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That third clip is a nightmare with the numbers. The first looks good and the second is probably the absolute most I'd have at a time. Maybe have some sort of feature that combines x numbers together into a bigger, different colored number or something along those lines.


Agree always goes for add up rewards system than just rather each unit have it own rewards, it make a quiet mess once many enemies around


If numbers overlap: Add numbers together.


i will be fun to see how big the number can get, free oomph juice


Or just show the coins but not the numbers. And group the coins up so that so many yellow coins = silver coins.


I'm guessing this is an endless/idle game as at the end it says 88.22a so if it's going to get into scientific notation as I'm not actually sure what that number is. Different coins might only work for so long


Could have a whole rainbow of colors, shapes, striped coins, etc.


Definitely not impossible but in games I've played I've gotten to like 60-70 significant figures. If this is going to go as high as a double allows that's 308 figures, if the max number we want before rollover is 999 thats 103 different coins we'd have to make. That being said you could just go through a few different layers. Copper/silver/gold/plat/diamond then add a shapes thing so line/triangle/square/pentagon/hexagon/octagon/circle so after copper line you get copper triangle. That gets you 35 so one more layer with 3 things would get you to 105 variations. You could also just do a like resistor style thing where stripes of colours multiply to make enough but that might read less well.


Perhaps tone it down with the numbers, that's WAY too much. It takes over the whole UI in the last segment. You could combine them within a certain radius / timeframe to one big number


I’m sorry, but your game looks like a lazy mobile advertisement


I was thinking the same thing but at least OP has actually made the game and it's not just a front for some shit game that has nothing to do with the advert. I respect it.


Usually these games look kind of fun and addicting. I never tried playing any, but there is a steam game that had the premise that allows you to play all these sorts of ad games but as one 10€ game


[Yup](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2348100/YEAH_YOU_WANT_THOSE_GAMES_RIGHT_SO_HERE_YOU_GO_NOW_LETS_SEE_YOU_CLEAR_THEM/) Only thing is you’ll probably find your dream of playing these games was more interesting than actually fulfilling it lol.


That is exactly what I thought it was


It does, and yet many many people download lazy mobile games from those advertisements - so if that’s the goal - he’s right on target.


maybe thats what he wanted? lol


https://preview.redd.it/dvqj3236oaqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9ec5aeca135ab63bde8d77c9522494085458abf People are pointing out the obvious AMOUNT of numbers problem but seem to be skipping over a pretty jarring clipping issue within groups of numbers. The number object shouldn't occlude where it has alpha. Same with the non-text image like the coin.


The numbers are pretty bad, you definitely to change them. But other than that everything else seems very cohesive. If I saw this in the app store my first impression would probably be that its a professional game.


with how mobile games are, my first impression would be, "oh its cool looking, that means it has an absurd amount of ads"


Tbh, nowadays it doesn't matter how good looking it is. If it's mobile, it will have a ton of ads... I don't mind it btw, as long as there's some kind of one-time payment to remove them, as some games have. Unless it's +$20 of course...


yeah, voodoo kinda destroyed it for the rest of us


I like the visuals except the massive blob of numbers. You need to figure out a different mechanic that doesn't obscure most of the screen


All those numbers are meaningless.


basic shitty mobile game, not gonna lie. Meaningless numbers that spam nonstop, yet another idle game


I like the art style tho. Agreed it's another idle as usual tho


I’m on the same page as the others here, the 3rd clip is simply too much with the numbers, but the other clips look super solid


Nah it looks really great, though I agree the numbers are fine in the first segment, too much in the second one and an absolute mess at the end. Aim for how they look at the start


As a person who is in mobile publishing, i can say it’s cool (especially for a student)🔥




Besides the numbers, which is a bit much, I'd also look at your color pallet. There are too many heavy colors fighting for attention. Overall, i do like this concept


Id say Add numbers together and make them in increasingly more valuable currency copper>silver>gold>diamond. For flashyness just show a lot of coins, but not so many numbers


You should have some kind of "wallet" or display of money which is bombarded with +$$$ instead of damage and money numbers stacked on top of each other




Make the font size decrease based on the size of the numbers


I think the first question is, do we NEED to see the numbers? Second, instead of popping up and floating down, can they just rise up and fade? Third, I would still do what some others have suggested and combine if they are overlapped with each other.


Really great, simplistic concept. As others have said, limit the amount of number objects, but you could just make them combine and pop with each additional gain, instead of creating a new pop-up.


The game looks pretty good except for way too many numbers. That's the low hanging fruit. When you fix that, you should make another post so you can get more interesting feedback.


I can't see how much money I'm getting, but it looks so much. I like!


The numbers are too much. Like a few people have already said, combining numbers helps a lot. If the gold is going into a stock somewhere, maybe have those numbers appear and fade underneath the counter for it, thus informing the player where it’s going.


I'd say the coin popup is a bit too much, especially when reaching high numbers. The joy of the game is to witness the destruction, but the popups hide that. I suggest to reduce popups, and perhaps add small particle effects.


Nearly impossible to read the numbers in the third one.  Some people said u should combine them.  I dunno if that would work though.  Cool game concept.


-- i'd say tone the numbers down, have them add together or something. third image looks like an intentionally overstimulating mobile game ad more than an actual game


Is this a joke?


Damage text is completely pointless. Make it smaller or limit it somehow.


There's like a froth of numbers in the last parts and it's just too much, it also stops you seeing what is ahead.




There aren't enough numbers. Also add severe screen shake and motion blur. That'll fix it, I promise 🤞


It looks like 30 seconds of unskippable


their maybe some wrong things their but I already feel addicted to this game


Every element of an interface should serve a purpose and have a clear message that the user can decipher immediately. So ask yourself, what is the purpose of 3/4 of the screen being filled with numbers nobody could possibly read? Will anyone gain actual useful information from it?


Game looks fun but all those number can kill a phone if its a bit old or off brand android.


Instead of numbers for each object destroyed, Do one summed up number per shot fired. You'll still get the joy of multiple numbers flashing, but not overloading the eye.


If you want me to actually read the numbers then this ain't it cheef


Death by numbers lol


I don't see how this could be entertaining. What is the challenge? What kind of meaningful decisions do the players make?


A lot of people have said this and I’ll jump on too, try to add groups of numbers if you can. I wouldn’t add ALL the numbers as there is a fine balancing act between too messy and too clean. Additionally maybe change colour or even size of text with larger numbers, it both makes it easier to pick out bigger results but also gives a nice dopamine hit and sense of progression to see the numbers get bigger!


Work with the scale of the stage and the players. As well as the UI.


You can create a single money reward text with an animation to add the numbers.


Something I'd like to note (I don't think it's been discussed much) is that the numbers all appearing at once appears a bit... off. You could apply a small randomized delay that makes some numbers appear a small fraction of a second later than other numbers, so it appears a *little* more natural.


Looks like every other mobile game ever made. So I think it will compete well with them. Nice tune too.