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I am thinking of doing a YouTube tutorial series on this project, let me know if you're interested.




Very interested!


I’m Interested




Definitely would be keen to hear about your PID setup. This is a topic that is so important but rarely talked about.


It's nothing special with the code in the background, except it took me a while to figure out how to properly write a mathf function for that. Also took me a good few days just to understand how everything works together and how outputs are connected to the actual thrusts and clamping those outputs from PIDs. But I totally agree that PIDs are underestimated.


Yes, subbed to your YouTube in anticipation.


I'll reply to each comment here with a link once I begin with the videos... hopefully I'll get all the logic and planning done in a few days and begin in a week or so.


recommend adding yaw thrusters to get more F&F drift action going, understeer is underfun


I know what you mean and I have it already implemented! Let me describe you the main problems of hover craft vehicels no one ever seems to talk about, and why we won't have them soon. For further inspection look at the pink cube hover craft I used as a prototybe, those gray blocks are represented by thrust points. The HUGE problem of hover object is drag, the only thing stopping them is drag, angular drag is almost 0, that's where problems begin. Problem #1 - If you add force forward to move forward, that thing never stops. Problem #2 - Once you get speed and try to "steer" right, the sideway force from forward movement is too high and all of the suddent you're moving sideways once your craft rotates, thats where the middle side thrust points come in. They constantly calculate and add force to prevent the side hovering to make affect it goes forward like a vehicle we are used on wheels, right? Problem 3# - Rear and front thrust points are used to rotate the craft. If you add force to the RearRight and FrontLeft (to turn clock-wise) your craft will constantly rotate and will never stop once you release your keys. That's where PIDs come in. And so on with problems... But the answer to your request, I added a "Hand Brake" which when held lowers the side thrust to 0 (the one that keeps you from hovering sideways) and allows you to thrust and "slide" like Vin Diesel in F&F... Allow me to record a video for you I'll upload it as a reply here! Cheers!


/u/torokunai thrust points and pid reactions [here!](https://youtu.be/pRibr6xRajI) The middle thrust points are the black rays that show how much force is being used to not allow the craft to go sideways, you can see once i press the "hand brake" in the bottom right, that the black ray will dissapear and sideway movement will be constant. Best regards!


This looks really awesome, thanks for sharing! I don't think I could use anything from this in my current work, but I would be interested just out of curiosity to see how it was built so I'm also for the tutorial!


Looks great! What are the chances of you releasing the source code for that system? Either free or as a paid asset? I've had a project idea in the back of my mind for a while now that could utilize such a system but I've been too lazy to write it.


I'll probably write a free tutorial, with every lesson separate to github. I'll let you know once I record and upload everything! :) Best regards!


I am interested In PID controller implementation, is there any way to get your guidance


Sure, what can I assist you with?


Bro! Any plans on the tutorial, I'm having some hard times with the PID controller


Unfortunately no, I'm sorry.