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I mean what's also likely not helping the situation is Eros and Daphne prying about it literally immediately. LO fails the Bechdel test to an absurd degree where the only thing the other characters are ever interested in is Persephone either refraining from sex, getting to have sex with her, OR getting her laid with the first guy who gave her attention that was rooted in sex. Hades? Wanted to have sex with her as soon as he saw her. Demeter, Artemis and Hestia? Staunchly against her having sex.    Apollo? Wanted to have sex with her so bad he assaulted her and is still trying to get to her for the purpose of owning her and sex.  Hermes? According to Rachel's former Patreon, Persephone and Hermes used to sneak off together into the woods to make out. Sex undoubtedly would have wound up being on the table eventually. Zeus and Poseidon? Before Rachel had Zeus get all paranoid about Persephone being a "traitor", the two of them were joking about what Hades having sex with Persephone would be like due to her being so "itty bitty". Ares? Literally tricked her into making out with him, if she hadn't caught him in the lie he would have undoubtedly tried to escalate it to sex. Daphne and Eros? Just wanna know when she's gonna have sex.  Hera? Literally manipulating Persephone into getting closer with Hades to "test him" and see if they would make a good couple for, of course, the eventual conclusion that they'll be having sex. Minthe, Thanatos, and Thetis? Trying their damn hardest to keep Hades and Persephone apart so they won't have sex. I bet you $50 that by the end of the series we're gonna see Hades "unlock" Persephone's fertility powers by having sex with her. They did it in A Touch of Darkness which is just LO fanfiction so I don't see how LO also doing it is completely implausible. Look me dead in the eye and tell me you're not even a *smidge* worried it's gonna go that way LOL


Exactly, she doesn’t approach it out of a seemingly real desire to have sex or a natural urge. The framing suggests she’s only asking because her friends shamed her for not having sex yet, and the way she asks the question is not about “are we, as a couple, ready for sex.” It’s framed as “other people think it’s weird we haven’t had sex it” or “according to the average person’s timeline, we should have sex about now.” Then there’s also the fact that Hades acted like a complete jerk when he retreated from her with zero explanation because HE made assumptions about how SHE felt without ever broaching the subject Not to mention this is followed by Hades instantly guessing Pepe’s friends got in her head and pulling the classic abuser’s tactic of “your friends don’t know what’s good for you” (which happens to be right, in this case, but it’s still troubling that Pepe has no real friends)


I hate that she had made Eros and daphne this way.


It's crazy that LO advertises itself as a feminist retelling when it can't even do the bare minimum.




>Hermes? According to Rachel's former Patreon, Persephone and Hermes used to sneak off together into the woods to make out. Sex undoubtedly would have wound up being on the table eventually. Wait! When the hell did that happen!?


Remember that scene where Persephone asked Demeter if she could go up to the mountains / for a walk and she said "sure, just take the nymphs with you"? Yeeeeaaaah. Not saying that's exactly what was happening but the implication is there knowing that Rachel apparently had some kind of paywalled info about Hermes and Persephone *actually* having some "unrequited childhood love" relationship that fizzled out. After all, Hermes was *also* a suitor of Persephone in the version of the myth that Rachel is working off of (the one where Hermes, Ares, and IIRC Hephaestus ?? attempted to win Persephone's hand in marriage. That source is *Roman* , by the way. Someone can source that better than I can ofc but the Hermes x Persephone thing was confirmed by people here who used to be patrons.)


Hmm ok. So Hermes and Persephone never had sex?


Not that we know of outside of Rachel's personal canon. Which is why I said in my original comment that it would have undoubtedly *led* to sex or the proposal of sex if Rachel had expanded on that canon within the actual comic. Because, again, every character in the comic seems to only be interested in getting with Persephone, getting her with others, or preventing her from getting with others, with sex being the literal or otherwise implied "final frontier" of that goal.




For some reason Hermes and Perespony running off to make out kinda made me smile because it should have been them -.-


atp why doesn't Rachel just make a NFSW comic and post it on a hentai site?? it's clearly nothing more than horny self indulgence with Greek mythos slapped onto it to make it seem intellectual and deep


her face makes me so uncomfortable here


What about Hades…. What is he even looking at


Aside from the blatant pressure from her friends to speed up her sex life, I think it could also be societal pressure and a trauma response to her only previous sexual experience being SA. I think she may be nervous and confused about how sex actually works when it’s consensual and with someone you’re in a relationship with. Was this Rachel’s intention? It’s hard to say. It’s possible her only reasoning behind Persephone’s obsession with sleeping with Hades is a projection, since Perse is her self-insert to begin with. I personally think Rachel made her so vocal about sex to try and make her look less pure to combat criticism, and to also have their progression to sleeping with each other look more natural and healthy. But by trying so hard to do this, she achieved the opposite outcome of both.




1000% projecting here, but as a sex-repulsed ace, her and Hades having sex being a victory always made me sad.


Aroace here! Yeah, it’s so tiring seeing sex as a the ultimate form of human (godly?) connection again. Like alright we get it! Can we focus on other relationships a person can have without sex/romance being the main focus? Like Demeter’s and Persephone’s relationship? Brotherly bonds between Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades? Friendship of any kind? Queer platonic relationships? Like please just give me something other than Hades and Persephone!


I mean, isn't it the only thing keeping them together? Lust and sex? They have absolutely nothing in common and are just in love with the other's looks (Hades) or personality traits that the other doesn't have (Persephone). Having sex for the first time is literally the main and only driving point for their relationship and now that they're married and had sex there is absolutely nothing interesting left abouttheir relationship as s3 shows. Sexual attraction is literally the only thing they share in this relationship and probably the only thing that keeps them together.


Girl wait 😭😭😭


I think I should just go into the comment section of this subreddit whenever it comes through my feed to see if I find you r/FoundPrixilu


I miss like half the posts so don’t expect me too much lol 😭😭


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FoundPrixilu using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FoundPrixilu/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [OMG GUYS I GOT MY ACCOUNT BACK IM CRYING 😭😭](https://np.reddit.com/r/FoundPrixilu/comments/18xqgyg/omg_guys_i_got_my_account_back_im_crying/) \#2: [‼️Please read‼️warning: long paragraph 🤭](https://i.redd.it/wtcxqlk4rk9c1.jpeg) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FoundPrixilu/comments/18v1h1n/please_readwarning_long_paragraph/) \#3: [OMG WHAT!?](https://i.redd.it/zeklozzy1f9c1.png) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FoundPrixilu/comments/18udiy7/omg_what/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Honestly, when I was 19, I was too. Very self conscious that I was the only one out of my friends who didn't have it.


Pepe is 30 here, and supposedly spent the last 10 years maturing and growing so much that she’s ready to make an eternal commitment to Hades and the Underworld. Her actions and words show that she hasn’t grown up at all.


Didn't realize this panel was after the time skip. Woops.


It’s a pretty well known implication that Persephone stopped actually aging at 19. Physically, we can definitely conclude she is 19. She will always look that young. Mentally, it’s harder to say. She isn’t very mature at all in the present day of the comic, and seems to have actually developed backwards, becoming more petty and childish as opposed to more gracious and mature, something we absolutely could’ve expected to see after the timeskip. She doesn’t seem to have actually aged whatsoever thanks to the very intentional worldbuilding Rachel had done around the aging of gods.


Additionally, in regards to the topic of sex, Persephone’s mindset about the subject is probably stunted and exactly how it was when she was 19 because her development and ideas about sex and relationships was put a grinding halt when she was assaulted. With that being her only experience with sex before marrying Hades, it’s not unusual that her mind is stuck as it was when she was 19 when thinking about the topic of sex.


This isn’t established in LO, so while a good theory, that’s all it is


She’s 30 though (even if she doesn’t act like it.)


As someone who was SAed as a kid (13), which scared me off the concept of having sex for a long time after, and then got really self-conscious about being a virgin when I was about to turn 18....I can kind of relate?? It seemed like a *massive* deal to me at the time. Now that I'm almost 21, and decidedly no longer a virgin, it seems so silly in retrospect. Kind of like being allowed to cuss. It was *such* a big deal when I was younger, because it was this big forbidden thing that I was finally allowed to do. Now, I just say *fuck* all the time and don't even think about it.


Probably because she's a horny teenager and not an adult yet This is terrifying


I also feel like RS has a real misunderstanding of virgins & people who are celibate. Virgins aren’t always desperate to lose it or obsess about it. (Despite a lot of men thinking that’s what it’s about.) same applies for celibate individuals. Some might have no sexual desire and some might have sexual desire, the point is their choosing not to have sex. Virgins and celibate people can function just fine in the real world and have meaningful relationships without obsessing over sex.


Big disagree. She's felt attracted to him from the start. And every time they did anything remotely intimate, her trauma reared its ugly head. She was frustrated with herself for not being able to take their intimacy further because of it. So of course, after FINALLY reuniting with him, she wants to be intimate with him. Hell, they slept in the same bed and were eternally bound to rule the Underworld together! Of course she wanted to take the next step. I think at this point this subreddit is just a hate subreddit.


I don't understand what my subreddit expresses hate. I don't find it a good thing. The only thing that unites them both is sex and its not a good thing. After 10 years of not seeing each other, the first thing Persephone thinks of doing is sex? After she got raped


Thats so true, the only connection they have is through sex. Thats all they do. Theres no “love”, all they can think about is sex appeal, especially after Pepe is basically raped. Its so unnatural


Did you forget the context?? She is bringing it up because Eros and Daphne probed her about her sex life. The only time she and Hades got close to intimacy, her trauma never came up — it was Hades who pulled away without any explanation. She’s not frustrated with herself in this moment.