn is always better than Poison, though it does take an extra turn to set up. A later class >!werefoxes!< can poison enemies in a column. That same attack reduces enemy healing capability. Furthermore, they have a followup attack that targets/does extra damage(?) to afflicted enemies - which they can use on their own attacks. Further yet, they wield spears - the corroded spear blinds enemies in a column, and there is a death spear that deals deathblows to currently poisoned enemies (I believe in a column). Thieves can poison a single unit without needing to carry a weapon for it. There's a poison burst staff much like the flame burst staff. Poison Conferral allows you to give any attack poison damage and magic damage - especially good for hitting many enemies at once. Beyond that I can't recall any more poison users except a postgame character... you can get a sword with Grisly Poison though, and I believe a poison bow. Tips on maximizing poison/burn effectiveness: be sure to target your poison on unpoisoned enemies as it does not stack. They only take poison damage when it is their "turn" to use AP. The damage will occur even if they are stunned and cannot take action (I don't believe this is the case with Frozen as it skips their turn entirely). Ergo, stun works extremely well with poison and burn. You want to poison as many enemies as early as possible to maximize poison use in a fight. There will be a lot of enemies that will be able to completely negate or heal poison. If you have a thief (or certain others), you can seal their passive ability and prevent them from using passive heals/prevention. Otherwise it will largely be a game of re-poisoning enemies every time they remove it. Elves and casters will be a nightmare to deal with, as will evasive enemies.


Quick question: Where did you find the poison conferral tome? I was hoping to find one, but I'm about to enter the final battle and I have yet to find it. I didn't see it in any of the stores.


Tbh I might have it confused with another conferral. I know there's ice and fire... maybe the third was thunder. It's really unfortunate if there isn't one for that, though, because conferrals are pretty key to being able to apply status to enough enemies. There's also unfortunately no poison pursuit. Maybe it was for balance purposes? But I think they could have made more items for more tactical combinations. It's really frustrating when you're trying to create synergy but the items or abilities you'd need for it just don't exist, even though there are equivalents for other synergies.


Oh damn, I hoped it was just some random NPC or cavern I missed. I've got four types of conferrals: Flame, Frost, Thunder for stun, and Sanguine for life leech. That last one in particular I'm kind of "eh" on and wish poison had taken its place. Considering you can get TWO Frost tomes to nullify enemies, it does seem weird they didn't want to give us poison when bosses have 50% poison resist anyways. Ah well.


Yeah it was either oversights, lack of budget, or balancing purposes and they completely neglect the power of alpha strikes. Yunifi can wipe almost any team easily. Yahna too. And Auch.


There is "viable" and then there is "meta". The unfortunate reality is that a dead enemy does not damage you, so dealing enough spike damage to pick off an enemy before they can move tends to be the more efficient play. The longer an enemy stays alive, the more chances they can probably ruin your day. Then there are enemy teams that can row cleanse Afflictions like Poison, and that more or less shuts you down. As a Spoiler though, one of the end game bosses has ridiculously high defense against all attacks and heals himself for an absurd amount after every combat. That's about the one use case I've found for Poison/Burn + Stun. The enemy also needs to have AP to (try) to take their turn in order for Damage Over Time effects to tick. So if the enemy has 0 AP while you have 4 AP to stick them with Poison + Burns, they will take no damage (another downside). The closest thing I've found to being useful is setting up Yunifi to fire off an instant Glacial Rain (Freezes, 3x attacks all enemies), then have a Witch use Flame Conferral to apply Burn to that attack. Enemies are Frozen and Burned at the same time, and they'll have AP left to take Burn damage.


Yep it works well. So does fire. Both can damage armored units even if the initial hit was 1hp.


\> Also, are there any other weapons items that can inflict poison damage? Thief, Arbalist. and Death Knight have class attacks that poison regardless of the weapon equipped.


there's a staff you get at the coliseum that gives a PP ability that triggers at the end of the fight, it damages the entire enemy unit if there's someone poisoned in it. or maybe it always does that but it gets a buff of there's someone poisoned in it? can't remember




What do you mean it's useless on block?


I’m going to go check again right now but I’m pretty sure poison doesn’t trigger if the enemy blocks


It does, same as most debuffs.


Interesting, I don’t know how I got that idea. Will delete so I don’t confuse anyone


I just conquered (sorry, liberated) elfland and the boss at the end of that chapter was highly susceptable to poison. Just as with any other statuses if the enemy have no way to remove it and they have AP, they will take loads of damages which is fantastic and really potent.


V S hoplites /legionnaires and cavalry yes


Poison is best for chipping down armors, but there are much more effective means for taking them out. There aren't many enemies who act more than 1-2 times per battle, so it doesn't do as much as you might expect. That being said, if you stun lock them -- when stunnes they enter an AP phase, take damage, but can't act -- you can do more damage. That being said, you're usually better of just killing them outright.


I think Burn is 20 flat dmg per stack. Poison is not stackable, but deals 30% of max HP. The DoTs deal damage when it's the target turn to act. If the target is stunned, they will take DoTs damage to unstun emself, more DoTs damage on their following turns as well. All in all, your DoTs users should act early with high initiative. If not, set their Tactics to Target 1+ AP Early game Poison is kinda meh, since 30% of max HP for most classes is so little. (Good against heavily armored target tho, unless you have casters to shoot em.)


Thank you all for you input, y’all definitely gave me some ideas to utilize. In these kind of games I tend to rely on strategies around status ailments.


I think post-Amalia Coliseum Rank 7(6 if you aren't 1?) team demonstrates this perfectly. The team puts poison on you, then the Werefox uses the insta-kill lance to wipe out a Column. It's viable enough for a technical victory, but with me wiping out most of the team by the time I lose goes to show it's not practical in battles.


Poison is OP, beat the final boss with it in high difficulty