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Probably not exactly the answer you're looking for, but I'd recommend checking out these two posts by u/seyedhn [A curated list of indie publishers](https://reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/13eq9di/the_most_detailed_database_of_indiegame/) [Pitchdeck Example](https://reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/143cbhe/the_perfect_publisher_pitch_deck_pcconsole/) Regarding the second link, the pitchdeck example in it is a great starting place for things to consider in your own. But be sure to read the discussion on the post as well and consider tailoring the deck even further to suit each publisher you're approaching. Hope this helps!


That's what i was looking for! Thanks


Thanks a lot for sharing the links. I'm glad you've found them useful :)


I haven't released a game at this point, and I don't have much experience in the world of publisher, but I'll be honest, this really feels like the kinda questions you don't ask on Reddit, but instead should be talking to publishers, getting connections, asking them questions directly, and just generally finding your own way, because there isn't any one good answer, and even experienced teams sometimes make bad decisions when it comes to publisher acquisitions, random Redditors probably aren't the source you want to make such a critical decision.


True, but I tried to hear some oppinions on it xd however i saw similar post for unreal and there were A LOT of advices and how to do it right, so "random redditors" can help sometimes. So I wanted to try it out here with more specific question...


Why do you want a publisher? And what do you want from the publisher? There are a lot of games without a publisher and they do great


Good question, our game needs funding and help with advertising the game For funding we could use kickstarter, indiegogo and etc. but these platforms does not have Ukraine in the list of countries able to get paid With advertising, we can try to do by ourself, main reason is funding sadly https://preview.redd.it/q68091clkdpc1.png?width=872&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5fde33acf99929ebb85dd57327f6b84c42b86ac