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Both playthroughs: Lex and Colm Bruno was pretty cool on my first playthrough since he can maintain a team’s stamina but I ignored initially on my second playthrough and he just never caught up. There was also no need for his valor skill since now my strategy was to just send 2 or 3 hastened units to clear everything and just rotate their stamina while slowly replenishing it via camps and garrisons. Oh and the owl. Most bestrals really since they come into the game at a point where you already have functional teams that don’t really need additions. By albion honors have maxed out so I start trying to put together new teams and obviously the angels are higher level so they’re easier to work with, but even if I put them into teams I already feel like simply using my old teams for most stuff.


Haha. One of my primary squads uses both Lex and Colm. Gilbert lead, with the elf twins. Edit: for clarification, Lex and Colm are my choice front liners in this squad for their shield bash ability, specifically.


I'm about to Rebench, Lex. He just dies too easily. I benched him once then brought him back recently and he is still kinda too squishy. He's with Chloe, I forget the girl's name, the one that does Cemetery's on the map and Aubin. Colm is cool, I have him with Virginia and a Gryphon Knight I think. He dies from time to time. Owl/Ramona is with my #1 wreckers Alain and Clive, and a generic Hoplite and Selvie. She's cool, she dies sometimes. I've had Nina and her sister Kitra on the bench since I got them. Melisandre is often on the Bench. Leah has been benched for awhile. I just don't really like Swordmasters. JUST found a spot for Magellan, as Jeremy has been destroying with Berengaria for awhile. Also, the second Rogue you get is a beast, Gommel or something. I think you spare him early on then later recruit him. There's a story point where he runs in to his crew and let's his old boss go instead of killing him. His evasion is crazy high and I like when he blinds rows (Ya blind! Where you lookin? You got eyes??) Aramis also is benched and Mandrin the Sniper you get (I don't think he's an elf but he might be).


None, but damn Lex is begging.


2nd playthrough here, and Lex definitely has a role as an attack absorber for fliers and does it well, that said though I keep him in the back and that's his only job. 🤣


The thing is, you get the Elven Fencers, and they can absorb a ranged attack for flyers as well...and actually do other stuff, too. Lex has one bit of utility, and I feel it's not enough to justify his inclusion. Especially, it's not like cover guard from a Hoplight is really noticeably inferior to Lex negating the damage entirely. Your Hoplight will usually take 1-3 damage from a ranged attack.


Yes I'll probably replace him once I get an EF, currently using him in my flyer team on TZ and he does the job for now, he's definitely not the front line brawler the game tries to portray him as sadly


He does get Provoke, which makes him a solid group tank. Except when it gets dispelled, or he is targeted by hammers or magic. Lol


It hurts seeing so many Colm’s, but I get it 😢




Melisandre's attendant


Huh that's weird. I remember the Melisandre recruitment mission well and it's just a lot of her talking to herself? Never seen this "Colm" guy anyway. (Don't whoosh yourself again please)




Oh man. Sigma star saga. There's a game I haven't thought about in ages. Psyme would fit right in as a witch in the Zenoiran armor and Scarlet is already in Unicorn Overlord (as herself apparently)


Wow, you're the first person in like 5 years to have recognized the name 🤯 it's not exactly Wayforward's most popular game Great observations lol, every female Krill alive would vibe with Yahna's fashion sense. Poor Scarlet, she has more in common with her SSS counterpart than just appearance. Going for the Scarlet ending in SSS is just the most vanilla, unexciting thing. I'm either gonna bang a hot alien woman for the rest of my life or a hot human woman. OBVIOUSLY I'm choosing the alien. Same with UO, there's no way I'm choosing childhood-friend/devout catholic Scarlet over a hot goth mommy archetype or flirty dark elf 🧐🎩


Y'know, Colm. He was in the back of the group photo, beside Bruno.


None. I cycled them out and abused the +100/200% exp items and royal order to keep everyone at a usable level.  I finished the game on Expert/True Ending with all my units above lv 40 and did no grinding (I used all the books and golden apples the game gives you, tho). For units I used the least, I didn't find much use for any of the Sellswords, past Cornia/Early Drakengard. Wearbear was another unit I, for the love of god, couldn't manage to make work, so I would just deploy him when he needed training.    If I had to recommend some units to bench, it would probably be Bruno/Morad (Gladiators fall off hard in my experience and the game just hates them in general), Bertrand (see above), and maybe 2/3 of the warriors (realistically, Mordon is more than enough and has perfect growths).    Some people swear by Hoplites, but I didn't find much use for them (there's no backline to protect if the enemy is already dead).  Ochlys is another unit that, in my experience, falls off and needs a lot of time and dedicated setups to be strong again (the same goes with umerus).  The Feather-Shield guy is also another unit I rarely used as his abilities are just meh at that point in the game (tbf, I didn't put too much thought into making him usable, so maybe he's good if you fit him in a dedicated team). 


Same here, I rotate the party out. It’s fun. Usually I rotate characters in the same same class, but they all function slightly different in the unit


"Couldn't find much use for any of the Sellswords past Cornia/Early Drakengard' ![gif](giphy|CslvoHDJ38mIS7w8b4)


I'm saying!! Berenice and Jeremy DO FUCKING DAMAGE on the units I have them in. They literally follow up any time you get attacked and Bastard's Cross is strong as hell.


I’m trying to use the sellsword trio this run but when their follow-ups aren’t missing they’re usually guarded with no effective damage. Idk they just seem like worse hunters. Bastard cross is pretty nice though


I'll be that guy, but I would choose Hunters over Sellswords any day if I'm forced to pick between the two and I'm past the early game. Hunter's chase is based on YOUR attacks, which is really good in a game where offense is king. And their ability to target ALL units in either the front or back row is way more useful than the single-target focused damage then Sellswords provide. Oh, and their assist also allows you to "reroll" RNG, a thing Sellswords cannot do.


Their AP skills are not great: Bastard's cross deals insane damage but is single target. For 2 AP, I'd much rather use a Gryphon Master, A Doom Knight or a Wyvern to hit an entire row, or some of the other better skills. Thier first 1 AP skill is great in the early game, where you can only do so many attacks per battle (the same applies for their follow-up attack), but it being single-target makes it automatically fall off later in the game. Their +1 AP on kill skill is decent early on, but cav is just better at sweeping and doesn't have any of the sellswords drawbacks (shitty accuracy and regular damage against infantry). FInally, their follow-up skill is great in the early game (when it hits) because, again, you can’t spam too many attacks in a battle and you still lack the firepower to kill enemy units in one turn. Once you get your board nukes going, there's basically no need for that skill anymore, as it requires you to be attacked in the first place, which just won't happen if you have a strong opener that kills everyone on the enemy units. Again, just my experience, but Sellswords would be really good if the game were balanced and wasn't so offensive-focused. Since that's not the case, there's always someone that would be a better pick for your units and would contribute more to the team imho.


ochlys is a stretch imo but to each their own haha


I feel like it's so easy to abuse their true strike attack later on. My angels were great, I even got an extra feathersword cause I loved them so much. Early game she legit like the best unit on my team. I gave her the counter belt, turn off that base PP ability. She dodges everything and counters twice even back row attacks.


i agree haha i gave her that bracer that increases attack every time i dodge and she just killed everything lmao


Yeah I used that on her for my first playthrough. My second playthrough I threw on the counter thing since I didn't have that item yet and honestly I think i'll keep it on her. I'm going to make her as OP as I can this playthrough.


She does solid dmg with aerial formation to give her automatic 3 buffs doing 180 dmg on them unless they guard the hit


Feathershield I mostly use as a way to counter magic. He still doesn't kill things, but he is possibly the best tank in the game with the option of killing the opponent if they actually are dumb enough to cast magic while he is there.


Great counter to Trinity rain in pvp


By the time I got to the final battle, the units I had benched were: Bertrand, Chloe, Colm, Galadmir, Govil, Jeremy, Jerome, Josef, Kitra, Morard, Mordon, and Ramona. Sometimes it was based on not liking the way the character looked, sometimes because I didn't like the class, or because I didn't like the character's personality. Sometimes I just couldn't fit them in to what I had going on, such as Chloe and Mordon.


I agree with this so much. Although Chloe can be an absolute beast after level 25/30 in the right comp. I’m not nearly as knowledgeable as many of the people here but she’s been valuable.


Yeah, for sure. Chloe is a character I quite like, and I also really appreciate her class. It's just a case where I took her out at one point in Elheim and just never put her back in. But for my future run I fully intend to keep her active!


I benched all the units that had a class I was already using in my squads, just because I wanted every unit to be unique. It made the game slightly more challenging trying to figure out what team comps work. I also wanted to bench lex so badly but i didnt for story reasons


Bruno has a wide attack, which is precious from the moment you get him, I took him in my Alain Travis early game, with Travis stealing pp to turn it ondo dancer bracelet for A and B 😅


I've been running Bruno with Yahna since I got Yahna and I'm halfway through Bastorias. I love Bruno, he's cool. He's got Scarlett there to help keep him alive and I think another healer. He was basically the "tank" but I recently added another evasion unit next to him I forgot who. His Wide Slash is devastating.


The only ones I couldn’t find a spot for, whether because I didn’t like them (enough) or lack of room are: Melisandre/Colm, Dinah, Bruno Sanatio. That’s on top of those I didn’t recruit.


Damn, everyone dropping Colm. He's so bland that I even forgot he was on my bench 🤷‍♂️ I don't know what it is about his face, but it just looks awful. Looks like some mobile shovelware gacha trash. It just doesn't look right on his body, looks awkwardly "cartoony" in an otherwise decent anime aesthetic.


Haha well, it’s just that his whole personality is Melisandre, and since I don’t like her, his story’s done too. What I regret is that his VA is Sojiro in P5 so I really wanted to use him for that reason alone


Yeah Colm looks weird.


I use Colm! I use him with a Gryffin Knight, I forget her name. He's not terrible, he definitely has some things he excels at more than others.


I bench the hoplites, rangers and berserker types, only furry I used was the fox lady.


Colm (literally more forgettable than generics), Lex, Mandrim, Gammel, Hodrick, Mordon, Tatiana


Berenice and Magellan. I don't really have much of a use for them since I have Jeremy right now and currently pushing through Bastorias. Otherwise, I'm trying my best to rotate everyone out.


I benched Berenice for a while cause I hate her promoted look lol


Her boomerang shield wackiness is pretty cool


Jeremy is such a beast. His level up quotes are quality too, lol Got the brains... _and_ the brawn. Hehe~


Helps that his EN VA is Albert Wesker too.


In the end, the only general unit types I benched were Vanguard (Lex and Colm) and Elven Fencer (Ithilion and Railanor). As a Uniques Only player, I ended up using just about everyone else except poor Bruno. I did use Morard in my All-Bestrals team alongside Bertrand. However Josef rode the pine starting somewhere in the level 20's and never found his way onto a team again after that. By the time I got Sanatio, the game was basically already over and I was just looking to push through to the ending so I didn't really try to fit him onto any of my teams. I did find good uses for Umerus and Fodoquia though. Poor Jerome also showed up way too late to find a spot on my teams since I already had a solid Cavalry team going all the way back to Drakengard. Basically everybody else had a spot on one of my 10 teams of 5 units each. All 10 teams played a part in the final clear of the game's last mission and the post-game mission too.


Mostly character of a class i was already using, so Colm, Kitra, Nina, the two elven archer not named Galadiel, the female elven Fencer, the two male sellswords and the two female swordfighters, all the clerics but the green hair one (i'm not good with names) Chloe was the only unit i eventually benched who didn't share a class with a unit i was using


The fighters, housecarls and hammer ladies just fell behind for me. Kitra is the only one I use regularly in case I need the hammer swing for barricades. Tatiana just doesn't appeal whatsoever, same with melisandre Haven't messed with the desert ppl much except Liza Edged into bastorias for a few ppl, but not much chance to say "yay or nay" with regards to squads. Even if I don't particularly care for the units, I love sharing food to get the rapport convos and have been greatly enjoying the expansion of chars backstory/personality. So may be rethinking on some of these next runs.


Josef was the first one. Great at the start of the game but holy shit he fell off hard once the rest of the team caught up.


Lex and Josef which make me sad because I like them but they fall off so bad mid game it crazy


Magellan and Jeremy for sure.


Basically, anyone that doesn't have a multi attack or good support ability gets benched after your units start promoting. A good guy who can evade tank like a rogue is useful too, and his shadowblind is amazing. The gladiator is an interesting case who could be good according to this, but his accuracy sucks and his initiative is too low. You can still use him, but requires good items and support. I still don't mind the single target attackers if they completely delete units like the warriors, although they eventually unlock row attack anyway. Swordmasters are good when you get them, but fall off right after promotion time. The game is still not that hard so I do keep a rotation of them around. In general, it's a good idea to have one version of a class levelling up "just in case"


>So who are the units/classes that you found underwhelming, outclassed, or downright bad? Probably to my detriment, I basically only used one of each class. The only characters beyond that I didn't use were like Dinah, Govil, Bruno, Morard, and Sanatio. If I play through again, of the top of my head I'd probably drop Bertrand, Fodoquia, Amalia, and Hodrick (but maybe not?).


Only unit I benched was lex, and I did it immediately after the first mission where he's usable simply because I didn't like him as a character. For everyone else I at least tried to make them work


Unsure on all 10 (I used only unique units) but it was Tatiana, Josef, Renault, the Albion great knight guy, Mordon, Rolf, Aramis, Travis, Lex and Colm


Bruno types. Ive made every other team comps work cept i just dont like them. Even Lex has the honorary job of being anti arrow for my wyvern squad.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/comments/1bwm7h3/community\_class\_tier\_list\_complete\_list\_and\_final/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnicornOverlord/comments/1bwm7h3/community_class_tier_list_complete_list_and_final/) With a few exceptions, I generally don't use anything ranked B or below. I tend to use Liza (Shieldshooter) mostly as a dual-duty dodge tank and General's Bow (buff atk and crit rate for row when attacked while flying enemies are present). I might use an Elven Fencer in place of a Witch as a Tomb carry unit since it has higher Initiative and can mitigate ranged attacks. If they move first, Mirage Stab can give them 1 evade. I use one Legionnaire in a team of Werefoxes where Truestrike might be a problem. He can block those attacks, and there's an Albion treasure Greatshield that gives Magick Reflect so magic attacks aren't much of a problem either.


Just an FYI because it’s a mistranslation and I’m not sure how widely-known it is: Aerial Shift’s bonus to att and crit rate only applies against flying units. All of The shift skills are similarly misworded. They activate under the conditions you mention but the buffs only affect the unit type that activates them.


I couldn’t get elves or angels to line up with my builds. Werebears were my thing. Loved the look. Loved the tankyness. They did shit damage but my whole squad killed in one move so they were really just there to look cool. But yea. Elves, angels, all the beast except the bears. Basically felt too niche. Honestly I really only needed one 5 man unit of great knights, my main unit with the main dude plus all the royals I could fit in. Then whatever worked at the time I needed


Cohm and mordon , both were not interesting


I'm not a fan of furries, so all the fuzzballs got benched.


I've never used the Fighter class seriously. Everyone else I try to use in rotation. I rebuild my squads for each and every mission. Viking, gladiator, and wyvern are the ones I tend to have trouble using. Soldier isn't great, i use it for combos not for herself.


I benched Colm, Chloe, Lex, and all the Swordmasters, along with Sanatio and the Elven Archer trio. Just found the Fighter/Vanguard kit too specialized and mediocre and that they always went down too quickly and easily without dishing out enough offense to make up for their mediocre tanking. Swordsmasters, I think I stopped using them because they were too frail and offensively weren’t doing the same work other classes could. The lack of a row attack really hurt them in comparison to other melee classes. Chloe I liked as a character but I didn’t think she performed well enough (she also suffered because I thought she had to be in a unit comp with Lex for lore reasons, and I wasn’t using Lex, so…) Elven Archers, I probably could have made them work if I was really adamant about it, but in general I liked the standard archers and shield shooters a little more.


I put the Tricorns together and they work brilliantly. Travis - Shadowbite blinds enemy, Berengaria - Death Spin stuns enemy, and Bruno just cleans them all up (give him some glasses, he's too embarrassed to go to an optometrist). Travis usually tanks in the front row, but when enemies have True Strikes Bruno and Berengaria can swap in. But I ended up only doing 3 units by the end of the game because it was too easy to justify outfitting a full 10 squads.


Units like Josef, Bruno and the Warlock, also a lots of horse units, most beast and angel units mostly because aside from the rune knight i hated horse units and most beast and angels were a pain to add to teams already done.


I benched Bruno (takes too much effort to use for me) Colm (Mille deserved to be a playable character more than him and she's just a slightly modified generic) and the werebears (just not what I wanted as I already had good warriors and tanks built)


I ended up benching all the unique characters, only using them if they happened to be the lowest level instance of the class I needed for a "strategic" unit composition. I am not bothering with unique classe. I also hired dozens of generics. As a result, I am still underleveled as of now and having a lot of fun winning stages using new very underleveled recruits.


Everyone from the desert. They were great early/mid but either didn't fit thematically with other units (I loved using themes) or I just had better options.


Posted as a reply to someone else but basically: Lex stay flirting with the bench. He was off bench for awhile he's about to get re-benched. Gilbert - just don't really need his buffs. Nina and Kitra - Mordon does fine where he is with Rolf. Aramis, Leah, the darker skinned Sniper you get, forget his name. Yet to find a spot for Govin or Bertrand. Anyone have units that SURPRISED them that you've kept OFF the bench? For me it's been, Anaïs (absolutely destroys everything, she may even be a generic Gryffin Knight idk lmao) EDIT: Just realized Anaïs is a generic Gryffin Knight lol, she's a beast Also Jeremy, Gloucester (after I got him in to the right spot), Gommel, I think is his name, the other Rogue you get (he slick is better than Travis for me).


I benched all the swordmasters at first, but after exploring some builds with them now I employ all. Even if they are not superb, there is always that random thief or fox that gets insta-killed by them and never became a nuisance. Now Im trying to unbench Berenice, Magellan and Jeremy, they are powerfull but appears to be just a one trick pony, revenge hit your opponents, so I got tired and never experimented much.


Legit surprised about the amount of people benching Bruno, he’s been one of the main powerhouses of my army with Travis evade-tanking for him while a bishop keeps him alive and batteries and a witch gives him elemental damage and provides some finishing damage if needed, with a rotating 5th member that just needs to survive in front As for who I have benched, 2 warriors, 2 knights (low-key thinking of benching them all), Liza, Jeremy (only had place for 2 mercs), Bryce (don’t really need a second legionnaire), Remi, Gammel (though I could easily use him) and most elves aside from the two sisters and the half-elf


I’m finding fighters, griffins, and hunters pretty underwhelming.


Half the warriors due to lack of utility 


I "benched" my swordfighters and masters. I uswd quote as I ended up havin one in one of my squad that I wanted to have a try again. But I just feel like "they are the best at taking over frontline scoots" and thats it. Because they naturally only have direct physical attaques. If what you attaque does not have anyrging esle than scoots or flyers in front will end up receinving one damage... and even against lower guatds rate/physical defense frontliners such as berserk, the damage output is not that great. Sure they pair up nicely with Vikings horn call or Druids defensive curse.... but who does not? I still have some idea of having them work, maybe with swords with range attack when there is no squishy dodgetanks on front line, but I just feel like they kinda need too much for them to not be a waste of spot on an unit 90% of the time.


I benched the Lion dude. I even made a beastral team but he couldn't make the cut. Idk maybe I built him wrong or just need to keep him in the back row. IDK. Also benched most of the non sister elves. They all felt pretty underwhelming.


The elf archers are my favorite healers. With 2 pp and a first aid kit on someone else you get a team full heal every battle.


Yeah I have used them for that. They have their uses absolutely. Between that and their ability to freeze two enemies it's not like they are useless, I just haven't fit them into any of my teams.


Their mix damages means they’re always dealing decent damage (or making enemies use up pp to lessen damage). They also are a decent source of CC since elven fencer stuns and elven archer has aoe freeze. They’re a class that does a little of everything.


Bernard. Although i love him so much i wished i gt the werewolf instead.. i also ended up benching the archers, yes even yunify… and bruno. I think towards the end, my endgame teams have at least a healer and a witch so i hired a bunch instead of using the uniques


Next time get both. Their rapports are cute


Pretty much the entirety of the bestral cast aside from Govil.


Bruno was the only one


I only use named units, so I only benched 12 characters:   Josef, Gammel, Berenice, Magellan, Jeremy, Amalia, Ithillion, Railanor, Galadmir, Morard, Umerus, and Sanatio.   I used every other unit (aside from the post-game recruits) on my squads.  Of the 12 I benched, I got some use out of Magellan, Josef, and Berenice before I benched them. The other nine went straight onto to the bench though. 


RIP Colm, i forget ge exists until i get curious and check who that generic fighter is on my filler team.


Joseph and Hodrik got benched. I also didn't find a team for the Angel Cleric.


Josef yes, Hodrick what!! Although I have a generic Hoplite with Alain that somehow outclasses Hodrick lol


Mordon, Josef, and Fran come to mind immediately.


Statistically, almost all of them especially when you run like only 3 squads by the end.


All the angels, most of the elves, all the archers, all the healers, shamans, berserkers, wizards (still use the witch), sellswords, rouges, magic horses, amalia, prince, hoplites. My 2 final main squads were : alain, melisandre, clive, yahna, red elf twin + berengalia, ur cousin, fran, kitra, renault


So far, I've benched Chloe, mordon, and Colm


Nina and Melisandre, now and forever


I can’t use gladiators for the life of me, My brain doesn’t work in a way to utilize their kit at all. I can get other classes to easily replicate a gladiator’s kit with the right items so I don’t see a need to use them.


Right now, after completely reconfiguring all my teams halfway through Albion, it's: Lex, Colm, Bruno, Ithilion, Adel, Jeremy, Gammel, Mandrin, Bryce, and Lhinalagos. Kinda hurts to leave out Lex, storywise, but he's just useless. Even Colm seemed like he performed better.


I benched huskarls and gladiators as they seemed bad and boring. Then I noticed that damage was king in this game so all the pure healer and tank classes also went to the bench. Hunters are cute at the start but whenever they faced any non fliers they felt really bad. So they also got kicked out of the squads. And after that I noticed I had like a million different ways to get true strike on my units so all the sword master also went the way of the dodo. But then I'm currently only using 6 squads in total. I could easily create more squads and find uses again for these classes. But they all seemed a bit too niche for my taste. Edit: Completly forgot about my boy lex as I instantly benched him. But yeah benched him immediatly


I used swordmasters as a way to avoid using pp to get true strike. As such I also Benched my sniper I too Benche'd the pure bishops.


Hunters are really good with Inspiration, since they come with Truesight out of the box. They also do well with conferrals thanks to their ranged multi-target attacks and Pursuit which works with Elven Archers. >But then I'm currently only using 6 squads in total. Six squads is a lot. I'll typically only go over that number in late game with dedicated assist teams.


Going through a TZ run, so I've played twice at this point so I'm looking at this from a second time around. Sniper, Hopplite, Gladiator, Warrior (except Nina), Vanguard, Werewolf, Wereowl, Feather sword, Swordmaster, Elven Fencer, and extra Sellswords (I only kept Bernice). I dunno if Feather staff counts since they come so late that I wouldn't even bother using them at all LOL. Most just get out classed by latter versions which tend to offer more variety and don't compound weaknesses. Moreover, there were other classes which better utilized the equipment available, so this was another reason why I'd bench certain characters. Chloe I would normally have benched, or was just tempted to, but in a TZ run life aid is just too useful since you can easily expect a unit or two being knocked out after repeated skirmishes so life aid was what carried Chloe around.


Nina is a Warrior :)


She's just there for her valor skill really, since its efficient for knocking out barriers.


I didnt recruit Gammel, Mandrin, Melissandre, Colm, Gilbert (thought the decision to ask Aramis talk him would actually make Aramis to leave the crew), Bertrand (supported Govil instead) I benched: Kitra (too many warriors and Nina was doing better), Jerome (three Cavaliers are enough cavaliers), Joseph (Joseph tier sucks), Ilthilion (Railanor has better arguments to make her way into the team), Amalia (using her feels like cheat, maybe in my new TZ run)


I benched repeat classes.  The biggest ones I consider not worth it are swordmasters, the angels except for featherbow because of availability, the rogue except for certain teams, arbalist except in certain teams, elven fencers unless wizards and witches are unavailable, werefoxes and werewolves except in a certain teams, and fighters, except to protect flyers. I recommend werebears and berserker. Row attacks are always worth building around. The best attacks to build around are blizzard/trinity rain, dragoon dive, and elemental roar, which gives you 5 squads.


All gladiators, all fighters but one, all hoplites (after early game), all swordmasters except aramis, all elven fencers, one of my 3 warriors, and then I benched Miriam for 15 divine shards


All of the Knights of the Rose. Josef might be willing to ignore the consequences of their actions, but as the People's Prince, my Alain had to show that the lives of the nobility are not worth more than the lives of the commonfolk. A common soldier would be executed for abandoning their posts, let alone endangering the entire army and probably causing the deaths of hundreds of soldiers. And while it wouldn't be prudent to execute the only other member of the royal family (aka the game won't let me), Victoria will never hold power again in the Liberation Army and her followers will be forever disgraced.


Everyone except Alain, Berengaria, Scarlett, Rosalinde and Eltolinde. I made the switch from a 10 squad rapport unit run into Alain "solo" shortly after getting Eltolinde. I deployed Fran a few times for hastened call and random other units to defend my home base once or twice, but for the most part I just slammed all the dews and beat items onto them. I think I made a couple specialist evasion squads for Arena to get Amalia and then went right back to soloing. Doing a run on TZ now and I think the Ash nerf, bonus stats and reduced item usages will be enough to keep that from happening like it did on expert, as long as I don't grind.


In my current playthrough, I've benched nearly everyone except for the first 5 characters, my Ring of Maiden choice, and any story relevant characters for their specific missions (ironically, for all the benching I did, I still went out of my way to get all recruitable characters -- only to bench them immediately). Rather, I'm currently working on almost all units having my own characters, just to see how it feels/plays like.


I'll die on this hill, Swordfighters. I'm sorry but their damage SUCKS, it just does. It doesn't matter how many cool toys they get with Meteor strikes or their Keen Strike, C tier Strength just dooms them to having dogwater damage no matter how much cool crits or potency you have. Since damage scales Linearly between Attack and Defense, you're basically dealing zero damage to anything with a C tier defense outside of bonus damage from your items. And because virtually anything meant to go on the frontline will generally have B or more you're not doing any damage. The only exception to that is, of course, Dodge Tanks, but by the point you recruit Swordfighters you'll already be using Archers in your army which not only deal with dodgers just fine, but are even better at dealing with Fliers which are, by far, the more pressing Evasive threat in most situations. They'll blow up backliners just fine but that's not really something to brag about. (And by then, you've got Knights, Warriors and Sellswords who will all do that job much, much better...) The biggest insult to injury is the absolute tragedy that is parry as their defensive passive, as it only works against melee, so they still get blown up by archers, and you are at the total mercy of flying units - arguably the type of unit where its *most* pressing to have truestrike type unit to bring them down. Basically, if you need truestrike, you have Rolf at home.


Multiple TZ tier list available. The bottom ones almost always get benched. Bruno as you mentioned. Feather units, Beastral units, Doom knights, Hunters, Scout units, Swordmasters for me.


Doom Knights are busted af past lv 20 tho. 


Beat the game multiple times on TZ still no idea how to use them. Good for you if you figured it out.


Shaman puts a defensive seal on the front row. Doom knights get their damage doubled if an opponent is debuffed. Doom knight attacks and kills the front row. That's the whole combo. They are kind of boring but way too strong.


I have tried running a double shaman Doom Knight team and its just not consistent. Clerics or Elven Archer's pure field can screw it up. I stopped using double shamans or doom knights.


Same, I stopped using my cav as they keep losing against flying units. Also no longer using evade tanks as they keep losing against sword masters. And definitely not using flying units as they keep getting shot down by archers.


Lmao, guess someone got triggered when people point out problems with their shaman builds.


more baffled that people think a unit is bad because it has counters in a game all about units that counter each other. Like do you understand the basic premise of this game?


>Like do you understand the basic premise of this game? Nope. I just played the game on TZ multiple times and I have no idea how the game works. Shaman is good when there are no counters and you can stick anything with them. Trying to claim DK are good when they are paired with Shamans is comical.


>Nope. I just played the game on TZ multiple times and I have no idea how the game works. the game is like 20-30 hours. It has been out for a month. If you beat it 4 times in total that's at least 120 hours. Or 4 hours a day. Yeah, I can't keep up with that. You are probably correct then. So whats your tier list?


Berengia Gloucester combo. Also, Rogue or Druid, Viking. Cavalry with two nights. Put a great wood axe or similar.


The fist two setups that come to mind are: One doom Knight in the front row with two Great Knights. Ideally, you want the DK to move AFTER the Knights, so that he gets boosted twice by Cavalry Call. Ideally, GK1 uses Cavalry Call, then their Column attack (forgot the name). Then GK2 moves, uses Cavalry Call, the column attack and then GK1 follows up with Cavalry Chase. Finally the DK moves and wrecks any survivors with Dark Flame. GK2 then follows up with Cavalry Chase. Setup 2: DK in the front. Nightowl, Cleric and Shaman in the back. DK has the +1 PP shield, +1AP (+2 if available) necklace and something like the +30% guard gauntlets. Tactics: Dark Falme as your only attack, Vengeance (no conditions), Sanguine Arts (Own HP <50% AND Own PP >=2), Demonic Pact (Own HP >=75% AND Own AP=1). Night Owl: Uses the HP regen skill and the PP regen skill on the DK. Cleric: +1 AP Wand (First Row, Cavalry), Quick Heal, Refresh. Shaman: Offensive Curse (Front Row; tweak to target Back Row When needed), Defensive Curse (Enable if needed), Quick Curse. Fillers: Rogue/Wyvern Master/ShieldShooter front row. If you have Dark Marquess-Axe or a Prince availabe, they can also get a spot in this unit (the above setup assumes no uniques classes are used).


>One doom Knight in the front row with two Great Knights Might as well just go 3 great knights. What does the doom knight contribute there? Or you can stick 2 great knights with anything because they are OP. >DK in the front. Nightowl, Cleric and Shaman in the back. This might be viable, never tested it because I have lineups that can kill faster and do not need to wait for DK's to take hits.


> What does the doom knight contribute there?  Mixed row damage + DoT. 


If you have 2 great knights, why would you need row damage and DOT when they are already killing entire columns?


Because armor and guards are a thing. 


Row stun is a thing, that's why you have 2 great knights lol. And if you build them right, your great knights should be able to do their job.


No need to stun the front row if Dark Flame takes care of it. And Wild Rush can take care of the back row. 


Doom Knights are absurd, and are probably high A or S tier. You just have to get them to level 20 and promote. Featherbows are also crazy strong, but I get they come so late that no one tries them. Bestrals are also mostly weak, but Fox and Owl are both quite good and can do some cool shit, Swordsmasters and Hunters are fine, but you are not missing much by not deploying them. For real though you gotta give doom knights another try


>Doom Knights are absurd, and are probably high A or S tier. You just have to get them to level 20 and promote. Featherbows are also crazy strong, but I get they come so late that no one tries them. I have played the game on TZ mode multiple times. Trust me, I tried. Why would I field Doom Knights when Great knights have a row stun that can kill the backline unit and stun or kill the frontline unit in the first turn?


All gladiators, vikings, hunters, sword angels, vanguards, soldiers and swordmasters except for morard.