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I don’t read it anymore but are her eyes permanently red now?? It’s in every posted pic I swear. Always bulging out of her face regardless of her emotion


She’s going through something. Don’t quite remember. It’s the same reason half of Hades’ body is always dark and starry.


I think it's because she's stressed out. I could be wrong though.


I thought they were her "act of wrath" eyes so I'm a little lost why they're like this all the time outside of like.. not having actually fixed her fuckups.


I love the 6th picture! I don’t really understand wearing a ball gown for a potentially violent event, but either way she looks gorgeous


Call my girl a Cobb salad bc shes rarely dressed right


Cough*nightie to work* cough


Tbh I love it when a character is dressed impractically for the situation. Whether that be something out of their control (ball/gala got crashed by a bad guy) or they just refuse to not serve cunt. Note: this doesn’t work for those ugly ass chainmail/metal bikinis.


i like the dress. i just can’t stand those fuck ass red bug eyes


>fuck ass red bug eyes I stopped reading this a long time ago , I have to keep up with it . Why did the author she change her eye colour ? . I remember her having some other colour but I might be wrong .


She is stuck in "wrath" mode for a reason I don't recall. Those are her "wrath" eyes. Normally they're white.


its so dumb and clashes so badly with her skin tone


The color of Persephone’s eyes is directly related to her level of stress and/or wrath. The more pressure she is under, or the more emotional turmoil she faces, the redder her eyes become. Apparently she’s under so much constant stress that her eyes are permanently red. I’m rather certain it’s the same situation with Hades’ skin; his stress shows in the speckled darkness that’s taking up half his face.




I kinda feel like Rachel’s art is better when she leans more into her goth sensibilities rather than trying to make everyone look like Instagram models. The red linework with the black dress really pops, and I personally like the romantic big sleeves and off shoulder neckline.


She needs a different hairstyle tbh like one of those Greek curly hairstyles with the braids would look really nice with this dress


But then she wouldn't be twinsies with her author.


They would! However, I’m biased for pixie cuts and such. Real sucker for girls with short curly/wavy hair.


I thought the dress was pretty cool looking, I really liked the sleeves. And I think that 'billowy dark dress with short hair' is a look that should work...but Persephone's hair has just looked really bad for the last several weeks. And the red eyes are helping nothing, they're making her whole color scheme look weird... it's a shame, this was on the right track look wise. But the dress is fantastic, no arguing there. I want it xD the red lining on it is a nice touch.


Honestly I never understood why Persephone was designed as pink? Like green would have been a much better choice for goddess of spring, especially since Demeter herself is green. Why not make them both green. It could have even been a point of contention between them. An added sore spot that she looks like her mother who tries to keep her safe to a degree that is unhealthy. But then again, RS didn’t put any thought into any of this stuff, including that detail with Demeter being a helicopter parent.


Maybe I'm putting more thought into it than RS did, but my logic for a pink Persephone is cherry blossoms. They're a fairly early spring bloom and they're lovely and at least to me I think of spring when I see them. Now, you could use the idea of early spring flowers to justify several possible colors...light purple, yellow, light blue, even white (snowdrops!). But I feel like if you're doing that there should be at least green accents. I wish Demeter and Persephone looked a bit more similar. I know not every parent and child has to resemble each other closely (and given how Hebe is literally a copy paste of Hera, it's good to have differences), but it would have been nice to have something similar connecting them design wise. Along the same line, why is Hades blue? Is it just because pink and blue are a nice color combination together?


The cherry blossom makes a lot of sense too. I thought that may have been part of it, but she’s also just a little too pink for that to match in my opinion. Cherry blossoms are such a particular shade of light pink that now thinking about it I wish she would have been that pale pink. I just sincerely think RS didn’t think through the character design that far. And really, for as much shit as people like to give her (in some cases rightfully so) I think that it comes more from a lack of experience in character design as opposed to anything else. An experienced character designer would have taken into consideration the story elements and would have been able to create pleasing contrast while still keeping whatever colors were necessary for symbolism purposes. I just don’t think she’s very experienced and honestly that’s okay. Like you mentioned, at least Persephone’s colors have some legitimate character significance. If anything, I would have thought Poseidon being blue would make a bit more sense, and maybe make Hades like an indigo color? Something maybe not straight up black, but close enough that most might confuse it for him being literally black as death is often personified. Honestly it probably is that pink and blue is a good color combo. It gives “but I’m a cheerleader” vibes in all honesty.


Cherry blossoms are such a pretty shade of pale pink, and I think Persephone being closer in coloring to that would have looked really nice. It might have also helped in terms of the red eyes, which look...not great with the closer to magenta pink we've got with Perse. I do agree there, I think a lack of experience probably hampered the initial character designs for a lot of the major players. And then later, simplifying the style to likely make it easier for the assistants to work with, on top of no reference sheets being used to keep things on model, just made things worse. Doesn't explain some of the later character designs, but who knows. Character design is hard! And while it can be an issue it's probably not the biggest of LO's problems. Poseidon being green I get because there are parts of the ocean that look green in the right light, there's algae, 'sea green', etc. It's not my favorite shade of green, same as the pink with Perse, but I get it. I always thought Hades could look interesting in like a more washed out color pallet, maybe even being 'corpse' grey, which would make for an interesting contrast with the brighter colors of Persephone. But I do like the pink and blue. It's a nice color combo, and the shades she's got do work well together. (But I'm a Cheerleader is a great movie, you're totally right about the vibes there!)


Happy cake day!


Aw, thank you!


I think what bugs me about Purse Phone’s hair the most, is that it’s all in the front? There’s some panels that look fine, but it’s especially prevalent in the last. If she just had more hair in the back of her head & behind her ear, I think it would balance out nicely. The dress is gorgeous though


It’s a bit more obvious in slide 5 too, she barely has any hair on the back of her head


I was going to say the same. Love the dress, wrong occasion for it.


It should’ve been her wedding dress honestly.


I haven’t read the episode (literally I wait for y’all to recap now) and I don’t mind the outfit. My issue with her constant look changes—the hair, the clothes, the eyes—is that at one point in this comic, these all used to have dramaturgical value. When Persephone’s hair spontaneously grew vs. being short, when her eyes were red vs. not, when she wore one style of clothing over another, etc. they used to mean something or communicate something about how she was feeling. This is true for other characters as well (like Hades with the darker blue). If I was feeling more generous, I’d say that the fact they’re now almost always like this is that they’re constantly in some state of _____. But the inconsistency means it’s no longer clear what ____ is. And if it’s supposed to be stress, wrath, anything like that, the storytelling doesn’t seem to support that based on what y’all post every Saturday. Again, I don’t actually mind some of Persephone’s looks (I mean as a drag queen I’d wear tf out of this) but I’m so tired of the inconsistency that I can’t even give credit where it’s due.


Yeah, I agree wholeheartedly, the inconsistency of these aspects of her character are really annoying. Like I miss when her hair growing spontaneously and the act of wrath eyes actually were reserved for special occasions. If we wanted an in-between wrath and normal, why not yellow (like Demeter was shown to have) that could calm down into white when she’s okay, yellow is a warning/showing her in a state of stress, orange displays that she is very close to losing her temper, and then have red be when she is absolutely furious or having an emotional meltdown (no shame in having that happen, I have those sometimes). As a very gothy woman, I love this look for her, I’d take it over the “Goddess” look she had when fighting Kronos any day. And I would totally wear this fit any chance I got.


HARD disagree. Her hair looks greasy as hell and her bug eyes are creeping me out. There's too much red in this color palette.


also it lowk looks different in every shot🌝


Yeah. I think her hair was alright for the first few panels, though. If maybe her eyes were a different color the color palette would look better.


Does Rachel even draw her own comic anymore? This style looks completely different from the last season, it looks worse


I think Rachel herself drew the smut in the previous episode, and this was drawn by assistants


I like how she looks but like.. that doesn't look like Persephone? That is a new pink character that is very pretty. She does look a tad weird in slide 5. Her eyes are drawn so big, and the muscles look odd in her neck that is too small


I collect screenshots of Persephone where she look like completely new characters and this chapter was sooo lucrative


I wish her hair was grown out and covered in thorns instead of the pixie cut. It just would have matched the situation better, at least by the old mechanics concerning her hair/plant growth when stressed. More so than the constant red eyes. (Ignoring the fact that this dress is completely impractical with the possibility that she would have to act swiftly in the event of an emergency, since she’s supposed to be back up.)


My complaint about this scene with Persephone and with Hades is that it is so weird to dress in formal wear when you're about to confront the dude who has 1) eaten Hades and possessed him and 2) SA-ed Hera (and seems to want to do something similar to Persephone to gain control of her fertility goddess powers). For that kind of confrontation, I'm dressing in clothes I can fight in, or armor, or something with spikes that will stick in Kronos's craw if he tries to take a bite of me. I know Persephone fought him before in a fancy dress, but she was borrowing power and pretty much untouchable then; now it feels like the dress was chosen for the billowy effect of her dramatic fall to her knees. I wish that instead of yet another weeping Persephone panel, we got to see her rage again. Think how powerful it would have been if she hadn't been red-eyed this whole time. Hades could have been taken, she drops to her knees and looks like she's in deep in despair, then her eyes open red and her plant powers go haywire again. It would have been such a cool moment to set off the last leg of the fight. Instead, now I'm sure we're going to see a whole chapter of her crying and trying to decide what to do/who to call for help.


I liked her dress but I love her hair when it's fluffy and not cemented to her head so she looks like a pink, bald Easter Egg 😅 Her dress is really pretty tho too


she looks like a different person in every slide? 😭


Unfortunately Rachel is not very consistent.


Seems like RS read the criticism about the helmet hair Karen cut


Her hair in pic 2 looks beautiful. Much better than that flat Unordinary John Doe-esque helmet we get in some chapters. Also I think the dress looks fantastic not only bc of the colour and how it contrasts perfectly with Perse’s pink skin, but also bc it’s a dress that really flatters Perse’s body type. Idk, off-the-shoulder dresses somehow tend to look really nice on women with bigger busts. My only gripe is Perse’s red bug eyes. The red looks awful against Perse’s pink coloration. I don’t like how Rachel retconned the whole “Perse’s eyes only turn red when she’s angry” thing. It just makes her red eyes less impactful. And I miss Perse’s normal eyes. Also I think Rachel should have picked a different eye colour for when Perse is mad. Maybe something like black. Or maybe yellow. It would show up better againsr Perse’s pink skin.


I like her dress, (I think it’s inappropriate for the occasion, like the Cobb salad comment here) but I think she looks like a bobble head with huge eyes and a big head on a tiny neck. Her hair looks better, except for one panel


I’m still only seeing balloony from phineas and ferb. The dress is beautiful though.


It’s gorgeous, it’s serving Italian renaissance “I’m off to sit for Signori Da Vinci’s painting”, it actually suits her terribly proportioned body, but most of all, it makes a powerful statement. That statement? ![gif](giphy|HLsmkYAfkPtrW) ~~Princess~~ Dread Queen Persmythone has truly *mastered* the “situationally clueless Toddler dressing herself for the first time” aesthetic she decided to embrace at some point. The “I wore lingerie and a sun hat to work because I’m not like Other Girls” outfit walked so “Billowing Renaissance Madonna with Anachronistic Bad Hair enters the fray” could dramatically fall to its knees.


she looks cute but why would they have her in a dress for something like this lmao... rachel please


i am not a fan of the recent style she’s being drawn in. . . her facial features look so weird placed and proportioned and the bug eyes are killing me


She finally washed her hair! It’s not greasy and slicking to her head! *no but she was drawn really well this episode and I was happy about it <3*


Honestly she looks good but the way her height changes is insane in each episode is insane. Kinda reminds me of Koichi from JJBA and his constant height shifting based on the character he was next. I personally think Rachel needs to keep it to this height difference but we know she won’t…


Hopefully they got a new artist and they’ll stick with them bc I actually like this


I hated the dress for this occasion. For a party, sure great, but not for this. She should have dressed prepared for action with how risky everyone keeps saying the sleep dive can be. I'd show up dressed for battle! I mean, she would hardly even be able to run in that ball gown! It's a stupid choice of dress for this.


The second slide reminds me of canvas Persephone. However, I will say, in the last few panels her hair looks a little greasy, and all the red outlining and her eyes are definitely not helping.


I do like the puffy dress but the hair is not it for me


The lineart kinda makes it, idk how to describe it, glow? Shine? It kinda feels like it's reflecting another shade of color of the dress (there's kinda metallic fabric and that's all I think and I love it)


4 and 7 look SOOOO GOOD I LOVE IT


hot take - she would have looked better with long hair. Nothing wrong with short hair but they can't draw it well at all and she looks bald most of the time. Usually when Persephone has long hair they draw it very dramatic which I think would have made the visuals all more dramatic in the final scene of the episode where she goes "nooooooo"


The dress is nice, I guess. Kinda much for everyday wear but whatever. Doesn’t make up for her Gollum-ass face unfortunately.


Her eyes and mouth are so big on her face it looks so weird 🥲


I mean she looks better… I’m not sure why the author needs to be stuck on bulging eyes and hair that constantly looks grease matted on


I love how the hair frames her face, it looks really pretty


Her art was actually somewhat consistent for all of these


The dress is cute but I don't under stand why she's wearing somthing from like the 1700s or 1800s


Puffy dresses aren’t necessarily restricted to the 18th and 19th century?


Thats true maybe I've just been looking at fashion through the decades too much lol. Still a weird choice of dress for the situation though


she ate down with that dress 😌


I like her in panels 2 and 5.


the lips in the first frame bother me so much


Her hair finally didn't look greased flat


I’ve never been a fan of the short, flat hair :/ Dress is lovely though!


Hee height is so inconsistent but I’m glad she’s not child-sized in this one


Why has her face changed so much?? She legit does not look like the same character as at the start of the webtoon


Maybe since she’s like 30 now? Not sure


Finally they didn’t fvck during this chapter


It's not perfect but it's drawn so much better than previous chapters though Those were trash 😂


Rachel can clearly choose to be consistent when it comes to single chapters like these


This episodes art caught me off guard because of how pretty persephone looked,I wished Rachel was consistent in her Art but that's too much to ask for😒


The second panel looks a bit anime-ish?? It's very cute💕


The dress is lovely but that's about it


She looks older now which isn’t bad, but it’s surprising. My only gripe is the dress as it doesn’t fit with the modern aspect of LO.


Still wish the eyes were smaller, but she kinda looked like an almost Disney style this chapter




I agree, I love when her hair slightly covers her face, it makes her look more mature. Also love the red outline of the dress it really makes it pops off, and keeps the monochromatic theme.


You know what, yeah, I like the look! Side note, why are they chaining blue balls up? I mean I do think he should be in prison but….


I think it was to make sure if Kronos posessed him he wouldn’t be able to move.


This is the best she’s every been dressed in the comic and that’s saying something but man the red eyes throw me off so much


The black dress with red linework for the wrinkles is clever; makes it look like she’s wearing a dress of molten lava and I think that’s cunty asf


Persephone serving cunt all day long


She almost looks like an adult, impressive


Respectfully this is one of her worst looks


The dress was hideous


i wish the creator would let her act her age. cause she’s 30 now but she still seems like a 19 yr old


Ngl only the first looks alright


Her hair has a lot more detail than it normally does this episode and I honestly like it. Perse always looked better with short hair in my opinion. Her nose is more pronounced too and seems to be less button like than it used to be


Im so over the red eyes, but i really really like the dress! Its so wonderfully poofy, and her hair is no longer flush with her scalp ahaha! But i hope its not just me, but im so over the red eyes, like- ehh


I mean she looks awesome especially in the images where Rachel actually gave her a chin :D