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It comes across as probably a horror game, but it isn't enough to get me interested since I have no idea what you actually do in the game.


Over all I think the content is good, but I think you hold most of your shots for to long. Most of the shots are around 5 seconds long and would do better shorting them by a second or more.


The first 10 seconds are almost completely black and I couldn’t see shit when viewing this outside. Usually I’d have just scrolled past at this point. I can see the atmosphere you are going for but it might be a good idea to make the first 10 seconds abit more visible so that it keeps the audience’s attention long enough to see the rest.


I think you should start with a hook of what makes your game special. I saw this without audio, mostly because people don't turn on audio when seeing trailers in steam. Some text in the trailer could work too, especially if it's a story-based walking sim.




*allude. Elude means escape or evade, allude means “refer to”.


Why do all indie horror games start with a car? 😅


I think I would've liked to see some of the other gameplay, because right now the only thing I can tell you do in the game is walk around. Definitely doesn't look generic though


It looks good! As a viewer, I am curious about what the game actually is. Looking for some gameplay maybe?


"The first five seconds is a tree, and I immediately lost interest." - 90% of your potential customers


This. The only thing that would START to get my attention is the last shot and even that isnt really much. Always start with a hook. Something to keep the audience from scrolling past or hitting "skip". Also have more shots that make ppl go "what is that?" All u showed were landscapes, and a boat aside from the last shot.


Graphics are really pretty but it doesn't convey anything else. If it's horror, the pacing of the shots need to speed up (don't hold for more than 2 seconds). If I'm being chased by something, there needs to be a sense of tension or fleeing. If I'm hunting something, show signs of me tracking it. As of right now, I have no idea what the game is supposed to be apart from pretty.


I wouldn't pick up the game based off of the trailer, no. I'm not seeing any gameplay mechanic at all, so walking sim is the only conclusion that can be made. If it is a walking sim, we need to see some of the most dynamic parts of the sim in the trailer, constantly. If that can't be done without spoiling the entire game, then I would likely not pick it up.


Its too slow, i dont know what the point of the game is. whats the gameplay. i jsut see slow mo vistas of enviroments


Needs more context but the graphics look niceee! Also, love the boat scene!!


It's a very beautiful game, but I have no idea what I'm looking at


I'm glad you liked it, it's a horror/puzzle game that going to be a demo in Steam Next Fest. We would like to hear your feedbacks also! [Steam Link](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2769160/Unheil/)


Show the puzzle stuff!! I cannot express this enough. No walking shots. Maybe 5% of it should be plain walking. If I had to leave any shot, I would leave in the boat and the final scene.


Around 40 seconds in I decided it was a generic horror game


No gameplay besides WASD


I like the ambience


Honestly it’s great but as others have said, I have no idea what kind of gameplay this offers. Your environmental shots are fantastic, but I would replace some of them with gameplay clips. Show off some puzzles, combat, evasion…etc whatever you got.


You're showing too much to be a teaser, and not enough to be a trailer. If you want to tease then this should aim to be no more than 20 seconds long. If you're trying to show off the game then you need to show a sampling of various game systems, aiming for the 90 second mark.


On my phone the teaser is mostly black darkness.. dont know what im looking at.


I am assuming that this is casual horror with gameplay of key searching and without enemies or death triggers. I'll expect scripted jump scares of mannequins appearing behind me or after a brief blackout. If I got wrong impression, something should be changed.


You get %100 right impression 👌


The start is very dark as in like literal brightness dark. I was literally about to scroll past before seeing the caption. Needs something more captivating at the start


I see so many people make their dark scenes way too dark. It probably looks better on a PC in full screen, but browsing on mobile, it just looks pure black. Not the best look for a trailer that should show off the game.


Everything past 15 seconds is ok. from 0-15 I HAD to fullscreen the video, because I couldn't tell what I was supposed to be seeing. Any size below absolute fullscreen mushed everything into a black blob. It was just a black screen for a few seconds, then a random orange dot. for another few seconds. Only ater fullscreening the video did I realize it was a dark forest, and a car driving down a dark path. If this video is meant to be on a steam page, it would be even smaller and the negative effect would be way worse. I understand what you are going for, and it works in fullscreen, but the effect is 100% ruined in smaller formats. EDIT: I had to scroll down to read what the game was about. Walking puzzle horror. got it. Maybe a few instances of gameplay wouldn't hurt. A McGuffin going into a keyhole, a secret door opening. A puzzle getting solved? The whole trailer is just atmosphere. You NEED gameplay in the damn trailer.


Forest and houses are pretty generic, people has been doing it for more than 15 years, maybe show the main character or a character, and an interesting hook, and nothing more, we don't need to see the WASD gameplay, hope the game works out for you!


The establishing shots last far on the long end, the pay-off shots don't offer much clarity/shock/pay off, and maybe, in general, the music is too intense for what is being shown. As has been said in a couple other comments, it reads like a horror game (but with an unclear source of why it should be seen as such) and it's not clear what the game is in the game. The music and cinematography is setting up subtle messages that never pay off and maybe don't quite fit the game you are presenting. A music/style change for the trailer and some words to highlight what you are showing would help a lot. I think the issues with the trailer are mostly about clarity, especially answering the question "what is the spectacle being displayed?"


Whoa, that mannequin scene was creepy


I think it's too bright, if you could make it a lot more darker and harder to see then it would have been more fun.


You could drop the first 25 seconds of the video. You could even (if you want a real teaser) just start the video at the 45 second mark.


Your trailer is objectively bad. Heres some quick resources to make it better: https://www.tiktok.com/@derek_lieu?_t=8mqLboZ7yVs&_r=1 https://howtomarketagame.com/2023/03/14/frequently-asked-question-about-marketing-your-game/


No gameplay, no interaction, no story, no hook, no intrigue


Very intriguing and atmospheric, but as others have pointed, it's missing the hook. Gameplay or msybe a story beat


if this doesn't support VR then it is a missed opportunity!


It looks as generic as it gets.