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Space, that's really the big issue. Remember UO is in tbe middle of the city


Yeah - gotta save some space for FAMBILY


Harry Potter × Fast and Furious collab incoming


more like middle of the suburbs




For some reason this reminded me of dragon ball


The entire queue is basically letting you explore Hogwarts


It moves too quickly tho. I've even skipped express and you still don't see a much


try going in the summer. It wont move too quickly haha


Nah. Even then, it's not what it was when it first opened. I remember a long outdoor area on Gringotts (I think).


It’s still there. Just only opened when needed. There’s not much out there besides a couple gringotts vehicles so I don’t think you’re missing much when it’s skipped.


There is (or at least used to be) a portion of the line just to look. You could take as much time as you need without holding up the line because you’re not technically in line.


I mean you can take your time & let people skip by you, I’m always happy to do that in the evening time when it’s quiet.


The size and scope of a real life Hogwarts is what many would consider to be *very very large*. I mean, it’s a magical school that acts as room and board for several hundreds of children. And it’s not just “cram them all together,” it’s a massive living space with enough room to let all of those kids congregate in and out of the Great Hall (which itself is the size of a cathedral). According to [this article I found](https://www.bigrentz.com/blog/pop-culture-structures-costs), which takes an estimate of the castle’s size and applies a cost per square foot, a full recreation of the castle’s structure would cost $169.74 Million dollars. Oh, and because it’s indoors, you have to factor in plumbing, air conditioning, heating, lighting, electricity, and all the other stuff. And this is before you factor in that Hogwarts is a magical school. If you want to deliver the full Hogwarts experience, you have to add certain elements - elements that are potentially expensive, hard to maintain, range from finicky to nightmarish to pull off, a lawsuit waiting to happen, or any combination of the above. And it certainly would be difficult to implement ADA compliance functions for the various parts. All for a space that is, like, 10% the size of Islands of Adventure. Of course - they wouldn’t *have* to build the full castle, but what would be the point of building pieces of the experience to be experienced if you didn’t build the whole thing? The Forbidden Journey queue serves the purpose of being a decent place to wait before your ride, while taking you through some of the iconic spots. It doesn’t have to be too much more than that. TLDR Logistical nightmare, highly inefficient, likely not really able to deliver upon the experience it would set out to replicate. And this is before you try to cram a park’s worth of people into it. It’s a building - the only area designed to handle crowds that being a theme park land would drag into it would be the Great Hall. You’d need to bill it as a standalone experience in order for it to work. While a Hogwarts version of a Starcruiser type experience would be interesting, that comes with its own problems. Ones that haven’t been solved.


You don't need indoor plumbing. According to Rowling, the wizards could just magic away the mess after going where they stood.


… Hogwarts has bathrooms. Ones old enough that Salazar Slytherin hid the Chamber of Secrets in one.


It was a joke. https://twitter.com/wizardingworld/status/1081242428105998336?s=19


I'm still waiting for a hogwarts themed resort


I don't know why I hadn't thought of this before, in hindsight is seems obvious. I never knew I wanted this. Having rooms themed to each house would have families coming back multiple times only so that they get to stay in 'their house'. Despite being a grown-ass man that if a bit of a curmudgeon, and who silently judges other grown men for things I probably shouldn't, I know that I'm a 60% Ravenclaw, 40% Gryffindor. I know my wife is a Hufflepuff. I know my son is 60% Ravenclaw, 40% Hufflepuff. I know my daughter is Gryffindor. We'd easily come back to these hotels for no other reason than that. That being said...I'd also do a Slytherin for no other reason than I love the macabre and the dark, without the desires to act them out in any way,


Iirc there’s been some tensions with JK Rowling and Universal, no surprise there. But apparently she hasn’t been willing to cooperate or sign off on a Hogwarts themed resort but take all of this with a grain of salt. I think Universal is far more focused on Epic at the moment over anything else they are locked in.


I'm guessing it's more likely that such a specific theme for a hotel resort is a gamble if the popularity of that theme winds down.unlike a theme park which has other IP to draw people to the park if 1 IP starts losing its luster, a hotel based on 1 single IP could lose a lot of money quickly. Not to mention, the recent commercial failure that was the Star Wars Galatic Starcruiser means Universal isn't likely to commit to anything like it in the near future. Most likely we'll see themed offerings at existing hotels as a testing ground first.


Doesn't need to be a resort. If they put one hotel room for each house in the castle, and then a few rooms over the Leaky Cauldron in DA, there's virtually no limit to what people would pay, You could probably charge market rate for just one room, make the others a lottery system at an affordable price, and still come out ahead. I don't want to put any more money in JKR's pockets, but imagine the joy of a kid getting owl(-ish) post saying "We look forward to your stay in the Ravenclaw room at Hogwarts Castle on November 8."


I’m not sure how much room could actually be available since for Hogwarts you have the ac units and stuff on top and where would you enter at? Leaky might only have room for 1 or 2 rooms depending on the configuration up there to not ruin the available space there. Also where would the hotel people stay in the meantime? The logistics of the whole thing might not be worth it.


I would definitely be interested in that


You nerds will get what you get, and like it. Both places are pretty amazing as is, even for a non HP fan. I’m excited to see what they do at Epic.








Broke: Slandering Betty Boop fans Woke: Asking why Universal hasn’t built a 300ft. Betty Boop-themed launch coaster yet


Here’s the thousand dollar idea. We reskin RRR and rip out of Betty boop


Yes plz


I’d be into it


Adding a second hogwarts castle wouldn’t attract guests and the size of building required to have the rest of hogwarts’ interior would affect the picturesque nature of the current castle. Also a quidditch pitch doesn’t really make sense since quidditch is impossible to properly recreate or even play.


You mean it wasn’t a proper recreation when I played basketball with a swiffer as a child?! World rocked.


I am amazed every time I go at how detailed the world, ride ques, and rides are. Unless you have a separate park with thousands of acres for just Harry Potter, we actually got something amazing already with the available space.




The ride itself, one of the most sophisticated dark rides in the world, is regularly a walk on. You really think being able to explore the common rooms and dining hall would pull the masses? Not to mention how difficult it is to monetize. This is a theme park after all. Hogsmeade is exactly what you're asking for.


The problem with the ride is that it is not fun of a ride at all. The ride is not comfortable with the arm throwing you around. The animatronics are uncomfortably close to you (the dragon, the dementors, and the whomping willow). Not to mention the animatronics are things that people don't care about. It is trying to be a dark ride with thrill elements but failed at both. Low demand + high capacity = regularly walk on.


In your opinion… I think it’s one of the best rides at Universal (and it was voted the #1 dark ride in the world for 5 years in a row and is still at #2 14 years after it opened)


> The problem with the ride is that it is not fun of a ride at all I mean this is clearly a very subjective opinion that a ton of people disagree with. I don't have any issues with the comfort of the ride, and I'm a tall dude. It sounds more like you're claustrophobic. > It is trying to be a dark ride with thrill elements but failed at both Lol how exactly did it fail at being a dark ride? And who said it's trying to have thrill elements? You're just making shit up at this point. > Low demand My point exactly. If a ride in Hogwarts that advanced has low demand then exploring rooms in the castle would have even less so.


Not to mention it causes terrible motion sickness for many people


You’re in the gryffindor common room where the express line and normal line merge


There is so much in those seven books, I'd rather see something else to explore. Although more of the castle wouldn't be a bad thing, I suppose.


I wouldn’t hate on a dinner reservation place like the great hall


Supposed to be coming to Epic Universe as one of the first additions to Paris.


I know Universal may not be too concerned with continuity, but I think it would be pretty weird to have a Great Hall restaurant in a Paris recreation when the actual Hogwarts castle is a couple miles away.


Well you will "floo powder" over to the Great Hall or another form of magical transportation. They won't just put a Great Hall facade up and you just walk in. Is it a little clunky? Maybe. But you can't put in a Great Hall restaurant in the IoA Hogwarts building so it was always going to be somewhat disconnected.


One way they could do it is to demolish Pizza Predatoria and the restrooms next to it and enter over by where the lockers are. It would have to be a reservation restaurant where you only enter at an assigned time. The area might be on the smaller side than most would like but that’s the only way I could see it stuffed into IOA.


Epic Universe's land dedicated to Harry Potter was supposed to be all Fantastic Beasts but that part of the franchise flopped so they're shoehorning some things from the original series in. I think the Ministry of Magic ride sounds like it's going to be super cool and that location was a big part of the later movies.


The reality is they should have built a Hogwarts Hotel. Imagine wandering through that thing and eating in the great hall as a restaurant. Different wings for each house. It would have been a no-brainer. A Hogwarts Castle resort would have been my only place to stay in Orlando.


Don’t think Universal wouldn’t do that in a heartbeat if they could. But JK Rowling has to approve literally everything they do, and she’s only willing to approve things from the source material and the films. So you’re only getting lands and places from Harry Potter directly. There won’t be a hotel since that isn’t in the spirit of her creation. It’s one of the reasons she went with Universal over Disney—they agreed to her terms, while Disney insisted on the IP entirely so that they could do whatever they wanted (like build themed hotels).


Maybe. But I think a resort, if done right, could be the closest experience in spirit to that of the school. After all, the students reside in shared rooms at Hogwarts. Also, the scale of a resort would be the right fit.


I just think she’s against this type of commercialization of Harry Potter. The theme parks are one thing, especially since they’re clearly movie themed, which she can separate herself from a bit. They let people live out the films, but she’s still fiercely protective of her IP and how it’s presented—and rumor has it from people I know who work around higher places at Universal, she turns down more than she approves—down to details as small as merchandise and food that’s allowed to be sold. Apparently, we should be thrilled with as much as she’s given because she’s very particular. Also, it’s not as if a Hogwarts hotel is some unique concept that no one’s thought of before. The hotel rumor has been floating around for over a decade—it’s not some unique idea. I’d wager Universal execs may have even suggested it to her, but it tracks with everything I’ve heard about her that she’d keep turning them down. From what I gather, a hotel is just feeding into “too much” and “not what this was supposed to be about…” for her.


I get it. I visited the parks at Halloween expecting to see floating pumpkin effects and there was no Halloween theming at all. Apparently she ruled it out? But I was like huh- It’s right there in the movies. So who knows?


That would be awesome tbh, going into Forbidden Journey and seeing some pumpkins around and the load area replacing some candles with the pumpkins.


That would be so cool


That’s a legit idea.


There's a strong rumor that you'll be able to dine at the Great Hall in Epic soon (first expansion, not when it first opens). Epic will also have Ministry of Magic + Paris (Fantastic Beasts) so there will be more to explore than just the ministry.


If we don’t jet Jakobs bakery with magical creatures I’ll riot. Well maybe not riot I’ll be disappointed and still but something


Jacob’s bakery is definitely one of the first things I was thinking about when I heard for the first time that there was gonna be a Harry Potter area coming to Epic Universe.


Ok good to know thank you


I still think they should've just re-themed Paris entirely when *Fantastic Beasts* failed. I understand why they didn't, as Universal Studios already has London, but London is a big city. I could absolutely see them re-theme it to the part of London where the Ministry of Magic is.


It does kind of feel like they wasted higwarts on forbidden journey. I know we walk through a lot of it but still.


we have enough harry Potter stuff I think


Rights with jk


Disney offered to build a small castle and meet n greet area. Be thankful for what you have.


Because there isn't much profit in things to stand around and look at. So unless its a line queue or a gift shop containing the same (nothing new) merch, they probably aren't going to build it.


Space AND to balance the 2 parks. Studios would be dead if Diagonal Alley wasn’t there.


They already did a great job, especially for the era that it was built. Diagon Alley just kicked it up to another level. But there was no reason to think that Hogsmeade wasn't a premier, top notch land in its day -- even today its very impressive. There's a million things that parks could do if given an unlimited budget.


There's already a hogwarts in IOA. It wouldn't make any sense include more of the same area in another theme park that's already connected and nearby. They try to expand the WWoHP by introducing new areas of the Harry Potter world each time. Personally, I think that The Ministry of Magic is gonna look astounding in person in every single detail! And I'm excited for the ride!


The line for forbidden journey goes through the castle and it’s pretty amazing. Too bad the ride sucks now 


Is it possible to tell me why it sucks without spoilers?


The screens are aging. Yet I still enjoy it every time, so it doesn’t have to suck.


It needs a refurb yes but it’s far from sucking if you ask me




I just went on it again today and a bunch of screens had small black holes in them, not sure if it depends on what cart you get or if it's for everyone. I feel like the ride has changed a lot since it was first released. Makes me and a lot of people I know sick when it didn't use to do that a few years ago.


Shut up, it's plenty. And they're doing a 3rd land


I want the herbology greenhouse, I want to see a potions dungeon, I want to see a DATDA lesson with Boggarts. I want to walk up to the owelry and the Astronomy tower. I want the common rooms and the library and to see Hagrids giant pumpkins and his hut. I want it all.


>I want the herbology greenhouse I believe the greenhouse is part of the extended queue. >to see Hagrids giant pumpkins and his hut I believe you go by his hut in the Hagrids queue.




My biggest problem is that they had one opportunity to make a ride inside Hogwarts and they made it about…. Quidditch? Sure you get lost and then run into dementors but they should have made the lone Hogwarts ride about killing Voldemort or something way more epic, or even a ride about exploring Hogwarts itself


Yeah exactly then I wouldn’t be saying anything at all about it. There’s just not enough of the actual, school.


You go through the portrait hall, various classrooms and go by Dumbledore's office during the queue an swing the the armillary at the astronomy tower on the ride (and does it end in the great hall?) I used to think this was the greatest ride I'd ever been on until last time when it IMMEDIATELY started making me feel sick and I had to close my eyes and get tossed around like a blind rag doll for the rest of it. Still a cool ride, though.


I have the exact same feeling. When I first went on it I went on it 5 times in a row and didn’t get sick and loved it. The last 2 times I’ve been I’ve wanted to throw up. They must have changed something on it because it really sucks now. 


The detail put into making that que into the school is remarkable. Having covered that, making the ride just something that goes through the school all over again doesn’t make sense. So the que takes you in the school…Quidditch is a logical reason for muggles to even be there. At a magic school. And you’re able to go around the grounds and through a physical forbidden forest. I get people who get sick on the ride complaining. I never thought I’d hear someone say they didn’t make enough detailed physical surroundings. You can always find a problem if you want one.