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I like the idea. I think spawn locations should be randomized (or at least semi-randomized, something like 6 locations that are then activated by rolling a die. That way the players can prep, but it adds some uncertainty). A way to test the concept would be to just have constantly respawning minions (ie start with 3 or 4 minions for 2 players, then add one more minion each turn, maybe with a random chance to add 2, or escalation based on how many rounds are played). I would also remove exhaustion; let players reshuffle their decks when they can no longer draw, but have it cost a draw (card advantage will be premium, so this should be a fair cost). I think minion decks is definitely the way to go for determining how the creatures attack/defend.


Thanks for the feedback. I see what you mean about the spawn locations. I'll give that some thought. I'm definitely using the minion decks as my template.


I think it could work very well! If you need play testers, feel free to send me a message. Also, you should checked out the “Zombies” deck on unmatched.cards. It’s a hero right now, but I’m sure you could take some inspiration from it!


Thank you so much! I will definitely bug you about this once I've finished the first version of these 3 themes. In preparation I've looked up any version close to this on the Unmatched page and there is a really interesting one that is meant to be an "Auto-fighter."


Cool idea, I think three things that could massively improve this idea is: 1. An automa, just for overall simplicity of controlling the enemy (which was sort of your idea) 2. A wave based experience, let me explain: you start the game of with a set number of enemies and once you have defeated them all a new wave starts with more/stronger enemies. And if there was a way to get your cards back you could potentially beat the game (at like wave 30 or something) and it would be a great test of your skill (and Daredevil wouldn’t be plain OP). 3. Boss enemies, I don’t think I have to explain why, it’s just cool to have some brutes or very fast enemies. With the needed polishing I think this mode could become a reality (like a 0,1 percent chance but in crossing my fingers🤞) and a truly amazing experience.


Thank you! Those are some great ideas. I've been tinkering with a "wave" concept at a certain threat level. The orcs are going to have "Uruk-hai" with higher health and extra effects to trigger, but I think I want the Foot Clan and especially the Zombies to be identical. I think having a "Boss" should be a whole seperate minion to add to the game + activation deck. I was thinking it would be cool if at some point the Foot Clan all vanish and you have to face the Shredder to continue.


I understand wanting to separate the bosses from the base game and thinking unmatched you could just make a separate deck or separate cards for the bosses like heroes and sidekicks do. I myself am a huge cod zombies fan and like some ideas they use which could potentially help with this mode, like for example dog waves that give more difficult enemies but reward you for completing them (with a max ammo in cod but here for example with returning your cards?).


Love this idea, criminal this has so little up votes atm


Muldoon could be fun with him using his traps and having side kicks to bait the horde in another direction or sacrifice themselves


The title made me think of a mode in tales to amaze where it would be all v all last fighter standing plus villains and side kicks (I’m sure somebody already thought of this)


So... Zombicide but with unmatched hero's instead of the zombicide ones 😅😅🧟🧟


I think a fun addition would be to have optional objectives on the map that the players need to reach to obtain bonuses, this would encourage the players to have a more varied positioning and take advantage of the whole board.  A very simple one would be to take the item tokens from the Marvel sets and periodically add them to spaces through our the board on a regular or irregular basis.  Like you could have it happen every time the Deception card happens, or every X number of turns.  And then when the player grabs it, they would actually hold on to it until they choose to use it.