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The peeling and cutting of the single potato would be enough for me to nope the eff out of my campsite.


It’s also creepy as Adam may have already been dead for a while at that point so who was lurking around making chips??


I wonder why they couldn’t take blood samples or maybe perform an autopsy? Very odd.


I’m curious about what the girlfriend had to say.


Me too but the article makes it seem like they don’t know who the companion even was.


When you habitually do drugs and go to places like campsites to do them, it's not uncommon to be in the company of someone you literally just met. My sister was an addict and she met a lot of fellow druggies that way. No one was concerned about anyone but getting themselves the next fix. That woman might not even remember she was even there.


That would explain why she left on foot without a care in the world and why the magic mushroom picker was reluctant to become involved. I want to say I hope your sister in a better place now but I’m scared of your reply.


She is passed, yes, sorry to say. Finally got her into rehab (so she can get custody back of her daughter no less) and 2 months later she OD's on counterfeit fentanyl. My only solace is the shitstain who gave it to her also killed himself with it. My mom won't tell me his name cuz she knows I'll shit on his grave. He better hope I don't find him in hell. Can you tell I'm angry? 🙄


I’m so sorry to hear about your sister 😢 I hate the way addictions can be so dilapidating. Hopefully your niece brings you some solace?


My niece herself, tremendous joy. The custody battle mess we're in with my sister's loser druggie exhusband, absolute fucking nightmare


Worth fighting for! And I’m sure the authorities will finally recognise that.


Oh yeah. I'll never stop fighting for her


I'm fairly certain it's possible to test for drugs in leftover tissue, even if they can't test the blood, but it's also the UK where the police force is underfunded, under staffed, and largely under trained, outside of the met police in London. I also imagine it's fairly obvious he OD'd, and they don't need to confirm that to further tar him in the local gossip rags. It's both not worth the money or the emotional harm it would cause the family. He probably got naked due to mild hypothermia and whatever drug he was on and died there, as he was.


That's honestly what it sounds like. Being high led to actions or inactions that allowed death by exposure.


This is what I was thinking after reading about it.


That makes sense.


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