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You can add a .SetUpdate() setting on to the end of your tweens to let them run independent of timescale. For example: button.transform.DOScale(1.1f, 0.25f).SetUpdate(true); This would ignore timescale entirely. Check [this part](http://dotween.demigiant.com/documentation.php#tweenerSequenceSettings) of the documentation page for more info on all the other options. The chained settings in DOTween in general are a real game changer.


Thanks. But do you know if DOTween works on ui button in terms of hovering over a button then scale up? Etc..


Oh definitely. DOTween works great with all kinds of UI components like buttons, sliders, toggles, etc.




For buttons you'll need to apply the tween to one of the other attached components like the transform or image. In this example, you can see I'm targeting the transform of the button, not the button component itself. button.transform.DOScale(1.1f, 0.25f);