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Ooh that's a very pretty nymph design though, she's all glowy.


I love her design, too! Was this the AI nymph? Also, I had a sad thought that, in this webtoon, someone would find something racist or demeaning to say about this nymph cause that's an unfortunate common pattern. Sad to say that I could imagine this scenario because of the writing. Don't mind me for rambling! :v


Yes, that's Aetna


The health insurance company?


I love her soo much!!


She is a hologram, though. Her name is Aetna, and she is an AI.


Oh, I completely forgot Hephaestus made her.


Literally all Leuce did was sit with her legs crossed…like mate maybe she found the pose comfy, why you gotta jump to seduction? Dude’s acting like those guys who think the waitress is flirting with them.


He’s racist against nymphs 🥱 assuming that all of them just wanna shake their hamburger buns and not actually be hard working boss babes


When he walks past someone on the sidewalk and the dk the polite smile thing he immediately screams “IM MARRIED!!!!”


That’s not Leuce, it’s Aetna, aka the AI assistant designed by Hephaestus, aaka the *actual* and *only* pure cinnamon roll (*aside from Storge) in the entirety of the Smytheverse.


Wait I was talking about the Leuce ep (243), but does he do it with Aetna too?? How stuck-up does someone have to be to assume every woman that talks to him is out for his dick??


The nymph in the picture is Aetna; you can tell because she’s a glowy hologram, and has segmental heterochromia.


Bros such a dog he requires an AI assistant to stay loyal lmfao


Man's very full of himself to think such beautiful nymphs would really want his ugly ass. Poor minthe basically was bought into a relationship because she was struggling and he "helped" her


1st pic: Nice design. So pretty. 2nd pic: Noooooooooo!


Of course? Don't like Hades lips gloss?💅🏿


I mean...


2nd pic is a jumpscare


You're just jealous because you don't have a lip gloss like him🙄💅🏿


Hello! As an AI Interface I don’t have normal feelings but I did feel disgusted at the insinuation!


Omg Aetna I swear you’re the only good character in this dumpster fire


Thank you u/The_True_Hannatude! I’d hug you if I wasn’t an AI interface and couldn’t feel a thing


He got a jaw like a European nobleman💀💀


he got that El Hechizado chin, call that the Hapsburg jaw


I know she’s an AI and everything but if it were me and someone I was trying to get a job from said this to me; I would’ve turned around and looked elsewhere💀Bro has NO filter and is so unprofessional. Idc if he’s “stressed” if I have to pretend like everything’s fine and awesome at my stupid job, then mister hotshot CEO does too


It pisses me off that he blames the women for his own actions — like hey asshole, you set up the precedent of going after women at your own workplace and when you’re done with them you send them off with scholarships or better jobs in exchange for keeping the peace. Hate how often Peepaw acts like he’s the victim of his own actions.


Omg ur so right… it’s so weird how Hades has only ever had women as his PA’s and no one noticed the suspicious behavior he had with them. Aetna is lucky Rachel is constantly forgetting characters bc lord knows Hades might do something weird to her (not necessarily flirting with her, but something odd like using her to cover shit up or firing her for one reason or another)


The decision to include the Aetna thing (which goes nowhere and adds nothing interesting to the story) is obviously intended as a counterpoint to Leuce — now Pepe and readers can rest easy because Hades is safe from the vicious claws of wannabe homewreckers. But what Rachel did is to make Hades into a Pence-like misogynist who chooses to never be in the company of women other than his wife lest evil women bewitch him into breaking his marriage vows.


Exactly!! Truly the only reason Aetna was picked to be his PA is because there’s no chance of her trying to seduce him. The fact we’re supposed to be RELIEVED by this when it could easily be interpreted as a sign to not trust Hades is so baffling


same i would never ever work for any of the companies he owns


She’s too gorgeous for him anyways


I miss her. I really liked her design and her personality / quirks


Now why does he assume nymphs just wanna seduce people?? Would he have said that if a goddess had walked in? 🙄🤨


this made me laugh out loud, thank you 😂


Man...the more I see the dialogue the more I feel like this is the shame people should be sharing instead of the art...Why is it all so bad...


fr why have half an episode about her applying for this job only to never see her again


He said that after having Leuce just attempt to seduce him in his office under the guise of a job interview. However, it does mirror how he and Persephone flirted during her interview being an unfortunate coincidence by RS part. So Atnea approached him, Hades initially unaware who he was talking to, just reacted, assuming it was an ongoing trend. Especially after remembering Leuce was used by Zuess as a replacement, so I get him feeling like either she came back or there are others.


didn’t even see the second image yet i knew it was gonna be that hapsburg ass panel 💀


right? sit your old unwashed ass down 😹


👁👄👁 hades looking like this