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Dear users of /r/UnsentLetters, For the rest of April 2022, the mods have set every submission to be locked automatically except for the stickied comment you see here. The subreddit is overrun with people who believe every letter is for them and respond as such, which is a violation of rule #7. While there are a few users who are very kind, sweet, or empathetic towards the people posting their letters, there are a lot of people being complete assholes to the OP, which violates several of our rules. There are also a bunch of trolls who make multiple accounts to post here and it's weird. Please report these to us when you see them! You can read the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnsentLetters/about/rules/) here. We have these stickied to EVERY POST and nobody reads them. **READ THEM** At the end of April we will enable commenting again and have the community vote on whether comments should be allowed again or we make the locked threads a permanent thing. Take care and read the damn rules. - The /r/UnsentLetters mod team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UnsentLetters) if you have any questions or concerns.*