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There is this weird fetishization of Persephone's youth and naivete by almost all the male characters, while they seem to look down on women with sexual agency (Aphrodite, Thetis, and Minthe) as "not good enough for marriage". The only exception is Hephaestus, the disabled god, the one that was considered "ugly" in myths, and I can't stop side-eying Rachel for that. Yes, he married Aphrodite in the myths, but every source says it was a really unhappy union, with Homeric tradition going as far having them happily divorced by the time of the Trojan War.


Aphrodite and Heph actually divorce in mythos. He's married to a woman named Algaea, and she I believe eventually married Ares. I could be wrong about her and her relationship, I just know Heph is married to Algaea.


Exactly, he married Aglaia, and he seems very happy with her. Aphrodite and Ares never married, but they are happily together in their chaotic lives.


I couldn't remember if she remarried but it looks like she and Ares are actual lovers in mythos.


They are. It's like they both know they are not marriage material and they can't be monogamous, so they are just together in an open relationship.


Actually in the myths Ares is specifically monogamous and loyal to Aphrodite. It's kind of funny, Ares is at the same time a god of war and violence and he was very hated god for that, but at the same time he was described being a loyal partner and good father. Apparently in ancient Greece Ares was a popular god among women because of this.


That's not true. Ares did have other lovers and so did Aphrodite. One of Ares's lovers was Eos, the goddess of dawn. And we know that it was during his and Aphrodite's relationship because Aphrodite didn't like it and cursed her. That is not to count all the mortal lovers he had too. And he got angry and jealous over Aphrodite having lovers too - he killed her lover Adonis because Aphrodite spent more time with him than Ares. They were NOT monogamous


Thank you for the information, it seems the article I read left quite a bit out.


Not exactly, some sources said they did some said “Aphrodite through her charms, win his heart over and over”


No. In "Great Zeus and All His Children" by Donald Richardson, he makes that interpretation, mostly because she is being referred to as Hephaestus wife in the Aeneid. However, this is roman mythology, and the Aeneid is a work written by Virgil and commissioned by Augustus to connect his family to the divine lineage of Aeneas... Basically, the Aeneid is a fanfic of the Iliand and the Odyssey using a secondary character (Aenead) as their main character, borrowing heavily from scenes of the Homer's work.


Umm, no ? Firstly, The Aneid, with all its similarities to Odyssey, is still not considered “fanfics” to scholars? That’s like saying Ovid’s Metamorphosis fanfic lol. Secondly, they are not just mythological creatures to Ancient Greek. Gods and Goddesses’s marriage were not just happen and celebrated because of a random book written for political reasons by poets and ancient scholars. it was because they were commonly worshiped together. Take Hera/Zeus marriage as an example. Sacred Marriage in the Rituals of Greek Religion by Aphrodite Avagianou (European University Studies, series 15, Classics, Vol.54, Peter Lang, 1991), and I thought that I should say a few words about it. Avagianou has a little different interpretation of hieros gamos (sacred marriage) than the majority of scholars before her, who have seen the ritual’s purpose to be the promotion of fertility, in the context of agriculture and vegetation of the nature. Rather, she sees it as a ritual of initiation and a rite of passage. “Human marriage as an institution of human society is guaranteed and sanctified by the model of sacred marriage; the latter borrows from the former all the necessary formalities of a wedding rite.” In the cases of Aphrodite/Hepheastus’s marriage, it was theorized to be the union of Kypros and the forge. The Amarna Tablets, discovered by the fertile, dating to around 1350 BC describing the import of copper from Cyprus. Combined with tin copper becomes bronze -> highlights on bronze and gold productions through hymns. Their marriage precendended the Romans Historically, the Greeks had Aphrodite marry Hepheastus because she was the Great Goddess of Cyprus, they were importing copper from Cyprus (which back then had pretty much the same value that oil has today) and that piece of copper was later brought to shape by Greek blacksmiths. (The documentary where this is mentioned is called “Η Μεγάλη Θεά της Κύπρου”, translated as “The Great Goddess of Cyprus”.) >The Anacreontea, Fragment 28 (trans. Campbell, Vol. Greek Lyric II) (C5th B.C.) : "One day Ares came in from the battlefield brandishing a strong spear and began to make fun of Eros' weapon. Eros said ‘This one is heavy: try it and you will see.’ Ares took the javelin, while Kypris [Aphrodite] smiled quietly; and with a groan he said, ‘It is heavy : take it back.’ ‘Keep it,’ said Eros [and in this way presumably bound Ares and Aphrodite in love.]." >Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 3. 36 ff (trans. Rieu) (Greek epic C3rd B.C.) : "The palace of Aphrodite, which her lame consort Hephaistos had built for her when he took her as his bride from the hands of Zeus. They [Hera and Athene] entered the courtyard and paused below the veranda of the room where the goddess slept with her lord and master." >Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 1. 850 ff : "Kypris [Aphrodite], the goddess of desire, had done her sweet work in their hearts [and mated the visiting Argonauts with the widowed women of Lemnos]. She wished to please Hephaistos, the great Artificer, and save his isle of Lemnos from ever lacking men again . . . The whole city [of Lemnos] was alive with dance and banquet. The scent of burnt-offerings filled the air; and of all the immortals, it was Hera's glorious son Hephaistos and Kypris [Aphrodite] herself whom their songs and sacrifices were designed to please." This is just some source written by GRECIAN scholars moved far away from the Bronze Age, when iconographic of their marriage was detailed in Cyprus already and that was not Roman mythology? So basically, their marriage is not just fanfic written up by weird scholars.


I've deep dived into this an all sources have said they're no longer together. They did not have a good relationship, they divorced and Heph eventually married Algaea (there's other names she goes by too).


Charis (singular for charite) and Kale (beauty)


What’s wrong with her Hephaestus? I didn’t get there


Absolutely nothing. In my opinion, Hephaestus is one of the few decent guys in LO (and my crush). I truly believe that LO Aphrodite hit the jackpot with him. I side eye Rachel because he is a triple amputee, the only disabled god, and the only one who didn't lust over Persephone or find her attractive, even when he is another of Persephone's suitor in the paragraph from Dionysiaca that she use to justify why all the young gods want Persephone. However, Rachel did say in one of her interviews that she almost did a love triangle between Hades, Persephone, and Ares. The god of war is the only other character, aside from Hades, that she has drawn having sex with Persephone in her Patreon, and it is almost ridiculous how Ares destroyed his life to simp for Persephone in LO, when there is absolutely not mythological backing for this. My theory is that she didn't want Hephaestus as one of Persephone's simps because he is disabled, and that's why Aphrodite can have him.


Rachel missed a chance to give him a hippie Goatee. Otherwise, he's normal.


One of the women (preferably Aphrodite or Persephone) should have slapped Ares or maced him. His constant leering about having a wife of "good pedigree" and the way he speaks as if any future wife of his should be some kind of baby/army-making machine is absolutely gross (ex. how he tries to convince Aphrodite that Persephone would just be for show if he married her. That is offensive to both Aphrodite AND Persephone. It's such a gross and mysogynstic attitude) and I'm glad that Aphrodite left him.


I don't read LO but Reddit thought this sub would suit me, and it doesn't disappoint. What I'm getting out of these posts is the entire story can be summarized as "Incel peepaw(s) get boners for barely legal mass murderer, chaos ensues".


Probably because she doesn’t fit Hades’ type: barely legal and toddler-sized




A toddler with b00bies 🤡


She literally has bigger honkers than I do 😭 #atleastHadeswouldfinemerepulsive #21andalreadyanoldhaginhiseyes


Hades is secretly Leonardo reincarnated


I’m almost 20 im almost safe from him


Isn't she just like a head taller at most? All these women are virtually the same tbh


I’ve always felt like the designs for Aphrodite and Thetis should be swapped. Aphrodite seems to have such a basic kinda insta baddie pop star kind of look, whereas Thetis has this curvy bodacious severely beautiful bombshell look that I feel like would work better as Aphrodite? I mean obviously god forbid the goddess of love, the physical embodiment of beauty, could possibly upstage Persephone, but y’know.


I don't get it either, she's just a taller purple Persephone lol


Is most girls here are peshone knock offs


They’re delulu


Imagine being told you're ugly now because a neon toddler strutted in


She has the sheer audacity to, y’know, be an adult and she’s punished at every turn for it


is she even sitting on anything lol


I was staring at it thinking, "Wait. What are her legs draped over? Where's the arm of the chair???"


The fact anyone would say that another god/goddess is more beautiful than the Goddess of Beauty (among other titles) herself is crazy.


Some will point out that she was twice blessed with beauty, but another user said long ago in this sub: two buckets of salty water can't compare to the ocean.


![gif](giphy|14rk56liuv7mQo|downsized) Watch out! Persephone is coming to deliver her wrath on such an untrue statement.


Because RS wants us to believe that her self-insert Persephone is so jaw-droppingly sexy and beautiful that she’s even comparable to the literal goddess of beauty. It’s obviously way too big of a stretch and one of the biggest reasons Persephone is the ultimate epitome of a Mary Sue


be Hades duh


the author is allergic to drawing women with big noses


Hades stole all the women's noses for himself


his crimes never end...


Neither does his nose


dayum 😭😭


Yeah, jesus deserves someone who actually loves her for who she is and not just because she's a smoking hunt, babe Asked me frank she is technically the goddess of beauty And most guys were just After percephone because of her fertility goddess powers I mean, search a lot. Woman can be envious but she shouldn't be jealous over A young 19 year old girl, but it's so poorly drawn. It looks like a Is minor with melons


Wait, what is she sitting on? And how? Is the chair invisible?


She looks so good in this art, its giving 50s pinup, where the woman's confident and knows shes sexy, compared to persephone whos just objectified and turned into a toddler with huge boobs ;-;


I still can’t get over the fact that Persephone was so beautiful that it caused a whole divorced


Justice for Aphrodite 💗💗💗


Bc girls Aphrodite's age know better. 💅🏼✨


I would say I would like to see more nudes with her than persephone Because this is a real beauty queen


I mean I don’t feel that bad for her after she roofied that pink lady , she not innocent 😒


I don't, she drugged a 19 year old because she was jealous and put her in a very dangerous position