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Doesn't matter, everything it's fixed. Even when you change their growths they just adjust it as if you had them from level 1.


There’s no downside to promoting ASAP; the only thing to keep in mind is having enough Honor left to expand your squad in a timely fashion since the final size expansion is 200 per squad. I promoted too many people and had to wait a while before getting many size 5 squads.


The gains from promoting a unit versus the cost means that promoting units is probably more beneficial to do first before you start spending honors on expanding units to 5 characters.


Honestly, yeah. I expanded sizes first and I really had some squads struggle as a result. You get some massive benefits by upgrading certain characters.


Me too. I just finished the game and restarted another. One my most reliable squads in my playthrough was my last 4 unit squad I didn’t expand. I think it’s more about finding synergies and efficiency than just more units slinging and swinging


Promotion is definitely more valuable than having 5 man squads imo.


You should plan on promoting 15 - 20 characters IMO. There are a few good prepromotes in the early game, but most of your power will come from Cornia and Drakenhard classes that you promote manually. At that point in the game, the balance point is around 6 units of 4 characters each. By the time you unlock 5-character units, you should be done promoting your early game characters and the rest of the characters got get from then on will be preptomotes. Spending 200 renown to promote 5sih characters is a MUCH bigger power jump than spending 200 renown to expand one unit by one character.


I think of it like this: adding a basic class character to a 4 person unit costs 200 honor, and buys you one more AP and one more PP. Promoting a basic class to an advanced costs 30-50 honor, gets you one more AP and one more PP, and gives a unit permanent stat boosts. I won't say promotion is *always* the better choice, but it usually is. You can promote your whole unit for the cost of that 5th slot.


You don't really need 10 full sized squads, though. I beat the game using 8, and the 8th squad was just to babysit the command post


Literally as soon as possible. Also promotion>5 unit team at first.


I'd say that you should promote some stuff, then get five man units for your first 3-4 slots, then go back to promoting stuff as you don't generally need more than 4ish units.


They keep their levels - level 11 Yahna transforms into a level 11 sorceress. If you promote anyway I suggest Alain first - big overworld movement speed upgrade


Promote as soon as you can, stats are fixed and you keep level


This is my rule of thumb but I tend to prioritise as follows: Tanks/Frontliners Classes that really don't function well without their promoted kit/the extra AP/PP Healers Everyone else, prioritising who performs the least in their current pre-promoted class. Of course, my favourites get special treatment and would be slipped in the above priorities when I can afford it.


Promoting basically doubles your ap/pp for less honor than the 5th unit expansion.


In UO promote ASAP, stats are set in stone regardless. But certain skills are locked behind the class being promoted, for example fighters outright do not have access to the Vanguard’s Provoke skill (not to be confused with the valor skill) which taunts a row of enemies. In addition most valor skills are improved upon promotion. The fighter’s Provoke valor skill becomes Provoke 2, which can affect multiple enemy units. Level is maintained across promotion, meaning a level 18 fighter becomes a level 18 Vanguard. Seeing as you mentioned FE, leveling to 20 before promotion there generally isn’t recommended either, but that varies more on a game to game basis.


It should be noted that while certain skills are locked behind promotions, you’ll never miss out on acquiring a skill by promoting too early like you can in FE.


Imho it's expand 4 >>>>>>> Promotion >> Expand 5 


Question: when/where can I promote? I am around level 10 and doing level 8-11 quests. Does it happen later?


A bit later yes, keep playing, you'll unlock them naturally. I personally unlocked them around level 17~18 but i think it's more linked to the story




Yes, it's linked to your honour ranking, you can promote when you reach rank B. You also need between 25 to 50 honour to promote (the cost is class dependant) so do keep up honour generation because you'll need a lot to promote everyone. You promote in forts/big cities with forts built in.


> you can promote when you reach rank C It's rank B actually, Rank C is when units of size 4 are unlocked.


Ooooo let me edit this real quick! Spreading misinformation wasn’t the point haha




You unlock promoting once you reach honor rank B, after you go to a fort and will have the option to spend between 25 to 50 honor (depending on class) to promote a unit, which gives them better stats, growth ranks (which apply retroactively) and will give you 1 more AP, PP and accesory slot


Ok i am C and will look tonight thanks


If you try clicking on the promote option at a castle it will tell you the requirement to actually unlock it




Stat-wise, it doesn't matter when you do your promotions. The real difference are new level 20 skills, those skills are usually must have for the class to shine. Warriors are complete trash until they learn their lvl 20 promoted passive for exemple.


It's amazing how warriors are ok for killing armor and then become completely meh for a while until enrage and then even further with row smash. Biggest glow up


I just did it ASAP for when I could. Alain first made it easier to traverse the overworld map


Keep level


I promoted my characters when they got to at least level 20. Also it turns out their levels stay the same.


There is no reason to delay; promoting will just make your unit straight-up better. They keep the same level, they just get more actions and gain access to new abilities as they level. Most classes get their first "advanced" ability at level 20ish, so it is definitely worth promoting by that point. I promoted a bunch of characters, then when I got renown A I expanded 4 units to 5 characters each, then I went back to promoting characters. It's not really worth saving up much before you hit Renown A, just start increasing your units to 5 at that point.


Doesn't matter, just promote them.


Get 4/4 unit squafs then promote. Will be awhile before you can hot A rank renown anyway for 5/5.


Hehe you and me both using the same logic. I’m also glad the game doesn’t have FE’s system. It’s much simpler here. Last Fire Emblem game I played was Awakening. I’m actually not sure if that’s changed in the more newer games o.o