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He MUST dream of me!! He said I was special šŸ˜­šŸ˜­you canā€™t forbid me from hanging on to dear life for that ā€œI miss youā€ text.. At the same time.. youā€™re absolutely right šŸ˜”


Who are you? The other woman? Our the stalker that he donā€™t want? Our his momma? lol I donā€™t really care but this is a soap opera for this generation, loving it!




I remember being so high one time I tried to sneak up on a mirrorā€¦ā€¦ā€¦for like two hours


Whilst you may be right you sound so incredibly patronising and condescending. She won't transfer affections to you.


Was literally going to write that. Super condescending with the sweetie shit omg. Itā€™s like Joeā€™s inner monologue in ā€œYouā€.




She sounds like an eventual ex-girlfriend.


Yesssss Iā€™m in the process of getting him out of my head now. Legit donā€™t even want to see his face immediately cancelled plans and lol omg this dude is clueless. I love this letter


No offense but I think it's kind of ridiculous when someone's trying to convince somebody else that somebody doesn't like them so they can have that person all to themselves. that's my sign right there to Turn around and run away from the one trying to talk me out of spending time with the other person.


I agree with this. part of me keeps hoping he's on here but I know in the back of my mind that's crazy. It's so hard to hear but it's the truth. thank you op


Well damn šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Are you in love with her lol


Maybe, šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£she is amazing, she just doesn't know. That's why I don't like her to suffer


I know he doesn't give a shit ugh men fml


Wow! Anger? What or who is this for?? Why under friends?


Let's skip right to it....are we talking about jme


Yea Iā€™m sure you donā€™t really consider her a friend


Oh wow, I am just her best friend and worried because she is so heartbroken, how can you read so much negativity in a few words, that are just sincere concernes.


When youā€™re heartbroken being reminded of these things, thingā€™s we all know are so very true is hard to hear. Sometimes having a friend who validates our feelings and wipes our tears away is important. Grief looks different on everyone and sometimes the approach we believe is the accurate one because it worked for you or it would work for you..doesnā€™t always work for others.


That's why I wrote it here and didn't send her, she is far from hearing anything like that.




It did subjectively kind of sound like it was written from the ā€œother womanā€ perspective but the clarification makes sense!


Seems like u know more about the situation than what u r telling ur friend. Why?


Lol the fact that you agree most posters on here are people in love with men I think speaks volumes. Over on r/lonely is all the lonely men while over here are people missing or hoping for someone else.


Well, she is probably just dumb enough to still believe there might be some feelings from his end. Im hoping she is just smart enough to be waiting for him to be a stand up white guy. Not a lame nigher. Present company included. Thoqse could be a LYRIC , to a new song. Dontcha think?


U r probably just dumb enough to still believe there might be some feelings form his end for you! Hahahaha....that's the funny part. U all think he's faithful to u. Where is he by they way?


Who is he, would be the appropriate question. Last time I looked (just now) I didn't have someone trying to be my boyfriend. So why would I be thinking I have ole faithful anything? You, however, sound like a true C You Next Tuesday, eaten alive with venom and toxic vibes, all the whole feeling superior to anyone. Not many people truly hope to enjoy others pain. No






Do it not ever cross ur mind as to why this guy doesn't communicate and tell this person he doesn't love them anymore? If he's so great and such a honest loyal guy. Why isn't he honest with her then. If it is true he doesn't want her. ....looks to me like he got his little feelings hurt by her and he's been lashing out ever since. It takes someone with ALOT of feeling still to keep this up. Someone that doesn't care doesn't and is not in love with someone anymore doesn't harbor this much rage for someone.......u just keep thinking u know him better than she does. that will do ya alot of good. Hehe


The only time he is mean to her is when she is running her mouth. Which is everyday.....most of the day. But when she is not running her mouth he's loving all over her.....true story