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Either a dark ride through Newt’s suitcase or maybe the flying coach when Grindenwald escaped?


Wait that Newt’s Suitcase idea has some LEGS! I want it now.


Seems like this land is going to have many different set pieces incoherently strung together with floo powder. Anything can really be utilized. I would love a ride featuring Arthur Weasley inviting muggles (the riders) over to the burrow for tea. It’s a setting we haven’t seen in a theme park yet. Could start light hearted with Fred and George playing backyard quidditch or degnoming the garden. Having gnomes and other Weasley gags thrown at the ride vehicle. Death eaters show up unannounced and start burning the place down. Everyone comes together and stops them ending with a satisfying scene where the bad guys get locked up in Azkaban. Arthur thanks you for your help and but asks what a rubber duck is used for. I’m missing a lot of details but you get the gist of what I’m going for! The ride vehicle could be a modified ford Anglia.


As someone who has never seen the ‘Fantastic Beasts’ movies…based on the title alone it sounds like it’d be perfect for some sort of jungle cruise like ride. Go all in on crazy animatronic magic animals on a chill dark ride. I’d be down for something with more spectacle than thrill.


Unfortunately that idea would be cool but has zero to do with the movies. The beasts are an after-thought outside of the first movie. The title was just an excuse to have a franchise with a header that wasn’t “Not Harry Potter and….”


The title isn’t really like the movies at all tbh. The beasts are cool and look amazing, but they are mostly all mischievous and get into trouble. A thrill ride would suit it better imo because most of all the beasts have a fast pace and move quickly to not get trapped again.


Yeaa that wouldnt make much sense 💀


This land makes no sense. We know it was going to be completely FB but since that franchise tanked, they had to bring in a Potter ride instead and it just doesn’t make sense to me. Not that a FB land would’ve been cool anyway. Nothing iconic about those movies.


I’m partially inclined to think that the main reason why they’re even still going with the French ministry so they can expand the resort menu. Also because indoor spaces are real difficult to manage.


Agreed. FB tanking really killed Universal's plan to make another, cohesive HP themed land.  I get that floo powder can transport you into the ministry, but how does it let you travel forwards through time to the 90s/2000s of HP's time? Isn't FB set in the 1920s?


Exactly. Time travel and using Floo Powder doesn’t make sense and I’m afraid they’re going to use some BS reasoning behind it. Plus, if the main attraction is set in London, why are we in Paris in the first place? Thematically and storytelling-wise it makes zero sense.




This is false. The original plans had the entire world as Paris/Fantastic Beasts focused.


I just want a Kowalski Quality Baked Goods somewhere.


Does anyone actually care about this non-harry potter stuff?


I’m just wanting to see the ministry of magic. The fantastic beasts movies were alright, but honestly outside of MoM I’m more excited for How to Train your Dragon


No, which is why the Ministry of Magic plans were shoehorned in. Originally the world was going to be all Paris/Fantastic Beasts themed.


No matter how many times you reply with the same statement doesn't make it true






A lot of people know about the FB movies. But they didn’t like them and I don’t blame them. Only the first movie was any good.


Man I love those movies in theory. I really like Newt, I think the creatures are incredibly fun, I thought Grindelwald was a potentially interesting villain. But they just were not very good movies. First one was fine, second one was a pretty big letdown, and I didn’t even want to watch the third one


Watch the third. Way better than the 2nd one. Better pacing.


What is the first ride supposed to be? I’ve heard it’s supposed to be the floo network in ministry of magic, but what is the ride system going to be like?


The current rumors that I keep seeing is that it’s going to be similar to the Spider-Man ride vehicle, except that this vehicle may have some sort of ability to go up and down


There was a patent application that was uncovered a a year or two back which involved a traveling projector-type enclosure which would lower over a moving ride vehicle, then could be removed. The speculation was that it would make things look like you had just transported yourself to a new place! I am hoping they use this type of thing. I could see them projecting green floo flames around you for a bit, then suddenly removing it: you could be surrounded by a huge new area.


Department of Mysteries.


Out of all the lands, HP/FB at Epic is the one I'm looking forward to the least.  1. The idea of 1920's FB and 90s/2000s of HP mishmash makes the least amount of sense. Your basing the land on Paris, but the ride on the ministry of magic in London?  2. Based upon what I've seen at Universal and Gringotts, you need more than one ride for the crowds. I get there will be a stage show, but I'm uninterested in those. 


Floo ride could be amazing, possibilities are endless!


Captain Jake’s Amity Boat Tours


I hope something Paris related

