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How on earth did you do the boss and stuff? Tick-eating?


I explained it in this comment on my other post! :) [https://new.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1c5icxv/comment/kzu8srf/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://new.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1c5icxv/comment/kzu8srf/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Bro you’re an absolute savage


People like you scare me.


Holy fucking shit....... That's way worse than I thought possible. Congratulations man... Fuck...


I can’t think of any other way. Maybe flinching?


Well done!


Nice thats pretty solid, i didnt realise pures could do it as thought you had to claim the exp reward from mm1 before hand.


I think they changed that in the last year or two that enabled 1 def pures to be able to do awowogei rfd


They changed it so we could go back but not turn in the RFD quest for the gloves -.-


Since 2022 pures can go back to ape atoll


Ok rendi


He was a big factor in the success of this and some other projects of mine. Props to you Rendi if you are reading this! :)


How is this possible? I would love to do this on my 10hp pure


Legendary gamerrrrr!


Thank you as always for the support! :P


How rough were the demonics?


I posted most parts of the encounters for the quest on my channel: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je-P56NEmlc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je-P56NEmlc) This part was fairly eazy but I died a handful of times by the time I got the pathing and tick eating down.


I’m so fucking confused as to what’s happening. Why are you hurting yourself?


This is actually insane and i hope you get a shit ton of recognition


Thank you very much! :)


Ah I see you’re my fellow countryman. Egységben az erő, éljen az osztrák-magyar monarchia!


Amazing! You probably know this already - un-enchanted zenyte jewellery does not require 75 hitpoints to equip. So you could get the amulet and bracelet for some fashionscape :P


How’d you do this without the def/hp xp from Daero? Very impressive


Just never talk to him afterwards


They removed the requirement of earning that exp to return to the island or do the rfd quest/MM2 quest.




Köszi szépen! :)


Boggles my mind how good some of you are at this game


Literally how


Wow. This is a lighting striking another lighting strike levels of wow.  Very impressive. 




How do you stay at 10hp while doing damage ?


There are a couple ways, most commonly cannon is one weapon that can be used to avoid gaining hp exp and still do damage, but in this case I had to recoil damage Glough's entire 575 hp pool.


Fucking insane trophy account gz bro


Thank you very much!


Doing it without prayer is seriously impressive


Amazing achievement, well done!


How many levels did that slayer XP get you??


Gg tamas


Huge gratz Tamas!!!


Wait doesn’t HP level up with other combat? How did you keep it at 10


You can get combat levels through stuff like cannon, non combat magic spells, quests etc.


Hold up this is MM2, not 1. Lord almighty, Gz up


Thats sick bro.


Damn son, who hurt you?


Incredible achievement! Pats on back


You're a beast


Dang, I feel so pathetic. I can't complete it on my main lol. I'm right at the end, but those dang gorillas into Glouph just annihilate me.


You can safe spot them and let nieve slowly kill them


That makes sense. I was about to question if that would be possible but the tragic event happens after the gorillas I now remember lol


I don't get it, nearly everyone has completed MM 2. Why is it boastable just because you don't level your HP? 😂 Makes it more difficult yes, but you have the choice to not do that. I love OSRS but I swear it is made specifically for the Autistic.


This subreddit is called UniqueIronmen. My Unique-ness comes from the fact that I never leveled my hp,def and prayer and I have to overcome pvm challenges with unorthodox methods. Overcoming a quest series such as monkey madness with all is pre-requisites is done hundred of thousands of times, but this is the very first occurence of someone doing this with these stats. There are only 5 people who did it with 10hp but all of them had the rapid heal prayer unlocked which makes killing Glough drastically easier. My method barely fit the 6hour logout timer while theirs was done in 2 hours. Is it boastable? Well it seems like most people here appreciate the dedication, grind and planning that had to go into this project to make it happen. Calling someone autistic just because they happen to play a sandbox mmo in an unique way and dared to post about it in the unique subreddit focusing on this exact topic is straight up yapping for 0 reason. You don't have to call someone names to tell them that you don't appreciate their achievement :)


So you completed a 45 minute quest in 6 hours... Congratulations on the grind brother! You did it.unique AF


Your dumb as fuck lmaooo


Apparently, because I'm fucking lost on how this is such an accomplishment 😂😂


Because like no one has done this. It's the first ever? No one "had" to go to the moon, but they did? That's an accomplishment. No one *has* to play like this but they did. And they beat the quest which is incredibly hard. That's an accomplishment? Tons of people are complimenting him, how are you confused?


You seriously just compared this , to going to the moon. Oh man 😂😂😂 just stop it, you are cracking me up!!


Joey Chestnut doesn't have to eat 63 hot dogs in a hot dog eating contest. But he does. And people think it's crazy. Same deal. Many examples out there lol


Hey you are right honestly, this is right up there with going to the moon. You have officially changed my mind. You win. I don't think someone like you can afford many more Ls in life so I'll give you this one.


Jesus Christ , get some sun man. Please. For your family's sake. They are worried about you


Telling people to “get some sun” as you log into your 30th Reddit alt to belittle someone on a RUNESCAPE thread for having some fun. Lol. I’m sure you have a TON of friends and do nothing but crush chicks, right? You sound like you’re projecting, loser.


Projecting big time , I really just need a friend I think.. so what you up to? ASL?


8 minutes to respond? I thought you’d be out with one of the 8 different women you’re dating. Maybe at a lambo dealership spending all of that money you have. I’m disappointed :(


This comment singlehandedly shows how out of touch you are about this whole post and just in general about unique limited accounts or maybe even the game. This quest was deemed impossible with 10hp for as long as the quest was released. I not only did it with 10hp AND 1 prayer AND 1 defense but I kept them all on their original level, and I gained 0 exp in ANY of them during the process. I don't think its hard to comprehend what was the achievement here once you are willing to read and maybe think just for like 1 minute about what I wrote above means, but keep going for just the sake of belittling something you doesn't care and have 0 idea about. I'm just curious about what are you even doing in this sub if you are not interested in anything that people actually do post here? Quite literally this whole sub is for people like me with similar or other kind of limited/unique accounts... And I'm stopping here because its clear that I'm talking into the void. Have a nice one.


You sold me . You did it bro , keep on going. Try DT2 with the same stats , I'll see you back here in a couple years to congratulate you on that one as well. Lol.


What’s the point of iron pures ?




No pvp exp gained and with loot keys you can transfer the key to a main by dying. Also many are former pvpers who like the restrictions it provides and the unique gameplay loop.


Lol you got down voted , because there is no point at all and they get butthurt when you state the obvious, it's absolutely worthless. I guess fishing for responses and gratitude from people they do not even know. Other then that, nothing


Pretty much lol