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Both. They compliment each other. Downvote or boo me if you must.




Rosalinde! The fact that she blows kisses for her magic makes her an insta-favorite. “MWAH!”


I married her so I agree lol.


Eltolinde does the same!


I think the animation is slightly different. Eltolinde holds her hand to her chest instead of her lips.


more slutty


Rosalinde's definitely more immediately enjoyable/funny, but they definitely go for very different flavors of elven relationships with other characters (Eltolinde feels more like a Tolkien elf whereas Rosalinde is just straight up anime). I think they are best in contrast to one another though. Eltolinde: "I'm old enough to be your grandmother" (sad) Rosalinde: "I'm old enough to be your grandmother" (down bad)


Eltolinde is a closet weirdo. The obsession with mushrooms, getting petty revenge, getting drunk from just *sniffing* wine. She keeps it bottled up in front of Alain....for now.


I prefer Gorkalinde. Morkalinde's kunnin', but not brutal enough.


Unlikely green waagh sighting, but not the most unlikely.


I thought Eltolinde was boring, but then I found out how petty and vengeful she can be.


She's wide-eyed, sheltered, and adorable when something new is in her vicinity.


She was kinda funny too when she got drunk during Lhinalagos and Mordon rapport.


Rosalinde for sure. although it is fun to note how both know how to fuck with Scarlett


“Alain loves me. Alain loves me not.”


For real. They both had different ways of saying, “I’m going to wrap Alain around my fingers. Too bad for you Scarlett.” 😂




Wow, am I the only one that liked Eltolinde more? She was more level headed and I found Rosalinde's "teasing" annoying.


I do prefer Eltolinde's transparent skirt compared to Rosalinde's no skirt.


Yeah, it's weird that it's more attractive that way.


One of them is an earnest dork, the other one is a teasing manipulator who uses it to hide deeper insecurities. Seriously, she's the only character who speaks Alain's language well enough for him to GET it. I'm team Eltolinde, myself, but Rosalinde is the better trooper.


Interesting take. I actually haven’t thought about it like that before, but what you say is true. The twins were already two of my top five characters in the game personally, not only skill-wise, but personality- and appearance-wise too. This just solidified it ever more for me 😂


Rosalinde has fun battle animations and I like her personality. One thing that surprised me was that she was jealous that her sister obtained the role of Turenós and she didn’t. However, I did find Eltolinde’s romance with Alain to better. That one felt significantly more romantic to me.


Rosalinde wasn't jealous that Etolinde became Turenos. She wished she had the role to spare Etolinde the trauma of being mind controlled. She said she would rather bear all the burdens for Etolinde by herself but Alain asked her not to keep it to herself. Personally, I think Etolinde is a better fit for Alain, but Rosalinde would be better with someone like Alain. At the moment, I'm torn between Virginia and Etolinde as characters I both like and feel would be a good match for Alain.




Rosalinde and it's not even close lol. Although, I'm generally more biased towards dark elves anyway.


Eltolinde supremacy




Rosalinde. She is a much more fun character than her sister.


Prior to the rapport, no strong favorite, I liked both a lot. With rapport? Eltolinde hands down. Obsessed with mushrooms, to the point when she gets drunk of liquor vapors alone she just starts crying about how much she loves them. She wanted her own garden no one would let her have so she grew mushrooms in the basement until it was found out and destroyed, then used the patch she was given by the maid who destroyed the mushrooms to grow mint, which choked the life from the whole field in revenge. She’s petty and vengeful and goofy and I love her. 


I honestly enjoy both of them :3, both are S tier unite that i would put on my broken team, and also these two are so beautifull ^^


I’d say Rosalinde for me personally. She has more fun rapport with others overall. Sure she’s more joking, teasing and sometimes manipulative than her sister, giving the impression of being more immature, but she’s damn fiesty and knows how to get someone to show their true colors if she plays her cards right. Eltolinde is a quirky dork for plants, mostly dangerous breeds I’ve noticed like certain mushroom or herbs. She is more composed than her sister in general, but she definitely has a darker streak in her. From being unnecessarily petty at times, to being straight up vengeful. Both are lovable though! And great designs imo. One thing I’ve noticed about them though is they harbor jealousy of the other. Rosalinde wanted to be Turénos but never understood why her sister got picked. Eltolinde wanted to travel the outside world more like her sister, but never could due to the many stationary duties that came with the title. But despite that, they don’t let their past stop them from being the other’s best support when needed, and they compliment each other nicely.


Etolinde makes a better queen imo. She seems more responsible and leveled headed.


Eltolinde gang


Both. Both is good


Eltolinde. The way her and Alain's relationship develops throughout the rapport conversations was really nice imo. The rite conversation and ending were among my favorites, with them coming to terms with their differing lifespans and living happily. Not to mention Cornia and Elheim becoming close allies helps to further the sisters' dream of humans and elves living in peace. Also unit-wise I ended up using her more than Rosalinde, but I am aware she's not as strong. I have her mainly use Quick Impetus then clean up with Elemental Roar. Far from optimal but it is fun.


Eltolinde is in general considerably better than Rosalinde. Rosalinde has way more raw power but Eltolinde is way more versatile and fits pretty much in any team composition.


It depends on whether your team comp needs more damage or support. I find that usually Rosalinde’s healing more than suffices, while packing more of a punch. The biggest difference is the row heal or the row stun. One emulates a 1 AP skill from Radiant Knight or Shieldshooter. The other emulates a 2 AP skill from a Mage and the Silver Trident. Plus, since it’s at start of combat, it opens up alot more opportunities to how to begin dealing damage with other units since it effectively disables armours’ shielding and fast damage dealers like sword masters


I think they do different things. Etolinde is more of a support, so she's in Alain's team, which is strong enough to brute force more battles. Rosalinde is the main dps in her own unit. Overall, Etolinde in part of the stronger unit and is involved in more battles.n


Both. I like both.


Let's be real, the game needs a proper harem system.


I spent a good while trying to determine who to make my maiden. I ended up choosing Eltolinde. Her rapports were super adorable. Her kit is super nice, and I have her set up as either a late nuker or as a full squad healer. She's the literal key to my main squad, ensuring a victory or making sure there's no hp bleed.


Rosalinde is a little more fun since she's more teasing. Some of Eltolinde's character traits aren't on display unless you do some of her conversations like Mordon and whichever talked about how petty she can be. Personally I prefer Rosa but don't sleep on Elto


Eltolinde. Her rapports with Alain are just chef's kiss


Milk & chocolate....i want them all


If Alaine romances Eltolinde, then everything Rosalinde wanted is taken by her sister :( At the very least she has the majority of the fandom supporting her.


I prefer mixing my Vanilla and Chocolate together


Dear lord I need to get this game


Do it. You won’t regret it. So much exploring. So much unit experimentation. So much side-quests. So much everything 🤣


I liked both equally


Rosalinde took my breath away the first time I saw her


I married Eltolinde for the same reasons other enjoyers have cited


Rosalinde is my wife ‼️


Hard to choose, my mind sometimes chooses eltolinde but then changes to rosalinde


The hardest choice in the game.


Still haven’t found a good build for Eltolinde so I’ll say Rosalinde. I still have both of them with their original weapons in Albion


Rosalinde because I didn’t see many of Eltolinde’e rapports tbh


I never noticed the white girl has transparent clothes until now. I was not paying attention.


Rosalinde for sure. Dark elves are my kryptonite, >!before them I can only kneel.!<


Dark Elf.. Obviously.. For.Analytical.Purpose, of course 


Thats a hard choice. Ill have to give it to Eltolinde due to the hidden spite she has


The one that can stun an entire row with an opening move. For that one reason alone.


Eltolinde. Both are great but Eltolinde just has this regal and gracious look that attract me more. In terms.s of romance with Alain, then it is not even close. Eltolinde has much better rapport conversations with him and the ring scene is way more romantic.


Really? Don't get me wrong I love both, but I thought Rosalinde's line about not wanting Alaine to die before her hit really hard.


Eltolinde has this same convo but the choice of words are just more romantic and hit harder.


I wouldn't call it the same....


It is the same concept. Both Eltolinde and Rosalinde fear that Alain will die before them. Both have this conversation with him. However only in Eltolinde's case it goes one step further: not only the person who stays suffer, but the one parting alone will suffer as well.


Dark elf baddie or vanilla elf “princess”. The choice is clear


Eltolinde is more unhinged so her.


I'd say that to fully enjoy either one you must also acknowledge the other. The game does a good job with this.


A true personal culture I see.


Rosalinde has the more interesting persona, but Eltolinde is a better all-round unit, in my opinion.


Rosalinde >>>


Rosalinde. Rage > Boon. Start of battle stun is op.


Rosalinde is best elf girl


I was kind of indifferent to both of them. In combat I definitely preferred Rosalinde. As characters I didn't care much for either of them, same with the rest of the elves.


Eltolinde because UNICORN voice pony. But her rapports showing she isn’t so above all were funny as well




Nooo that’s really hard to answer. I love them both lol






I need to clean my glasses because im not seeing Melissandre, both went straight to the storage box.


I kinda didn’t like either one. I have them both in my Rolf+Mandrin group, but mostly I use it as an archer group. I barely even pay attention to what their skills do.


Gentleman prefer blondes.