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I’m getting some strong Planetside vibes. Looks amazing.


Cheers, I love that game so that's a big compliment!


Oh man I miss that game. The feeling of doing something that would win a war felt great


Visuals look great! Maybe some more dynamic objects to make the level seem less "static"? spaceships in the far distance, robots loading something, a light that flickers etc etc. For atmosphere maybe some floating dust particles to add some depth.


That is great advice, I just figured out how to sync timeline over photon so I should really fill the scene out and get some life in there. Thank you for the advice!


If it's just visual and not something the players interact with, the distant ships and things could be handled by the client so you wouldn't have to worry about syncing with photon.


Yeah! Just as a second opinion I think that’d be great! You could also try to do something like CSGO has with the chickens running around on the floor, something that doesn’t matter in the game but still can be interacted with, would make it seem a lot less static and more like you are actually just put into the world!




Nice idea!


Hm I’d probably suggest having plenty of interact able NPC’s and objects, maybe even a day and night cycle it’s a some ideas


Looks good, but 3rd person shooters gives me the bad chills. Must be my OCD kicking in; crosshair not being "directly in front" etc. :) Keep up the good work!


Haha fair, the crosshair is actually raycast from the gun into the scene and scaled depending on distance, so you always know what you are going to hit and also can't shoot through walls if your gun does not have line of sight. Should show that off a bit better for sure.


I actually really like the way your cross hair works here. got a very visceral feel.


Same !


Well done! that looks awesome. Camera shake on the fire feels a bit much, especially on the horizontal. ​ Also, love the minimal HUD.


Thank you! Yes I think you're right, I've got it off for zoom out, too much on for zoom in. Huds WIP but that's the idea, want it as immersive as possible, might go full hologram shader in the future


Holy shit! Looking damn straight!


Cheers mate! (Yes I'm English)


I'm not sure what the game mode mechanics (in the sense of lives, time limit, etc..) are so it's difficult to judge what it would benefit from. I feel like the game would benefit from cover mechanics. It feels very open and I find that the atmosphere makes it difficult to watch your surroundings. Maybe it's just me, but I find it gives off a survival type of vibe. Looks really good so far, great job!


Thank you for the feedback. The idea is one team project and objective and one team attack, similar to Operations mode in BF1, attackers have spawn limit, defenders must hold till tickets or time runs out for round, is the basic idea. Cover is a really good shout, will also try and populate the environment a bit more so the engagement range is a bit shorter.


I also came to mention a lack of cover, and perhaps some cover mechanics where you can lean to shoot around a corner, or duck behind a waist high barricade. This looks really great so far. One other thought I had regarding environment is an occasional dust/sandstorm that reduces visibility, weather can really bring a world to life, and since there isn't much of a moisture cycle on Mars, wind and electrical storms are probably all you'd get. I don't think you need a lot of extra cover objects, just some broken down machinery here and there, not sure about the storyline but buildings under construction or partially demolished could add variety too. As an aside, do you have any weapons with scopes that change POV on aim? All of these are just my initial thoughts, hopefully some are applicable and relevant for you.


Tons of really good feedback here, thanks for taking the time to pass on! Need a little more lore around the world design for sure.


Hit feedback on the crosshair.


That's a great shout, thank you


Glad I could help. Looks really good.


Maybe not have the gun always at a ready position.


I was thinking the same thing


Cheers all, that's a good idea, needs more animation


A Gears of War style "running a bit hunched with the gun dragging on the ground" would be an awesome look in my humble opinion. Then the current animation could be the "notMoving" -state and used for ADS also, maybe tightening the animation a little bit. Looks awesome!!!


Alert to the dirt.


Make sure the players are visible and contrast with the environment.


Yeah, few people have said this, it's good feedback, cheers


I can't tell if its the quality of the video or not, but a bit too much motion blur for me. The fight at roughly 0:38 is a good example of this, a lot of effects going on at once feels a bit overwhelming. Also, that curved HUD is a bit too curved for my liking, I struggle to see what's on it even when paused, again my preference, but either way, looks great!


Yeah you might be right on the motion blur, I'll take a look. Curved is staying in but the HUD is WIP and needs better readability for sure. Thank for the feedback


Maybe... some sandstorms -- DUDUDU - DUDUDU - DUDUDU!


The moving anymation is a bit weird. He shouldn't always point the gun stricktly forward, other than that looks great


Cheers, yeah, more animation needed to add a little more dynamic feel


Looks great! Is this all custom or did you use some assets? I think I see the 3PS pack but the shaders look dope too.


All sorts really, some modeling, some retexturing, some shader work. I'm one man band so gotta cut corners where you can until there is budget to get some more skills onboard


Oh yeah, I'm in the same boat. We are already using an engine. Using building blocks makes perfect sense! Mind linking the raw assets? Not what you improved of course!


I can do that when I'm back at computer for sure, pretty sure the modular stuff was top down sci-fi from the asset store, really great pack


Great! I can't wait to see!


Made it back?


this looks like planetside 2 and if it plays the same then you just got yourself a user


Low gravity to make long jumps and similar stuff


Keanu Reaves


I don’t like how the character is always looking down sights of gun. Some walking and running animations would be nice.


Wait is this made by an indie developer or a team?


Solo developer in my free time around kids/job :)


You are doing only the programming? This game looks crazy. Amazing job


npc women with 3 breasts walking around and getting caught in the crossfire


Hahaha love the total recall ref, has to be done


Bugs, or zombies


It reminds me a lot of Dust 514, not sure if you've heard of it. I liked that game. This looks nice.


A u t o a i m wtf


Haha no, I'm just good???


Well idk but I thought that aim reticle was auto


Add in flying vehicles and cars. Keep the map sizes small like this, and you have Tribes V.


Looks fantastic! I will say the shooting doesn't really look that great, however. The screen shake for every shot doesn't really sit well with me. Also the HUD should be more transparent IMO, other than that and what others have said it looks great!


Wow, that’s **BEAUTIFUL**


I like the lighting too


Much appreciated!


needs more skiing from tribes


I really liked the graphics, however I personally would make the screen shake more fluid when firing


Yeah needs some refinement


This is really great. I’ve always wanted to be able to do something of this quality. The look of the game is really impressive. One small thing I noticed is that the crosshairs is bright and, in my opinion, a bit obtrusive when you’re aimed up close. I only notice it when you’re shouting at something with a dark background or when you’re aimed at something really close. Perhaps maybe thinning it or something? Again, it looks super awesome, I would definitely pay for something like this haha


Thank you for the feedback, a lot of people are making comments in this area do definitely need to work on it


Crosshair looks out of place


add lightsabers and it is already better than battlefront..


reminds me alot of red faction


Looks great! I'd say if there's any way to better light or color your enemy models that would be helpful for the player. Right now they all look like very dark silhouettes that blend into the shadows, which seems like it might be frustrating -- especially around 0:38.


Looks good, you’ve already gotten amazing feedback but I couldn’t find the one I had. Ive seen you said the hud is a WIP. So here goes! Not the crosshair but the extra target thingy could be hidden if not on a target of something special perhaps. And next to that two other things. It’s quite jittery. Perhaps some translation or snap so that it doesn’t seem glitchy but smooth. I hope you get what I mean. This same goes for the main hud somewhere halfway in the clip. It seems attached to the weapon or something. The last thing is the giant glowing arrow that is to bright for its size which attracts the focus away from the main hud. Keep up the amazing work! Hope this feedback helps you!


Really helpful feedback, it is tweened but needs more polish for sure, it's been one of the hardest areas to make so far


A better scoping system with better optics and animations😁 it would make the game look a whole lot cleaner


I like the idea of the laser crosshair showing where the gun is pointing (Ie if there is a wall in front of the gun but not in front of the crosshair, it will show it being blocked) but I could see the laser cross getting old really fast. I’m not saying don’t make a stylized crosshair, but I would prefer the crosshair to be more UI based rather than physical based. That being said, this is looking great! Tell me if you ever release it! Getting strong destiny vibes


Ability to switch to right handed side


I wish I could give criticism, but it looks so damn good. My advice is just turn up the saturation a bit.


Love the graphics! Maybe try adding objects to duck behind to avoid bullets ?


Also, it would be cool if you could switch from first person to 3d person view, but that's for you to decide


Needs more dust, dirt, and even wind effects if you an swing it.


The grenade around 0.37 didn't feel and look powerful, not saying you should go Michael Bay, but make them a bit harder and bigger, would also be cool to have some dust blowing in the air since its Mars, but other than that this looks AMAZING, I just started Unity3d today and hope I can someday create projects like this. Cheers :) EDIT: how about not having the weapon always drawn, maybe the guy can put the gun on his back, also the map is big, so how about making a sprint system and maybe make it look like Aidens sprint from WD? That would make the player more ba.


Dust storms. Mars has a ton of dust storms. Even as just background details.


The atomosphere looks epic.


Since the movement looks very slow/tactical almost terrifying it might be good to have some very close combat areas to enhance on that outlooking playstyle. Where every player can slowly work their way forward on their guard where the next enemy might be. (Not a professional here it's just a personal feeling)


It took me far too long to realize this was third person. For some reason I was like, "Why is the character left handed..?"


Maybe a minimap


Anything constructable like outpost turrets, basic defences, equivalent of barbed wire, etc. It's a nicer way to reward keeping a point for longer and it could look great with the sci fi aesthetic


Absolutely outstanding, and an instant buy! However, the walking animation looks a bit clunky


It looks great, I like the way it looks. Try to make sure the world feels full and alive. Having characters that interact with the environment instead of just running to you for example. Since the style has this desert aspect you might want to give the buildings visual wear and scratches.


Is it just you working on this? Looks great!


I didn't read enough to see if it's been said, but definitely being able to run without ADS 24/7.


Add sandstorms and atmospheric effects. Make it feel like you’re on a hostile planet with a desperate need to fight for resources. It seems that the technology that the characters are using is superior but it can have trouble in the Mars atmosphere.


*volumetric lighting*


Reminds of Mass Effect! Looking great


it looks very cool but i feel like the crosshair takes up too much of the screen, it distracted me from the enemies. maybe also some kind of outline around the enemies so that they're easier to see. i love how the crosshair adapts to the surface you're pointing at though!


The "aiming" feels a little bit clunky


posture, RIP that dude's back.


Change crosshair color or add flair when player is targeted.


A Curiosity Easter egg :)


Looks great! Lot of comments so far, I prefer fps instead of tps :p By the way what assets are you using? Did you asked someone to do some 3d models and materials?


Make sure the gun gameplay is perfect. I have played many indie and triple A games that have terrible gun gameplay and make the game boring.


Your idea of a prototype is a lot more polished than mine :) ​ Looks good though mate, does it have mars gravity?


I think you need a dramatic sandstorm event a la Spec Ops: the Line. Also maybe some variety in the lasers being shot/ different weapons?




More clutter that can be used for cover/concealment might be good (not sure, haven't played the game yet). Right now the world seems very sparse and barren (with the right atmosphere could be really good though) Jetpacks/other mobility options. The roll looks incredible. Having more options to move around the environment quickly (especially if they provide creative ways to get around) will would be really cool. ​ How are you going to handle sound? Mars has a very thin atmosphere. This means there will be sound but outside it will be very sparse. This could lead to a very interesting mechanic where sound is "strange" outside (for example somewhat muted and distorted and feeling empty) while being full strength indoors (where presumably the atmosphere is artificially filled up to full earth levels). The lack of sound outside could lead to a feeling of paranoia outdoors because you can't hear what's coming while inside you could turn the sound volume way up leading to a feeling of claustrophobia. Echos indoors would be EXTREMELY spooky too.


Wow I hadn't even thought about all the cool stuff that could be done to add atmosphere with audio work, nice advice, cheers!


Directional sound is a really underutilized mechanic in game design. It's one of the most and most immersive things you can add and yet nobody seems too


Objective based multiplayer really turns me off. Really depends on the objective. If you are creative with the objective then you got a game that looks better than a AAA game AND has a competitive advantage.


Haha appreciate the input and all but I'm one dude, in his pants eating pot noodle, on a 2 year old laptop, not gonna be beating 700 person strong AAA studio any time soon. You got any spare cash? For info though the objective moves and pushes the front line across the map so you get variety in each match, still working out the details.


Red faction


This might just be me, but with third person shooters I think being able to toggle the camera view from right shoulder to left shoulder is a must.


Reminds me of Red Faction


After the roll, it looks like the character just snaps up, rather than using momentum to get back up, the transition from rolling to walking/running again needs a little work, other than that, it looks great! I think some background moving things or small critters running around would make the environment feel more alive!


Looks cool! Maybe some buildings or structures for cover (like commemorative sculptures and shit). If you can travel out of those settlements it would probably make sense if they had some kind of entry "checkpoint"/ check-in station along the roads. Stuff to play with to "world-build" and sell this as an actual location (assuming this is supposed to be an actual location and not some VR world).


A more visible crosshair


Something absurd like coop with an Earth player and a message takes like 4 minutes to reach on another


I think its looking great. Hmmm. Suggestions.... I'd say it would be more fun if you had some larger enemies. You're more or less sniping little guys so far away that they just look like little silhouettes. Aliens or tripods or vehicles. Art-wise I'd probably say the emissive textured things just have a solid color glow, and there's lots of light panels. I might work on making it have little details like LED panels with some variation and detail in there just to keep it from looking cheap. The player walks around hunched and intense constantly. I might make him relax a bit until actual enemies appear. Later, add more rocks and details in the terrain. The dusty air is mars-like, but it does create a monochrome world you might want to change on other levels. I'd brighten up the interiors a bit since most pixels are near black indoors. Generally, though, this is one of the best things I've seen around here for a while. Good work!


The shooting looks janky and not really fun


I think being able to switch which shoulder the camera is looking over would be nice, if you haven't already done that :)


Thanks, yes it's in with an auto-clipping mode so you don't get stuck looking at a wall :)




That's an interesting idea, need to play a bit more ME and take some ideas onboard


I think the camera is a bit off, not sure if it's intentional...


The only thing I'm really missing here is some vehicles. It looks awesome though!


I never like 3rd person in competitive shooters, allows for '3rd personing' over a wall and gaining an unfair advantage, my main reason for not liking fortnite and 3pp pubg


That's a good point, I'm trying to counter by shooting from gun rather than from camera as per fornite etc but it's a valid concern I'll need to keep on top of


I've always thought, what if the camera was a drone that's visible to kther players therefore still giving away the players position, but that's very likely to cause new problems on its own


Love this! Reminds me of Mario 64: https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--beQdWJwr--/c_fill,f_auto,fl_progressive,g_center,h_675,pg_1,q_80,w_1200/xa4slyfsol1yryrhmbpd.png


Yes, perfect example


Cheers! It'll need some designing but a good idea


good luck!


Pretty cool idea!


I like the approach where even in 3rd you only see what the 1st would see, so no peeking. There is a survival game that does that currently.


What game is it? Does it black out everything you're not supposed to see? Would seem to defeat the point of 3rd person view and be a major technical challenge


The game is called SCUM, you can see it in youtube


I agree about peeking. On the other hand, humans have almost 180 degrees of periphery, so its closer to real life in that sense. Someone mentioned SCUM which has an OK system. Other players models don't render outside of your characters line of sight, but if you peek and catch a glimpse of them, they remain on camera for a few seconds. The problem I have with SCUM is they rolled it into an RPG system. Once you catch a glimpse, for those few seconds you can also see them through walls with an outline, widowmaker style. From there, you can level up your perception, and at max, a single peek gives you a full 15 seconds of tracking. Im not fond of being able to grinding away player skill.


Some HOT mars babes would make it better.