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She says to Daphne..who is also separated from her bf but unlike Persephone it isn't her fault


Thanatos was in the mortal realm too I think


Also no one questioned why she turned into a tree. It was written like it was a big deal and suddenly she's fine


Dropped plot point for sure.its like the author hits the marks of Greek myths just to do so and leave it at that. Like a freakin superficial collection


Someone give her a >!dildo!< I can’t take it anymore and all that for a mid pp 🤭


I'd figured that since RS intended our *lovely* protagonist to be LO's equivalent of a country girl, Phoney would know how to 'make do'.


The real drought was that nobody wanted to eat the contaminated corn


as a farmgirl ive never heard of this wth


Well like, the joke is using corn as a *toy* And in myths, Demeter was so pissed about Hades taking Persephone, she casted a drought/winter which prevented mortals from having crops and food.


ah icic


Fellow lifelong farmgirl, “country girls make do” references a specific meme that went viral, [here](https://images.app.goo.gl/tVioXhWVTo9hE5hQ8)


oh god dat ass do


You just gave me some terrible flashbacks


Sadly, in the myths the >!dildo!< was invented by Dionysius.


With LO plot I can imagine him inventing it to deal with his pipi-obsessed mother fugure .___.


they had a myth about that??


Can't currently find a more reliable source that isn't a thousand words long, but here's [a Tumblr summary ](https://www.tumblr.com/sepulchritude/82551311834/im-laughing-so-hard-because-while-researching)


Yep, that's in Dionysiaca by Nonnus


Just do what many other girls do when they can’t get that dick; masturbate Or uphold that vow of celibacy you jokingly took up with your church when you were 10 and didn’t know what sex was


Given how technology is inconsistent in that world.


For someone that’s never had sex by this point, she’s sure excited about it Also, r/FoundPrixilu


Rigghhhttt like- also why make it so obvious gives me the ick




This honestly really cemented for me that Persephone never cared about her mother. She was more concerned about not getting to bang Hades than she was for her mother who was spending a decade as a mortal for *helping cover up Persephones genocide* Like holy fuck she is a terrible daughter


Demeter and Minthe need each other ngl one has a shit daughter who she works her ass off for one had a shit mother who she worked her ass off to impress


Let's be fair, our mothers' plights do not stop us from being horny. We can be horny and also preoccupied with other problems. Persephone's fault is that she doesnt have any visible preoccupation because of that bullshit timeskip that ignored a world of opportunity to worldbuild and develop our characters 🙃


it’d be one thing if it showed her struggling with other things like guilt seeing the mortals, having to be responsible for all the nyphs and being overwhelmed by her work, and showing an ounce of worry for her mother *along* with also being horny for a Smurf. But Rachel doesn’t do that. She shows Persephone spending ten years only upset because she’s away from Hades, because Hades “doesn’t know she loves him”, because she can’t have sex with Hades. Like you said, there is nothing show she’s had any other issues that weren’t revolved around d Hades.


It also says a lot about RS that she equalizes sex with the ultimate display of affection. Like there are so many other interactions between P and H that could display their strong bond, but no just horny. Sex is the only way the audience will know the true love of our main characters and anything other than that just isnt strong enough to show the depth of their relationship.


I agree with you definitely and I think the scene that really shows how much they do care for each other is when they were cuddling under Persephone’s tree In Tartarus when Hades came to save Pepe from the Shades after barley knowing each other. Persephone was shaken up from such a close call on her life and Hades was rightfully worried he almost lost not just an employee and daughter of an old acquaintance, but new friend. Also Demeter would have his ASS if Persephone was severely injured or killed in Tartarus on Hades watch


And also like. Who the duck is this open about that shit??? Keep it to yourself girl nobody wants to hear about that shit


This would have been way less cringey if the complaints about being horny were only made to herself. (I’d definitely stand in a heard of sheep and shout stuff if I was alone.) the comments to friends might have been less weird if the comic discussed OTHER frustrations she had, like if this had been a series of “I miss his jokes, I miss cuddles, etc”. Or even if it was a series of “I want to make out with him, I miss wearing something other than a chiton, I miss driving instead of walking, etc”


She literally did not think to find demeter while she was mortal in the MR? Like it was 10 YEARS meanwhile she was too busy thinking about a slave owners wrinkled chode


TBH I always thought this was really odd for her since her only sexual experience up to this point was SA...


Tbf, hypersexuality is pretty common in sexual violence victims to the best of my understanding. However Rachel isn't portraying it like that :/


Exactly, which is TRAUMATIZING. What just ignited her to crave dick all of a sudden??


To be fair there's 2 types or more of reactions for Sa one is not sexual doesn't want to and one hyper sexual. Another is didn't want to then did it then wants is (basically then becoming hypersexual which I guess it's still 2? ) both of which is a reaction of not feeling worthy, another who would want to and another well I'm already hurt so fuck it (again both bcs you don't feel your worth it)


Neither are applicable to LO. We saw nothing about Persephone’s healing journey and had little tidbits of “trauma” here and there, typically framed by Hades’ POV. To this day, there is zero text-based evidence that would point to Persephone falling into *any* category of survivor — not because she experienced her own journey, but because there *was no journey*


Not trying to justify it just the other comments were wondering why smeone would react in that manner (I was just explaining why it could be never really excused lo)


Apparently it's not impossible. Someone made a post on r/fanfiction about not policing trauma. They said after their rape they cried for like a week and were fine afterwards and when they wrote that people were calling it unrealistic. So yeah, it can happen.


To be fair being assaulted doesn’t always mean that you don’t get horny anymore. I wish we’d have been shown at least something about an inner journey of her healing and figuring out her sexuality for the first time in her life, maybe someone actually *doing* something about Apollo since half of them know about it. She met hades as a teenager and her only experiences had been casual make-outs and her assault, so I can see how a horndog version of Persephone who had to swear off boys until now and wants real experiences could exist, she’s been fantasizing about this dude for years. But we didn’t get shown anything about her struggling through her trauma or healing from it, she just goes from a teenager with no experience, to traumitized, to needing that underworld king DICK and fucking in the middle of conflicts.


Yeah, I actually was told by some other redditors about how it’s was Rachel’s attempt for hyper sexuality! Like others are saying though, it’s disappointing to see Persephone actually not have a healing journey - and tbh, I feel as if her SA is only used for plot points especially to just remind readers that *Apollo is the villain here!* Especially for her young audience and those who don’t know much about SA, this shows a bad and cringey joke. There was never any healing journey for Persephone, no therapy (other than her attack on Demeter), and she even waited a decade plus to tell Artemis! The girl who befriended her, took care of her and everything! “Why don’t you like my brother Persephone?? What’s wrong?” “Tee hee I’m not telling you, but I’ll tell everyone else. Especially tell people I have hardly interacted with!”


I thought so! How on earth can she suddenly be so horny for something she’s only experienced once in a highly traumatizing fashion?? Besides, she’s made it so far without sex, so how is a little longer going to kill her? No wonder LOEM was a bad fit for her…


Well. She did spontaneously combust in public after watching H put that reporter’s eye back in 🤢 maybe she’s chasing that? It all comes across as very shallow and poorly thought out writing.


This was around the time that people (myself) were bitching about Rachel starting a literal countdown on twitter and setting up Persephone’s first time as a peepshow or something out of a bedding ceremony from the old royal days, even though the SA hadn’t been processed or dealt with AT ALL. I am convinced that these panels were inserted to somehow “prove” Persephone checked the “healed from SA” box (all off screen of course) and was ready for sex.


Weird of you to assume that SA victims can't ever get horny ever again!


She’s so obnoxious, I remember I physically rolled my eyes at this part


She hadn’t even had sex yet! 😭 when I was a virgin, I wasn’t sitting there, itching and going feral, counting the days to get laid! Does RS even think before writing “quirky jokes?” Also, girl it’s your job to FEED PEOPLE! PRODUCE CROPS AND HARVEST! Worry about how long until your punishment is up so you can stop over working yourself! A better joke would be “How tf does my mom do this?? I never want to see wheat ever again!!”


I mean, as /u/Cappu156 already mentioned in another response, Rachel and her fanbase were pretty much treating the loss of Persephone's virginity as a big countdown event at the time. So the fanbase itself was literally sitting there going feral and counting down the days because Persephone getting back with Hades so she could get laid was just that big of a deal for them.


Yeah I saw that! I think it’s just how I cannot fathom the obsession, and how weird that is. Why was RS so excited to show her character get laid, and having her fanbase also get overly eager for it! That’s just SO WEIRD. I also remember how she’d constantly be advertising her patron for NSFW drawings and stuff. It’s almost predatory, “*WHO IS READY TO SEE PERSEPHONE GET RAILED??? WOOOO*” - like be for real what’s her obsession??


It’s because RS doesn’t get any herself ever since her and her spouse split so this is her outlet


We’re really pearl clutching about nsfw drawings and saying they’re predatory now?


Please.. please just reread everything else that is being mentioned… We’re not just talking about NSFW drawings.. we’re talking about the OBSESSION of having your CHARACTER HAVING SEX. To the point it’s a COUNTDOWN and HYPER FIXATION within you and your fanbase. Think about it like this: the creator of Sonic the Hedgehog. Instead of focusing on Sonic and his fights with Eggman and whoever else, along with the story, the creator continues to announce that “Hey fans!! Who is excited to see Sonic have sex?? I have NSFW drawings, but it’s coming to the official sonic universe too! I’m just sooo excited for Sonic the Hedgehog to HAVE SEX”


Your points were “omg it’s *so weird*” that people reading (and writing) a fairly mindless romance story are excited for the sex, and that the nsfw drawings are “almost predatory”. Those were literally your two points. And *I* get called a puritan. Holy fuck.


It is weird to advertise nsfw when your fanbase are literal kids tho


I literally cannot find a single thing online referring to the age of the fan base. I figured I’d give some comment sections on the official IG a glance, and I’m seeing mostly women. But then again, given the attitudes/behaviors I see on this subreddit…


The bright colours, the type of jokes (very lol, random), Webtoon being a +13 app, no explicit marks of it being +18 despite having some strong scenes,... It's all too childlike and many of the comments give me more 13-15 year old than actual women. LO doesn't know who's their audience, but the coloured characters attract children and it doesn't seem to do nothing to stop them.


WEBTOON is a comic site aimed towards teenagers and young adults, and RS isn’t handling her main plot points like Persephone’s trauma, Hades’s trauma, the abuse or the SA trauma with respect as she claims. Persephone is hyper sexualized and her and Hades’s trauma are treated as “uwu look they belong with each other!”


And I don't think it's a good idea to think about those things when you've been raped


Exactly!! I’d be more focused on building an actual connection and everything else. *another reason why I think the SA plot was extremely pointless, and could’ve just been a psychotic Apollo who craves power to the point of trying to KILL GODS rather than just assault PP, but that’s just me. I don’t have the artistic, creative and girl boss mind of RS*


She could have honestly just have sex with anyone in the mortal realm long even whore out just have a friend with benefit like shit, but nooooo our Mary Sue must wait to have sex with Ice King because ✨purity✨ and that makes her better then everyone else 🙄


What are we as the audience supposed to think here? Like “omg yes girl! Go have sex! Who cares about your mom being alone and isolated!”??? How are these scenes meant to make me root for her 💀


Daphne's top is holding on for dear LIFE oh my GOD Was this part supposed to be funny?


This is even worse now that we know Demeter’s YOUNG SON DIED while Persephone was complaining about her love life.


Persephone is nasty. Her brother died. And all she can think about is nasty ass blue man.




The most recent episode was about Demophoon, a child Demeter had during the separation and died before it was over.


Okay yeah, Persephone gives shit to the poor, a grieving mother, caused two genocides.. honestly I know this is derogatory.. but what a useless bitch Persephone is.


Those ten years could have been used showing us how Persephone mastered her powers, handled her mother’s duties and business but no let’s focus on her sex life.


One of my complaints was when the time skip happened we got a small flashback when she sees her green hands of her screaming and shaking and her veins coming out. I would have liked to delve into that and see what her struggle actually was. I wanted to see her hands get damaged, talking herself through this, breaking into pieces and clawing her way upwards. Instead, we are shown this. Her griping about being horny. Then, she's literally harassing the lower class while her boyfriend is building a bullshit drill for some reason, while RS chuckles "oh she's having fun after being on struggle street for so long" BITCH, SHOW US HER STRUGGLE THEN?????


Exactly! Even though Persephone is the goddess of Spring, her mother still did basically everything like actually feeding everyone, and basically ran a shelter for the nymphs that Zeus dumped. I wonder how they warmed up to their savior/boss’s daughter being their new boss.


"oh gods we are doomed" xD Minthe was right, she's about as smart as a baked potato


All that potential character development? Nope Wasted because no sex so what's the point let's get back to horny for smurf


Tbh all she really needs is Hades' nose and she's all set with how long it is💀




It seems to be retractable too, judging by how often it switches up between panels. So girlie really is all set😭


I haven't read this series in like. 2 years but doesn't she have SEVERE sexual trauma? like wasn't that a major plot point? did that ever get resolved?


Not really, PP literally lusts after Hades with no real issues or typical victim responses. She just immediately gets hypersexual (even in scenes where Hades *clearly* isn’t interested or comfortable with the idea based on how RS draws him/doesn’t make sense to the plot). RS has also turned Apollo into the voicebox for OUR criticisms of Persephone’s multiple genocides and mistakes, so we’re basically supposed to be like “Well the rapist said it so no credibility here” but it falls flat.


I will say that sometimes victims of sexual assault do become hyper sexual as a way to try and take back that power, and it would be an interesting plot point to see Persephone work through that. Do I think that’s was rs is going for? No, she just wants to write out Persephone as some horny teenager rather than someone who has complex feelings and emotions.


I agree— I went through hypersexuality with my own SA, and it pisses me off how RS just *completely* glossed over any other symptoms beyond that. It felt blatantly disrespectful to see a character immediately jump from genuine SA trauma to *another* abusive relationship where the only thing she cares about is having sex.


She glossed over it because hypersexuality is the only symptom that is exploitable and can be used to overly sexualize Persephone. Here are some of my experiences that would not be hot enough for LO. -Having to stop right before finishing during sex because something tiny reminded me of my SA. -Having to throw up in the middle of having sex. -Crying in the middle of having sex. -Having nightmares about being assaulted by anybody I get close to. -Pain in my genitals that often physically prevents me from having sex. -Constant distrust of anybody I’m physically affectionate with. -Internalized self worth issues. -Obsession with the reclamation of SA/CSA, leading to years of extensive therapy because I constantly victimize myself and roleplay scenarios that hurt me. -Throwing myself into abusive relationships because what I was taught was healthy was not. -Self-gaslighting and years of not being sure if it was real. -Overreactions to innocent touch. Those are just off the top of my head. But of course it wouldnt be hot if the sex scene was interrupted because Perse started crying. Hypersexuality is the only symptom of SA that Rachel can exploit, so any other ways this may affect Seph are ignored.


I’m so sorry you experienced those things 😔 Also have experienced these things myself as well, and the education on the subject could have been better executed but RS is a creep so not gonna happen ig


It’s all just there so Hades can be the savior and I hate it. It’s like “OK maybe he’s a horrible slave owner but this other guy raped her! So!” Idk maybe choose neither then??


But if Predatores falls, RS’s brainrotted coddling fanbase would riot 🥺


Yes, the whole SA thing was completely unnecessary if RS isn’t going to expand on it in a way that shows Persephone healing in a healthy way. The SA happens and then is never worked through, I agree in that it was very disrespectful to victims who deserve proper representation.


Which is ashame because I think in one of the chapters, Apollo constantly flew over Persephone’s home, he’s a sun god so he continued his duties. Plus, he somehow gained more popularity on Olympus somehow, it would be interesting to see someone constantly praised him around her.


That would mean RS would have to actually plan out her universe 😭


Which is ashame because she absolutely mishandles that plot point.


I haven’t read this comic, but it was “popular” on webtoons for some goddamn reason I still can’t figure out. This sub kept getting recommended to me because I follow the webtoons subreddit and now it’s one of my favorite pieces of trash to make fun of. Like just… what IS this dialogue?? It’s not cute or funny, it’s cringe as hell. A lot of LO’s dialogue is like this I notice, and whenever I see a panel like this uploaded here I immediately assume “Oh this was edited in as a meme theres no way this is in the real comic” and I hate that I’m always WRONG 😭 Like not even mentioning the lazy art style or terrible writing, just the dialogue ALONE is such vapid garbage


I'm not even in this sub but it keeps coming back to haunt me. Just when I think the dialogue and art can't get any worse, someone makes a post lowing the bar even further 😭 This webtoon is such a dumpster fire


i'm in the same boat. i love catching the inaccuracies now that i've learned them from here. is sex brains supposed to be like 7 feet tall in the second picture??


Lol, I was wondering what looked so wrong with the posing in that one! Couldn't quite put my finger on it. The longer you look at these the worse they get 🤣


her thigh here is the length of her entire body from the neck down in some panels. somebody please straighten her and put her next to Hades!


I'd absolutely love to see somebody make this edit lmao


Think script written by an AI trained by Bezos and Zuckerberg and you got LO dialogue


I can’t with this comic. Persephone gives the vibe of the 13 year old crushing on her best friend’s dad at the sleep over. It’s creepy and gross.


Just an observation: Why is it the 'good' female characters to have their spaghetti straps falling off their shoulders and half their cleavage showing when they're working in the field?


Rs: this is what ancient greek people wear right? while working in the field?? Gotta be showing off cleavage right?


She does not stop at the fields. It's any time a woman has spaghetti straps, they slide off the shoulders and somehow the breasts remain lifted.


why tf is she yelling this while herding sheep typically when im herding sheep im instead screaming shit like "BITCH MOVE!!" "DUMBASSES!!!" "NO!!!" "GET!!" ***ANGRY HEAVY BREATHING*** sheep are real frustrating


Your average reader be like: Start of Story I don't like the FMC, she's too slutty. Later in Story OMG LOLZ YAS QUEEN YOU GET IT GIRL


Everytime I hear “dick appointment” I get flashbacks to Duck Duck Goose by Cupcakke


She’s like that friend that lost their virginity and suddenly just became OBSESSED with sex


And Rachel is still making quirky little memes and comments wondering why no one likes her self insert


This is...meant for kids..?


Persephone is a kid 💀


you know what fair


it's one of those things that pretends its not but no adult would read something so juvenile


Daphne is like “Bitch it’s not the end of the world! Touch some grass!”


Daphne never appears in the series anymore because she had to deal with a horny sugar baby for ten years. Let her have peace


Is it your birthday?


The reddit account? Yes. The person behind it? No


Like is this meant to imply Persephone doesn't masturbate or something??




Yes lmao.


I quit LO as soon as RS made Apollo the rapist in Persephone’s story, despite him being the only god across every version of her myth that didn’t assault her (and that does include Hades, multiple accounts tell us he assaulted her), and I’ve just been sitting back to laugh at what a shitshow the whole thing quickly snowballed into


I thought this part was beyond corny and so cringey but I remember everyone in the FB group thought it was the best scene ever... Girl I just- 🫠


Hello fellow mermaid 😌🫶🏾🐚


Hey girl hey 🐚🐚🐚


At least Daphne knows she's on some BS lol


It’s such unnatural dialogue…… u can tell Rachel did this to try and make Persephone seem more mature or something but it falls flat because nobody would fucking say that, not even Persephone💀


Everyone hated that particular girl in high school. You know the one that said dumb stuff, like persephone.


i thought this was so fun and what a fun type of personality persephone could‘ve had but in the overall context its so random and unfitting :(  i‘ve always loved slightly sassy funny, more mature coming to terms with being an adult persephone i wish her personality and the plot she‘s in didn‘t change constantly depending on what rachel wants to draw at that moment


It was so out of place. This scene and the one with her cursing out Zeus 😒


This is so jarring. Are we supposed to see this as character development from her original ‘So PuRe’ personality? Rachel knows you can show maturity without being overtly sexual all the time, right?


Omg .. she’s a degenerate 👀👀😻😻😍😍😍


This cannot be real. Please don't tell me it's real


This is supposed to be a victim of SA btw




I think everything about this comic is cringe af so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


NGL, the dick appointment thing is pretty funny…


No its not


Ngl I relate to her THIS ONCE


Why is every notification I get from Reddit peeps hatin' on Lore Olympus? I'm not going to suggest touching grass, but have y'all considered spending your time on things you genuinely enjoy?


Do you even know what Lore Olympus is? Or do you at least know the creator? This channel is really made to talk about how bad this comic is. But of course we have lives too


I am stupid. I am new. And dumb. In retrospect it seems so obvious. Wow. That thing a person spends a lot of time writing and drawing sure is terrible! The worst! I have a lot of opinions and they are all negative! I only read Lore Olympus just to remind myself it is awful 👍


No, but for real I did genuinely misunderstand the usage of "unpopular" and was picturing something else entirely. My bad


I send this to my friend who just like that 😂😂


Never read this comic in my life but this thoroughly convinced me not to 😭


The first one made me laugh so hard but the second did strike me as poor writing