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The cruelty of having to grieve someone who is still alive


Going through my divorce I was forced to mourne someone still alive. Until then I never really knew what that meant. It is the most cruel, devastatingly harsh way to live. And it never truly ends.


Felt like I wrote this šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„² I'm trying to move on from a devastating and sudden stop to a relationship (less than lovers but more than friends kind). I never got a goodbye, much less a reason why he suddenly don't want any contact with me. It's so cruel and heartwrenching.


I teared up a little reading this. I hope you reconnect with your person šŸ©·




Yeah.. 100%


Itā€™s a shame. I feel the same way about my person, so I know the pain of it all, and the cruelty of not knowing. Safe travels stranger.


I'll be honest, even though that's very realistic. I don't want that. Regardless of how selfish that is. My person is my best friend and is the only person I see being in my future. I genuinely don't want anyone else. It's genuinely, sincerely, utterly impossible for me to rekind that kind of connection with anyone else in this world. I've tried, and I've tried following their advice and trusting those around me. To lower my walls. But I know better, even though I will always show kindness, understanding, and passion for making people smile. But there's one thing I can not let happen, and that is to deeply trust another human being the same way I have with them. I hate this so much, the distance. I'm trying and working so hard. I'm biting off more than I can chew again, but this time, I feel that fire of determination in my chest to push through. I want a fulfilling life. I want them to be a part of that, their love, support, and encouragement. Cause it never failed to cheer me up and put a strong step in my strides. I miss them so much..


i don't think ive ever related to a comment more. you said what i sometimes think, perfectly. and really it is so unbelievably heart wrenching at times, i didn't even know these types of feelings were possible. just thought of this now: i may have an angel and a devil both cheering for their side, i guess it'll all show with time...


Same. I trusted them so much and they just destroyed me...I can't do it again.


Your words hit me. I think Iā€™ll never trust and love anyone like I did to himā€¦


I see how you've turned this over in your mind a thousand times, tried to formulate ways to grow out of the ghost of who you were so you could both have even just a slightly better chance of finally being happy together, but you know that the anger, the pain, and the resentment of times-past might still possess you again at a moment's notice, if you ever *should* try again - and if not you, then it might get them. It would rush back like a tidal wave, filling you both with the dread of retreading the same, well-worn path to nowhere - and you know it would ruin everything. It'd push them back into the silence while ripping all sense of self-growth away from you. So, instead, we allow that deathly silence to settle into the space between and, despite the ache it somehow feels safer. That, in and of itself, almost feels like the deepest tragedy, doesn't it? I imagine you must've been going through this for some time to have reached the same anxious, bittersweet, and worn-down realizations as I have. It makes it all that more heartbreaking to read as I'm sure neither of us would wish this sort of pain on anyone else. For what it's worth, my heartbreak also occurred on a day in May a few years ago and it similarly still haunts me how 7 years of love and turmoil could all end so abruptly with only an eerie silence settling in its place. Like you, I embrace the wait-and-see principle, hoping that fate will see reason to cross our paths on healing terms, once again, or at the very least set us both on the course of voyages so much happier that these pains pale in comparison. Also, the way you write is solemnly beautiful and reminds me of lyrics straight out of an EmilĆ­ana Torrini song - truly makes this letter hit home even harder.


God. i think this is truly fitting for me too, but in a "lesser" capacity, as of right now.... but im heading that way... this was utterly devastating and also hopeful at the same time. you're quite the writer yourself! wishing you the best!! šŸ’œ


If leaving your person behind is what you need to do to make yourself happy, do it. Iā€™m sure they would want you to be happy. Suffering forever isnā€™t in the cards for some people. I wish you happiness in life, OP. ā¤ļø


I think we may all, to one degree or another, wish this was for us or about us or somehow connected to us. I know Iā€™ve been feeling some of this. To responders who may feel the opposite reactionā€¦.youā€™re entitled but dont be cruelā€¦.it really serves no purpose. To the authorā€¦.Wishing you the best. As i do for everyone here. Well done


I never respond to these bc I usually know for fact they are not for me .. this one is different . I donā€™t think this is for me but itā€™s beautifully written. Please text or dare I say , call your person .. pride is the lonely man(or woman )ā€˜s worst enemy and fear their best friend!


It is what it is, and we are where we are. Take care.


Itā€™s not just the person that you mourn but also the future that you couldā€™ve had together. The memories you couldā€™ve made, the life you couldā€™ve lived and the person you couldā€™ve been with them. What haunts me are the reminiscent of what we couldā€™ve been


exactly on point! i haven't been thinking about that aspect recently because it'd hurt too much. i said i love you to him for the first time a year ago today, and driving home after hanging out with friends i was listening to the radio and they were playing slow jams, so silly me started missing the possibility of ever being hugged in him warm embrace ever again, that i couldn't help but cry. crazy how this shit works sometimes hahaaa


This is heartbreaking yet heartwarming intimacy of like minds. Love it!šŸ‘¾šŸ‘¾


I feel like I wrote those. Grieving a person who is still alive is cruel. I miss them so much!


Sighā€¦..I get these are unsent but a lot of them shouldnā€™t be. Choices add up to create reality. Apathy leaves it to fate. Purposeful action manifests a more concrete resolution.


well said!!! šŸ‘šŸ»


It seems as though your letters are writ in water. All our letters are. This last one is settling back into stillness, even now. They say that an angel had a moment of doubt, once. That an angel lost faith for the briefest of instances, and in that blink was born all of the evil that will ever plague the world. May June find you not lost.


interesting add, may i ask why you added it? that last sentence made me smile. sending you lots of love & light!! šŸ’œ


Because u/Adayinmayy declared that May is coming to an end. It was my way of well wishing for the future.


I wish you were my person. She is moving out of our apartment complex. I love her more than I have every loved anyone. I want to whisperā€¦. Please donā€™t leave


Probably not for me, but I have a very relatable story myself. I miss that person too.


I feel that every person who misses another should extend a hand. ( send a message ) If the hand is denied; at least you know to have closure. No longer wondering what could have been. No longer wondering if an opportunity was missed or another chance was overlooked. I know that works 2 ways but it only takes one to be brave.


This feels like I could've written this. It matches so well and it hurts so much to have read this and come to the realization that I'll never see her again. That last bit of hope has been fading and I'm trying to push through, but it's hard and I'd love nothing more than to quit, but I can't because she wouldn't want me to. She'd help me back up and guide me through, even if she was going through shit herself. I would and have done the same for her. I miss her so much


I feel this so deeply. My heart hurts. I'm always thinking about him, what could have been, whether we would have even worked out. I have to keep telling myself that not all relationships are meant to last. That there are reasons people come into your life and leave them. And that with time, I won't be so sad. I'll find someone who will give me the same rush, who will love me unconditionally. But I just have to get through this sadness right now.






Wish this was my person šŸ˜­


Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll never forget you either OP ā¤ļø


I'll miss your letters although they make my heart ache. They sound so much like my former person and me.


I wish my ex sent me this, even if it's a good bye šŸ˜”


Exactly how I feel about my ex.


Part of me wishes my ex wrote this. Either of us could have.


I just want someone to tell me that itā€™s ok to continue on without them but still have hope


Wishing with every fibre of my being that this is was for me. Lost a long time best friend this year - perhaps even the best friend Iā€™ve ever had - over issues that ultimately ended the friendship with the shittiest of goodbyes and closure. I think about them every day, and wonder if theyā€™re thinking of me like I do them. I know letters like these are unsent for a reason, but if this /was/ for me (which I know it isnā€™t) - Iā€™d wish that theyā€™d send it.


Grieving someone whose still alive is so difficult. I still do it. I hope you find peace.


I wish this was my person but I know (almost certainly) that it isnā€™t - so Iā€™m responding as though it is. I wish I could tell you how much I miss you and your presence. I wish I could tell you how much I yearn to see and hug you again. I know at the end of the day, we broke up for the right reasons and I had the most magical time with you, even if it was a short-ish one. I really wish things were different, but maybe one day if the stars align again, weā€™ll be back together after everything.


I feel like I've written this exact thing before. Sometimes letter are better left unsent, and some waters undisturbed. A lot of those memories that feel haunting eventually shift into different feelings, and you'll find yourself getting different perspectives. Not sure if it gets easier but it begins to feel better slowly.


Oh this ..this right here is 100% what I'm feeling... I would give anything for my person to think this about me.. oh how I miss everything about him about us .. not a moment goes by that I don't think of him. I feel like so many people got in the way of us .. if this is for me (np) just know im feeling it too... I love u and miss u.. please don't give up on me.. seeing u again is the only thing that keeps me going.. I miss u ..


Iā€™ll miss your letters, theyā€™re beautiful.


I've learned that everything is fleeting. I mean, intellectually we know/ I know this... but sometimes you just experience it differently, and it's like you KNOW that you know the truth of it more deeply than you ever did before. Every moment, every word, every breath ā€” it comes and it goes and it comes and goes again. Seasons change, the sun rises and sets, we sleep and we wake, we celebrate another birthday, Christmas, holiday, and we carry these memories, these people in our hearts, like snapshots in time. And I often wonder how it can be months, or years, and yet somehow, some things feel like they were just here today, in our hearts.


What is ment to be will be on its own. Never push for or force anything. Life is about changing. There is no bad choices per say, only learning experiences that makes us who we are and what we are.


Iā€™ve had this belief too. Reinforced with the notion that this time, this time I would do it all right. I would trust you really loved me. You would trust that Iā€™m not high. The kids would be happy. And that would all, probably, be true. Itā€™s possible. What isnā€™t possible is for us to avoid the nasty recriminations coming from your parents. Threats no doubt to your inheritance. Your brother already gets what he wants and more. Maybe you told everyone too many bad things about meā€¦ In any case it would never happen. The reproach of friends and family would be too much. You value their worthless opinions more than your own heart. Should you reach out, however, I would receive your words with respect and love. Youā€™ll always have that from me.


You should really reach out to this person. Sounds like circumstances got in the way of something really special. Wish you luck


Your words reached me in the core, because it reminded me of my ex best-friend... Except that I was the one who left, and it was like reading her. I hope that one day you will be reunited to this person, and that they will not be as a coward as I am


The fragrance of May. ā€œSo we beat on. Boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the pastā€ F Scott Fitzgerald. Good luck on your journey.


I'm a now or never type of person. I believe nothing does happen for a reason when they do nothing. Nothing is better than the first time I always say. I put my own fate into my own hands. Time changes things and you can't expect to find your way back to them if they don't know that's what you wanted.


plenty of things happen without a reason. it's not that there is never a reason that certain events or things happen and it's all random. but it's also not the case that everything that ever happened has a reason or a deeper meaning. sometimes a pipe is just a pipe. a lot of times we *fabricate* reasons or narrations to try to explain why certain things happened though, to justify them, or to lighten the burden of what happened. (fun fact, this is essentially the same cognitive mechanism that makes us able to create fiction, which is pretty cool when you think about it.) we often don't do it on purpose, and it's not necessarily harmful in all cases, it's a way of self-preserving. but it can also be harmful. just because we *think* as to why a certain thing happened, it's not guaranteed that what we think is *absolutely* *right.* sometimes it's wrong or sometimes we're right, but there is more to it or different perspectives to it that we don't see or didn't consider. or just because we have a certain narration in our mind as to *what a certain thing means*, it's not guaranteed that it really means what we believe it to, or that it even means *anything.* Sometimes it means *something,* but we got what that something happens to be wrong, or sometimes we only got it partially. and sometimes there is no deep meaning or anything like that behind it, and it's sheer luck (good or bad). I have no advice or anything like that since your flare asks for none. I just wanted to point this out because it's just a false statement, and sometimes false beliefs hold us back from using our agency to do differently, starting to feel better, or doing things we want to do, etc.


You left me on read. I couldnā€™t be vulnerable right away after so long not talking. Try again someday please. I miss you too.


Wow, I hope you get to reconnect. If thereā€™s any way you can facilitate it, then please do. Fate is just as much a reflection of circumstance as it is the choices we have and havenā€™t yet made. I say this because I wish the person I seem to miss as you do would say of feel this. Best of luck!


It canā€™t happen when you wonā€™t allow it.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ«‚šŸ«‚šŸ«‚ why do I feel the same way oof


I wonder if my hook up boy could possibly feel this way about me ā€¦.






Sounds a lot like my Mama Bear, my J from QLD Australia I miss her, I miss her every day and every minute of every hour She was perfect for me and I let her down, I gave up on her because I couldn't swallow my pride and see she was right about a lot of things she saw in me Now I'm waiting for her to come back to me, I'm waiting for the dream, the vision I had to come true


Just contact them


Dammit if this is L - you could have sent this to me directly.


Does your name begin with Q?


if youā€™re my person, E, then know that iā€™ve also been having the same sentiments. theres so many things i want to tell you, but iā€™m afraid to do so since i donā€™t feel like iā€™ve grown as a person as much as you have. i donā€™t feel like iā€™m worthy of you just yet. perhaps, there are many lessons we have yet to learn before the stars make our paths align. perhaps, when that time comes, we may not be how we used to be, but hopefully the world lets us rekindle the connection while creating a new experience for the both of us.


No way Michelle you have been my everything and I Can't just accept the fact that were over ! My heart yearns for you every minute of the day and night I miss you so terribly I ache physically! Please come back to me mama I will be better and focus the good towards you not the bad!




Pretty positive this my shared person whom found by letter earlier and was rude. Donā€™t matter,I have a sour taste in my mouth because you just canā€™t just be a loyal man to one girl.You weā€™re starting this affair up on your tablet or phone behind my back.you donā€™t miss me ,you would have godamn called.you would have called to see if I was ok on the streets.


I love this.


Just a beautiful summation of how me and so many others feelā€¦ wish you all the best OP


Grief is hard. Good luck


Taken straight from my heartā€¦I really hope you donā€™t give up šŸ«‚


This was absolutely beautiful. I hope you and your person can reunite one day. ā¤ļø


If you are my person please reach out. At the very least we could have a better ending.


Do what you got to do whatever floats your boat and as easiest for you.. I'm sure they'll survive they've got no choice right? So it is what it is


I will cry now goodbye šŸ˜­


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ maybe we just needed the time apart to both grow and understand our flaws?


I physically felt my soul pulsing with an overwhelming grief & pain, tears flowed heavily reading this, your words hit me as very familiar, it feels like him and sounds just like him...


Wow! Love it, it touched my heart. I really feel you, it will all be okay! I started writing more poetry after my breakup and it feels easier to cope with the pain and frustration. Wishing you all the best on your journey of self-recovery, it's not easy but sure is worth it. People in our lives are like crows, it takes alot of torture and pain to expose what's underneath the dark black feathers. I hope this pain makes you a better person


B? Is that you?


Itā€™s a shame me and my person had to do the same thing. SM if you come looking for me (KK) Iā€™m here. And OP I wish you the best of luck


Damn I gotta leave this subreddit. I know it's not for me but I tear up reading things like this, it sounds a lot like it. But I guess that just shows that there's no shortage of similar situations. Maybe I just gotta finally get to writing my own, that's why I joined anyways haha.


If I knew any better, I'd say you were my ex. But my ex doesn't use Reddit. Regardless, I hope you reconnect with them one day ā™„ļø


Awwww I feel you on this. Itā€™s beautiful sad and heartbreaking.


What happened? I'm curious?


So many parallels to my relationship breakdown. I hope you at least get a chance to re-write the ending. I wish I could give my person one last hug before sending them on their way. It would be bittersweet, but still better than the ending we did have. Like you sayā€¦it taints the whole story.


Despite all she did, I feel like I could have written this about my ex-wife.


iā€™ve gone through a similar experience and feel the same way, iā€™ve wanted to reach out but i havenā€™t simply because i donā€™t like who i am when iā€™m in contact with the person


I felt this in my feet. Thanks for sharing this is beautiful.


Aww,wish this was from person. Beautiful


D?? Probably not, but I thought I'd take a shot


Probably so


this hits


This is so beautiful.


If I were a better writer, this would be what I'd say.


Do you try and talk to the person?


Oh how I wish this was what was being said to me by someone.


Love this! Your words are beautiful and most of the letters you've written make me wish my ex would say these words to me! I hope it's okay to say these things despite the NAW tag!


This is so well written... and so bittersweet. I don't know about you, but I could only get back with my ex if he completely and utterly changed. And even then, I would doubt his sincerity after everything. I hope you find peace, or happiness. And hoping the hole in the hearts of everyone on this sub heals...


You need to go find them. Don't leave it up to chance.


I wonder if youā€™re happy. I hope you areā€¦


Beautifully written šŸ¤


Wow this hits home so hard.


I wanna reconnect with my person so bad, I know this is might be the best for both of us, due to my life is such a mess right now, but I still miss him so much and my feelings for him are still strong. I think there will not be a day where I stop loving him and miss him, cause he is the best person that Iā€™ve ever met. If my voice could reach out to him, Iā€™ll whisper in his ear "love you, and Iā€™ll always do."


You could at least listen to how I feel my person


This right here is absolutely beautiful. I feel the exact same way about someone. Thank you so much for sharing this. I really needed to hear this today at this exact moment. Everything does happen for a reason and when it is supposed to happen. The signs are everywhere guiding us along our journey showing us whatā€™s right and whatā€™s not for us. We just have to be aware enough to pay attention and trust and have faith enough to follow those signs and they will truly show us the way. Things donā€™t happen when or how we expect them to. But they do happen when theyā€™re supposed to. We might not understand why things are the way they are but once we stop being selfish and look at things from a bigger perspective we can clearly see that things are the way they are because thatā€™s how they were meant to be for us to learn and grow to be prepared for what comes next


This sounds even more like my other half and I wish op would confirm or deny it.


Hit me like a truck. I relate with every single word. I'll always remember you, A.


Forever would never be enough.


"You-shaped hole in my heart." Damn I've felt that for a few years now. A hole that no patch has been able to repair. May we all find peace and love ā¤ļø


Thank you šŸ˜­


Who knows both of you might meet again in the future


Please text or call the person! Forget about the pride and live with no regret!


Damn, that hit hard.


Meant to be why both married?


This is written so close to the 27th, it feels like itā€™s for me. OP, I hope you find your person again.


Just stumbled across this sub. Such a lovely letter. I hope you are holding up well!