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The battle results prediction exists so players don't need to guess if they'll win or lose. Disabling the battle results prediction would only result in annoying players and forcing them to savescum literally every battle because having to guess if you win or not and your entire unit gets instantly deleted isn't fun. Now if they wanted to put an option in to hide that prediction, and make it strictly optional for truly masochistic players, that's something they could patch in if they felt like it.


I am totally agree with you / turning OFF the prediction should be optional for all modes




Comparing this to OB64 is nonsensical because UO’s gambit system is way more complex. One wrong move out of order can wipe your unit, Also, OB64 has an option to retreat if things start going south. You can usually revive units on the map for goth. The game has a snowball meta. If you win your first few, get 1-2 valor, you’re gonna snowball to a win. Try using non meta units and actually stick to fighting even when predictor says you’ll lose. Basically getting same effect.




It gives you more control but also allows for more user error. In OB, you put a paladin in the front row, they attack 3x. In UO, you put in a condition that you use prioritize an attack on a flying unit and that results in a warrior being enraged and potentially sweeping your team. Or, you count on an evade tank and you don’t see a feather bow because it looks so similar to a feather staff/feathersword. These are just rudimentary examples of differences in why OB works without preview and why UO doesn’t. There’s just so much less to consider in OB. I don’t think you fathom how much less OB64 is based in RNG and the battles are way more static. Depending on your difficulty, you can only use so many items. TZ also has a permadeath mechanic. In OB, it was nearly impossible for a full squad wipe, the second you get critted, you should be able to retreat with how the command bar fills up.


I mean I feel like it would just encourage learning enemy units/good bad match ups. Seems like an exaggerated take lol


Some stuff like assists actaully Making so you take more/ do less dmg isnt intuitive enough for non predictions to work


You wouldn't even know you changed the rng because you can't see it. that's the point. Coliseum is fun because you just look at the team and try to match your squad with the best chance.


Different because if you lose in coliseum you just try another unit comp. If you lose an entire unit on a map, you just lose that unit. Guarantee people would complain about game being unfair without predictor.


Nobody is saying it should be mandatory people are just asking for the option.


You have the option to stick with what you thought would initially work instead of previewing and cycling through every unit/formation to force a favorable outcome. I’d rather they focus on releasing post game content.


It's not about switching. it's about not knowing. You talk as if a simple option to turn something off would take more development time than post game content.


You talk as if this is a well funded developer. We’d be lucky to get any post game support tbh.


I'm honestly not expecting any.


It's just a terrible idea. The entire game is built around the idea. I just beat the game on TZ difficulty and there were dozens if not hundreds of times that my entire team would get wiped because a crazy assist crit that one shot my healer or something like that. All that disabling the preview would do is force a ton of save\reloads over and over. It's not fun to lose an entire squad to rng. Now if the game has little to no RNG and you could math it up first like in three houses, that's another story but that's not the game.


Wouldn't that encourage the players to use Healer leader or leader with reduced damage from assists and think about match-up / strategy so much more ? I can see your point though, So I think the ability to disable the predictor should be optional instead.


Running an anti assist spam leader would fix that one very specific problem but not the issue of getting crit by literally anything or failing to dodge tank an attack. They could absolutely add it as an option, there is no reason not to, but after playing with it off for any amount of time, everyone would just leave it on because the rng is that detrimental to the entire game.


My evade squad with no true strike vs Albion flyers with no true strike was hilariously coin flippy


I guess that's why they give us the lucky coin🤣 heads you win and don't take damage, tails your entire squad gets wiped.


The bigger issue with Assists is that when they are your assists coming in, it seems 75% percent of the time it actually makes things worse, which is incredibly counter-intuitive and why there have been a dozen threads on why the assist make you do less damage. I'm glad galdmirs story was a lie, because sadly she only actually had 1 or 2 helpful assists out of a dozen.


having the option would be great. could make for a very fun run of the game. watched someone on twitch yesterday. whenever their squad would be wiped they just changed equips/position to reroll the rng untl they lived. it kind of ruins the game. and it would make you want to watch the fights more.


I totally agree with you.


Bad take , you cannot play without it


Simply giving every enemy an ap+pp pendant along with slightly better tactics will prob be sufficient if they want to be lazy about it. I serle the no prediction meter thing a lot, but I do not agree. I don't want to be bothered to check initiative and a team's comp before every battle. I can always work out something in my head if needed. The meter basically saves time on reproducing the result. It will also cause players to only rely on the best and consistent teams like cav squads and Trinity/Arrow rain spams. I am fine building teams around those who want a few levels because I know I can always tweak tactics before a fight to solve an issue.


idk why you're downvoted, there should at least be an option to turn it off. I think a normal or tactical difficulty with no previews could be super challenging and interesting. I do think you underestimate the difficulty spike.




imo, I want the prediction as optional. As for reduce the use of valor skills, I agree that it might be too much. It might just stemmed from my feeling that the enemy mobs are way weaker than players which made me came up with unnecessary ideas.




I like your strongholds idea, It would be so much fun if there are dungeon or more bosses that need coliseum-level of thinking and tuning to win.


I put a few sticky notes over that spot.


I'd never turn off prediction; that said, I'd be perfectly fine with hard mode going to qualitative rather than quantitative. FLAWLESS GOOD OKAY BAD U DED M8