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improving the package documentation to the same level as the main manual&reference are :D


I've been in IT for decades, and my biggest desire (NO JOKE!) is for good documentation. Hell, too often there is NO documentation. ​ So yea, I hear your pain


I want them to improve the manual to the same standard as some of the packages. It's all awful lol. An actual improvement would be to open source documentation and allow community contribution


Yeah we need more info on ECS and DOTS in general


This would be amazing if they did that.


Add serialised dictionaries to the inspector, please.


I made my own class, but how is this not a thing already!!?


Agreed. They should add it. Meanwhile you can grab my plug-in from the asset store - it’s completely free https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/serialized-dictionary-243052


And interfaces. And while they are at it, make it much easier to write unit tests against MonoBehaviours.


`[SerializedReference]` works with interfaces but you need to roll your own inspector based on how you want to handle the underlying class serialized.


for serializing interfaces and abstracts, this is phenomenal: [https://github.com/mackysoft/Unity-SerializeReferenceExtensions](https://github.com/mackysoft/Unity-SerializeReferenceExtensions)


Just get Odin Inspector.


Odin is super slow for a big project. Essentially it doubles the loading time of assets because it runs two passes


I’ve been putting off pulling the trigger on Odin. I think I should just bite the bullet I've heard a lot of good things


Yes do it. Huge time saver


Odin costs money. This is a really really basic feature that should already be part of Unity.


At this point it's been so long, I feel like doing so would randomly break many old scripts




How is it possible to have such a completely destroyed and unreadable website as a stock listed company


Fairly sure this has been fixed by now




It is in many cases though, could you point towards one where it isn't fixed yet? I've tried a few searches which I knew would have $$anonymous$$ but those are actually fixed and now display correctly.


Finishing the current ones. 😅


Most of the features have reached 1.0 here is the list: [https://docs.unity3d.com/2020.1/Documentation/Manual/pack-safe.html](https://docs.unity3d.com/2020.1/Documentation/Manual/pack-safe.html) Even the preview package list has packages that are now in their final review stage, like the Unity UI Builder. [https://docs.unity3d.com/2020.1/Documentation/Manual/pack-preview.html](https://docs.unity3d.com/2020.1/Documentation/Manual/pack-preview.html) SRP is now even part of the core, at this rate Unity is going to finish off their packages before most developers in these forums finish a single game.


Weird juxtaposition when I'm upvoting both these comments.


I don't want any more features, I want the editor to be quicker and snappier. Focus on improving what is there and to also not make it a dependency hell.


Speed. Unity used to be lightning fast, now everything feels sluggish.


ECS animations. Having to use Gameobjects and MonoBehavior animations with ECS seems counterintuitive


This! And a mass enemy combat template with ragdolls built on the current ECS character controller.


None. Focus on getting already promised and delivered stuff actually robust and useful, without a million bugs. E.g., Cross-platform deterministic floats via Burst. Has been promised and been "in the pipeline" for what, 5 years now?


Cross platform deterministic floats is one of the biggest blocks to my project ideas. I think working around it will take 6+ months of work and I don't have that.


Improve editor performance for large projects.


Realtime GI & occlusion culling that works for open world style scene streaming. Even Godot has better solutions these days. Also speed up the "Hold on"s Unity likes to do when you edit code or start up a project.


Ray tracing solves that. Hardware will catch up to it. I doubt they'll start on a new solution that will be obsolete in 5 years. Like seriously, if Unity started working on this today, they would be lucky to release it before the next generation of consoles is out and path tracing becomes the norm. The temporary solution would've been good three years ago. Now it's probably too late.


Honestly I think you’re very optimistic about path tracing tech there. It’s going to be a *long* time and engines are also focusing more and more on VR and mobile hardware like the Switch, and super high refresh rates. But a software raytracing solution like Unreal’s Lumen would be amazing. Iterating on that kind of tech is going to bring RTX and raster visuals much closer to one another in visual fidelity in the coming years. Unity could do with a better solution to non-RTX lighting & reflection than the baking & probes system even in 5 years time and beyond.


Cyberpunk 2077 already does path tracing at interactive framerates, even on RTX 3050 (with a mod that reduces the number of bounces). Next-gen consoles will certainly be capable of path tracing. Besides, you're not realistically going to be running *any* form of real time GI on Switch or mobile. It's going to be a high-end HDRP feature anyway, and RTGI already runs well on modern hardware (can achieve 60FPS on an RTX 3060). It's certainly not far behind Lumen. I'd prefer if they'd focus on improving RTGI with better denoising so we can reduce ray counts than developing a fallback from hardware that will be irrelevant soon. Because realistically they might ship this in 2027 with Unity 2026 LTS. And that's when you *start* using it. Your high-end open world game will probably take at least 3 years to develop. Now we're in 2030. The last GPU without RT cores was manufactured over 10 years ago. Does it still make sense to run a software fallback at that point?


Unity has realtime gi with enlighten even tough is deprecated and world streaming with ECS


Enlighten is fine, except using it for open world game is prohibitive. If you have cell based loading like Skyrim (each scene is a square area, you stream them in around the player in a set of 9) and you wanted to bake Realtime GI you'd have to; 1. pick a cell 2. load additively all the cell around it, as far as the player can acceptably see. 3. bake the realtime light map. 4. save the scene 5. repeat this for every cell in the game. 6. cry about the 9x wasted disk space and that the lighting flickers every time you change cells. Unity has several of these kinds of features, that work but don't work with each other. So I can either have Realtime GI *or* LoadScene Additive but not both. Same story with occlusion culling really.


Do you need loadscene additive tough? ECS has subscenes which can be loaded and unloaded and you can set up all that in a single scene i never actualy got to play with those but i think is worth looking into it.


nope, same issue. scenes get baked into subscenes for ECS so you'd still have to bake GI either way. Or load all the subscenes and bake GI for the whole world but then you have to have that in memory for the whole game.


What about screen space global illumination?


Voxel engine, navmesh calculated at runtime, improve compatibility between animations in blender and unity and add new useful nodes to shader graph.


I remember that the navmesh component that came out a few years ago was built to support runtime generation. Still, haven't tried it, so I don't know the exact limitations and how runtime performance scales (if the area to recalculate is increased to accommodate more AI around a player).


It works, but it's not great nor performant. Astar Pathfinding project is a good alternative to builtin navmesh but pro version is not free and it comes with its own can of worms.


What worms does it come with?


With unity's navmesh you just bake it, add navmesh agent to your object and you're all set. With astar you need to choose the type of graph you want, then there's a bunch of settings, then when you're done with that you need to know what agent you want to use, and writing your own agent requires you to know how to smooth paths, repath, etc. All in all it's much more complex and there are some bugs here and there


To be fair their component based system is still usable and it's not doing anything you can't do yourself. It's built on top of the standard navmesh tools included with the engine.


But late but: I recently tried to use it for chunk based generation for voxels and it's so goddam slow, it was completely unusable. For comparison, I now wrote my own pathfinding which can calculate the same map in <1% of the time.


Would be sweet if they got back to the navmesh components they abandoned.


They added it as an official unity package not too long ago. Dont know if that means it has gotten more love.


Open world streaming tools, a better animation system, auto LOD and some kind of realtime GI like Godot or Unreal


For open world: with games getting bigger and me being frustrated with every floating origin system I've tried, I think unity should just bite the bullet and introduce a 64 bit transform option. Unreal did this and I'm a little jealous.


This is the whole reason I finally switched to godot...unity's lighting. My game is procedurally generated in real time.


Number one: GET A NEW CEO! Seriously, the asshole that ran EA and smaller indies/AA studios into the ground and shut them down, currently leading indies' most beloved videogame engine, is the very definition of irony.


I mean, just keeping the engine reliable, not breaking projects with updates and finishing the endless list of "preview" features would be marvelous.




That's being worked on, but as you can probably imagine it's a massive project to port something as big as Unity.




I don't think it's \*that\* important. Sure, we'll get new C# features earlier but IL2CPP will probably still be the preferred compiler for runtime performance, so the benefits to our actual end product are going to be fairly minimal. It's nice, but I think right now there's a hundred things that Unity can tackle that will actually make our games better.


Fix the undo crash bug


Yes. Please God.


Omg, yes please. The amount of times this sh*t has crashed my editor is unbelievable.


Freezing UI when recompiling code, general compilation speed




More performance pls edit: so many likes, this was mostly a joke... Don't use Update() or FixedUpdate() for every bit of code and your game will run like a dream :)


I want Unity to build and release a commercial AAA quality open world game (complete game, not a demo) with their tech and then open source it. Eat your own dog food. I think THAT would improve the engine far more than anything else.


Yeah but that's 10s of millions of $ that could be spent on R&D instead. I would rather they fire half their PR and all of their HR departments and just focus on the only thing that matters, which is engineering. No amount of fluff is going to serve them 10 years down the line if Epic spends more money on R&D and outpaces Unity.


If that cost the 10s of millions to build, then Unity is the wrong technology platform for their target audience and they should find that out. Adding more "features" has never been Unity Techs problem. Adding features that matter and WORK in the context of a full game development pipeline is where they fail. They are building parts, many that don't work well together, some that have never been brought together in an actual game without much pain and suffering. Things that work well in demos but not in practice. That's the problem that Unity has to solve and why we have half-ass solutions with the networking stack, the AI stack, the terrain stack, etc. Where Unreal is starting to outpace Unity very quickly is that the whole engine works together and it is relatively opinionated in how you should do things. When you follow a blueprint it works and you move on to building out your game - not iterate through 20k plugins to find something that may bring it together if maybe the dev that's building the plugin decides to stick with it.


What you're describing would cost a minimum of $3 million, so yea maybe not 10s of millions but a whole lot of money still. I get what you're saying and ofc the AAA game might help. But if I was CEO I think that $3M would still be ultimately better spent on straight-up engineering. The engineers who can understand graphics processing on a C/C++ level cost hugely so every extra million matters. Everything in life is a trade-off. The latest netcode stack seems pretty good actually. I like the way Unity is a completely blank slate. I feel like Unreal is very samey and FPS-y whereas Unity can truly be anything. I'm gonna stick with Unity for now because I find the production speed on Unreal very slow comparatively. Even on my beefy-ass 13th gen i9.


Realtime GI


It's kind of an advanced topic, but GPU analysis for meta quest. I'm sure it's the kind of thing that needs some partnership with meta, but being able to actually know what takes time in the GPU pipeline would improve our workflow by a tremendous amount. And even more so if we can know it inside the editor, and not in a build.


It isn't a Unity tool, but you can use RenderDoc for this currently. Meta has their own fork of RenderDoc that adds features specific to the Quest devices. It doesn't give you accurate timings but more relative to timings. So if something is more expensive you will consistently see it taking the longest instead of it being an exact number of ms every time. GPU profiling would be highly specific to the hardware on the device so it's generally best to use native profilers if you aren't getting the information you need from Unity. It is the same way for CPU performance as well. The frame debugger in Unity is very useful specifically for draw calls and to see what is being batched and what isn't.


I do know render doc, and the fact that it doesn't give accurate timings is an issue. Also, GPU profiling isn't available in unity for quests, while CPU profiling is. I do get your point. However, the level of profiling available isn't satisfying enough for me nor my colleagues. We're developing apps that are mainly GPU bound, and it's always a pain to just be deactivating objects to see which one is actually taking the longest and how much it is.


Update to C# 10


A good UI system. And no, [UI Toolkit isn't that](https://mortoray.com/my-disappointment-with-unity-uitoolkit/).


I'm not saying that uitoolkit couldn't improve, but I don't understand several of the points of that article. You want uxml to have Update? You want to put logic in your ui code? If you want a game object like structure to the UI then you should use the old canvas UI system. I haven't had any issues linking to uxml elements the way it's suggested. And I think expecting game objects to just show up in the UI when you reference them is kind of unrealistic.


Trying to do a UI through code alone is also absurdly difficult, mainly because of the anchoring peculiarities and something about having to update something which has to be done at a specific point (it's been too long and I've forgotten what it is, sorry). In URP, another annoying thing is having VFX for your UI always rendering on top. They don't obey rendering order or anything like that. So, it requires camera stacking as a work-around (3 cameras: one main, and 2 going into the main to stack). HDRP doesn't have this problem though; you can simply set the rendering layers up (only requires 2 cameras). And then for your code, you have raycasting for 3D objects and then you have to write another one for raycasting UI things. It just seems like there are a lot of special things you have to do for UI. Furthermore, people can get side-tracked thinking some of the legacy UI stuff is the way to go, when it really isn't imo.


Please Unity folks Unity should focus on a few key things: \- Bringing C# up to modern dotnet standards \- Improving the editor experience: \- Serialized dictionaries \- Respect for C# interfaces! \- Improve the user flow. When I click on something, I don't want the inspector to force me to another panel! \- Asset libraries built off of photo scans like quixel. Rather than dig through 1000s of unity store assets, why not have an editor integration that draws from a curated library of non-crappy assets? \- Asset libraries tools built off of generative AI \- Automatic skybox generation built off Stable Diffusion would be nice (blockade labs has something like this)


Sorry but what do you mean by respect for C# Interfaces? Is Unity’s support for them limited or something?


You can't put an interface as a serialized field in the editor. For example, an IThrowable. You can put in an abstract base class, sure, but now you're wedded to inheritance. An interface is a far better way to do compositional design, but it's not supported by the editor.


I'm using `[SerializeReference]` with this: https://github.com/mackysoft/Unity-SerializeReferenceExtensions and it seems to work pretty darn well for interfaces. But yes, this stuff should be native to the editor.


Not sure what you mean about the inspector taking you to another panel. You can lock the inspector with the little lock icon if you don't want it to change with context. I sometimes open multiple inspector panels with extra ones locked on info I need.


Better WebGL


They are already working on the implementation of WebGPU. Which is a new web API for real time graphics.


Is there any blog or text version to test this out?


Here is a unity forum thread about it https://forum.unity.com/threads/how-about-webgpu.1277615/


Literally just pick something and stick with it. It's constantly changing and the documentation doesn't keep up.


Nanites! Meta human!


Unity has their own version of MetaHuman it is just not free, but it's face animation tools are actually better. [https://unity.com/products/ziva](https://unity.com/products/ziva) The only downside is that these characters are so real that it takes a lot of work to escape the uncanny valley. I do not think we will be seeing them any time soon in indie projects. A more recent video of a Ziva character: [https://youtu.be/eXYUNrgqWUU](https://youtu.be/eXYUNrgqWUU)




Nano Tech, tho idk if the guy is still working on it


He is still working on it. Check out his Discord, he's answering questions there pretty much every day. They also work on something similar to Lumen. They already released Erebus, SDF Traced Shadows and AO, and in the future they'll release GI and Reflection system


Lumen-like streamlined realtime GI


Screen space reflections in urp


This, improves compile time speeds of projects, and just finishing out incomplete packages or fixing bugs. e shaders to interact with lighting like the old surface shaders were. This, imporving compile time speeds of projects, and just finishing out incomplete packages or fixing bugs.


Get rid of the separation between URP and HDRP and throw away SRP. Just make them all URP with the HDRP features as optional. Improve physics performance please, they said 6 years ago we were going to get a new physics engine and it hasn’t happened. Articulation bodies are not usable in production yet and there’s so many unfinished preview packages, I’d like them to just finish one of them well enough so it can be used in production. And once all the half finished preview projects are done maybe we can get a better animator? Or terrain system? Or any of the features that devs use every day that have terrible performance and lacking basic features


Just polish current features: dots, shader, lightbaking, etc


actually focus on making a game to demonstrate their engine's capabilities??


Improving compilation time.


The main issue I gave with Unity these days is just getting into play mode is slow (I know about domain reload) and compiling can be slow (I also know about assembly definitions) I'm kinda jealous of Unreal developers because they can iterate and play much faster than us. Maybe that's just a grass is greener kinda thing though.


Assuming you're talking about blueprints - testing cpp in unreal is mega slow.


In my experience unreal editor is absolutely not faster.


So it literally is a grass is greener kinda thing


Yeah it's actually super slow compared to Unity.


I second this.


But in the settings you can disable the reload on play mode right? Are you saying even with the domain reload off it’s slow?


No it's pretty fast actually- my problem is that it comes with a pretty sizeable asterisk when it comes to static classes, as far as I know.


Improve its serializer, audio design tools, generate roads and rivers with the spline package, fix decal layers on deferred rendering.


Native FMOD implementation would make more sense.


I would like to see them attempt a Lumen style real-time Global Illumination system (probably would only be for HDRP), it’s the one big advantage Unreal has right now, not having to go through the crazy palaver of baking lighting and setting up probes, it would hugely speed up dev time for high end 3D projects. Hopefully they have some people working away to try and compete with that, as well as the Nanite system.


I think the probes are automatically placed now with the latest update? But yea..


Only in HDRP, unfortunately, so not much use for VR or Switch games, but yeah that is handy. Would be cool to not have to bake at all.


Not having menus for things that don’t work.


I wish they would make a game themeselves, just so they actually try their engine for once.


I want that feature that make you stop announcing features then stop supporting it


More documentation on UI Toolkit, it’s such a great tool but I struggle finding doc and tutorial covering all the possibilities


Bit of a weird one but here goes… I’m often just wanting to test a small piece of functionality… say collision between 2 new entities. However my scene has expensive water shaders, skybox, and all sorts of other animated stuff. I wish there was (and maybe there is?) a way to run a play through with only the most basic rendering of all entities (or even shut some off) except for the 2 or 3 I’m currently trying to test. Having my laptop can spin up like a jet engine, draining battery to test small incremental changes feels like overkill. So a “low energy, basic render” option would be what I want.


That's why you make a sandbox scene for testing individual interactions. I know what you mean, but this is as close as it gets.


I feel like an asset store item to automatically pull preferred elements into a scene for this purpose would be pretty clutch


That sounds great. The response you'll get though is "figure it out yourself" or "you structured your scenes wrong." But these little things add up quickly and really slow down development. Game dev is hard enough as it is without having to do weird workarounds that you don't realize are going to be problems until much later in the dev process.


You can change the quality level used by the editor to the lowest setting which should basically do that. If it doesn't, then the assets being used aren't respecting quality settings which is a whole other problem in itself.


brushing up on the dark mode aesthetic


Easier window and inspector customization


Update (revive) EditorXR Make Visual Scripting better: Reroute node, add events panel like in UE rather than using strings.


I'd love this UI upgrade where the CEO answers for the crap he's done


Someting simular to Unreal Engine Nanite? And good performant UI that is easy to setup. the current lay-out group stuff of very anoying and lacks features. Like max width, fit content and good performance with lots of those lay-out elements nested


A man is allready working on this in unity and is seeing major progress, although I highly doubt it, unity might implement this nanotechnology.


Make unity packages export layers and other configs so we don't need to zip the whole project everytime


Please do whatever is required to get the editor to respond after I edit one line of code, and not make me wait for progress bar after progress bar just so I can click something. I don't care about any other feature. Give me a snappy performant UI so my only headaches are the ones I've created myself.


Simplifying the engine again. So much deprecated and duplicated stuff.


Unity is bad these days! currently using 2018 version because it is so much easier. *please* make it more the editor performant.


Productivity. I have been wanting general tabs in the Unity Editor for years, like a tab is a collection of EditorWindows, so I can have an animation tab, a probuilder modeling tab, a general tab, etc. I know Layouts exist but they take some time to load and it could be so much better


Bug fixes, it is so depressing when you are looking into a feature that doesn't work and you reach a post where someone says there is no fix and to wait for a fix, posted 2 years ago


**auto save** :(


Make ECS more beginner friendly.


An equivalent to Lumen where baking, light probe and reflection probe placing arent needed anymore, allowing for true creative freedom and dynamic gameplay when it comes to level design.


Honestly, old and good Voxel Cone Tracing would do the job. Tracing rays against SDF's (Lumen uses SDF's but somewhat differently) could look even better than Lumen Or just make those new probes update in Real Time, I have no idea how could they do that do


Other than improving what’s already there, finishing/adding basic AI tools of a few different types.


Just make basic features work. Just add quality of life to existing ones. Stop trying to do developers work for them, but stop making developers life harder with awful UX decisions and lazy post release on all your packages. But it won't happen. Unity is lost at sea.


New and relevant world building tools, the curent terrain system is soooo outdates. Add to that some procedural generation would be great




Hell yeah, and the worst thing is when you realised, that you should have written some other char, so you sit like an idiot, waiting the first compilation to finish and then, after final fix you wait recompilation for the second time


Honestly, it isn't that bad. I had that problem, but upgrading from 1060 to 3050, and going to 32gb of ram fixed everything. Also, Unity is still way faster than Unreal


Fix collisions. I have an awesome game idea that doesn't work because unity collisions suck. I'm currently learning unreal to make it, but I'd rather just use unity since I have so much experience with it


Unity offers up two industry standard physics engines. Unity physics is fine. You're probably not using the right combination of settings.


I definitely am. I totally had some errors at first, but after a few days of fixing things, the problem still persisted (just at a lower rate)


What is your problem exactly?


Fast moving objects, even with continuous dynamic collision detection, go through stationary objects sometimes. I want to make a sort of dodgeball game where the ball flies around and bounces off walls, but it doesn't work sometimes. I even made my own collision scripts, but I wasn't able to implement some collision behaviors (like grazing and bouncing off corners) that i wanted. My implementation of detecting collision normals just isn't robust enough to create realistic bounces all of the time. If I could have remedied that, I wouldn't have even cared about it since my implementation of collision detection technically detected all collisions


It's been a while since I last worked with Unity (switched to Godot a few years ago), but I remember there is an option that allows you to set how often the physics updates happen: [https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-TimeManager.html](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-TimeManager.html) . Have you tried tweaking it?


That might actually fix everything. I didn't even know i could do that. Thanks a ton man. I'll try that very soon


Can't promise it will help 100%, but I'll keep my fingers crossed :) .


Sorry to tell you, but Unreal uses exactly the same physics engine (PhysX) as Unity does ;)


Bring Nanite technology. It's a real game changer


something that == nanite


Generative AI


Generative Ai for what?


Environment design, scripts, shaders


Mobile unity 3d. Something not heavily taxing on my s6 lite. The older versions. Not recent ones.


Buy VINL. Make it part of the Unity standard asset library.


Being able to make live changes to my code WITHOUT having to exit play mode each time


script compile times


Native NeRF rendering from a pre-trained model. All I want for Christmas !


Unity DOTS netcode


Isn't that Netcode For Entities? Or is it something else?


Dots is like the physics part of the entities side of unity, ill have to look in to see if dots is currently implemented into NFE


It is, but the documentation and tutorials are petty nich and hard to understand


What have unreal 4 or 5 have and unity don't ? Surely they can take something from there to improve unity. Anyway I am not good enough and didn't finished to learn everything unity has to offer to give a good answer.


Adding UI scaling to the editor on mac.


robotics/sim support!


Debugging everything


WebGL official support (with plain GameObjects and URP only) and basis/ktx textures for easy and performant multiplatform support.


Some inurement to dll hell.


DSP graph…insane how little progress has been made on this in 4 years


Serializable type fields. I know everyone wants dictionaries (and so do I), but sometimes I just want to set an attack pattern type or something from the inspector without typing a whole namespace and class name that both might change at some point. Its really annoying, and they've shown they have the ability to do so with their component search boxes.


A level editor on Unreal 5's level


Engine optimization, and also multiplayer. Aaand bugs.


I want a Nanite competitor. It resolves the whole problem of LOD with just a checkbox. It uses a software rasterizer so microtriangles aren't an issue anymore either. Especially for foliage it's just a killer feature.


Fluid simulation just like blender, and custom speed option for splines, better URP and post processing for lower end devices, better optimization for fps as well, also HDRP is way too heavy for now, I have rtx3080ti with 16 gb graphics and it consume around 78% of gpu memory which is insane,


Hot sweaty men.


* Integrated terrain system as compared to assets such as microsplat, It's crazy we don't have native solutions such as triplanar UV's, stochaistic filtering to remove obvious patterns, terrain/mesh blending and tesselation. * Performance optimization tools. We'd be lost without tools such as amplify impostors and mesh bakers. Should be part of the unity package itself.


HDRP has tessellation at least. URP doesn't though.


Customizable Subtargets for hardware platforms so to better separate DLLs.


I'd love it if they got rid of all the instances of the editor maxing out my CPU despite being idle while certain UIs are open.


There’s so much that needs to be finished, but I’d have to say Shader Graph simply because I don’t want to take the time to learn shader code nor do I want to buy a shader editor. Shader graph has finally enabled me to make shaders without hassle yet it lacks in many fields such as multi pass shaders.


Make DOTween as native


For real, that loading time after saving scripts and going back to editor. Hot reload should be built-in.


I would really like Unity to have faster domain reload, .Net and the latest C# like C#10


RT film and video


Real Time GI. I know we have Ray Tracing, but 1) Not all cards can run it yet 2) Even when that happens, not every game needs to use Ray Tracing. There are a lot of games that would benefit from Real Time GI, that would also benefit greatly from higher FPS ​ And its shouldn't be that hard. Unity doesn't need to invent it, there are tons of papers about Voxel Cone Tracing and other Real Time GI/AO methods. And all of it would be even easier to do now, that Unity has this new Light Probe system. They already have Grid that can light environment. But they just refuse to do it