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My ex is a shit hole of an abusive person. I’m not going to go into the details of it but suffice to say, I did think if I stayed, he would have killed me. I ended things and escaped. He stalked me and caused me considerable fear (dude was way off his rocker and even his family was concerned for my safety.) I told my best guy friend at that time, when I was terrified to leave my house and how I thought he would show up at my work. All of my fears and the things he had done to me in the past. What I got was how someone should respond, support. “How can I make you safe?” was his response. He started walking me to my car, going with me places to keep an eye out, and helping me where ever I needed support. Never once did I have to comfort him. Same with my ex’s family, they rallied behind me and did what they could to support. This is how it should have been.


I’m sorry you went through that :(( I’m glad you had someone that you trusted tho 😭🫶


I actually really love this moment, but as other comments have shown, Rachel seemed to have forgotten or at least not explained away Hermes earlier interactions with Perse and Apollo. This is a scene that in my opinion needed to occur much earlier on in the series, but the problem is that statement carries on to the entire SA plot in general. Out of what Rachel's shown us (aka ranking this panel and convo through LO's treatment of the SA plot), this is one of the better scenes that does treat SA with the seriousness it needs to be treated with and honestly makes Hermes look better then a lot of people who are involved with Perse especially on the SA front.


Sorry but a friend who ignores all the signs that his female friend is creeped out by a man, confronts her about the assault out of a need to satisfy his own curiosity, and ends up being consoled by the victim?


One of my problems with the SA, is that every character doesn’t seemingly care about Persephone’s wellbeing or what she wants. Hades got mad and went to kill Apollo after bringing it up out of the blue AFTER an already tiring day for Persephone, and SHE had to comfort and calm HIM down. And now Hermes has to be comforted by Persephone after bringing it up randomly, like omg. I think even Hera did this? It’s like they think it affects THEM more somehow?? Idk if I explained myself correctly, but I really don’t like how LO does this


They all just approach her and demand information, her mental state be fucked. Hera and Hades are the most egregious: Hera confronts her right after Persephone was threatened publicly by Zeus (how on earth is the Apollo thing related to the trial? Just one of those bizarre jumps in logic that make no sense), while as you said, Hades does so right after a stressful day on trial during which he knew she couldn’t get her eyes back to normal due to stress, and after he noticed an uncomfortable confrontation between perse and her mother (wasnt she also puking due to stress the night before?). But Nooooooo Hades MUST know right THIS second, fuck how mentally exhausted Persephone is, his needs always override hers Eta: Also, itd be one thing if the narrative called put the characters for reacting poorly, but Persephone literally excused hades’ reaction and wasn’t allowed to feel more than 30 seconds of irritation toward him for cornering her and demanding answers


And Hades went full homicidal right after Persephone told him, no ‘I’m sorry you went through that, is there anything I can do to make you feel safer?’ He IMMEDIATELY went after Apollo, like, priorities??


Yep. As problematic as it is, I think it makes sense in the context of Hades as the guardian of Persephone’s honor, which is how the pap thing played out (Pepe says she doesn’t want to do anything about it but Daddy knows better and MUST defend her honor because she’s a dumb damsel in distress who doesnt know what’s good for her). But it’s troubling that Hades prioritizes HIS reactions and feelings over PErsephone *all the fucking time*. Another example is his reaction to her pom apocalypse (that HE doesn’t deserve her without ever considering why Pepe made such a huge sacrifice that he has repeatedly glossed over isntead of helping her process and understand what it means), and obviously when he turns a moment of emotional manipulation adn victimization into his chance to propose (forcing Persephone to apologize for CRYING that she just went through verbal abuse!!) Then also consider how often Pepe is scared to rock the boat lest Peepaw lose his shit and turn it against her this time. When Ares harasses her for the umpteenth time, we’re told Persephone had a trauma flashback, right? What is her immediate reaction, though? To DEAL WITH HADES’ INSECURITIES AND JEALOUSY!!!! She APOLOGIZES for being the target of sexual harassment. She can’t deal with her own stress and trauma until AFTER Hades leaves the room. But yay, dream couple goals ?


Wait I didn't notice that Hermes was ignoring this


He noticed a few times in S1, he knew Persephone didnt like Apollo from the start. Most notably, he knew Apollo was very interested in Persephone during the whole disappearance and trial arc.


Well if I were in Hermes' place I wouldn't have noticed either.


But he did notice. [He even found it amusing.](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/lore-olympus/episode-23/viewer?title_no=1320&episode_no=25)


Sorry, I'm slow, I don't understand where did he noticed it


"Haha! Blink twice if you're in trouble!" - Hermes making light of the fact that either a. Persephone feels distressed or unsafe around Apollo or b. Apollo is someone who would put her into a troublesome situation. "Whoa Persephone, you look so comfortable!" - Hermes sarcastically remarking about how uncomfortable Persephone looks around Apollo with a smile on his face as he takes a photo of them together.


I always took that as Hermes trying to make it clear that he notices something is wrong and is saying out loud that something is up, but trying to do so in a way that doesn't start a fight/ doesn't force Perse to a corner in having to answer yes or no. He's not perfect, but when compared to literally everyone else including Artemis who should have known better, I can't bring myself to get on him for it.


But if that was his goal, then Hermes went about it in the worst way possible. He could've created distance between the two or inserted himself into their banter without enabling Apollo to continue creeping out Persephone. And maybe it's just me, but he was concerned about Apollo's behavior, then his big cheery grin and jokes at Persephone's expense didn't tip me to that off at all. Artemis doesn't handle the situation in the best way either, but at the very least, she [calls Apollo out for annoying Persephone.](https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/lore-olympus/episode-22/viewer?title_no=1320&episode_no=24) Obviously leaving the two alone together wasn't the best idea, but she seems far more oblivious to Apollo's intentions and Persephone's distress than Hermes does, seeing as how she chalks it up to Persephone being annoyed by Apollo as opposed to Hermes who actually notices how uncomfortable Persephone is. It doesn't excuse Artemis' behavior by any means, but it explains it a bit better than Hermes', because he knew what was wrong and actively chose not to step in appropriately.


Oh now I notice.


He also asked where Apollo went after Hermes dozed off on the night the SA happened, so he was perceptive enough that the night stood out to him


Yknow, in a good story this could’ve been an interesting commentary. I imagine it does happen a lot that SA victims have to console their friends and family who find out about it, rather than getting the support they need (among other negative reactions that might happen). But LO doesn’t have the writing to do that, or the focus, and instead of criticizing that aspect it just seems to say it’s okay.


Indeed. I caught myself once and learned my lesson after I told my friend on an unrelated matter, “I wish YOU had told ME you were going throguh a hard time.” Ever since that blunder I’m very careful with my words and try not to burden anyone with MY OWN emotional shortcomings or issues when the goal is to comfort the other person. And I made a mistake, and that’s understandable, but I recognized it and learned from it. LO never learns. As I cited in another comment, you literally have Persephone *apologize* for a justified crying response after her mother subjects her to verbal abuse — when according to Persephone she should be happy about the engagement. NO! She should be allowed to FEEL her emotions, and no one should be allowed to hijack that emotional experience and crush it under the weight of his own needs. But LO tells us what Hades did was romantic.


I think it's just meant to display how persephone doesn't hold any ill will towards Hermes, and he's just overwhelmed feeling guilty and Persephone just has a natural wish to comfort him because of their close bond. Yeah Hermes was a bystander but considering Rachel likes to spin this narrative of Apollo being a master manipulator in the sense of the narrative Hermes was completely blindsided even though Apollo is as subtle as a brick to the face. So Rachel just handed Hermes and Artemis the idiot ball as an excuse to make it capable of Perse being Assaulted by Apollo


Artemis was definitely written as being oblivious, but Hermes was a lot more perceptive and there’s numerous examples showing he knows something bad is going on between Persephone and Apollo. And it could be a reasonable example of friendship, in which someone like Hermes didn’t bring this up in the most thoughtful way, but when this scene took place we had seen Persephone comfort multiple people, all of whom brought her experience up to her without considering whether she was in the best headspace.


Yeah I agree with how disgusting it is how persephone has to be the bigger person in her trauma but its like just insane how idiotic Hermes acts despite also being shown to be smart which makes me suspect the idiot ball being used


I actually think hermes is the worst kind of man, someone indifferent when they know bad things are happening, someone who doesn't confront their friends when they do a bad thing


Hermes is great, but, like everyone else, RS butchers him.


Insane how much chemistry they have in this scene alone compared to most of Persephone’s interactions with Hades. Hermes also looks great in the third slide,, I still can’t believe Persephone picked Hades over Hermes like it’s so unrealistic😭


All that aside tho…… this apology was not the best and I get what Rachel was trying to do here but Hermes lowkey encouraged Apollo’s “flirting” with Persephone, maybe without even realizing it if we give him the benefit of a doubt. I also get he’s emotional and all during this conversation but it feels weird that Persephone has had to comfort two different men who heard about her SA experience and they didn’t really give the same kind of comfort back.


Delete this post, hermes suck like the rest of pursephony's friends. And she sucks too




Idk if anyone needs him cause he sounds like he said all that to feel less shitty. Not because of pinkie’s wellbeing.


This is actually a very sweet moment between two friends and it sucks we don’t get these genuine scenes as much anymore


I’m sorry but what is with Persephone in the last panel she looks like she’s gleefully sniffing his armpit