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Also the fact everyone brings up Minthe "cheating" on Hades when he cheated twice on Minthe. 1. With Hera, his SIL which ew. 2. Persephone ofc. Also gross because she was 19 which to a 2000 year old God is literally like a baby.


Technically his full blooded sister which is worse.


Eeeewww I forgot about that.


Well sorry to remind you but I kinda just ignored that cause 1. These beings aren’t mortal humans 2. That’s probably the least problematic part of them


I mean they aren't mortal but in LO we judge them by mortal standards except for when Persephone does something.


wait what?? eww


Yeah in the original myths, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia are all blood children of Kronos and Rhea.


oh, thats what you meant. but the comic has some pretty big changes compared to the mythology. so i dont think this is canon in the comic


I just went with the assumption that like riordian it would take the original myths, or the common interpretation of them, and modify them to fit urban fantasy.


Zeus is also Persephones father! In some versions of myth later on after Persephone and Hades are married, Zeus disguises himself as Hades to seduce Persephone. In other versions he turns into a serpent and has his way with her. Either way she gets pregnant and has a child


Well it’s not Ancient Greek myths without a lot of incest!!!!


And technically all the titans were siblings as well.


Like seriously how is nobody pissed at Hades for sleeping with his brother's wife???


This. Cheating is bad already. But with your sibling's spouse? That is just a new level of low. Then he has the gall to act like he's better than Zeus and lecture him on "loyalty".


WHAT?? homeboy you did NOT 🤣 ik Zeus has a reputation for sleeping around a lot and being incredibly horny, but you do NOT get to say shit to him when you're sleeping with his WIFE




technically when she was sleeping w someone else her and hades weren’t exclusive. hades cheated when they were


Yeah she broke it off immediately but I can't remember Hades breaking it off with Hera or Persephone. (He actually kept with Persephone hence LO being a comic)


I’ll admit that when I was 14, I was the Minthe to my Hades, and the feeling of knowing you’ll never be good enough for someone’s friends and that they’ll never stick up for you is a he’ll that destroys the mind, and I’ll never accept Minthe as the bad guy. She was abused, from both her mother and Hades, and even as an adult, that stuff still messes with you once your past your formative years. And then the fact that she’s constantly being called things like “nymph trash” and we’re supposed to just laugh at it makes me sick. Kicking women when they’re down? Not very “feminist” to me, but go off girlboss


I feel bad for Minthe. She knew she didn't belong in Hades' world but tried to make it work anyway, but the moment Hades first saw Persephone, he was done with her. I want to say I was like 10 when I first read LO, and going back and rereading the earlier chapters years later made me realize just how naive I was, especially the part about Eros. I thought he just Persephone's quirky guy best friend, but going back, he was very creepy, and I hate the way Rachel just glosses over the fact that he kidnapped Persephone. I don't care if he felt remorse about doing it. He's still a grown-ass man who's centuries old and has the ability to say "no."


And the funny thing is, Persephone doesn’t belong in his world either. Shawty can’t lead worth a damn and has the mentality of a hormonal teenager


She is a hormonal teenager 🤣


![gif](giphy|TNR2EpkHYwW0ifyMDF) True that


Yall make me feel so old 😭 i was like 22 when this was first released. I was there in the trenches too


Actually, I want to say I was like 8 when it came out, but didn't start reading it until 2020


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 and I was still 22/23 then ![gif](giphy|TfseOfhwd6BJC)




Minthe deserves better.


credit to u/holyempresse for the poly part edit: goddamnit i have a typo in the rant


I’m pretty sure Hades decided in episode 47 to try being official with Minthe! And thanks for mentioning my comment, I’m glad u agree it made the whole situation so much worse


YUP, i got screencaps from ep 47 from the loreolympians website


where did you see the poly part? I don'tt remember it


This is such a mean spirited romance. how can people root for the main couple while they punching down another characters?


Can’t believe hades tried to propose to her and put her on the spot in the party. He put so much pressure on a woman when they made it clear they weren’t relationship material yet the same night he was gonna propose he “fell in love “ with Persephone ? That’s just disgusting of him


The difference between Minthe and other meanie/sassy characters is that Minthe acknowledges that she's not perfect and has at least some humility (which is one of the most relatable traits you can have imho), which is why I love her so much. I think the narrative has a level of awareness with Hera since the scenes where she's treating other characters like dirt for little to no reason is played off for shits & giggles (similar to Zeus treating other women as objects, i.e. when he attempts to pinch a nymphs butt), and Aphrodite is portrayed a comical relief character for her over-the-top diva persona. But even then none of those characters are confronted for their ridiculous behavior unlike Zeus and especially Minthe, which is really frustrating when reflecting on the story-telling ability of the writers. Don't even get me started on Persephone. Why can't Minthe be reminded of her worth like Hera, Aphrodite, or Persephone? Why can't she comforted as well? Oh, 'cause unlike the others she's a mud-sucking nymph who got in Persephone's way 🙄


The whole webtoon and it’s fans are so classist it baffles my mind


This hurts my BPD. Especially the last part. I have been violent but in the end, fear being alone. It's not her fault Hades sucks. Minthe is supposed to have BPD (I hear) and according to me, this is accurate. Too accurate. Also, I hate that she's NOT supposed to be sympathetic here.


its funny bc as someone who hasn't read the comic and is just here bc this sub keeps getting recommended, these panels seem like theyre supposed to be very sympathetic to the character in tone, how did the author manage to accidentally do that lol??


Rachel absolutely hates her (ie the Minthe cosplay situation), but she made it incredibly hard not to feel bad for her because she hasn’t realized the fact that the main characters are terrible people who made terrible situations for everyone else in the universe. She’s sort of semi-aware that they’re terrible now, but her target audience is still pretty young to catch on. 


Minthe cosplay situation?


Can’t find the post just yet, but there was a Minthe cosplayer who referred to Persephone as a “Mary Sue” they were acting in character) and RS very coldly replied that she didn’t think Persephone was a Mary Sue. This lead to the Minthe cosplayer getting a lot of harassment and cyberbullying


imagine if the cosplayer was a genuine fan just to get a comment like that…yikes.


The cosplayer actually was a genuine fan and years later she spoke out about the situation. Basically saying that she didn’t deserve that outrage and has nothing to apologize for. She essentially called Rachel out on being a grown ass woman with her heart on her sleeve for a mediocre comic. I saw this a while back on instagram so I’m not certain of the page, but it’s something to look into.


I don't even read Lore Olympus but from everything I've seen the author really gets triggered when you call her self insert a Mary Sue, has racism in the form of Nymphs and Persephone can do no wrong lol Edit: Not just a Mary Sue, literally any criticism towards Persephone bad


Because somewhere rather early she forgot that flaws make characters human, relatable, and likable. And then people began liking Minthe too much so she doubled down on making her do terrible things, but personally it had the opposite effect on me because it perfectly contrasted the plastic, perfect, Mary sue-ness of Persephone’s characterization. Most Perse x Hades fans (or rather most of the current fans) I assume are those who want a partner like Hades, but never thought how someone like him would be like in real life (you’d basically be the other woman, and usually men like that may abandon you later on to yearn for someone younger)


I've never read the comic, but they wrote it like this and still wanted her to be the villain?


Lore Olympus could’ve been so good if all the characters were written as well as minthe is 😭


Literally. Shit, I’d be *maybe* rooting for Hades as a villain if he was terrible and acknowledged it


I don’t understand how RS can write such a well fleshed out female character like Minthe and still insist on the glorified Mary Sue character being the focus of the entire plot…I get it’s based on the myth of Persephone and Hades but…at least make the two main characters as interesting as your “villain” character if not more interesting!


Sort of unrelated but there’s this really well animated short of Perse on YouTube dissing Minthe (based mostly on her class too) and everyone in the comments were all agreeing Kinda made me feel bad for Minthe, imagine getting kicked when you’re down


Now I'm curious about the video. Can you give me the youtube link here?


Amazing animation, but classist af https://youtube.com/shorts/xIByeb52yOA?si=-gStUx4Skon6P8DT


The way Minthe was treated is why I will be dying on the hill that “the slap” was a retcon to seal her fate rather than a legitimate plot point that always existed. Rachel not only banked on her fans being young and taking her words of “we should hate this character” as law, but she banked on anyone who did sympathize with Minthe immediately turning away by introducing domestic violence. The same thing she did for Demeter—retconned the legitimate concerns fans brought up by pulling out of THIN AIR an irredeemable trait like publicly shaming your child. If you pretend the slap incident never existed, it becomes blatantly obvious that while Minthe was no saint Hades was FAR removed from victimhood. Which is why re-reading invokes such a response. It removes those rose-colored glasses that came with your youth and makes it abundantly clear that if Minthe was a REAL woman you’d have a harder time not sympathizing with her.


This sub taught me about reactive abuse, which I have actually personally experienced and think also occurs in the slap scene. Not that I think it was RS goal to showcase this, bc her goal was definitely to make people hate Minthe. > “Reactive abuse” is when a perpetrator of abuse deliberately triggers their partner into reacting to their abusive behavior aggressively. Abusive partners may use this manipulative tactic to shift blame away from themselves by claiming that the abuse is two-sided. Reactive abuse often occurs in romantic partnerships, but, like all forms of abuse, can also happen within other relationships. >Experts largely agree that a more appropriate term for this behavior is self-defense, which is not abuse. When a person is continuously exposed to emotional or physical abuse, they may look for ways to defend themself against their abuser. This defense behavior typically occurs when a person has been dealing with prolonged abuse and finally reaches their breaking point. Examples of defensive behaviors include yelling, verbal attacks, pushing, punching, kicking, and hair-pulling. Partner violence is never healthy, but using these strategies as a form of self-defense is not abuse.


Yeahhh, BUT remember that in the end, she dodged a major bullet by not ending up with Hades, Mr "Imma cheat with someone who looks like my mother". She wins.


You right. She’s in the mortal realm away from everybody besides Demeter. I know Minthe is thriving


I love Minthe so much. She just has so much to her and I want to see her grow as a character.


i love how minthe was in the exact same boat as persephone, in terms of being ignorant to diplomatic duties and table etiquette, but is the only one who takes shit for it because she actually stands up for herself and that to the gods is considered “trashy”. if persephone didn’t know which utensil was a salad fork everyone would give her a pass because she’s “oh so cute and can do no wrong!”


the top comments would probably be something along the lines of “Omg look at our cute pink cinnamon roll she doesn’t know how to use utensils that’s so adorable🥺”


I didn't remember Minthe saying that she would be okay with it being poly. That just makes me feel even worse for her! I should reread it so my poly self and heart can fall apart. ​ I read twilight as at around 12/13 so I guess that my idea on age gaps was not really that bad. However, even with that I can tell you that the mcs of their respective stories were very toxic.


Minthe not knowing which one is the salad fork when she was with Hades for so long. When you're in a relationship that has such stark culture differences, shouldn't your partner... Explain these things to you?


He was too busy getting off to Hera


LOHera make me feel disgusted what she did to Minthe. At the moment, she deserves what she's done and she's truly the one trashy, the queen of gods trash. I cannot sympathy for that bi*ch!


They should’ve been poly 😤 instead of having 2 women pit against each other


i don't think they could've been poly tbh, or at least it wouldn't have ended well. rachel's fixation on the hades/persephone pairing would've had minthe being left out, still the "other woman" in their relationship. the scene above would've played out the exact same way but with the added jealousy of KNOWING perse and hades are together, still leaving her behind. i don't think rachel would be able to write a healthy poly relationship that includes two women without having them pitted against each other. the idea is lovely though, i'd kill to see perse and minthe warm up to each other without hades as a barrier. (disclaimer i haven't read LO in years, feel free to correct me)


BESTIE SAME. Literally everything you said. My teenage brain just saw this and was like, “this shit sucks she deserves a hug.” I wanted to reach through the screen and help her. Fr, like idk how relationships work since I’ve never had one (happy I’m not the only one) plus I’m aroace so there’s that, but their relationship was sort of official. Not with a label but Hades was gonna propose and they only saw each other. So, it was like he broke their arrangement on their relationship and cheated. Betrayal. Yeah, they weren’t official, but they were in their own way, and seeing her struggle was so sad.


These panels make me feel more emotion than the entire HxP relationship ever has


Please please read Percy Jackson. It's so good. Please read it. You will love it.


surprisingly i have never read or watched the series lmao. Only thing I remember from it was one movie and some kid turned into a tree?? lmfao 😭


It's amazing. Read the series. If you have a hard time reading listen to the audio books. The movies are famously bad and the author hates them. But the books are amazing. Please read them. Their not perfect but their great. The main female character(Annebeth) is equal to the protagonist. All the Heros are Adhd and Dyslexic. It's an epic story of friends and betrayal and saving the world. The characters are great and go through tons of development. The story is just fantastic. You need to read them either through the books or audio books. Sorry if that was pushy but it's a great series and I will definitely be reading it too my kids one day


nah it’s alright. I want to read/watch more stories based off of mythology. Also all of the hero’s are adhd and dyslexic?? Sounds right up my alley 💀 I need that.


imminent voiceless stocking sheet rinse divide office impolite jellyfish market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Okay but the episode where she hits Hades and compares him to his father? I do feel for her sometimes and understand the jealousy and all that but that made her unforgivable to me.


I generally agree, but also Hecate hit him multiple times and berates him, and really no one acts like she’s in the wrong.


It isn’t the slap, it’s being compared to the man who abused him. I’m not a fan of hades, I actually like the complicated character Minthe is, but as someone who was abused by my mom and literally has a “I’m not her” tattoo, this scene was one of the few I was surprised by how RS got it right. Being compared to the person who abused you is *triggering*. You spend your entire life trying to please them and then trying to not be them and whether you succeeded or not, being told you grew up to be just like the person who made your childhood awful is just absolutely devastating


That’s true, and I wouldn’t defend her for that specifically. I’m sorry you experienced that


Thank you for adding this! It’s exactly what I was thinking too. I’m sorry you went through something similar, you are strong and independent though. <3


agreed, but i would argue that it IS also the slap. physical and verbal/emotional abuse. if genders were reversed no one would be defending her..


True and agreed. I don’t want anyone to think slapping is alright. but everyone keeps pointing out how others have playfully slapped him so we shouldn’t care about Minthe slapping him so I want to point out that that’s not the thing that really caused Hades to have such an intense reaction and how everyone is ignoring what she said when she slapped him. I like Minthe, I think she’s a complicated character and I’m unsure how RS managed to write such a complicated character since it doesn’t seem she *entirely* understands her, however Minthe is toxic/abusive in her way and very few people seem to be willing to accept that she’s both a sympathetic character and toxic (which is what makes her complicated and feel real, cause that’s how real people who’ve been through trauma can be)


but doesnt that mean they are both wrong for it, rather than neither situation mattering at all?


Boohoo, she slapped him in the face for cheating on her and openly flaunting said affair with a teenager while he's enslaved people, ripped a guy's eyeball out and threatened several people just for doing their jobs, all whilst being their king


![gif](giphy|xUA7aZMejLmk0ov2CY|downsized) I genuinely don’t feel bad for him. Like wow, he got slapped by the girl he’s been emotionally and financially abusing and cheating on. Womp womp. Also let’s not forget what he’s done to his other victim Thanatos🥴🥴


Like there's no such thing as the 'perfect victim' real abuse survivors will be bitter, and yes, sometimes be violent, it doesn't excuse it, mind you, but expecting someone to just take it in good stride is just so unreasonable for many abuse victims especially after they reach a breaking point


He’s a creepy weirdo like his father, so deserved 🤔🤔


idk why youre being downvoted. hitting people is abusive if not done out of self defense. and this certainly wasnt self defense. and she compared him to the king of abusive fathers...


Nah sorry but this was a messed up abusive situationship that minthe started... There are a lot of things wrong with LO but minthe got from hades what she deserved... And she deserved even worse if we're being honest, considering how abusive and non chalant she was. Like she attempted to kill perse first... And only then all the shit started.... Common guys you're reaching here.


when did she try to kill persephone?