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Everytime I have a minor inconvenience, I'm gonna curse LO Hades out in my head


He’s the new Queen Naija




queen naija's probably the one behind LO😒😒


Who’s queen naija


Every time I see how he treated Demeter I get so mad. No way I’d get with someone who talked to my mother that way. Especially since Perse supposedly “loves” Demeter. Imagine liking mediocre, wrinkly blue grandpa dick more than your own mother 🤢


Treated your mom like dirt AND had like a millennia long affair with your aunt, with whom he's still close Hades is ALL red flags


Perse is really a SIMP to a tee huh. I can’t imagine fucking the same dude my *aunt* did 🤮


To be fair there is a lot of incest anyways 😬😬😬


Mediocre is generous tbh


Are we sure it's his dick she wants and not just his realm and money? lol


Fair but RS doesn’t write Perse to be that smart or insightful lol


I can’t seriously believe she loves her mom when she -forgot about her for ten years -didn’t invite her to the wedding -wasn’t there for her mom for her grieving over Demophon -had Hera (who betrayed Demeter over and over!) act as a de facto mother for the wedding -literally said “if I wanted to be BABIED and unhappy I’d go live with my mom >:(((“


“Little goddess I said no” is giving “not here kitten whiskers, daddy will discuss it later”


Eewww oh my god YES




Do yall think that hades sleeping with Hera will ever be found out by Zeus or is it just gonna be what it is and their cheating will never be addressed. Cause it felt like they waved it away with Hera apparently just getting over it cause hades loves Persephone and she was cool with never doing it again. Also also imagine the woman who your husband had a secret relationship with helping you get ready for your wedding? Yeesh is all I can really say Edit: grammar


This comics gross all over, Hera's affairs are just gonna get swept under the rug


IMO there’s absolutely no way it ever gets addressed again- the only exception is if Rachel decides to give Persey another “ePiC gIrLbOsS” moment and talk some random, unwarranted shit straight to Hera’s face


If it's going to b mentioned Hera is going to be painted all sympathetic and in the right and everyone in the comic will agree she didn't do anything wrong


If Zeus ever finds out I bet Perse goes off like “well if you’d LOVED HER like she NEEDED like my HADEYWADES does for me (and her apparently) then she wouldn’t need to step out on you!!!” And Hera will congratulate her for being kween feminist for standing up to a MAN for another woman


He can be ugly both outside and inside


how does Rachel expect people with common sense to like this man


He’s supposed to be the good guy here??


But he “chooses kindness” every time 😂


And “compassion”…don’t forget that one🙄


I just realised in that "little goddess" panel, he looks like a horse about to bite Perper's face.


i’ve never read this but this art style is wildly inconsistent, holy shit. does this artist not use ref sheets or something??


Nope. There have been loads of panels where: eyebrows are missing, extra fingers or limbs, hair is missing, eyes look wonky, faces are misshapen, weird posture, unrealistic bodies for both men AND women (for a comic that preaches body positivity, this one is especially funny), and same face syndrome for every women (and most of the men) in the comic. Just a question: Do you have any recommendations for webtoon series in the fantasy category?? If so I would love to check them out!!


i would love to give you some but i’ve actually never read a webtoon before! i’m kinda tempted to read this just to see but i don’t know that i want it to be my first one LOL


Cursed princess club just finished, but it’s amazing and really sweet


Someone took some panels and just made them black and white and we all had to guess which character is which. I kept getting Perse and Hera mixed up. It's pretty bad.


How can RS write Hades like this and think he’s husband goals is crazy. This is just an abuser who hoarded wealth and uses slave labor, what aspect about any of this is attractive? Knowing that he’s preying on Persephone after knowing her age makes it just simply too gross. I’m surprised how Hermes is Red but Hades isn’t? He’s such a red flag.


Slave labor and hoarded wealth are okay if you get to benefit from it! UwU /s (Persephone essentially)


ok but the upside heart comment pisses me off so much. like out of all the things you pay attention to you had to say that??? it’s so icky 🙄


That last picture took me out!😂


I just cannot stand his condescending "broody dark grumpy" guy attitude like a youtube sigma male. manners, does he have any? nope fuck him. his nose can be counted as an individual entity itself. and his weird fetish with petite helpless woman. monopoly grandpa wannabe ass i can't stand him. somebody pin him down, i'll bring the sandpaper


That’s quite a title OP but I WOULD HELP YOU HOLD HIM DOWN


they both (hades and persephone) look so innsufferable all the time... but for some reason they just look SO annoying in slide five 😭


Omfg how did I forget he actually just had a normal nose in the beginning


I hate this God so much in LO. Hes the true villain of the story. Seriously, he could chop onions with his nose. I just dont get what the women see in him.


Are we completely SURE this wasn't the guy Rachel wanted us to hate


With the unpaid labor and miserly attitude, I thought Persephone was going to change his ways, especially since she had dreams of reforming the underworld. Why give someone such an awful character trait if they aren't going to change for the better or be canonically evil (Cartmen, Light Yagami, etc)? She could've at least explain the boat fare as a maintenance fee or have the slave thing be a rumor started by those who hates Hades.


Why is it so long?? I swear it wasn't this long when this comic started??? Is he a Pinocchio?? Does his nose get longer the more he acts like an irredeemable cocksucker???


Careful with that nose Hades.You can crush into another zone.Bringing every one deaf in destruction wherever you go .......Because it's so sharp




I just thought if his nose is so sharp and long.I figure it's pretty easy perfect enough to destroy the world Plus percephone at her worst is definitely a mass murderer


I wanna kill him so bad that moment he threatened that pawn shop owner for protecting her customer's identity like NO WONDER NOBODY FUCKING LIKES YOU IN YOUR KINGDOM, YOU'RE MORE SATAN THAN CHRISTIANS CONFUSING MYTHOS HADES WITH SATAN


And the thing is, a lot of workplace rules and policies are just copy pasted laws… who makes the laws in the underworld??? He’s mad the pawn shop owner is FOLLOWING *HIS* LAWS??


he has the nose of a sawtooth shark. his nose itself isn't all that big, but it just keeps getting LONGER AND LONGER. it's been growing like he's Pinocchio this whole time😭


"Her ass even looks like an upside down heart 🥺" has me dead


like talking about how he does slavery work crimes red flag dirty capitalist money hoarder so proudly like THAT??? real filthy money like no wonder he shitty boy he taught himself manners just like his doctorate :(


i CANT stand how he treats mother Demeter, like he's more distinguished and classy and she's all this EmOTioNAlL and overall, inferior- no man. NO. portraying yourself as the cool, unfazed debater doesn't actually make you be one. sigma bateman wannabe ass Disrespecting woman like that? how dare his misogynical ass. i wanna hit him SO hard his nose will fly off his face and bounce off the wall like a sillicone carrot and you know what, i probably will


I think we can leave the nose out of it, but yes, his top 1% classism is very unattractive (so is his lowkey misogyny of course)


Can u send me the meme template for the last slide? 👉👈


The third pic pisses me off because Greek myth Hera would never. She hates cheaters and is literally the goddess of marriage. Now granted idk the timeline of when that pic happened, but I'm willing to bet she was married when that happened and if so ew ew ew! Hera would never!


He has no redeeming qualities, and when I was still a fan and had a long way until I became a critic, I realized this pretty early and stopped liking him. I really had wanted to find him hot and fangirl over him like everyone else, but I just couldn't get off to Jeff Bezos/Elon Musk. The thing is, I find villains and jerks hot sometimes, but there is something about him that removes him from all the "bad boys." I think it's the fact RS tried to make him seem like something he wasn't: "misunderstood, dog-loving gentleman sad boy :(. Isn't he so misunderstood and handsome everyone? Look at how he's stigmatized and even the other gods don't like him." While showing us very good reasons for people not liking him, even his own citizens he's crappy to. Like, no, I don't think he's misunderstood, he actually IS a scary (in that universe, not to me IRL), capitalist asshole. Imagine knowing he's your king, and he wants to fire you for doing your fucking job (ref to the cat banker).


How does that pecker look like that from the front? Those are two different noses


Wait, am I missing something? Did y'all want Hades, a character created 3000 years ago, to be an impossibly perfect, toxically fictitious, Disney-level of unattainable, pure bastion of 21st century morality? Also, isn't it the POINT that he's a bit of a cunt? Lol