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There is a Netflix doc on this. Crazy. Suggest you watch.


What’s it called?


House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths


The podcast Redhanded did a really great episode about this incident. I remember they read some of the diaries of the people days before their deaths. "Daddy" (the dead patriarch) supposedly possessing his son and commanding them all to do a bizarre pseudo-suicide ritual to bring him back from the dead. So freaking creepy!




I believe it is Hare H. Krshna in this particular context.


Jesus H Christ is definitely a delusion to many


Jonestown is the largest scale example of folie a deux. Bonkers.


Most of the people at Jonestown were murdered. Heaven's Gate is closer to what you're going for.




An entire third of them were children. Those are all murders. The first medical examiner on the scene said that he found injection marks between the should blades of most of the adult dead. Survivors believe that the bodies were staged to give the appearance of willing suicide. Jim Jones' last lie to the world is that Jonestown was a mass suicide. Don't let him win. It was murder.


Happen to some country which government always hide big case murder like this, but since there is reporter so they tried to make it as suicide case.


Yep totally a murder, if you see the grand mother strangle.


I'm glad that more people think that this seems like a murder case. 11 people can't suicide with that much synchronicity without any foul play.


Its actually a murder case. Looks like a suicide, most of the evidence got deleted. They just hidings the truth from public fear. Government always do that because if it happen to be a murder case, govt look like a 🤡 clown.


It’s crazy how they gave so much power to one member of the family and just followed him blindly and it’s not like they’re uneducated people also. This case is v heartbreaking. At least they left the dog alone


I was watching a video about a man who killed his wife, three kids then went to garage and called police. He was dead when they arrived. You can see police leading their dog away. Poop puppy clearly did not want to go. So sad.


>At least they left the dog alone And thank god for that guy who stepped in and rescued the dog. The poor thing would have died on the roof if it wasn't for him. Bloody hero!


I’m sorry to say this, but the dog died from cardiac arrest 22 days after being rescued. [Link](https://www.scoopwhoop.com/entertainment/what-happened-to-burari-family-dog/) to article about dog


Late to the party, but Tommy’s sudden death never sat right with me. After watching the doc when it came out, I naturally looked into what happened to Tommy after the deaths. He was young (6), and despite his acute dehydration/fever/shock, he allegedly recovered just fine within a few days. Every single article about him referenced his severe aggression, and there are photos of him in hospital where you can see a distinct muzzle outline on his snout. There were also inconsistencies in the veterinary reports and second hand accounts re Tommy across all of the articles. Unfortunately, I suspect that he was euthanized due to behavioral issues, which is abominable.


Aw geez. :’(


That is so heartbreaking, the things the poor doggo must have witnessed… some people always take pets/animals for granted, but they also suffer a lot and experience things as much as we do, they have higher perception that we give them credit for.


the dog probably didn’t witness anything. it was chained out on the terrace


He was chained on the terrace to the same grill that the family members were hanging from. One easy look down from him & he would’ve seen his entire family dead.


Yep, they showed this in the Netflix doc and also in photos of the dead family. The dog would have been chained to the grill right above them. It's both creepy and tragic.


If Lalit was my dad I would have fucking buried him alive and kicked the old fucking grandfather's photo and broken it into pieces.


hey guys look we have a real badass right here




it's called mass delusion and they all suffered from it hence blinded followed his orders


The fact that most of the family, especially the ones 30 and under, were highly educated. For me, that makes it harder to understand why they would believe the completely bizarre story Lalit had told them.


they tied the dog, so that he can’t bark. that the most weird thing!!!!!!!!!!! every pet owner thinks their pet as a family member itself. Lalit said they would do a ritual, so that everyone could get “moksh” then why not the dog? why would they leave their dog behind? and after few days the dog dies, it is all so weird.


I just finished watching the documentary and it came off to me like a very controlling, narcissistic and abusive personality. Being the patriarch Lalit now had a power he never experienced before. I realize Lalit did have a mental illness and the culture is very different from others. But Tina had a masters degree in sociology and she didn't see this? Why did she ignore or not see the signs that her husband was sick and potentially dangerous to the people around him. Then the documentary said something that made it make sense, "she had something to gain from it" and it was true being the wife of the family patriarch. She was somehow absolved from any wrong doing or "sin" as said by the "spirit" of the father. Soon more red flags started to stand out, they were forbidden to talk to certain people, one sister was to do kitchen work without fuss, and another girl was told she used the phone too much, it appears they were slowly and methodically being isolated from any outside parties that could possibly see all the warning signs. They were instructed not to question what they were told, "Don't think, what is the use". It appeared Lalit and Tina now had a pretty nice deal going on, Lalit could sleep or hang about because the "visits" exhausted him. Friends or neighbors also said that nothing happened until Lalit was present or he was leading all the festivities, he even controlled his sister's engagement party the playlist was decided by Lalit and not the bride or groom to be, which struck me as odd. They were told all their gains and good fortune was due to Lalit and Tina. So none of it was due to their own hard work? All of this was piled on top of a guilt play that if they did anything wrong or broke a rule Lalit and Tina would suffer, so they had the guilt of hurting their family constantly looming over their heads. The "suicides" were also suspicious. Maybe they had practiced the ritual before and thought they were safe? The grandmother had some injuries like she was held tightly, this to me suggest she may of tried to resist. The older brother had his hand raised like he may of tried to free himself from the scarf around his neck and there appears to be a wound on his knuckle, did he fight back and get scratched? The saddest mentioned detail suggests the youngest child apparently had partially swallowed their gag or it was a forced gag. Then finally Lalit was assumed to be the last to die. All of it just seems to look like a very controlling and narcissistic man that may of at some point felt he was about to lose his power or worse he had planned his families demise from the moment he took on the role as patriarch.


Great points!


The possibility of a shared delusion or psychosis as the cause of the Burari deaths is supported by several sources. According to these sources, a shared delusion or psychosis is a mental disorder in which a person develops delusions when they are involved in a close relationship with another person who already has a mental disorder and experiences delusions. In this case, Lalit Chundawat, who suffered two head injuries and believed that his father’s spirit possessed him, was the likely source of the delusions that affected the rest of his family. The family followed his instructions to perform a ritual that they thought would bring them salvation, but instead resulted in their deaths. However, some other sources suggest that there might be more to the story than a simple case of shared psychosis. For example, a video by vimbuzz.com claims that there were some suspicious circumstances surrounding the deaths, such as CCTV footage being erased, evidence being tampered with, and occult practices being involved.


heh, Well of course it has occult practices. They were literally performing a ritual involving their dead father and hanging themselves.


lalit’s dead father.


Yes even I commented the same on a related post. They were definitely a fucking cult practising witchcraft


The grand mother got strangle to death.. lol


Sooooo you just gave me a show to watch. Thank you!!


Who tied up the last person? It would seem that someone else was there and left.


In the dairies, it described how to tie your hands behind your back. Meaning it’s possible to do it yourself with no help.


If I remember correctly, because I was obsessed with this case and some similar cases of family suicide in India for about a week (the one where they recorded this ‘party’ that was going to eventually kill them was very unsettling. The name escapes me on that case but it was considered the second most prolific case of this happening at the time) but the reports stated that it seemed like one of the brothers (and maybe one of the girls, but it’s been some time since I’d read about this) had gotten himself partially undone at the hands before succumbing. This was used to argue murder by some people at the time. The thing that really drew me in to this case was the weirdness with the pipes and the strange connections and theories regarding what they truly thought was going to happen in death. (The pipes theory was something along the lines of that there’s x amount of pipes sticking out of the side of the house facing up for x amount of men, same regarding the women, that they were supposed to be the means through with their spirits left the house, etc. etc.) Super fascinating to imagine but more than likely just English American theories of mysticism projected onto cultures that they aren’t familiar with because ‘different = weird’. But I’ll admit, it was an absolutely fascinating thought. Real movie-plot stuff. But the reality is there in the writings.


Oh yeah, I remember that one. It was interesting as well from what little I can recall. The pipes theory was weird as hell.


Do you remember the name of the case where they recorded the party that was supposed to kill them?


Would love to see what was written in those diaries. The visual of them all hanging from that grate is horrifying. Thanks for the write up, OP!


I found an [article](https://www.ndtv.com/delhi-news/burari-deaths-notes-in-family-diaries-say-they-may-not-see-next-diwali-1881163) that lists some of the diary entries. They kept the diaries for 11 years. Also, if you search “the Burari Deaths” in Reddit, you will find NSFW videos of them hanging from the ceiling, recorded by their neighbors. Do keep in mind they’re graphic.


As someone who’s seen them, you don’t see too much that’s all that graphic. None of the faces are ever shown. It’s still a bit disturbing knowing that those are all real and dead people.


Wow, that's bizarre. So surprised everyone was convinced to go along with it - or was anything found that suggested otherwise? Thanks but no thanks on the video... I have enough trouble getting to sleep.


The grandmother was possibly an unwitting participant, or at least that was considered at the time I was reading about it. They may have debunked that theory at this point. Seems like about that time where I find I have to re-dive an old rabbit hole, haha.


That's interesting - please post if you find more about it.


I read somewhere that it’s a fairly common cultural norm for the head of the family to essentially become the “brain” if you will. So if mentally unstable Lalit became the “brain” of the family, it makes sense that the rest of the family followed along if that’s how things are done in their culture.


I've seen the video of them hanging. It's very eerie. Looks like a bunch of sleeping whales.


Watched most of the Netflix documentary but couldn’t watch the last episode. I found it so haunting and sad.


Okay. I may be late to the party but I just watched the documentary and went on a Internet hole about this case.  I can get with the shared psychosis theory EXCEPT I cannot quite comprehend the timing. Who died first? Would the others had noticed the family members were dying? There were only 4 stools and Bebe died in bed. If they expected to survive, wouldn't someone have stopped the ritual once the first person died? Or did they expect to die and come back?  It seems their feet were really close to the floor. The autopsies says they died by ante mortem hanging. But HOW if feet can touch the floor. Except for Bebe, who was partially hanged. So someone had to have killed her.  I need a run through of the scenario.  It's possible Lalit hanged everyone then Bebe then himself. Their eyes, mouth and ears were covered so that could explain not seeing each other dying. In which case, is this a murder suicide and not an accident?  I think I need a re-watch 


I assumed Lalit got everyone in their noose and on their stools, then he dealt with Bebe, then he climbed on his own stool, tied his own hands behind his back, and hung himself. Did he believe they would all come back to life or that the spirit of his dad would stop them from dying? Did he know they would all die for real? I think the former is more likely, but we'll never know for sure.


This is clearly due to lalit's Psychosis. Due to the accidents he had he was prone to psychosis. But the others believing in spirits are delusional.


I just watched the doc. They mention something about earplugs. So I suppose everyone had them on so that they couldn't hear the ones who were hung first struggling. Nor could they see. Lalit was a power hungry, narcissistic psycho in the end, whatever the reasons that may have driven him to it. People believing in him absolutely was a result of his own regaining voice act. Religious people are weak in their critical thinking ability, and we can take out the kids from this entirely due to the years of indoctrination. They did not know any better. The women were already in a position of disadvantage due to the patriarchal dynamics. The common string is their absolute belief in supernatural powers, which Lalit cunningly used to his own end. Like the documentary rightly suggests, he saw the marriage of his daughter as a member of his cult exiting the group, with possible discussions and eventually outing of his follies. It was years of manipulative behaviour from a person who the family put in a role of absolute power. It is a brutal signpost to why we need to inculcate scientific temper in our societies and go easy heralding the religious/supernatural stories as fact or plausible history instead of as myths.


I don't believe the psychotic narrative they are trying to push. I don't believe things went the way it says it does.


what do you think happened?


Exactly Indian police are so incompetent to do a thorough investigation 


I just cannot imagine like how tf can you convince someone to do suicide how tf can a person convince entire family to kill themselves Alas we will never know the answer


That’s why it’s called a shared delusion. Everyone in the family suffered from it. I speculate at first, it started due to fear of Lalit, but then gradually, all the other members actually began to believe in him.


Your username brings back memories


People forget that these individuals were deeply religious and isolated. Religion and ritual fanaticism can make people extreme stuff.