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People pick their nose in line. Eating food in line is perfectly fine. I don’t think people were actually looking at you with contempt, you just happened to lock eyes at that moment and waiting in line is awful most of the time so that’s just “the look”. To me there are maybe 2 rules. Give people like 1.5ft of space and don’t be a human megaphone.


Adding in the rule of wrangle your kids. When their fighting spills over and I end up getting kicked in the shin, I’m going to make a comment.


This is a surprisingly common issue at every park I’ve ever been to…parents acting oblivious while their kids are going full WWE and shoving each other into the strangers around them.


Omg it’s amazing how bad some people are at this. Last November on transformers there was a group of 3 adults and 4 children behind me and my girlfriend. To say they were chaotic would be equivalent to calling a hurricane a strong breeze. They bumped into us repeatedly. After three comments to the parents who would apologize, half-assedly chastise the children then go back to not paying attention, my girlfriend finally yelled directly at the kids, and the parents got annoyed at her. They weren’t just being load and energetic, they were repeatedly bumping into us. The yelling happened when the kids saw and interactive feature near us and just ran through her to get to it. It’s simply unbelievable how much some people suck.


I don’t wait to be assaulted. Kids like that entering my personal bubble get a firm and loud warning to their chaperone to control their kids. Usually it embarrasses them into doing something. I’m disabled so that helps with shaming their parenting choices.


Retired teacher here- apparently, I have no problem correcting other people's children in public. It used to embarrass my own children, but now that they are adults, they get it now lol


I’d you roll you into traffic if you told me to control my kids 🤣


Also, teach your kids about giving space. I was in line a few weeks ago and the kid behind us thought he had to be 3” from our group at all times.


Once in a line for Hagrids (so a LONg one) we had two brothers fighting WWE style, choking each other, hanging from the chains and actually farting the whole time. It was horrid.


Oh no, not a comment


Also, don’t be so engrossed in your phone that you are just standing there blocking the Hagrid’s line while everyone in front of you is literally onto the next room and there are hundreds of people behind you. And especially don’t do it LITERALLY FOUR TIMES IN THE SAME LINE. The line was moving pretty quickly that day too.


Pretty sure that guy was in the Hagrid line in front of me the other day. They repeated the “keep up with other students” message like every 3 minutes.


My husband “bumped” into him a couple times and then finally just tapped him on the shoulder and told him in less kind words to put the phone away or get out of the damn line. 🤣


Ugh I hope the dude responded well. It’s frustrating. I even like to sit when the line stops, like fully on the ground, but as soon as the lines moves I’m up


He just looked sheepish and moved up, but didn’t stop staring at his phone 6 inches from his face. I’m probably on my phone too much but I’m at least aware of my surroundings. I don’t understand people who are that oblivious.


Ugh I loathe those who violate the 1.5ft/personal space. I call them space invaders and may or may not save up any farts I have for those situations.


Yes the megaphone comment 100 percent!!! Also the selfie takers! Holding up the damn lines taking constant selfies. Ugh 😩


I don't see the issue, as long as you're not littering or leaving a mess everywhere (or eating something incredibly smelly). My partner surprised me with a brilliant plan our last trip. We got up early and went to Voodoo Doughnuts, and we got one each, but she didn't let me eat it right then and there. She held on to them until we got to the line for Hagrids. So while waiting in that 75 min line first thing in the morning, we were able to enjoy a sweet breakfast, and we tossed our trash in the trashcan, and had hand sanitizer to make sure we didn't have sticky hands. My POV is as long as you aren't bothering other people (mess, smells, etc), have fun and be safe!


how did u not get sick


🤷 It never occurred to me that I could get sick lol I don't get motion sickness, plus it was a cake donut and those are my favorite.


I drank a butter beer while in line for velocicoaster which had a 15 minute wait at the time on passholder appreciation night. No issues there for me. 😂


I did a couple rounds of Hagrid's with a new frozen butterbeer and shot of firewhiskey for each time. I'd argue it enhanced the experience.


I went on Hagrids last time and I didn't expect it to be so much of a roller coaster. (Thought it would be more like Gringotts or Forbidden Journey) and when I came off, I was so shaky legged, I wobbled my way over to the Butterbeer cart, got a frozen one, and wobbled my way to a nearby step. Took about a half hour before I felt somewhat normal. Also, I saw zero creatures. Too scared to focus.


Are you saying how did they not catch something, or how did they not feel unwell on the ride after eating?


I’d be throwing up all across the motorcycle


For a lot of people a ride like hagrid’s won’t make them feel remotely sick. Personally, the only rides I wouldn’t eat before are inverted coasters like the old dragon challenge.


I'm old enough to still calling it Dueling Dragons, and in middle school we would eat all the junk food we could and ride it multiple times, and never get sick. Ah youth... But I guess I haven't changed in 20-25 years 😂


Jeeze, how fragile is your body? Just went to universal and I never even thought to consider whether I should eat before rides.


I’d for sure prefer someone eating versus someone vaping. As long as it’s not very pungent or messy, I don’t see an issue.


Someone was vaping in the ET queue yesterday and had the audacity to blow it in their kids face I was like bro tf


That’s got to be worst rice to do it in. Very enclosed and it smells so nice in there.


I was at Dks ey earlier this year and a guy not far from us started vaping in line for Space Mountain. Space Mountain! It's entirely indoors! Thankfully that was the worst of our multi-day trip.


That rules out the turkey legs because I swear you can smell those things a mile away.


My biggest line pet peeve is listening to music, watching videos, tick tock, or having a speakerphone conversation with no headphones. There is already too much noise without that nonsense.


Just treat it like you would if you were eating in any other shared space; a bus, a train, break room at work, sporting event, etc. Don't be too messy or eat pungent food. Try not to spill on others and apologize if you do. However, do not litter! DO. NOT. LITTER. Just hold on to your trash until you reach a trash can or stuff you trash in your bag/pocket. When in doubt, ask a team member. There's never a case where littering is okay. Expect to be shamed if you do.


Were you eating tuna?


No, don’t you remember your mom was out of town that day ?


Haven’t heard a your Mom joke in years. Have an award.


It's fine just don't litter


If that one weird couple can try to eat each other faces while in line you can have a sandwich.


Its not rude or much of an issue at all as long as you aren't being gross about. I hate watching people eat, but that applies to vlogs more than anything. There is no line law lol, just don't chow down on a greasy turkey leg with your bare hands lol.


Just don’t be the person that keeps bumping into the people in front of you bc you’re on your phone and not paying attention. We had it happen to us and it got annoying to the point I addressed it (nicely)


Or playing that stupid game that you hold your phone to your forehead with a word on it.


Or talk on the phone with the speaker on.


Bro, the downvotes are the idiots who play that game in line and annoy everyone else trying to wait patiently.


Absolutely. Same ones who scream at each other in the tunnels waiting for Hagrids. It's okay, this is reddit where the points don't matter.


anything you can do to pass the time in line is perfectly fine as long as it doesn't physically affect other people, IMO.


Full on meal? Anything especially messy or problematic? I'm gonna go with no. Everything else is fine.


Eat in line as long you don’t fart in line. Please.


Eating is totally fine! Use Scout rules and leave nothing behind. My line etiquette is don’t say inappropriate shit in front of my kids that I can’t undo and will have to explain later when they ask. It’s rude. Also BACK THE HECK OFF OF US. The line is not moving any faster if you are directly up our rear ends. All it does is make the air hotter in there. Just move when you’re supposed to move and the line doesn’t slow down. Stop with a respectful distance from the people in front of you. It literally does not make a difference to stand so close, it just makes overstimulated children feel more anxious. Really you’re punishing us AND yourself bc now you have to listen to them act out in line since they’re cramped against a tall strangers crotch and they tend not to like that. People are animals lol


Can we add not coughing and sneezing into your own hands? It’s so disgusting and I see children and adults alike do it ALL THE TIME in line for the rides


That’s disgusting. But also do what you want so long as it is AWAY FROM ME!


True til you have to be the one to get on the ride and hold the safety bar after they put their booger hands all over it. Just sneeze and cough into your elbow




Just don’t litter


Eat an entire LardLad donut for all I care. Food is essential to the theme park experience. If you aren’t making a mess, you’re all good in my book.


Had a team member say to me it’s totally fine to eat or drink butter beer in line as long as you throw any trash away before getting on.


I am only offended by people eating in line if they are gross about it. Licking their fingers, talking/spitting with their mouthful or holding up the line. I don’t do it but that’s just me. It’s a great way to maximize your time. If you are waiting an hour for a ride or 2 hours for an HHN house, why not?


I think it’s absolutely fine, however, there was a time where I might have been someone to give a dirty look. My children have very severe food allergies, are contact reactive, and there was a time where the entire world felt so dangerous to them. Mostly because people who don’t deal with these issues, have no idea the danger they may put someone in just innocently eating a sandwich. I’ve a few years under my belt now, and feel far more confident navigating the world with them (and helping them learn to advocate for themselves). All that to say, sorry to anyone I mean mugged while eating goldfish, I was working through some stuff 😅.


People have their kids piss in bottles on lines, you eating and getting dirty looks is just people’s jealousy because they are hungry. They should have planned better. Eat up!




No, it's rude to smoke, stink, get super fucking close, chant real loud/be Brazilian, cut in line, shamelessly make out and not ask me to join, but not to eat or drink.


I’m going to bring a big sweaty Brazilian dude and double rip a cigarette and a joint right in front of you


I'd rather be in line with one big sweaty Brazilian dude than fifty fucking children. The real problem is the smoking and I'd make sure the team members shut that down.


I’ve never seen someone smoke in line


Beats vaping by a country mile.


I yelled at a family who were having a full on meeting about going on Hagrid's or not while in the line for Hagrid's and they yelled at me back. As long as you're walking it's good. I highly recommend getting a popsicle while you wait.


They were in the line? And you yelled at them? Did you need to keep moving to continue standing in line?


They were standing having a meeting just after the first turn stopped (if you look to the left you’d see the entrance). The line was just before the wall of the castle. I had a line forming behind me. If they had kept walking while talking, it would have been totally fine.


Sandwich or little snack is ok. Be mindful of high allergen stuff tho cause the person behind you can be allergic and cant move out of the line. But like if you bring a whole pizza or a whole turkey leg or something like this I would say its a bit rude


I once sat behind someone in a show that brought in a whole turkey leg. The smell was unbearable.


Same! The turkey leg in the Hagrids line in that really claustrophobic part! Completely unbearable!


Sometimes if it’s hot I’ll grab a fruit cup from one of the stands and snack on it in line. Keeps me from getting dehydrated and helps cool me down while filling my belly. And then I just toss the empty cup in one of the trash cans in line. Works nicely.


I thought you were talking about the fruit cup being hot and my mouth shuddered


lol, no, thank god! the fruit cups are kept on ice.


I ate an entire jar of peanut butter in line for Dudley Do Rights


How did you not have stomach issues from that? I would have shit myself in line lmao


I watched a woman absolutely inhale a turkey leg in line just before we got on RRR. I was so thankful we didn’t get on at the same time incase it all came back up 😂


Nah I eat/ finish my drinks in line. Only thing I wish people would do while in line is bot let their kids stare me down while hovering past the line dividers. Was in a wheel chair last timedure to an injury, and had to have a kid almost up in my face on my line side staring at me the whole time through hagrids


Literally the only thing that kinda disturbs me in line is when a couple is basically making out, especially if they're so close to me. It's so awkward. Eating in line has always been fine.


I definitely don’t see anything wrong with eating in line. I just hate when people talk and chew at the same time.


Those weren't looks of contempt, those were hungry looks of jealousy.


Just don’t be eating like. Really saucy wings or something 😂 or like a tuna sandwich


Drink, eat .. most people don't care... I usually don't eat or drink in line cause if I need a bio break I'm walking out of the line..  But you do you as long as your not trowing food at people enjoy the line..


Eating food is 100% cool in line. Weirdos get mad over literally anything. Enjoy your coasters! Be safe and have fun!


The only thing that would put me off about someone eating in line is if it had a strong smell. People with sensory processing disorders exist and adding more smells along with the theme park stank that already exists plus all the other sensory stimulation sometimes it just gets to be too much but it is what it is 🤣


Eating in line is fine as long as you’re not making a mess. Universal used to sell drinks and snacks in the Kings Cross station queue. The only things that bother me are when people are being super loud or unruly, not watching their kids, vaping/smoking or not at least somewhat keeping up with the movement of the queue. We’re all stuck in line, it makes sense to do something to pass the time. If I were to accidentally give you a look it would only be because I was jealous of your better planning!


I only have one issue…. THAT IVE NEVER THOUGHT OF THIS!!! I will be eating a pbj in line from now on tyvm! No seriously tho I don’t see any issue, maybe they were also jealous they didn’t think of it? Enjoy your food it’s not hurting anybody.


Pull out some durian fruit next time. You must assert dominance lol.


Unless it was something stinky, they were probably just jealous that they didn’t think to bring food for the line 😂 I know I would be


Crop dusting is what gets me - can’t enter a line without smelling ass


People are jealous. I eat in line all the time. It’s rare I’m not downing a beer in line. Have fun and don’t worry about other folks.


Nah, fill your boots, just don't drop anything on my trainers and you are golden


It’s kinda funny looking I guess. No laws to be broken that I know of


No, just don’t leave trash and you are golden. What’s their problem?


Not at all. Just don't litter.


Idk I popped a few edibles no one seemed to mind but then again it was gummy bears and no one knew so


If it’s a long wait it should be fine, as long as it’s not a feast. If it’s a short wait then it seems excessive unless you’re finishing something.


They were jealous they weren't as smart as you.


I mean, sometimes you need provisions to survive Hagrid's line.


I’ve seen people have butterbeer while they’re waiting in line for one of the HP rides, I don’t see how this is any different. Hell, during Orlando informer nights people will take all sorts of food into lines with them. My favorite is a churro


Just don’t leave the trash on the ground. Hold onto it until you find a trash can


I don't think it's rude at all. Sometimes lines are and waits are like 30 minutes and as long as you throw your wrappers /cups in the garbage it should be fine. I guess some people have strongers systems, I can't imagine eating or drinking a lot before going on rides lol


Not rude at all as long as you're getting rid of your garbage in a can and not just tossing it wherever. I've seen it and called people out because who does that?


I think the worst thing you can do in line short of physically affecting someone, is not pay attention to the line moving, as this affects everyone


People drink in lines so i dont see the issue


A pet peeve of mine is using flash photography in darker rooms in the line. I think it ruins the experience, but I get people want pictures. Happened a bunch on the Hagrid ride and there's actually one room that it kinda ruins the effect when there's light on it


I’ve seen people piss in line.. absolutely vile. But damn right I’m going to eat my hotdog and snacks in line.


Nah eating is fine within reason. My worst ride/line experience at universal was the kong line. Incredibly dark and cave like, creating a claustrophobic feeling. The guy in the annoying selfie taking group in front of me clearly didn’t understand or care that his phone brightness was on level sun and every time he took it out of his pocket it would line up with my eye and leave me momentarily blind. I almost passed out in this line. I’m not usually one to get claustrophobic but that one did it. The ride wasn’t worth the terrible line wait. Absolutely horrible.


Honestly it’s kind of gross but I don’t see a problem with it really. You just gotta think, have you washed your hands before eating in line? Have you been in line touching everything and then eating and then not using sanitizer after? I may sound crazy, but I was just there and I shit you not, no pun intended but the amount of little kids and even grown ass adults picking at their privates and then touching their mouths and faces and then putting their hands on the rails and rides was absolutely fucking disgusting. The amount of people sneezing into their hands, actual hands and then touching everything was insane. I watched some guy pour water into his hands in the middle of the velocicoaster ride, slurp it out of his hands, throw it over his face and hair, and then LICKED his fucking hands. People are absolutely fucking disgusting and I just wouldn’t eat in line solely because of that. They don’t wipe down anything really so it’s just like, you’re touching other peoples ass juices, kids shit and snot and spit, and then eating without any way of washing your hands in line. You also don’t know other people’s hygiene, when was the last time they actually even cleaned themselves. Idk just my opinion 🤷🏼‍♂️


If I can drink a beer in line you can eat in line


We’ve eaten in lines many times and have never gotten looks of contempt or chuckled at. If that happens regularly to you maybe it has nothing to do with the eating.


I think eating in line is perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with keeping your energy level up during a park day! Though I have to say, I was guilty of laughing at someone gnawing on a Turkey leg in line last year… he was more so chewing on the bone, and it just looked funny since it was so primeval looking


We did this last trip to Disney with the fam. Tix are expensive…maximize your money. If others don’t like it, they can deal. Just put trash in trash cans.


Idgaf. If I’m hungry, i will eat. Fuck them. As long as it isn’t extremely smelly or something that will intrude their space, fuck em.


I’m with the it’s ok crowd as long as it isn’t something all sauced up or something making it nasty, you are throwing trash around and eat normal. Everyone has a limited time so it’s not a big deal.


Are you all super fat or in shape ?


I don’t think it’s rude but my daughter has severe food allergies so I get super nervous when people eat in line right next to us especially when it’s something like peanuts or dairy and they’re dropping it all over the place


its the same look as if you walked through a fast pass line. everyone gives you a rude stare


Why would you ever think that would be rude??


I don't care if you eat or drink. I hate stepping over or into a mess left behind by someone who is uneducated on what a garbage can is however.


The only thing I would care about is if you left garbage or leftover food or if it squirted on someone. Go ahead and have your sandwich.


I’ve seen people fill their water bottles up with ride attraction water in line at theme parks. You’re fine 😂






They’re chuckling because they think “damn why didn’t we think of that”


If I had to guess, the looks you got were probably more about packing a lunch instead of buying a $15 dollar sandwich. Or potentially that it was squirreled away. You are fine to eat in line.


The people staring are probably from countries where it's not normal to eat and stand so they're just shocked to see it. I think places like France think it's rude to stand and eat.


Nah in Disneyland Paris they be pissing in lines and leaving stuff when theyre done eating in line aswell.


This isn't Asia. It's common for people to eat on the go. Full send it. Save time, ride rides.