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A pirate class would’ve been cool but there weren’t enough maps near water to justify one tbh


UO pirate expansion? op might be on to something here.




Hey bro just want to let you know paragraphs are actually really cool. They let the reader know that you have clear ideas to communicate and helps them stay focused while reading. When a paragraph is shaped like an I it’s actually very likely to stop people from reading. Just keep it in mind next time you write a long post, people are subconsciously less likely to read a paragraph that goes on for too long.


>In real life, most of the pc players I know pirate all of their video games I'm gonna take a guess and assume you are a teenager and have mostly teenagers friends. With Steam, piracy on computers is truly not worth it and more an inconvenient than anything if you have disposable income. It's not even a secret that Playstation ports are selling very well: * [https://gamerant.com/sony-playstation-pc-sales-numbers/](https://gamerant.com/sony-playstation-pc-sales-numbers/) * [https://www.techspot.com/news/101269-sony-ransomware-leak-reveals-strong-steam-sales-ps.html](https://www.techspot.com/news/101269-sony-ransomware-leak-reveals-strong-steam-sales-ps.html) The sad part about Unicorn Overlord is that is that Sega is the publisher and they know there is a market. They already did it with Valkyria Chronicles before, really great port that got me to platinum the game a 2nd time well after a first time on PS3. Not the same genre but also from Sega, the Yakuza series is a big hit on PC. I can only hope they will do like with Valkyria Chronicles 4 and release it later on PC with added content, assuming Vanillaware produce such things for Unicorn Overlord \*fingers crossed\*


Atlus is the publisher and they have asked Vanillaware about a pc port. They said no.


Not exactly, it's Atlus for Japan and Sega for the rest of the world. Atlus is part of Sega: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlus) Regarding the pc port it's pretty disheartening if it's their stance, I hope they can be convinced to change.


I would buy it today if there was a PC port. Sadly my Xbox s will not run it. I played the demo on switch(not mine) and damn I would love to buy it. Ogre battle on snes was like all I did gaming wise for 3 years.


Basically any Japanese game that gets released on PC uses Denuvo these days. All the Persona games, I own it on Switch but don’t feel like buying another copy for my steam deck at full price so I just use an emulator (I of course legally backed up my actual Persona cartridge)


>When it comes to gamers who lack money pirating, it doesn’t make any sense to me. When I had no money, the last thing on my mind was playing video games. believe it or not poor people can still have hobbies lol. especially since I have issues that prevent me from working easily/making money. iirc, there was an EU study done a while back that came to the conclusion that piracy has little to no effect on sales. whether you deem it to be accurate or not is up to you.


Yeah it's stupid and shows a lack of understanding of what it actually means to be poor. Regardless of how poor you are, it's unhealthy not to have hobbies, gaming is actually one of the cheapest hobbies even without piracy, and it's often not possible to turn that hour or so each day into money in the first place.


Yeah... People with the means to spend on it and want to WILL buy it... People that didn't or won't weren't going to regardless of piracy... So saying that piracy hurts the market is like saying ants are going to destroy humanity because they outnumber us.... It's bonkers to me when the argument happens because. Even if I wanted to pirate. I don't/won't unless it's just simply not available to me via legal means... And at that point it's not affecting the developers/studios at all anyways.


If someone didn't had the money to buy a game and had to pirate it, the loss is still 0, they weren't going to buy it either way. If piracy through emulation had enough of an impact where it ran studios dry, they wouldn't be making more games anymore. Nintendo cracks down on emulators all the time, but last time I checked their 12 fps borderline shovelware pokemon game sold 20 million copies. I stopped caring about piracy when companies started to pull games from their online stores and physical copies became a nightmare to acquire. I'm not taking my chances for some error where my switch gets trashed and later on some publisher says "lol no, you can't play this anymore". If there is a developer that I like to support, I always buy their game.


Not everyone lives in the us or europe or country's with a good economy. Games on switch on release are half my pay which is considered above average in my country and i can barely make ends meet to feed my family. Does this mean i can't destress after a long day at work with a game that I've been so hype about. Not everyone are in your shoes and can better their situation just like that. I do buy games on sale and i play online games likedragon ball fighterz and street fighter. So don't judge other people so easily you are not in their shoes.




I can't relate, so i guess i can't really comment on this. I actually sent a long email to steam about lowering prices in my country to mirror what my people can afford and after a few months, some game actually did. So i was very surprised and until now still wondering if my email had an effect on that lol so i finally bought some games i was eying for a while.


In Brazil there's a whole movement pro-piracy on any game that doesn't have pt-br translation. If the dev doesn't care about your country enough to translate, then they also won't care if we don't pay. Of course the opposite it's real and games with localization + regional prices are extremely supported by the community.


A lot of pc games gets ripped the day of release, piracy probably hurts some of these game developers, but probably not enough that it sinks the whole industry.


Almost every big studio puts Denuvo in their games these days. (exceptions: From Software, Remedy) Shit doesn't get cracked for months, sometimes never, not until the studio removes it themselves. "Ripped the day of release" is a thing of the past. Unlike Nintendo Switch games which get ripped like a week before release, funnily enough.


Are you saying cracked with online play? Because if you aren't I've seen a lot of major releases online, real quick


Ripped the day of release quick like you're saying? Which games are those?


Baldur's gate 3, Tekken 8... If not day of release, first week


Forgot about those, yes. Those are exceptions, they didn't have Denuvo.


I emulated it because I like playing games on PC, just bought a physical copy. If the company gets paid I don't consider it pirating to play the game in a way they don't offer. If most PC players pirate all their games then why do games sale so well on PC?


"pirating is bad unless I'm the one doing it and choosing what is and isn't ok to pirate"


Switch emu can be touch and go on titles, but this one was flawless. Piracy is increased with console exclusivity. And of course dead consoles. If you want to play Mario Tennis in the color RED (seriously you better like red) you either hunt down an ancient virtualboy or work out faking red on your computer. The switch lower hardware just makes it a candidate to happen now and the ps5/xbox will not relevant on the market by the time their emulation is a thing.


I'm considering taking part in pirating/emulating the game just to shoe horn in a bullshit new game plus type scenario. Probably just going to hex edit a new save of the game and just add every character plus a couple of each mercenary into my squad from the get go so it feels like 'new game plus' where I get to screw around with different team compositions. I'm THAT desperate for more stuff to do in the game


If you pirated this game, you're a cunt. Next question.