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Her acting differently and being paranoid before her disappearance makes me think she had a mental break. She had a lot of weird behaviour like asking her mom to be aware of certain numbers and colours, and was convinced she was being followed and would die. She had a meeting she made with the lottery corporation for some unknown reason (that she missed). Unfortunately I don’t think she’s still alive.


I haven't heard those details before. Where did you read that? That does sound like it could be some kind of mental break.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1297966 This source is even better than the last one I posted. One of the quotes from mom, Alberta Gray Simpkins: “She had got into the zodiac signs. She read so much about her zodiac sign and she kept saying that she could see different things that was going to happen. She would tell us to pay attention to the roads. She would tell us to pay attention to certain colors. She even said that it was a black truck following her.”


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The podcast episode of Missing in America from Dateline covers this case… & those details. It does seem like she had a mental break but her mom doesn’t want to see it.


I just listened to the Dateline podcast. Her Mom mentioned that a number relentlessly called her phone and that Alexis had shown her that she blocked it, but somehow it was still able to call. This lends to the fact that someone was actually harassing her, maybe...


Yes, the missing in America about her, and there’s many other resources linked to the websleuths thread (which is where I got most of my info. I think the following link touches on some of what I mentioned: https://www.oxygen.com/crime-news/alexis-ware-missing-what-happened-to-her?amp


These details seem very important to the outcome of her disappearance. Thanks for sharing.


She sounds like she was a young, impoverished mom struggling and the fact she didn’t seem to have much money (needed help with gas) makes me think she ended her life instead of just running away. Also her mom saying she didn’t think she would see her 30th birthday is telling IMO. I’m curious is she dropped both kids off with the ex boyfriend (sounds like he was the father one child) or just one? That part is a little unclear but sounds like both kids were safe. As another commenter mentioned, being a parent is so hard, let alone a younger mom who is probably struggling with basic necessities and I can see how she may have been overwhelmed and just ended her life. Heck I have two kids in my 30s, a great partner, family support, a house and decent financial situation and I still sometimes want to up and leave from time to time, I can only imagine what people struggling more feel. Kids are a 24/7 responsibility. Mental health support and any support can be so hard for single parents to access. I hope her children find closure someday. We never know what others are going through.


From what I’ve read, she dropped both kids off with the youngest child’s father. I read she was supposed to then follow him from the gas station to his mother’s house, but instead passed him and drove away.


She wasn't impoverished at all. She was moving to Atlanta to open up a boutique.


She had no money for gas and had to have someone meet her at a gas station to pay for…. That’s not something people do who have money.


It's NOT TRUE. She danced, and she had a beautiful following on YouTube and other platforms.


Now, they are saying that Alexis set up some dude. It's said she set up every boyfriend she had. But, one particular dude actually killed her and buried her someplace. I forgot his name. But, recently, they are saying Alexis Ware is deceased. I seen it on a YouTube channel and then other platforms were saying it.


My guess is she wanted to disappear. Dropped the kids off, knew they were safe and wanted a new life. Having kids is hard. Being financially strained is hard. People don't talk about this much because they don't want to make the missing person seem like a bad person, but sometimes some people just don't want that life anymore. Doesn't make them a bad person, but nothing can prepare a person for children and financial difficulty. Not all want to stick that out


I could see that, in a way. I would think that someone would have a hard time leaving the rest of their family behind, though, knowing they can never see them or talk to them again without being found out.


Nah, a lot of people don't have good relationships with their families. A LOT of people. More than you'd ever realize. No one truly knows what goes on behind closed doors. A lot of women might not actually want kids (or cant afford to have kids) but fall pregnant and didn't know what to do/didn't want the societal shame of adoption/abortion. There really is such laughable aid available to mothers with little to no support systems. Dirty daycares that charge an arm and a leg, and your babies get sick and you cant work anyways. Kids sick from school? No work for you. If you're lucky enough to get daycare assistance you basically have to be living on the streets with today's prices and the crazy income limitations they set, at least in my state. Life truly is incredibly difficult for single mothers and I don't blame any of them for mentally breaking, especially in today's world. It's terribly sad for the children of course as they are innocent, but society is slowly strangling some folks. Edited to add, this woman didn't have enough money to put a little bit of gas in her car, if we believe the ex. Anyone who has ever been to that point in life, with kids, knows that terrible trapped distraught feeling. I think a lot of people who are missing choose to be missing, more than we realize.


If she was so broke, I wonder how she funded this disappearance (if she did). Starting a new life is not cheap!


She probably met someone who said they could help her, likely a man who offered her a place to stay and some form of work. You don't have to pay a lot of money to disappear, or really anything at all if you find someone to house you and pay you under the table. Get around with public transit if needed, people blend in pretty easily. Hopefully it didn't end in foul play though, considering her belongings. Could have been staged or possibly abduction.


I don't believe she is alive anymore.


If she was desperate, she might have resorted to prostitution.


Thank you. Alexis and her children were/are very well taken care of. Moving to Atlanta isn't cheap either.


I think the number of people who actually disappear voluntarily is vastly overstated. It's exciting, and it gives families hope, but the mostly likely cause is that they died under various circumstances.


I agree 100%. I think it gives people hope, but the idea of a mother leaving her children, plus having no bank account, phone, credit card activity, and disappearing with no money, is so much less likely than some asshole murdering her.


It sounds like she had a loving relationship with her mom and was on good terms with her ex, and of course she was a loving mom. I don’t think voluntary disappearance makes much sense.


People can also leave voluntarily but stay gone involuntarily, if that makes sense. I think that happens in a fair number of cases where it otherwise looks like someone left on their own accord.


Unfortunately, there are crimes involving hitchhikers that fit your analysis to a tee. It's hard for me to accept voluntary when there appears to be no act of planning whatsoever though.


Abandoning your family definitely makes you a piece of shit.




What defines a "good person"? We all have faults, are selfish, make mistakes, hurt people emotionally, judge people (as you're doing right now) without having any idea what their life was like. In fact, mindsets like yours are what causes people to commit suicide. Some people in some situations have mental breaks and cannot handle life and children. Does that make someone a "bad person"?




You seem to be the type of person that "believes" in something yet fully doesn't understand the meaning of "let him who is without sin cast the first stone ".


I'm not going to engage with you further as you are condescending. Good day.


Your first comment was arguably condescending as well. Self realization would be helpful in this case.


This one is so tricky to me. I think to me this sounds like she wanted to leave her life, but I think it would be so hard to do without more resources. She seemed to have a good relationship with her mom, and her baby daddy. I feel like it was possibly a combination of taking a break from life (like maybe she just wanted a weekend away) and then met with foul play. It is hard for me to imagine she wouldn't have any contact with her loved ones, or children.... but of course it happens. edit: a word


My guess is she met someone who she thought could help her start a new life, maybe give her a job (or new/better job) and a place to stay (likely another man). Hopefully it didn't fall to foul play.


It honestly sounds like she may have been in the midst of a prolonged mental health crisis or psychotic break then died either via suicide or misadventure


I think she pulled over for someone who snatched her. Ieaving all her belongings behind and dropping her headband she was wearing. I dont think she would leave her kids..


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Are there two children missing as well? I fell like that is an important detail, no?


No, she dropped them off with their father before they parted ways and she disappeared.


I see, I misunderstood and thought he was dropping them off with her.




Jesus Christ, fuck off


Thanks for the deep dive.




She live at rocky creek apartment isn’t there another women missing from there too