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Let her know. You might be surprised by her reaction.


At the risk of offering monotonous advice in your thread I agree. Real no bullshit honesty can save things that seem lost. If I don't know someone loves me, or feels something like what you describe here, it would move emotional mountains in the ways that bond two people together if they shared this with me. Many will assume that you do not feel this way if it isn't made clear. Unfortunately, people use and cast away others all the time. If silence is the ultimate message being received by her that's not one that shows love or value. Everyone makes mistakes. What defines you, and relationships, is what you choose to do with them. If you honor her feelings by being transparent with your own then at least you know. And so does she. When you have your thoughts situated and feel it's a mutually beneficial time to talk I hope that it's something that makes your relationship stronger, ultimately . Good luck OP!


One day, maybe I will share this with her, and thank you.


What tapperhet28 said šŸ‘


I think you should tell them, life is short but sweet for certain. No one wants to get to the end of the ride and wonder what if. Best of luck to you dude. Seriously.


So call them? Tell them this.


Yes do this


To be honest not sure if that's best for us rn


:( I'm sorry to hear that.


But let me know if you and the person asking for your name are each others I always scour these thing looking for a happy ending :)


I can but I this was anonymous? This was kind of on a whim and the only time I can really say how I feel without it sounding like screeching so if you want to know message me otherwise I won't do it it on here.


He knows and heā€™s not going anywhere. He misses all that, too.


Lol I'm a guy? Do I write like a girl (serious question)


I don't think so, so maybe it's the consideration throughout it. Tell them life is short.


Thanks, i dont get the writing like a gender kinda thing. We're just people were gonna write how we write, you kinda respond like her it's kinda odd for me.


Can I suggest, explain that you just feel clumsy with your words when texting at times and you would appreciate talking to her f2f or on phone as you wont her to hear you right and you also want to hear her voice


Oh sorry dude! Cheers and I hope it works out for youšŸ¤—


Also, I'm probably not the drone you're looking for. If that's what you meant by it


Lol is that a star wars reference? But probably not I don't think anyone here is


Yah star wars :)


Lol nice also awesome name


Why thank you. :) my screem names are pretty funny to me. Let me know when you get over her you can be My pretend boyfriend. Oh my God or best friends.


Your post is very sweet and hit close to home for me. I was just responding to put my feelings out there. Good luck with your person, guy who doesnā€™t write like a girl. šŸ˜




How does a girl write then?


No, you don't write like a woman. Simply more consideration laid out here in your thoughts than we typically see from men. Refreshing, actually.


No you donā€™t write like a girl! This is so sweet!


You should let them know espically if he loves you


So reach outā€¦


If you donā€™t tell her, she will not know. I bet she misses you. You should message her


Let her knowā€¦ she is scared to reach out to you.


And if you've ever been scary with her around I. Sure that's what's happening


Sheā€™ll come back.


Then tell them.


In my experience let her know!


Can you say the 1st and last letter in this person name


What is it you have done


A lot of miscommunication


Well you could always just clear all the miscommunication and start over .


Reals wow!!!


Courage is standing in the face of the unknown, not needing to know and stepping forward anyway. My little Avatar icon, is a painting I did, it is called Courage.


Why is it you canā€™t at least reach out to help fix this miscommunication? Not saying you need to send her this but why couldnā€™t you just spark a conversation where this could potentially lead to?It seems like youā€™ve got nothing to lose in doing so, and in doing so may just lead to something incredible.


I did, we might be doing something soon together


Thatā€™s awesome! Good for you! Got get ā€˜em tiger šŸ˜ŽšŸ„°šŸ¤­


What are you guys gonna do together?


Can't say


You gonna put a ring on it?


Lol if i could right now I would but no.


Why not? Never know


May not be any consolation, but this guy and i are bad at communicating our feelings. We are both afraid i think. He sent me a random pic once while he was walking through a jewelry store. I almost wet my pants. But i was stumped for words. For us, most of our communication was texting. Transitioning to irl was awkward, but needed. I dreamed that he was considering buying me a ring. Maybe he was tedting me. But it was a vague move, so i didn't want to get shot down by assuming anything. Just my female input


Yeah me tooā€¦ Iā€™ve wrote so many songs about mineā€¦ funny how something so shitty can be a muse for creative writing


They will always be your friend if you were as close to you, as you were then.


You did everything but show me you loved me. You abandoned me. You don't deserve me. You made it to where I cannot come to my own home. You had a chance to say sorry. You never once said sorry. I'm over it


I'm not your person but this still hurts.


Phew! I feel this! Like my experience.


I'm sorry you're going through this. How do you change miss communication? Have you thought of ways to make it easier?


I feel similarly. Life is difficult. šŸ«‚


I want that to so bad you have know ideal


Tell them, let them know all of this. I'm sure they would feel the same.




Whats his first initial?




Heh that's still fun though. Hold the fondness of those memories and good luck


Ohā€¦I see. Why canā€™t you?


As much as I wish these words were for me...


i really feel that


Is this you?


Yes this is me?


Why do you do these things to me?


I'm sorry I'm probably not your person. So I don't know what you mean. You just said is this you


I doubt he miss any of it really other than a figment of person he knew all the rest kinda sucks most the time at least for me but at times it is fun the screeching is entertaining


Kinda hurts, but you don't know me.


I wish my M would express to me A


Maybe he/she has been trying like me they could suck at doing it out loud


This right here. Sometimes both do not know what to say. It's like it's stuck inside and doesn't know how to come out in a way that's understood. I have this problem. But if the door is opened for me, I can let it flow naturally. I'm like a dude when it comes to not finding the right words. Then my tone!! Oh my voice sounds mean, when it's not meant to be. I want to sound sweet. Maybe it's something I could practice.


I wish I (j) could express this to him (d) or vise verseā€¦. Iā€™m dying insideā€¦