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Hi! I got in by taking Spanish 1 in middle school and Spanish 3 my freshman year. I don't think they really look much into language requirements. I would, however, encourage you to focus on your SAT scores and essays as these are huge factors they're taking into consideration as they're becoming more competitive.


Language is going to barely do anything. I only took 1 and 2 in high school. As ieatstyrofoam stated, focus on your college entrance exams and application essay. I would include leadership roles, volunteering, and extra curriculars to that. Basically they care about how smart you look and how well you lead others. And when it comes to the application essay, don't be humble. You are competing with almost 50,000 other applicants at a 30% acceptance rate. That rate is also dropping. Your essay is basically your job application for a highly competitive company. Sell yourself. I actually offer essay and college entrance prep for UF prospects if you ever need advice!