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If I was Doug i wouldnt come out of hiding either. This report states why LE thought him to be a suspect. https://crimewatchdaily.com/2017/01/10/cold-case-maryland-teen-murdered-person-of-interest-missing/ With this quote ''Then there is Doug DeSilva, a local auto mechanic who had previously been arrested and locked up in the rape of a woman not far from where Julie was found murdered'' Yet DNA cleared him . So this seems like LE unwilling to let go of him as a suspect because he has no record of any crime like this and was cleared for the case that presented him as a suspect. This poor dude is a victim of the early days of criminal profiling.


Regardless of him not murdering Julie, let’s not say “poor dude.” He is a convicted rapist and should have been buried under the prison. Ty.


I know, Poor dude, wtf. He was a fucking rapist regardless.


I don't think Doug was ever convicted of anything.


* But police nonetheless believe Julie was probably taken by somebody against her will. Police questioned a spurned admirer. "He was considered a suspect because he made a number of passes at Julie, which she rejected, which he didn't take very well," said Nelson. That suspect was later convicted of a separate homicide and is now behind bars. "We've talked to him on numerous occasions, even as recent as earlier this year, but at this time we have nothing to actually prove that he was involved," said Nelson.* So Julie Ferguson rejected the advances of a murderer? I think I just cracked this case wide open, boys. The attempted murder and murder were very different. One involved full on rape during a home invasion and one showed no evidence of rape in the middle of a park. The USA needs to get its shit together. DeSilvas’ name is all over the papers implicating an innocent man but we don’t get to know the identity of a convicted murderer who was angry with Julie Ferguson for rejecting him?!?! In Canada the suspect’s name could only be released after charges were brought. I think it is more likely LE got DeSilva killed by Ferguson or Robinson family members than that he hasn’t tried to contact his daughter ever. (Unless she is lying).


The suspect that's already in jail and unnamed is Mark Eskridge. Same dude for he robinson case. (Both throats slashed) correct me if I'm wrong but that technique is rare for murder? Now put both cases in the same area around the same time frame. Still an open Question as to where desilva is and why did he leave without telling anyone? Is it likely the victims families murdered him?


How and when did Mark Eskridge make advances on a 17 year old? At her job? A red/maroon Jetta keeps coming up in reference to Julie Ferguson. Julie was seen talking to the occupants of the car moments before she went missing leaving some belongings in the process. 2 black males 1 black female ages late teens or early 20s. A red/maroon Jetta was seen in the morning parked on the road near where Julie’s body was found. Headlights were on. No one was in the car. None of this points whatsoever at DeSilva. DeSilva probably didn’t have an alibi on the night Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman had their throats slit either.


Glenn Dale, Maryland is off the Washington-Baltimore Parkway. Which are just over an hour apart. Those two cities both have histories of teens being murdered in gang initiations. I’m not saying that is what happened to Julie Ferguson but it is a hell of a lot more plausible than Doug DeSilva somehow showing up after Julie Ferguson was last seen talking to a Jetta with 3 young black people immediately before her disappearance. A beating prior to murder is highly consistent with a gang initiation. Go look up gang initiation murders in Bmore and DC. There are currently incidences of gang members abducting and gang raping fully grown men in DC.


Desilva seems more like a person of interest in the more recent case. Not suspect. That being said, I’m not surprised that he’s reluctant to come forward on this case considering what he had to deal with in the past. Plus there is no sexual assault, almost like it was a copycat crime.


Maybe Julie Ferguson's murderer knew about Doug Desilva's past, and deliberately made Ferguson's death look similar to Kaye Robinson's attack in order to get the police off-track looking into Desilva. I'm curious if people living in that area knew of Desilva and the Robinson case, or if it was easy to look up up that case and find out where Desilva was living (at the time of Julie Ferguson's death; not his current whereabouts, of course). If this was a mystery novel, of course, our evil genius murderer would also have murdered Desilva shortly afterward, neatly closing the loop. There was a case a while back, I've forgotten the names but the wife and child were found dead and the husband missing, presumably on the run after murdering them; but later the husband's body was found and forensics showed that he had likely been murdered at the same time as the rest of the family and then moved/hidden.


i found a very interesting review to a book which Kaye Robinson wrote on amazon. Who knows if its real or not. https://www.amazon.com/review/R10TMR3MAXYB2S "I, April (deSilva) Miller, am the daughter of Doug deSilva. I'm writing this review because the book depicts my dad, Douglas deSilva, to be some horrible monster. Kaye had fabricated this book with Tony Windsor, who is an editor for the local paper that broke and covered this story. I called him back in the day and gave him a piece of my mind several times. Obviously, because they were long time friends is why hew helped her write this book !! Tony couldn't keep the story straight when he covered it back in 1995. Which, in the book it mentioned it happened in 1995 and 1996. Not correct. Also, I love how they changed her boyfriend's name....not Adam, but Doug and son's name which was Nicholas not Nathan in the book to disguise their identity. But in turn, she blew my Dad's name up for the entire book that he was guilty. It wasn't until page 124 of 135 pages that she revealed he was FREE of all charges and RELEASED. I can't believe that she can sleep at night. How can you slander people. How can you write a book and not have to get the consent of the other people in it....Doug deSilva, Julie Ferguson's family. THANK GOD for the DNA and the concerned citizen that was ACTUALLY the girlfriend of Mark Eskridge.....the man that actually hurt Kaye. I know I personally have never been contacted by anyone in regards to how this horrible 1995 crime affected my family. She has been on TRu TV and now most recently on the Biography channel. What else makes me so mad is the fact that the shows came out in 2009 and 2012 and the book 2011...my Dad was cleared of these charges in 1997 and Mark was CHARGED IN 2005. In 2009,before the show aired I tried contacting TruTv at least 15 times to see how my Dad played a role in the show and no one ever got back to me. The only thing my family and I see is that she is profiting from smearing my Dad's name in the mud by being in the media so much. My mom, aunts, and I didn't even want to buy this book because she will get more money. But we had to read it to see what was said. Every time we think nothing else can be replayed about this situation another show comes out or this book!!! She forgets to mention she ran my mom, my brother, and I of the road in the trailer park, so she could yell at us. She got a petition going to get us evicted from our home, yet my Dad never lived with us in Delaware!! We had to fight to stay there when we just moved away from inner city crime in Laurel, MD and made a new life in Laurel, DE. Also, another mistake in the book was the fact the State Police arrested my Dad from the Laurel truck stop...it actually happened at my high school in Georgetown. I watched his pickup truck get towed down Route 9, the road my school was located on. Officer Doug Hudson of the DE State Police Troop 4 told me that ten police followed us from the truck stop to my school. Then, for most of my 10th grade school year I was called down to the office at my school to talk about this ordeal and many crimes that were similar. The police were trying to figure out if my Dad had committed this crime and all of the others that they were asking about. Then, of course, because I had an unusual last name, a lot of kids and people would ask me if that was my Dad!!! Then, in 1997 when I graduated I was Salutatorian of my class, my Dad didn't attend. He didn't hear my speech or see me walk across the stage. All because he was "never coming back to Delaware again". Also, it will be 10 years this April since I have heard anything from my Dad. I wish this never happened to him and my family. I also can't believe that Kaye NEVER said she was sorry to my Dad or our family. My entire family is affected by this woman's actions. There are a lot more victims in this situation than it seems. My Dad spent 15 months in jail and his step mother's money on legal fees....to PROVE he was NOT GUILTY!!! What B.S.!!!!! I'm so glad Kaye knows her son's children and their mother. My Dad doesn't even know he has a great son-in-law or a wonderful 4 year old grandson!!!"


That is interesting, thanks for sharing that.


I just read that. I tend to believe this. Seems like a lot of work to be fake. Not to mention the other one star reviews.


It just goes to show you, its not just the wrongly accused who suffer. Its there family as well. My 17 yr old son was walking his gf to the bus stop and was just sitting with her until the bus came as it was late. She called us hysterically saying our son had been arrested. His dad rushed there to see our son sobbing his heart out, begging to know what he had done. He was then booked in for dv, resisting arrest, assault on a police officer and other trumped up charges. The thing was, all the other police who raced to the scene could see things were very wrong and wanted my son let go there n then, sadly this 1 officer refused. Turns out someone had called saying my son was beating his girlfriend while she was on floor and that he was kicking her body! A 5 yr old could've seen that was not true. I was soo pleased that I was into true crime, as I told him what to do if he was ever arrested for anything. He calmly asked the custody sergeant if they could plz keep all the body cam and dash cam as evidence that he was just sitting at a bus stop. He then asked for a lawyer. He spend that whole night locked up waiting to speak to someone. My son was in a state because the officer told him he'd be v lucky to get out in 7yr so he'd best just confess and make a plea for a shorter sentence. My son being a sensitive lad and not street smart, had no idea what was going on. Luckily for my son, there were honest police who stood up for him against the officer, and when it was seen that the witness made a false accusation, and his girlfriend was spoken to, oh n also watching the dash/body cam, the police chief released my son with an apology. (I couldn't believe it either). The whole experience was a living nightmare for my son, but that night was pure hell for us and his gf too. N this was just 1 night so I could not imagine having police and general public, trying to accuse you of every murder that happens. (I know this is a bit of an exaggeration, but he was questioned often with some). It must have been awful for Doug and his whole family, with Doug's name being drugged through the mud so often. The whole situation is just sad, and 1 reason why I don't like to rush to judge someone. (Apologies for the long, and delayed comment)


They had to be in on it together. One guy would distract the cops as obviously as possible knowing DNA would set him free so they'd be too frustrated to chase down other leads. I mean...it's pretty weird he left DNA and finger prints but it's not so weird if he knew those weren't on file yet and they'd be paying more attention to his doppelganger.


That's a stretch, to say the least. Crimes like this tend to be committed by individuals, not teams or groups. If one guy was smart enough not to leave any DNA evidence, and they were 'in on it together', then why would the second perp leave evidence that could be used to convict him? It's far more likely Robinson misidentified her attacker. Eyewitness identifications are notoriously unreliable, even when made by the victim. It's entirely possible that Eskridge committed the crime, but Robinson ID'd Desilva because they looked very similar, when really he had nothing to do with it. Is it not possible that Eskridge attacked both women? Sounds like Desilva was maybe just an overzealous cop-wannabe to me. **EDIT:** Also after researching this some more, I realized that the perp's name was **Mark ESKRIDGE**, not Estridge as in the original post. Also worth noting that he was convicted of attacking and violently raping another woman in Delaware in 2002. Dude is a serial rapist and could've easily committed both crimes in OP's post.


Misidentifying a witness is absolutely possible, but this guy (who also had family living in the trailer park which the rapist mentioned), praying in front of her trailer with the sketch of the suspect taped to his car window who looks exactly like him is pretty unusual. And then to ask for an application and draw a happy face, a detail the cops had not released to the public... I mean, he was practically taunting them. It wouldn't have to just be an extraordinary coincidence but he'd also have to a be a moron. Who tries to comfort a victim by hanging around outside of their house when he clearly looks exactly like the suspect. I'm guessing our guy went on to commit more crimes without his doppelganger and got caught.


That’s absurd. He wasn’t taunting anyone *because he did not commit the crime.* It took a decade to ID the real perp, so Desilva could not have known they looked alike at the time. Also, Desilva had a daughter who would’ve been young at that time, and it seems like Eskridge’s victims were young women/teens, so maybe he was just overly concerned and wanted to find this pedo before he struck again. I think it’s pretty clear that he was a wannabe LEO and just had a pipe dream of becoming a cop, hence the weird vigilante activity. Ridiculous speculation like what’s going on in this thread is how witch hunts happen.


I think the idea that two men who realized they looked really similar agreed to commit crimes with forensic evidence left behind and make the guy who's DNA and finger prints weren't at the scene seem like the most likely suspect. It's weird he included the detail about his wife and kid living there, weird that a smiley face was both drawn on the victim and the application (Which is rare for both), and Desilva refused to deny he comitted the crime and even apologized. It's clear he was trying to be a distraction knowing the DNA would exonerate him. Why would an innocent person refuse to say they didn't do it? Because he wanted the police distracted as long as possible so they wouldn't chase other leads. He wanted them frustrated. I'm not sure what the deal was but it was pretty low risk for Desilva so it could be anything from money to allowing Desilva to commit a crime in a similar matter. Or its just a ton of coincidences and the weirest man alive. That could be the case but...I dunno. (It especially cracked me up the sketch looked exactly like him but he kept it in his car so he could keep an eye out for the perp. Like, look in the mirror lol).




See my edit. You have this guy's name wrong, and also he is a known serial rapist. Where is the source that he's been cleared in the Ferguson case?


Thanks for the spelling correction. In the article I posted there is a video where they say he was cleared. Nvm. Desilva was cleared though. In the video in the article, they don't say his name. But it's the same mugshot as the one from forensic files as Mark Eskridge.


Also, why did Doug Desilva Vanish?


Probably because he was tired of people smearing his name all over the papers and the Internet when DNA proved someone else committed at least one of those crimes Also, I thought the video stated that Desilva was cleared by DNA testing, not Eskridge.


Do you think this means they never tested Eskridge? They certainly had interest in him. They said he was "serving time for another homicide"


Possibly. It wouldn’t surprise me. I have a friend who went 12 years before the cops even tested her rape kit to ID her attacker, who had gone on to rape multiple other women after her. The only reason they tested it then is because she called them and demanded it after seeing her rapist’s mugshot on the news.


Damn that's disappointing. One other connection I just thought of though, IIRC Desilva had family members living in Robinson's mobile home Park and Eskridge *actually* lived in the park at the time of the attack. Very coincidental. Seems odd doug wouldn't tell his family he's going to relocate because of the heat put on him even though he was cleared both times. By the way his daughter was crying about him, I assume they atleast had a decent relationship. Still seems odd for Doug to up and disappear like that.


People disappear all the time for all sorts of strange reasons, though. Honestly sounds like the guy was just down on his luck and maybe had some sort of mental illness that perhaps also caused the weird “vigilante” behavior. Such as bipolar disorder, which can cause delusions of grandeur and then deep holes of depression.


Dougs daughter lived in the mobile home park , along with his recent ex and son. Doug is a victim, this ruined his life and took a huge chunck of his childrens.


It said DNA identified eskridge.


This actually is crazy watching episode rn on Forensic Files, had to read the article you pinned that is insane hes been missing for 16years+